Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 47. Situation Getting Reversed.


(3rd POV for entire chapter)


Enosh watched everything happen on the twins happily and thought that how stupid the protagonist of this world was. Even though he might be the strongest person he has ever met in all of his experiences invading the multiple worlds.

Satoru actually never defeated Enosh. That was just his avatar, the main body of Enosh in this world actually was the whole realm where they currently reside in.

Satoru and the team member was doomed from start. That's why Enosh was able to control space easily in this realm... because it is ducking inside his own body... his own realm... his own territory.




When he watched Satou successfully stab his own brother, he knew that he was the winner.

The protagonist is dead meaning there's no plot armor anymore, this world will get much weaker and it should be much easier for him to proceed from here to conquer the world.

Satoru, the protagonist quickly falls down as he suffered a stab fon his heart which should be killing him at any moment from now. Enosh watched their sibling act patiently and make sure Satoru is really dead.

Enosh as a multiple world conqueror has a lot of experience which in some cases main character who he didn't properly check whether they died or not just to make a comeback and bite himself hard later.




And then Enosh watched something unbelievable, something he had never witnessed before happens before his eyes, yet he still can't comprehend what was just happened.

The stab wound was moved... No, it was reflected. Or just.. transported.

He has no idea what just happened to both siblings.

Enosh was sure that the wound on that degree should be killing anyone even a protagonist but then this happen and it went blow out his expectation.

Instead of Satoru who was dying, it actually happened to his sister instead... who was the one who stabbed him in the first place.


Enosh getting flabbergasted is an understatement.

He quickly realizes that it means it would impossible to kill the protagonist of this world with that kind of power. He doesn't know how it works but based on what he could feel... it would still harm him... and might kill him if he tried.

Technically, he could try to trap him in another world or just banish him somewhere else but if he was able to do that, it would be much easier if his real body is the one who descended to this world and just run amok to this world.


As Satoru still screams hate for the world due to his sister's death, Enosh also got a feeling something currently brewing inside Satoru, and he is sure that it spells doom to himself.

Enosh quickly takes a decision to hide and he really means it.

For now, Enosh thought that he should at least make Satoru, the protagonist really believe that he is really 'dead' while he will find a way how to deal with his ability later. He knows the protagonist would seek on him bloodthirsty after this, and if Satoru finds him, he would be screwed upside down, since even he can't figure what is his power in the first place.


Enosh is not arrogant or stupid, he loves to play clean and perfect as he planned. He won't be survived this long if he was not this careful.

Enosh quickly fleed from the scene and made Satoru's sister out of mind control in her last moment of dying. He also retracts back all of the power he lends on his followers of this world to make it more believable after that.

Include her beloved apostle, even though he knows that she is currently fighting someone.

He could always summon another apostle of him later from another world so that's not really a problem for him.


And he would also soon destroy the realm to make it more believable later that he truly died. And unsummoned all of his shadow creatures that currently roaming in the world and this realm.

The only person he told his plan was Rizevim because he still need someone doing everything for him while he is hiding and finding a way how to defeat the protagonist in this world.



Enosh really sacrificed a lot for his own safety, but a few minutes later soon all of this effort would be proven useless to hide from Satoru.


With Iris and Eru.


Satoru's scream could be heard by all the people in the building, making everyone stop on whatever they are doing. Except for Vasco dan Crom Croach, because both of them are battle maniacs.





Both Iris and Eru (The masked white-haired girl) stop attacking each other while they hear the scream.


"That sounds like someone in pain screaming! Does that mean Enosh-sama wins against the protagonist?" Eru also commented.

Eru smiled happily at the indication but shortly after this something happen to her.



All the dark power she got from Enosh suddenly vanished and she can't feel any of her lord power anymore. 




As his apostle, Eru becomes terrified as she realizes that something must be happening to Enosh when she just... lost her power.

Without Enosh's power, Eru is just a normal girl. Any supernatural being could easily handle her.

She becomes horrified and trembled at the indication.

Iris noticed Eru's expression become pale asked "What happened to you?"

"...My power is gone... Enosh-sama?" 

"Really?" Iris askd with a curious tone.



Iris quickly thrust her spear to her neck and Eru wasn't able to react at all.




Eru quickly fell to the ground as she was so scared right now. She really can't believe all of her power was gone and her beloved god was defeated.

It was something she would truly never expected.


Hearing what happened on Eru, Iris assumes that Satoru might actually defeat Enosh... but with the cost of something that made him scream like that.


It is a perfect time if Iris wants to end the girl's life, but she thought that if there is someone who has the right the judge her... it's probably Satoru and her apprentice... Because this girl is the one who killed Azazel, their dad. And a lot of others such as the Phenex family.


