Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 45. Symphony Of Tragedy. (1)


{The whole chapter will be in 3rd POV}



The dark castle was very large, easily a kilometer wide, and about 30 meters in height surrounded by a forest. There are also countless shadows roaming around it both flying and on the ground. According to Lilith's info, it is undoubtedly the enemy's main base so they just need to destroy that, if not because Satoru's sister needs to be rescued first.

The lighting in this realm is very dim, but strangely they can still see clearly despite how dark the realm is.

It's like this realm is defy their common sense.

As all of the team members already leap into the portal, they are immediately separate themselves into 3 teams as they had planned before.

Iris also put her minion in each member's shadow so Iris will be able to know the situation of all team members most of the time and relay any information.


The support team will be sneakingly following the destroyer team from behind and guarding their way to escape (which is the portal).

The destroyer team will be going straight to the enemy base to get their attention when the dismantler team is able to get inside the base from the other side and find the main enemy.

The dismantler team running a circle around the castle to find all entry points and inform all the other teams about it, especially to destroyer... since their main mission is to deal with the space lock artifact around the realm.

And dismantler's main mission will deal with the figurehead of the Khaos Brigade, which is why it consists of the strongest member of the team.


Quickly the dismantler team arrives at the south entry point.


The area around the castle seems deserted as the dark forest surrounding the castle. System told Satoru there are people inside there as he was able to detect energy around there. The system can't find her sister's location though, since all the dark energy around him prevents him to do so.

Satoru was really getting impatient but Iris tug his clothes to stop him from acting recklessly.

"Satoru, let me send my minions first to scout the whole area. My minion was able to blend into the shadow so it is perfect for scouting in this dark realm. We need information." Iris said to him.

Satoru agrees with her idea and lets Iris doing her job.

Iris then summons her minions and orders them to infiltrate the castle from various directions so that she can get information about the enemy's whereabouts.



After a minute or so, Iris opened her eyes.

"How it is?" Satoru asked.


"There are a lot of shadow monsters inside the building but on the west side, the amount of shadow on there is the lowest. We might be safer if we go from the west area." Iris explained.

"It might be a trap." Susanoo responded.

Satoru nodded and said "Might be, let me test it first alone since even if there is an ambush, I could easily deal with it. Beside Iris could always see whatever I see from her minion."

"Destroyer team already entered from the north, by the way." Iris added.

"Those girls sure fast" Vasco also responded.

"Alright, let's just move out from the west." Satoru declared.


Satoru started to fill his body with strengthening magic followed by others.


With the destroyer team


The three girls have received the Iris magic signal from her minion, now preparing themselves how the best way to gain enemy attention.

They are currently in the north area of the castle and successfully entered the castle after killing the guards swiftly.


The three women looked at each other and made plans for how they should move next.

"Okay we are here girls, Let's just start destroying these pillars and then destroying this whole stupid castle." Momoyo exclaimed.

"Girls, Don't forget to search where the space lock artifact location." Serafall added.

"How about we separated to another direction one each of us? We could destroy more area and covering more area until we find our main target." Ageha followed.

"I don't mind about that, but that would be too risky." Serafall replied.

Momoyo was about to reply to Serafall but then they hear a voice talking to them from above.

"Nah... No, please. I can't let you girls doing that. Enosh-sama sure will be mad toward me later." (???)


A man with the appearance of a beast then came crashing down from above quickly and thrown all of them away up0n of his impact.





The entire foundation of the building shook due to that person's attack.





All the women rose from the attack shortly after and saw who attacked them.

"Tch. Show yourself." Ageha said.

"Well well... you guys are still alive after that. Momoyo and Ageha,  long time no see. Also Serafall, it's rare to see you in not magical girl outfit." 


A bulky man with mafia clothing style jumps out of the crater to greeting all the girls. They are aware that this man in front of them won't be any joke and would be a hard fight.


"Azai Group leader, Gonzou-san. The strongest 7th human." Momoyo reacted.

"I never like this guy so I'm not surprised he is joining the evil side." Serafall added.

"...Why you are doing this Gonzou-san? I thought you are a fellow respectable businessman? And you are human right?" Ageha asked calmly.


