Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 34. Kyoto Under Attack. (3)


3rd POV

Location : Outskirt, Kyoto City Park. (Tree everywhere).


Satoru is moving quickly toward the Kyoto castle located in the center of Kyoto to see what happens there.


A giant fox with golden fur suddenly appeared there and it was attacking someone.

Satoru knows that the giant fox should be the ruler of Kyoto, Yasaka. 

The giant fox then gets thrown away several meters into to sky, which is very surprising.


Someone who manages to do that should be powerful. Yasaka in her true form is in the same class as Ultimate class devil and it is even up to debate if it's actually higher than that.

Satoru can't see who is the attacker due to the distance but he can feel dark energy presence in the distance.

Then their attack collided in the air and another explosion happen to all of Kyoto again.



Entire Kyoto shook again once more.

<"User, I have detected a group of people moving quickly toward us."> His system suddenly warned Satoru.


Satoru got distracted watching Yasaka battle for a moment nodded at the system warning and activate his EMS to see what the system talking about.


Some people he knows very well are in currently danger.

Dohnaseek and Kunou.


Yatagarasu and his elite member currently chasing Dohnaseek who escape from them while bringing the princess of Youkai out from their reach.

He know he would soon be reached by them. All of them are stronger and faster than him after all.

"You won't run far, fallen!!"

[Feather bullet]

Yatagarasu let out his dark energy and shoot a ton of feathers imbued with dark energy toward Dohnaseek.






"Aaarrrgh!!" Dohnaseek screamed out.

Some of the feathers stab back into Dohnaseek and it's enough to shoot him down.



Dohnaseek fell from the sky and could not continue his run. He has received a severe wound on his back from the yatagarasu attack.

Kunou who was on Dohnaseek's shoulder woke up from her fainting state because of the sudden impact that she also received when Dohnaseek fell from the sky.


Kunou opens her eyes slowly and feels all of her little body in pain.

"Ouch... It's hurt... What happens..." Kunou muttered. 

She then look around to find herself in some kind of forest and then she looked to find Dohnaseek who laying on his death bed full of blood from his wound.

"...Shady Ojii-san, are you okay??" Kunou asked him with a concerned tone

"...Run... Ojou... chan. Find Satoru-sama..."

Dohnaseek said his last word to Kunou.


"Find Onii-sama?"

Kunou who is confused about the situation just stares at Dohnaseek lifeless body.



Dohnaseek didn't answer.

She tries to shake him several but to no avail.


She understands what that does mean. 

The Shady Ojii-san just died.


"Uaaaaaahh!!" Kunou begins to cry. 

This is just too much for her.

She is terrified and scared at the same time. She didn't understand what happen and even know where she is.

She didn't know what she should do.



A group of elite members Yatagarasu arrived in front of her.

"Ah... here you are, little girl. I see the fallen has dead from my attack." Yatagarasu smirked.

He would soon be able to get Kunou on his hand and able to perform his plan to Breed her.

"Uaaaaaahhh!! Help!!"

Kunou just crying there as she was too terrified to run from them.

"Oni, capture her. We need breed this little Kyuubi to control Kyoto leyline in future." Yatagarasu commands his member.

"Alright, Yata-sama. Here I come, little girl."

The Oni wielding giant axe was about reaching Kunou but then ... found his hand is no more there.




Everyone is suddenly alarmed as they can't see what is happening.

"That's your last word, lolicon."



Satoru appeared behind the Oni beheading him without everyone realize.




Damn, a few seconds late Kunou would be captured!! I'm glad that I was able to master strengthen magic to a certain degree! And my sword style also saved me from unnecessary energy consumption.

["That was close to assassin technique than a swordsman, user."]

Whatever. I'm glad that I focus to increase my speed the most all these years.


I look toward the lifeless body of fallen in front of me.


He was a great guy here unlike in the original.. he sacrifice his life to protect Kunou.

I swear to avenge you.


I look toward the rest of the youkai members who chased them. A dog, cat, snake, and a crow who still floating in the sky. I can feel they feel wary of me, seems aware of my identity.


I have heard from the Youkai council member that it is crow youkai who lead this rebellion in the first place. With EMS, I can see their whole body filled with dark energy... But I don't feel scared or anything.

