Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 44. Escalated Quickly.




After welcoming Erina and her assistant to join the group, Erina's complexion becomes much better than before. It seems she is just a lonely kid who needs a friend, and we are gladly accepting her.

And honestly, my friend is full of that type of person.


Kaguya, a cold rich ojou-sama that no one dares to approach.

Ai, Kaguya's assistant who foul-mouthed and only cares about her mistress.

Hachiman, The weird otaku awkward social guy.

Ravel, Tsundere Ojou-sama who her devil parent teach wrong stuff and make her isolated socially.

Akeno, the girl who can't go outside and having friends at her age before Azazel save them.

Asia, a nun apprentice that would soon be a lonely maiden if it was not my act to take her away from the Vatican.

Except for Kaori... and even that she is also suffering from illness and soon also doesn't have a friend if not because Asia beside her allowed her to go to school.


Komachi is not counted, by the way, I bet Hachiman won't let his sister join anyway.

["You really love collecting lonely member, user."] The system comment on me.

I guess it is because I just can't leave them to become their canon counterpart.



Anyway, Everyone comes back to their own training right now I should be training too with the incoming battle plan but I feel that I'm forgetting about something important.

["Your sister is still missing, user."] The system said to me.


Oh shit 

Oh shit.

You are right, system. Damn it!!

 Let me tried to teleport to her location right now.





Not working? What happened?! 

I can't teleport to my sister!! It wasn't working!

But I'm pretty sure that I have done the right magic formula for teleporting!

System, do something about this!

["I have done quick analyst for that and find out that perhaps your sister location is where the space has been locked. It was similar to what happened in this city at the civil war."] The system responded to me.




So you are implied that my sister has been captured by Khaos Brigade? You are joking right, system?


["I wish user, but I'm pretty sure of this."] The system replied.




I need to find her, I need to save my twin sister!!

She is the only family member left I got in this world and I wouldn't ever let her be harmed!

Let's start crusading to the Khaos Brigade base right away!

["User, please calm down!! You are alone!! And consider how much you cherish your sister is, they might use your sister as a bargain tool for them since they know how strong you are. Big chance, they won't do anything to your sister for that happen."] The system tried to explain.


I hope you are right, system.

Still, this is a very terrible situation. With my sister in their hand... I can't...

Even though I know she is strong, She is still 12 years old girl in the end.

I can't imagine what a horror my sister would be dealing with right now.

["Clear your head user. We need a plan to rescue your sister. The first step is to call Iris and ask her to help. She might have some idea, user."] The system said to me.

Thanks, system. You are always helping me when I feel hopeless.

I need to contact Iris right away and make her gather the army as soon as possible.


{3rd POV}


After realized what happened to her sister, Satoru immediately contacted Iris again in the noon to tell her the situation.

Currently, they are in the Satoru room and both Satoru and Iris sitting facing each other. (While Iris holding her wine as always).


"I understand the situation. My teleporting isn't working either and this kind of blocking, same as that thing I have experience in Aqua Eden.

I can't believe that my ingenious apprentice was captured by enemy forces unexpectedly. This will change everything." Iris explain.

"Change?" Satoru asked.

"I have contacted all of our allies this morning, and some of them are agree to join the plan, BUT they only will send the strongest representative only to the enemy base." Iris responded.

"Why they didn't send the whole army?!" Satoru yelled out as he stand up.

"Stupid Satoru, Calm down!! They also need to consider if the enemy would attack them when their army is currently away. They can't act harshly." Iris explains with an annoyed tone.

<"Besides, we need to act fast user. Gathering a big army would take time."> The system tells Satoru.

"I-I understand. How much time before they arrived?" Satoru asked.

"You are really impatient huh, Satoru. Actually, We will just do it tonight. I will be on my strongest form at nighttime anyway. The plan actually sending out scout first tonight but with your situation... I guess we just go for it." Iris explains while sipping on her wine.


Satoru thought this blonde vampire is really loved her wine.


"Who is our member for the attacking plan?" Satoru asked again.

"A central member on the meeting. My self, The stupid Embroche descendant as part of vampire faction, Top Strongest human from 1-6, and of course it is included you in there. 

From Shinto, they send God Susanoo and From Devil Faction they send Serafall Leviathan. From Heaven faction, we got Dulio and Vasco already in the team and On Fallen Angel's side you are the representative." Iris explained again.

"That's quite a strong team member if you include Lilith and Ophis too, but Norse and Greek didn't send anyone?" Satoru asked.

"Their faction refuses to do so... but I have expected it. You remember the reason for the meeting right? It is because Khaos Brigade didn't attack any of their faction so they thought it is not their problem to solve." Iris explained again.

"I see. Though they immediately going to my shit list after this." Satoru muttered.


"We have few hours before go, I will contact Great Red for now. You should prepare to take supplies and all you need to tell to your loved one, big chance some of us will not come back." Iris said as she begin to float and red mist surrounded the area.


"Iris, do you think I should tell my group?" Satoru asked.

"Yes." Iris quickly replied.