"You are forgetting the yakuza part, Ageha. As for why...? Because I was unsatisfied with my strength. Even both of you girls were ranked above me in strength. Now with Enosh-sama power, I will show you how I would easily deal with everyone here!!" Gonzou yelled out.




The whole area is shaking by his sheer yell alone, the girls know this might be a tough battle and they need to attack together.

"Please stop this Gonzou-san, I don't wanna kill a fellow human." Momoyo said as she prepared her fighting stance.

"Yeah, I respect you as fellow businessmen" Ageha added.

"Too bad, but I do want to kill all of you." Gonzou casually replied.



Gonzou begins to charge his dark energy power which drastically increases his whole body capability to the extreme.

Seeing this situation, Ageha knew they had to separate. One of them must still complete their mission. Serafall is the best choice because she can fly so she has the highest mobility among them.

"Serafall-san, leave him to us! You should go continue looking for our main objective! We just don't have much time!" Ageha yelled.


"I agree with Ageha, Also your forte is ice magic. With Gonzou beastly martial artist, you won't do much against him in close combat Sera-san!!" Momoyo added.

While the women were busy discussing with each other, Gonzou had finished charging his strength and was ready to fight.

"Here I come, girls."


"Sera-san GO!! We have the main objective to achieve!!" Ageha yelled out.


"YOU GIRLS PLEASE COME BACK ALIVE!" Serafall yelled out.

Serafall didn't like this idea, but they had a mission to complete.

Serafall immediately releases her devil wing and flies away, Gonzou noticed this but leaves it be since he doesn't have a wing anyway to chase her.

Gonzou let Serafall go, then he quickly focused on attacking Momoyo with a swift fist.


Momoyo tried to protect herself, but Gonzou's attack was too strong so Momoyo was blown away into the castle walls.



Ageha came from behind to attack Gonzou with a kick but Gonzou could predict it. Gonzou then jumps up and in the air to avoid Ageha's attack, but in the air, Momoyo is ready to jump on him with also a swift fist.

Gonzou who can still predict Momoyo's incoming attack protects himself by parrying in the mid-air but then at the same time Ageha kicks Gonzou's head from the side which thrown him away.




*Clap* *Clap*

Gonzou is stand up and then claps his hand and smiling, knows that this battle would be enjoyable unlike when he fighting the white dragon emperor.

"One on two, it's not fair to me" Gonzou said as he licked the blood that was coming out of his mouth.

"Yeah, said the person who attacked me without warning." Momoyo replied with a smile.

"There's no warning in a battle, you know?" Gonzou replied.

"At least there's a proverb 'ladies first' Gonzou-san" Ageha added.






The three of them then moved at the same time, again attacking each other fiercely.


The fight continues between these strongest martial artists, shaking and destroying all the building parts around.

Ironically, that is something Gonzou should avoid, to begin with.


With the dismantler team


While the destroyer team was facing the enemy, the Dismantler team had successfully entered from the west door of the castle with Satoru leading the way.


*Tap* Tap*

"Looks like it's been safe so far." Satoru said walking while looking at his team behind him casually.

Everyone nodded at what Satoru just said.

"Yeah, maybe this castle is too-- Satoru-kun watch out!!" Vasco yelled out.


About the same time, a portal came from the front of  Satoru which quickly devoured him who was off guard.

Satoru was unable to respond to it and disappeared in front of them without any trace as the portal immediately closed.



"Satoru is gone!! Let me check his situation with my minion!!" Iris yelled out as she panic.

She know they wouldn't be able to deal with Enosh if Satoru get separated from them.

Iris tried to close her eyes again to focus on looking for Satoru but about the same time, a man with mixed blonde and black hair approached them very fast.


[Holy Shield!!] Vasco reacts quickly to protect the group.





"Don't expect this to stop me, HIYAAAA!!!!"


Vasco's shield started to crack slowly due to the attack of the man in front of them. Seconds later Vasco recognized the person who was attacking them.

"Evil Dragon, Crom Croach!" Vasco yelled out.

"Ding Dong! You are right!" Crom Croach replied.

Aconite charged forward with God Susanoo to help Vasco but a spear came from the side and pierced Susanoo's hand without a sign.



"Aaaaaaaaargh!!" Susanoo screamed.

"Susanoo!" Vasco said as he was surprised they got another enemy in their hand.