All of this happens because of them!

I will murder them!

["User, Hold yourself! At least use EMS to get their memory to know whats their actual plan."]

No, I will kill the bastard who dares to harm someone close to me. But I will leave the crow on the last, I agree with your idea system to torture the leader with Tsukiyomi.

["No, I don't say something like that."] The system replied with a deadpanned tone.

He said he planned to breed Kunou. His free trial of life is terminated the moment I hear that.


I look at Kunou and said. "Kunou, stay still for a while and close your eyes and ears together until I said it is done, I will need to play with them first."

"Umm... Onii-sama, be careful."

She close her eyes and put her hands on her fluffy ears as I said.

She is shaking so bad shows how scared she actually is, but she still believes in my word.

I won't betray her expectation.

Alright, time to clean the pest.



3rd POV


Enosh already warned everyone about the Champion in Khaos Brigade and needs to avoid him as much as possible. However, Yatagarasu and his elite members are kind of skeptical about that, as he stares at the young boy.

He might be 'strongest human' but human is still human, which they believe will always inferior to youkai.

He already shows that with his ability could easily handle them, but they believe with Enosh's power, they could overcome him.

"Boy, Give me the girl and I will spare your existence." Yatagarasu said to intimidate Satoru.


Satoru just stares menacingly toward them.

"Give me a reason to not massacre all of you here all right now." Satoru replied.

One of the elite members of Yatagarasu, dog youkai who didn't like Satoru reply begin to flare his power that was given from Enosh.

Another elite member also begins to flare their dark power.


But Satoru didn't even flinch, instead, he prepared his right arm.

"Don't be arrogant just because you are given title strongest human, brat. We are youkai! We are always superior than you feeble human!!" Dog youkai said to Satoru as he maximized his dark energy output. 

"Wrong answer." 


Satoru leaps toward the dog youkai, the youkai who have anticipated it decides to confront Satoru, believe he won't lose against him in direct confrontation... as the champion looks like a kid.

It was his last mistake to do that.



When their fist meets, Imagine Breaker effect kicking and cancels all the dark energy boost on the youkai. The dog youkai surprised, and without the boost of dark energy... Dog youkai feel his arm cracked on their direct confrontation.




The dog youkai gets thrown away far to a nearby building.



Satoru didn't even give him a time, as he put Amaterasu on the building where the youkai just crashed.




"First, done." Satoru muttered.


"Aaaaargggh!! Heeelllpp!!!"

The dog youkai scream as he got burned by Amaterasu fire to death. Saw what happened to their comrade situation, Yatagarasu devise a plan against Satoru.


"Avoid his right arm, and we need to attack him together. Watch out, the boy is also really fast. Also, be careful about his black fire." Yatagarasu said to his member.

Both of his members, The Snake and Cat youkai nodded.

Satoru hears their plan but he doesn't care. He moves toward them quickly, intends to deal with them all at once.


"He comes! I will poison him. " (Snake Youkai)

"Then I'll put him in my illusion youjutsu to stop him!" (Cat Youkai)


The cat youkai illusion has an ability that activates with eye contact. He maintains eye contact with Satoru and immediately activates his ability.

"Genjutsu, huh" Satoru muttered.


In cat youkai's perspective, Satoru stops moving and seems in a daze. He is not sure that was the intended effect of his illusion but his companion should be able to poison him with this.

Believe his illusion success hitting him, the cat youkai happy and let his guard down for a second.

"Good! I got him! Snake now!!" 

And that second is enough for Satoru to stab cat youkai with his sword. 

He didn't know Satoru with Sharingan is immune toward illusion. And the one who got into illusion was him instead.


"Cat!! Watch out!! What are you doing?!!!?"

Yatagarasu yell out to his subordinate but it was too late.



"H...ow?" The cat youkai muttered as he saw his left chest stabbed.


Satoru didn't reply and retract his sword from youkai body. 

"Second, done." Satoru muttered as he look at the cat's youkai lifeless body.

<"User!! Watch out from behind!"> The system warns him.



He immediately avoids incoming poison spite from Snake Youkai thanks to system warning.