"A-Alright then." 


Satoru who hears what Iris said prepares himself to call his whole friends group.




I call all of my friend's group members and tell them to give me a time to meeting together because I have to inform something important quickly.

And they quickly agree that we can gather at lunchtime.


After lunch and we were just done eating together, Everyone look at me waiting for me open my mouth to tell them something.


Ugh, the pressure. But I need to do this. I will not lie to them anymore.


"I will keep this simple. My twin sister is nowhere to be found from last night and very likely she got captured by enemies. Tonight, we will be launching an attack to their base and I will focus myself finding my sister." I said to everyone, explain the situation.



Everyone was surprised that my sister got captured by the enemy. I know, even I really want to go alone and destroy their base right now.



"Poor Satou-chan."

"This war is terrible... And we are just about a week in this situation..."


"...So you are gathering us here to tell that you will go for a while to rescue Satou-san?" Kaguya is the first one to react.

"Yes." I replied shortly.


"Satou-san is also strong, right? And she still got captured. Are you will be okay Satoru-san?" Kaori asked me with a concerned expression on her face. 

Kaori... That's a hard question but...

"I will be okay, and I will promise that I will be back alive." I said firmly to everyone.


No one really reacted to me, but then Erina is the first one who reacted to my promise.

"I believe in him. My grandfather told me that he is not only the strongest human but perhaps the strongest 'being' in this world... And I believe my grandfather is not a liar." 

Wow, this girl become quite sweet... now? Weird. It is quite an exaggeration of information from Sanzaemon-san though.


"We can't help you, Satoru-san? I can heal." Asia asked after Erina.

I shook my head again. 

"This is just too dangerous for everyone who has just been introduced to the supernatural world.

Much more since it might be a big-scale war. And most of you are so weak that low-class devil could easily kill you guys off." I said to everyone firmly.


It might be mean to me, but it was the truth.


After that, it seems the friend's group members realize it that will be useless to bring them on the mission.

"Satoru-san, save." Asia said.

"As much as I dislike you if you are gone this group would be tear apart. Just promise that you will come back alive!! I haven't even beat you in anything yet!" Kaguya yelled out first.

"Satoru-kun, be careful, and please save Satou-chan." Akeno followed.

"I promise to you all. I will not die and I will come back with my sister" I said with determination.

Kaori stands up, walking toward me, and then hugs me from the front.


"Please be safe, Satoru-san. I hate this war, please... end it." Kaori muttered as she put her face on my chest. I can feel the wet on my chest.. she is crying.

...I did hear what she just said but I decide to not answer it verbally, I decided to hug her back instead.


However... after that everyone else followed Kaori's example, hugging me from all sides.





What the duck.

It really has become the tradition of this group nowadays to hug each other. Not a bad feeling though, like it show how close we are as a part of the team.

I just hope this won't be a fetish or something like that.

["Eh... Finally another Jinx after a long time, user?."] The system said with a sarcastic tone.

Ah shit.


After that hugging tradition and some little friend talk moment, I told them that I need to prepare some stuff for the attack as I don't have much time left. They wish me good luck for the last time and also promise to get stronger too, seems now they are aware of how the supernatural world truly works.

...The strong decide for everything. And I am the strongest will decide the outcome.


The night is coming, and all the representatives are coming to the designated meeting point, which is the top of the Iris building in Aqua Eden.

By the time I have arrived with the teleportation to the location, everyone was already here. They all wearing casual clothes which not like going to hard battle, but their aura... I can feel it clearly on this cold night.

They are determined to complete this mission. 


"Satoru-kun, you are late." Vasco greet me.

"I'm sorry, I was preparing something that might help during this raid." I replied.

"That's great, as expected of my apprentice." Sanzaemon said while patting my shoulder.

"Where is Ophis though?" I asked everyone.

"Well.. I will call her right now since you are already here" Iris replied and then she wave her hand.



A portal to the dimensional gap was appeared then Ophis with Lilith on her arm coming out of the portal.

Iris really overpowered at this world. 


Ophis looking at us and then said "...Ready?"

Everyone nodded firmly at her word. I can feel their resolution. We don't need any briefing, we all know this might be the most dangerous thing they would ever do, and a big chance a lot of us won't come back safely.

["User, you should tell about your plan to rescue your sister right now."] The system reminded me.

Ah yes.

I raise my right arm up to gain all of the representative attention.

"Uhm. I think I have something to say. Iris might already be informing you all but I will say this right now... despite the mission that we have, I will prioritize to save my sister first." I said loudly to everyone.

Okay, I have done it. Now, I will prepare myself to get scolded.



After waiting for a few seconds as I close my eyes.. no one is mad at me?

"We are aware how much you love your sister, Satoru-san. Even if we try to stop you, It won't be possible anyway." Dulio reacted.

"I have a little sister and little brother back in the academy so I understand your situation, boy. I also would gladly be destroying anyone who tries to harm my family." Momoyo also reacted.