"I got a god huh? Look weak as duck though!! Hahahaha!!" The masked girl said as she quickly stabbed Susanoo repeatedly from a distance which he can do nothing against.



Susanoo quickly passed out as he never got a chance to do anything about it.

Aconite saw the only god is so fast going down realize that they need to go all out or they won't survive. The enemies who confronted them at the moment are no joke especially that masked girl.

"Iris, Forget Satoru brat, we're under attack!" Aconite yelled out to wake up Iris.


Iris abruptly ended her detecting attempt and saw the masked girl currently torturing God Susanoo and Vasco who currently

"I just close my eyes for a few seconds and we are on pinch?!" Iris groaned. 

Iris quickly emitted a mist of blood around them and pulled out her flagship blood spear. Iris then came swiftly to attack the masked woman in order for her to stop the attack on Susanoo.



"Ohhh another spear user!" the masked girl said happily.

The masked girl notices Iris coming to her, pull off her spear but she is too slow.


The masked girl was blown far back by Iris' attack as she failed to anticipate it.

"Don't underestimate me, brat!" Iris shouted.


Iris keep coming toward the masked girl but this time the masked girl successfully intercepts Iris's attack.



"You're strong, lolibaba!!" The masked woman said while insulting Iris.

"SHUT UP!!!" Iris yelled out.



After that, Iris and the Masked Woman fiercely attacked each other in a duel of spear arts.


At the same time, Aconite pulled out his favorite sword and try to attack Crom Croach from behind, but Crom Croach notice it and stopped his attack on Vasco's shield, and turned around to stop Aconite's slash with his hand.




"He's strong!! Even though it's already night!! His scale is not even scratched!" Aconite said in surprise as his attack was stopped easily by Crom Croach.

"I'm not called Strongest Evil Dragon not just a title, you know?" Crom Croach said with a grin.



Aconite lost to the confrontation and was bounced backward against a pillar of a building 10 meters away.

At the same time, Vasco tries to heal Susanoo's wounds but somehow his magic doesn't work.

Crom Croach saw Vasco shake his head then said
"That's in vain. The wound produced from that bitch's spear can't be healed except with an antidote. Defeat me, and I'll give you the antidote."

Crom Croach then took something from his pocket and he then took out a small vial filled with liquid which Vasco assumed was the antidote.

"You're not lying?" Vasco said with a worried expression.

"Hey, I may be called an evil dragon but I don't like lying in battle agreements." Crom Croach answered.


"Okay, but I want you to let the others go to safety." Vasco said.

"Sure. No problem." Crom Croach answered.

Vasco knew he had no choice here, and prepared a fighting posture.

"Aconite, bring Susanoo to Sanzaemon! They must be able to think of something!" Vasco shouted.

Aconite who heard that got up and came towards Susanoo.

"Are you going to be all right, old man?" Aconite replied.

"Go, hurry!!" Vasco shouted louder.


"Stay alive, old man!" Aconite answered then led Susanoo away towards the east, where they came.

"Okay, the nuisance is gone. Let's have some fun!!" Crom Croach said and came towards Vasco.

Vasco didn't answer and took out Durandal.

Crom Croach was getting more and more pleased with this.



The battle between Crom Croach and Vasco also begins with Susanoo's life at stake.




Satoru suddenly finds himself in a former ruined city, where he can see the rubble of building arround him.


<"Your Jinx power sure amazing user."> The system said sarcastically.


Satoru facepalmed and didn't rebuke what the system just said. His Jinx was sure very amazing.

"Shit! They got me!!" Satoru shouted.

Satoru who was in a panic tried to teleport back to Iris but failed.

<"Teleportation is not possible here, user. Calm down."> The system reminds him.


<"Where are we, system?"> Satoru asked.

<"I don't know, but I'm sure we're still in the same realm, user. Give me some time to detect where our team is headed."> The system replied.

<"I see. System please."> Satoru answered.

Satoru agreed and let the system do its job. Satoru then walked and looked around and saw a lot of collapsed buildings, cracked ground, smashed cars everywhere.

Surprisingly so far, Satoru had thought he'd find skulls or corpses everywhere but he couldn't find anything like that.





But moments later he heard something. A moan coming from behind him. Satoru turned around and saw a shadow coming walking towards him.