Despite Satoru being able to avoid his attack, the snake youkai keep spitting his poison on Satoru and Satoru shoots his wind bullet magic to counter some of it.




Satoru use his strengthen magic tenfold and quickly appeared behind the snake youkai.

Seems they forget Satoru's speed is actually much superior than them.



"You like a surprise attack, so I will pay back you with a surprise attack." Satoru muttered then quickly draw his sword.




The snake youkai head separated from his neck, he barely have time to respond to Satoru's sudden movement.

"Third, done." Satoru muttered.

Satoru looks toward Yatagarasu who still flying in the sky.


Yatagarasu who observed that Satoru massacre his three elite members easily of course now feel scared. He thinks he should just take Kunou and focus to just run away from him.

Confronting Satoru is suicide for sure, but escape should be no problem with the dark portal and his superior control of dark energy, Yatagarasu thought so. Champion is much stronger than he predicted, and he just doesn't want to die.

Yatagarasu rushing toward Kunou from the sky.

"I guess there's no Mr.good guy anymore." Satoru muttered as he look toward Yatagarasu eyes who currently rushing at high speed to Kunou.

Satoru immediately notices what Yatagarasu planning and activates Tsukiyomi as he looks toward him.




Tsukiyomi Realm


Yatagarasu suddenly found himself tied to a cross in some kind of realm.

"W..What happen?!" He yelled out.

"Welcome to my world you piece of shit. In this world, I will torture you as much as I want until is satisfied." Satoru suddenly appeared in front of him.

"This world?"

"You got trapped in my illusion and now you are playing with me. In this world, I'm as well equivalent as a god."

"Hah, like you could trap me!!"

"Well try to escape if you can"

Yatagarasu tries to use his dark energy but what just happen shocking Satoru beyond his expectation.

Yatagarasu head suddenly exploded in real life, effectively ended Satoru Tsukiyomi.

It's also somehow able to bypass Tsukiyomi time control restriction.

Before Tsukiyomi realm crumbles though, Satoru hears a voice.

"Quite interesting ability you have there..."




Real World



Yatagarasu head exploded mid-air, and all of his blood sprayed around.



Kunou who also get sprayed is screamed as soon she open her eyes out of curiosity.

She found the crow youkai headless body not far from her location.


...He just died like that. What happens?! What's that voice at the end?

Damn!! He got away so easily!

I am really not satisfied with this outcome.

["User, calm down. You are scaring the little fox, also you need to calm her down"]


Oh right, Kunou!

... I run toward her and calm her down. She hugs me tightly, and I can feel her whole body shaking. I stroke her head and sit down, even though I can hear explosions and screams everywhere.


Probably need another work for the memory magic department.

"Onii-chan, Onii-chan!" Kunou yell

"Calm down, Kunou-chan. It's alright now." I said to her as I keep stroke her head. I can feel my shirt getting wet, as she keeps crying on my chest.




The Kyoto once more shook again.

Seems Yasaka still fighting someone. I forget to ask the crow his identity but it's safe to assume they are from Khaos Brigade. That dark energy thing convinced me.

...But why is Khaos Brigade attacking Kyoto in the first place? What is Khaos Brigade true target?

...System, please enlight me.

["I'm not sure user, I have several theory but the most plausible one is Khaos Brigade currently working to destroy the fallen angel faction. They have attacked one of our allies, and even this worthless rebellion caused with a fallen angel as the reason. And we are sure, The crow was part of Khaos Brigade."]

Yeah... that dark energy. That voice...

Enosh is real and he is also part of the Khaos Brigade. I have my suspicion when all those Rubina exorcist betrayal news came out after all.

It's the same thing that happens on one of the routes on original games if I'm not wrong. Except Enosh seems much stronger here.

He can explode his follower head when he is nowhere to be seen here.

["It is safe to assume, all of his followers are connected to him. So he might already know your Tsukiyomi and will warn others."] The system also followed.

Of course, he is. He commented my ability as interesting after all.

Great... A super dimensional traveler villain with the ability to grant power and the hive mind system.


After crying for a while, Kunou suddenly hug me tighter and asked me.

"Onii-sama!! Can you save Okaa-san?"

...I know but...