"Let's just ceasefire for now. I want to see what happens to Satoru. You join me or I will kill you right now." Iris said to Eru as she looked down.


"Just kill me. I don't care anymore." Eru replied.


Without Enosh's power, Eru really does have nothing. She might as well just die after this since she doesn't have any purpose left in her life aside from serving her lord, Enosh.

"...You are really miserable now, girl. You are really different from what you are a few minutes ago." 


Iris shook her head, Eru didn't say anything.

...Iris begins to float herself but then notices Eru, the masked white-haired girl really can't exert any strength that she previously shows so that would be impossible for her to follow Iris, so Iris forcefully brings Eru with her by holding her as if she is just a sack of potato.

"I will just bring you with me, forcefully whether you like it or not."


Eru didn't answer but she doesn't really care anymore. It is not like she could run away without her lord's power.


With Ageha, Momoyo and Gonzou.




All of them notice the Satoru scream at them but they still fighting each other.

As a fellow martial artist, it is rude to not focus on your own battle with your best ability.





All of them are in a mess but that is nothing for them. Bruise, cut, scar thorough their whole bodies. Their clothes are also in a bad state and you can see the fresh blood still dripping from their mouth and various part of the body.



However, all of them stop fighting when Gonzou suddenly stops himself. Both Ageha with Momoyo notices that their enemy didn't use his dark energy anymore.


"What happened old man? Run out of the juice?" Momoyo asked.

"Seems like whatever that Satoru kid was done affect the big boss, made him unable to give us his boost anymore. Or he might be slain, defeated, or destroyed." Gonzou replied.

After he said that, Gonzou suddenly feel excruciating pain in his whole body. He expected this to be the side effect of using too much dark power, and he has seen it on his former comrade, crazy priest for what would happen next on him.

"Shit..." Gonzou muttered in pain.



Gonzou quickly fall to his knee, which made both Ageha and Momoyo release their fighting stance.


"So, what now? We can keep fighting till the very end." Ageha commented.

"I give up. There is no way I would last against both of you without Enosh power, however, I would like to die in honor way." Gonzou requested.

"That's not what a mafia is supposed to say." Momoyo snarked.

"I am also a martial artist before mafia, girls. I have also my own code." Gonzou responded.

"Why you are giving up? Why do you want to die? I thought you want to be the strongest person." Momoyo asked again.

"I am tired and I have seen that it seems using the dark power over an extended period would cause a permanent setback on the human body... And I have begun to feel it because I have used it too much to keep against both of you. I would rather die than live in suffering." Gonzou explained.


"This is so anti-climatic. I can't understand you at all, Gonzou-san." Ageha replied with a displeased tone.

"Well... I have my own situation, pardon me." Gonzou replied.


Momoyo prepare her fighting stance again, as she accepted her enemy's request.

"Any last word? We don't have time to exactly chatting right now. I have a feeling that we should be checking out on Satoru kid right now or it would be turn out a disaster." Momoyo asked.

"Ageha, please take care of my subordinate and especially my son." Gonzou said his last word.

"Alright, more asset for me." Ageha replied with a joking tone.


"I will do one of my strongest attacks to end your life to honor you as one of the strongest enemies I have ever faced." Momoyo said as she charged her touki to the maximum.

"I will also do my best attack." Ageha followed.


"Thank you, girls." Gonzou said his gratitude.


Both Momoyo and Ageha charged their touki and release it toward Gonzou at the same time.



And everything around them was exploded in bright light upon the impact.


Chaos ensues within Khaos Brigade as Enosh really takes all of his power, especially on the old satan faction. Their plan was to attack the gremory household next but now it needs to be out of the window.

...On the old satan faction base. All leaders of the Old Satan Faction are currently in a meeting.


"Anyone could contact Rizevim? Or his maid boy? He must know something about what happened.." Shalba asked.

"I can't contact him or teleport to that area either, our method of contacting through dark energy simply doesn't work at all! " Katarea replied.

"Shit Shit Shit! I know that Enosh is being attacked but I never expected that those allied forces managed to do something to that thing!" Creuserey reacts violently.

"We have to hide for now, until we know the situation. Those fake satan would hunt us down when they heard we can't use our dark energy anymore and as much I have to admit it, we won't be able to fight Ajuka and Sirzech without it." Shalba calmly explained.

...With that, Old Satan Faction quickly goes hiding again from the world until they got wind of what is truly happening in Enosh realm.





While everything around the world is in the mess, It takes Satoru about 5 minutes to stay in place to fully immersed in his Encounter mode.