Satoru prepared his right hand to annihilate him but the shadow let out a voice of a boy pleading for help.

"...Mother... Help me..."


Satoru stopped his right hand and realized the shadow he had destroyed all this time wasn't just an ordinary summons. They are souls bound to Enosh and made his slaves forever. And the sound they gave off probably came from their last moment.

"...Mother... Help me..."

"...This is so messed up.." Satoru muttered.

Satoru really didn't like this, but he didn't have the heart to kill the shadow. The voice that the shadow let out was enough to make Satoru back off because it was... made him feel pity and sadness.

...As Satoru fell silent thinking about the reality he had just realized. Other shadows then appeared around Satoru, also making voices asking for help.

The shadows that appeared slowly increased in numbers... from dozen quickly growing to thousands and they also emitted the same kind of voice.


"...Don't kill me...."

"...Mother... Help me..."


"...Somebody... Helpp..."


Satoru then finds himself surrounded by thousands of shadows in no time. The voices they made overwhelm Satoru in sadness and pity. The shadows didn't approach him, they only made voices unitedly and mentally tormented Satoru.

Satoru sat up in place and his mind was in chaos. He close his eyes but tears were flowing from his eyes, unable to hear all the voices at the same time.

This is too much for him.

Fortunately, the system soon returned, recovering his mentality by forcefully active his Encounter for a second and warning him.



In an instant, all the hypnotic voices that came towards Satoru were thrown back by Encounter into the shadows and destroyed thousands of them together.



<"User!! What are you doing! We're surrounded!! Also, the sound they make seems to have a mental hypnotic effect on you... user. So pardon me that  I have to use Encounter for a second to free you."> The system explained

Satoru who came back and heard what the system said, opened his eyes and realized what just happened to him.

Satoru looks around and finds all the shadows are gone.


<"Thanks system, you are a lifesaver. I need to be careful next time. So, where are we going now?"> Satoru asked.

<"To West, About 10 kilometers away"> The system replied.


Satoru heard that then heard the system's answer, then filled himself with strengthening magic and moved quickly towards the west.

He had seen what Enosh had done to the inhabitants of the world that he had destroyed. Satoru now get more determined to wouldn't let it happen to his world.


In a dark room deep within the castle, Enosh saw how Satoru had easily freed himself from the trap he had set for him.


"I was surprised. It seems that the protagonists of this world are much stronger than I thought. Mental crushing methods are usually effective at lowering the protagonists' spirits." Enosh muttered.

Enosh focuses on demoralizing Satoru because he knows, if the protagonist has no more desire, The will of the world wouldn't help him give a plot armor. And he could easily beat him.

The reason why he didn't intervene right away was because he knew the protagonist was the key to victory in destroying the world. He has NEVER failed to destroy another world because the protagonist stopped him many times and especially in this world he must be extra careful because this world is the strongest world he has encountered.


"Then that ability, what is THAT? It must have a weakness. If only I could enter his sister's memory, I would know something about this.. but strangely I can't unravel her memory. Hmmm..." Enosh muttered to himself again.


Enosh then checks to what extent the protagonist's younger sister has been corrupted and finds out that her progress is already 80%.


"Looks like I don't have to worry about how. With this, I believe I can destroy the spirit of this world's protagonist. HAHAHAHA!!" Enosh said with satisfaction.


Enosh then devises a very heinous plan to defeat Satoru with his sister which he soon succeeds in corrupting.


["This would end worst situation, for both user and Enosh that's it."] The system monologues as he ends the chapter.

I'm really busy, no joke. I opened my own cafe and damn, it was hard to manage.

Anyway, I hate ACTION lmao. This chapter in one word is PAIN.

Btw, someone asked me about trihexa. No, that thing won't be out in this arc.

Summary in short:

  • Basically, Almost everyone on the team is confronted by an enemy at this point (And they barely enter the building lmao).
  • Enosh tries to demoralize, (breaking spirit?) Satoru to remove his plot armor. But failed, however he got another much more dangerous plan.

I won't go to the detail for every battle out there, btw. No one wants to read them anyway, except the result right? xD

Supporter team, Serafall situation will come on next chapter.

No Editor, Tell me if there's something wrong... which I'm sure there would be a lot lol. I'm typing this with help of google translate as I'm so bad at describing things in English.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.