"Okaa-san... is suffering. I can see it. I can feel it. Please... Everyone was telling me that only you are the one who can help her." Kunou continues her plead.

...well, that's not wrong. Someone who could fight with Yasaka in her true form, there are not many candidates to help her. Not even Azazel.

["Ask her, what happened on the castle, user."] The system said.

...Ahh!! I almost forget it. I'm glad you are so smart, system!


As the system suggested, I ask Kunou about what happens in the castle. She doesn't know much, but I can assume someone infiltrated the castle and blow it on the spot.


"Do you have any idea who is the culprit, Kunou-chan?" I asked her.

She shook her head but she still replied to me.

"One of the guards said Lucifer descendant... something like that?" 

Lucifer descendant...


Then Yasaka currently fighting Rizevim?! 

She wouldn't win, especially since Rizevim got boosted with Enosh power! He is a super devil to begin with!


I have looked at him all of these years and he showing up himself here huh.

I look toward where is the giant fox is located in the center of Kyoto. Judging at the distance, If I put my maximum speed I could reach there within 20 seconds but...

Kunou will be alone and unprotected. Not to mention she is also kind of injured. In this war situation, I can't leave her alone until I'm sure she is safe.

System, tell me what I should do?

["...I also have no idea user. But for now, it might be a wise idea to come closer to get a better view of the fight and help her mother when she needs it."] The system answers me.

Good job as always system, I wonder what I could do without you.

["Probably still a stupid boy as always."] The system retorts me.


I look at Kunou and said "Kunou-chan, can you grab on my back? Let's save your mother."

She nodded and grab my back. As soon I'm sure she will be OK on my back, I start to run to the center of Kyoto.


3rd POV


While Satoru currently underway moving toward the center again with Kunou on his back, Yasaka still tries her best to fight Rizevim.


Although Yasaka is clearly losing at the moment, Heck Rizevim didn't have even a scratch on him.

"Hey, big fox mama, you know you had no chance to fight me, right?"

Rizevim jump high then proceeds to kick Yasaka giant fox head to the ground.



The entire Kyoto shook again.

Yasaka... despite has access to infinity energy, her body condition is already very bad.

Her regeneration just won't catch up with Rizevim beating.

"Oiii... Still alive big fox?"

"I will... never surrender. What is your... motive... attacking Kyoto?" Yasaka said while look at him. She almost depleted her stamina and need a bit of time to recover. She hope she could buy herself time for that.

"Hmmm... I guess I could give you a clue since you have entertained me... it is to bait bigger fish in the ocean." Rizevim explains.

"...Bait? What do you mean?" Yasaka responds with a confused tone.

Rizevim just grinning toward Yasaka.

"Well.. so far it doesn't really work as intended, I guess I need to kill you right now."


Rizevim then let out his dark energy, form a very unstable black pitch ball in his hand. It looks so dangerous and releases quite a sinister aura.

"Well, have a nice trip to the afterlife... Oh yeah, the Japanese called it Pure Land." 

Rizevim keeps charging his dark energy and looks toward Yasaka who slowly changes her form back to normal.


Yasaka thinks she wouldn't survive this time.

She closes her eyes and hopes her daughter is safe with the champion.




But it just doesn't come.

"Stop your attack, devil. Your aggression toward Japanese land is not welcome." (???)

"Yasaka-chan!! Are you okay?" (???)

"Amaterasu-sama, Susanoo-sama." Yasaka muttered.

"Sorry Yasaka-chan, we are kind of late because whole japan under attack. Good job at holding this devil. Now leave it to us." Amaterasu explains.



Both of gods let out their divinity aura to intimidate Rizevim but Rizevim just shrug it off and he actually looks amused.

"OOOOOHHH!!! the fish seems really coming for her. Perfect timing! That Miss Knife's plan really worked huh?! Only two come but they are major gods, it is okay I guess." 



A dark-haired loli suddenly appeared beside Rizevim.

Everyone was alerted with her sudden presence.

"Hey Li-chan, there's your target. Massacre them, and I will give you more cookies."




The whole of Kyoto suddenly shaking and engulfed in infinite energy. It is different from what Yasaka and Rizevim, the earthquake is so bad that the land and sky splitting.