"Satou-chan, I believe she would be okay. Leave the mission on us and focus to save your sister, Jimm!" Serafall added.

"As long you stay alive and doing your part, I don't think anyone has a problem here, Satoru." Iris declared.

Everyone else just smiling, showing their agreement at what Iris just declared, even the asshole Aconite. I guess he wasn't that bad.

I just realize everyone in this team is really good person.


"Thank you, everyone." I said as I bow to toward everyone.



"Alright then, enough of talking. The plan, Who is going to be part of Destroyer, Dismantler, and Supporter? You guys remember the plan right?" Aconite steps forward and raises his hand to gain attention.


Ah yes, the plan from dragon gods basically to separate the team into 3 focus which is Supporter, Dismantler, and Destroyer... a weird name thanks to Great Red naming sense.

The supporter will be a team who will back up the whole team and secure the escape gate.

Destroyer will be a team that destroying things, to gain the attention of the majority of enemies. They will also the one who responsible to find space lock artifacts in that place and remove them.

Dismantler will be the central team that dismantles enemy main forces, and in a sense, defeating the leader. The hardest role to do and I will be this team part obviously.


Sanzaemon step forward first and said "I will be part of the supporter team."

Dulio also steps forward and declares his intention "I also will be going with Sanzaemon-san."


"I will be destroyer team, along with Ageha." Momoyo step forward.

Ageha nodded and also step forward "Don't worry, I have brought 100 armies of 'cookie' with me in my storage magic."

Unsurprisingly, Serafall step forward and said "I will join with the girls as destroyer too!! It will be fun!"


"The rest of the members, which is Ophis and her spawn, myself, Iris, Vasco, God Susanoo, and Satoru are dismantlers?" Aconite said as he look at us.

"Dismantler will be flexible role too, something rarely worked out when you plan out to fight, especially when we are on enemy base without any concrete information. Just stay alive." Vasco said to everyone.

No one replied but I can feel determination rising up. Ophis then also step forward and again she asked "...Ready?"

"Let's go." I said firmly.

Ophis nodded and made hand gestures similar to what Iris did earlier but with much larger energy.



...On the other side of the portal, there was a dark castle with a lot of dark clouds, which gives the impression that there's no sunlight ever reach in that place.


"This... is might be proven much more difficult than we've ever anticipated." Iris said firmly.

"Yeah... Enosh really brings his realm here. His own realm. But we have no choice." Aconite also said.

"Something about the castle?" I asked.

"That was Aconite old castle in our former world, Satoru. And it might mean there's probably a lot more stuff he could bring from the worlds that he has been devoured." Iris explained to me.

...I see.

Despite what Iris just said, I feel nothing to afraid though.

I will save my sister, and nothing will stop me.

Even Enosh, I will absolutely delete him.


After that, the whole team proceeds to jump into the portal to launch the attack.


3rd POV

On another side...


In the Enosh room within the dark castle, Rizevim was standing with Enosh (Who currently taking form as a shadow) looking at Satou who tied to a cross and unconsciously. She is naked and having a lot of brush and scratch on her whole body.


However, she seems in a very uncomfortable state as something chaotic currently tries to get inside of her right now.



"Ehh.. His brother probably won't like this." Rizevim comment as he held his chin up.

"That's her own fault to resist." 

"That's true, but what we should do now, Enosh-sama?" Rizevim asked.

"Nothing. Our guest already coming here seems to look for this girl."


Rizevim is surprised to hear that and looks at Enosh confusingly as he seems taking it easy.

"Are you not concerned with them, Enosh-sama? Especially the Champion boy." Rizevim asked.

"Not really. The thing they are coming here and my manifestation coming toward this world would be coming soon. They are coming here is a really bad decision for them, because this is my own REALM."

Rizevim who hear Enosh's explanation nodded and seems to understand what Enosh implied.

"I will prepare myself to meet out our guest. And you Rizevim..."


Enosh's shadow suddenly growing so violent, making Rizevim flinched.

"You shall guard this girl here. Until the process of corruption is complete, nothing shall stop it."


Rizevim didn't reply and only silently nodded. 



Enosh suddenly disappeared from Rizevim side after said that.

Rizevim understands that corrupting Satou's soul is taking priority above everything else.


["Going to Khaos Brigade base without a concrete plan is never a good thing but I guess no choice since user sister at stake here."] The system monologues as he ends the chapter.

I'm quite busy playing new eroge at the moment. Fewer words chapter, compared last 2 but eh better than nothing. 

Will slowly release since I don't have time to write. I feel it's rushed a bit but I just have no choice but to do this lol.

I'm actually rewriting this chapter 2 times and decide to go like this instead.

Summary :

- Satoru realizes his sister was gone, and then the system implied that she has been captured.

- Iris told Satoru that their mission going on the night with a small member from the alliance.

- Satoru talks to the group about his situation, moment.

- The team assemble and get into the Khaos Brigade location.

- Something terrible is planned by Enosh at the moment.

The next chapter would be the start of action again, sigh.

No editor, please tell me if there is something wrong xD

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