Yasaka now understands why Rizevim said bait. His target the whole time is the Shinto Pantheon god!

Lilith quickly bending the space around the gods to trap them.

After that unlimited black snakes come out of her sleeve ready to devour the trapped god.



The trapped gods do their best to escape but it was useless.

"She is Ouroboros!! This is a trap" Amaterasu yelled out.

"Well of course it is! You have activated my trap card!" Rizevim replied.



When the Shinto gods are about to be devoured, however, all the snake has suddenly gone as Satoru crashes his body into Lilith at very high speed.



Location : Top of a building roof.


...Finally, I have arrived at the right distance to observe Yasaka. I was about to help Yasaka but Shinto god suddenly descend to interrupt Rizevim's action.

I'm glad.

I will observe for now and prioritize Kunou who dozed off along the way on my back.

She is tired... Of course, she is.


Then I saw a loli appeared beside Rizevim. She reminds me of someone...


The aura of the situation suddenly changed to very oppressive! 

And this power... Infinity energy... She is Ophis.. or Lilith!

["Yeah, she should be infinity concept given form."] The system said.

She begin to bend space arround the Shinto gods and trapped them.


Crap Crap Crap!!

So that's the actual Rizevim plan. To lure gods from Shinto Pantheon descend to earth and finish them off.

The result would be everlasting and catastrophe for the whole world, especially japan!

So that's why they are so brave attacking the whole of Japan. Khaos Brigade already got Lilith on their hand... But where is Ophis?! 

["I have feeling unlike in canon, Lilith perhaps contain much more power than original does, user."] The system comment. 

Damn it, I also feel the same. It happens much earlier than canon and with Enosh granting power...

I can't imagine how deadly she is.


Can I fight against Lilith? An Infinite concept given form in this world?

["You might, but it required you get into that."]

So it comes to that huh... But what about Kunou?


"Champion-sama! Please save the gods"

I hear someone called me, and it was a bird youkai man.

Hmm... I believe he was one of Yasaka council member. 

["Yes he is. You can leave Kunou on him, user. But make sure he is not member of Khaos Brigade."] The system warned me.

I use EMS on him and I only detected chakra on him... No dark energy.


"Err.. Can I leave Kunou to you, quickly. I will try to save the gods." I said to him

"Yes!! please champion-sama!" The man replied to me.

Great, now Kunou on a good hand.


I look again toward the loli beside Rizevim, she released thousand snake toward the trapped gods.

No time to hesitate, I have no choice but to use it.

I need to stop it or the whole of japan would be in chaos.

All my friends and people I know and cherish living in this land after all!

["Stop with your protagonist speak, user. So that's your decision?"]

...Yeah. System, please.



["User, you only have time 2 minutes on Encounter since you have spent a lot of your energy. I have done prepared it."]

...Thanks system. 2 minutes huh...

Could I defeat her within the given time? What happens if I didn't manage to do so?


Okay then.


[Strengthen 20 times]


["You really doesn't have a better plan to interrupt except crashing into her, huh."] The system said to me with a deadpanned tone.


Yeah, I'm sorry about that. This has become a habit, to be honest.

I crashed into Lilith with the multiple speed of sounds to stop whatever she was about to do on the gods.





["User can't catch a break, huh. Now he is about to face one of strongest being in this world."] The system monologues as she ends the chapter.

Not much happen in this chapter.

Next chapter would be end of this sub arc and moving on to Aqua Eden (probably only 1 or 2 chapter there). As always no editor. Tell me if theres something wrong or better sentence to convey the scene so I can fix it better. I'm bit rushing on this chapter, as at the moment I'm currently on travel bus lol.

Summary :

- Dohnaseek get killed by Yatagarasu group, then Satoru killed them all.

- Satoru got information that Enosh able to know what his follower does and even killed them at distance and other realm.

- Yasaka almost get killed by Rizevim, then Shinto gods descend to rescue... but it was all trap to lure Shinto gods so Lilith can devour them.

- Satoru about to fight Lilith.


I'm currently busy with my real life job (writing is a hobby, remember). Schedule might be slowed down to 3 or 4 days per chapter release for a while.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.