Satoru's appearance changed, his whole body was littered with marked black lines and his hair color changed from pink to glowing white.

As if he used Ultra Instinct from the Dragonball franchise, but it is not.


Satoru opened his eyes slowly and the first thing he thought are "boring."

He saw his twin sister still dying in his arm.

He feels sad but not so sad anymore...

as he becomes... whatever.

It seems Encounter's side effect already kicking but he doesn't care. 


Time to beat Enosh to the ground for revenge.

He doesn't care what happened afterward.

Now Satoru with full opened Encounter was able to detect Enosh easily even with all of his fake death attempts to hide from him.

Encounter basic premise to reject any damage or potential damage to the user and Enosh malicious intent was counted as potential damage, thus making Satoru aware Enosh still exist.

Normally, Satoru won't be able to do that but with Satoru letting Encounter take over his mind, it becomes possible.



Satoru raises both hands, strengthens himself way over a hundred times, and slams it down to the ground. He literally wants to break the realm itself, which is what he knows is Enosh's true form.




The whole world was shaken, the realm itself begin to fracture as Satoru at keeping slamming his hand and furiously transfer the damage to Enosh core.


It seems barbaric, but still effective as Encounter easily delivered the damage control on it.








Whatever his ability was, Enosh now knows that it seems also managed to easily find him even when he traced back all of his existence in this world. Enosh didn't manage to change his body form yet, because that would take him sometimes... which he didn't have now.


Enosh feels so much pain that he believes he never felt like this before, and he knows that he can't afford to take much more damage from him.

He knows Satoru would break him soon if he keep doing that.

It is really game over for him.

He really underestimated the protagonist for this world.

<"What is that really ability!? Omnipotence?! How the duck he was able to still know me after all the things I have done to hide myself?! Shit Shit Shit!!"> Enosh thought that he is ducked.

Even if he revealed himself right now, it won't change the situation.



Again, Enosh quickly takes a hard decision.

He decides to try his best to gain information as much as he can, then he would prepare a way to fight the protagonist of the world again in the future. He is currently at his strongest possible form in this world as he has already collected all his lent power from all of his followers but even with this, Enosh had the feeling he would still lose.

But it was something he need to be done, and it's not like he couldn't come back later. After all, his main body is actually on multiverse... being a dimensional god himself.



*Blin- "Ughh...!!"



Enosh revealed himself again above Satoru, as Satoru immediately punched Enosh when he just barely teleported. With the state of Satoru using strengthen magic a hundred times, he could achieve a speed that even break the space itself. 




The beatdown from Satoru to Enosh just begin.


Satou, In the pure white realm.


While Satoru was running amok beating Enosh on the living world, Satou find herself staring at white space with nothing on it.



"Is this the space of ROB that Onii-chan was told me in his story?" Satou muttered.


She tried to look at herself ...and she realize that she is just a ball of light now. She has no actual body.

She is really dead now, after stabbing her own brother.




She got no answer.


"Onii-chan... I am sorry..."






She really wanted to cry now. After all, all this happened was because of her stupidity and action.

She wants to do what she thinks the best for Onii-chan and yet she really messed it up and her Onii-chan suffers from it.

Her Onii-chan is probably devastated now due to her death, and yet she can't do anything about it.

Is there something she can do anymore?





"If you are there please help me!!"



Satou tries to yell out a name that her brother tells that the one who reincarnated him in the first place. If he could reincarnate his brother to the world, he should be able to revive her back too.


After a while though, she hears a voice but it comes from a woman's voice, not a man's voice. 


"My brother really messed up the whole thing, huh."


"Who?!" Satou yelled back.

...A woman with a red twin-tail, hug breasts, and princess attire appeared in front of her.

Goddess LIV design character.

(This is what I imagine from this character. Yeah, I really like this design lmao)


Satou watched a gorgeous woman appear in front of her. She can feel it through that the thing in front of her is insanely powerful. Satou thought that she might have a way to help her get back to the world.

"Ahhhh... I feel bad for everything happened so far. To think that my brother would be made 'Sato-kun' experience a lot of tragedy again. Even though he was experienced enough in his last life."

Hearing that from the woman, she gets even more confused.

"Ahhh!! You are so cute!!"


The woman quickly holds Satou (which is currently a light white ball) with her hand and then rubs her with her cheek.

*Munya* *Munya*


Satou gets really annoyed at what she just does on her "body" even though she can't really feel anything.

"Umm... Who are you?"

"Ohh!! You are already awakened! I thought you are still not here yet."

"Stop this and answer me!"

Hearing the reply from Satou, The woman release Satou and begin to introduce herself.

"Calm down girl!! Hello, Satou-chan. Forgive me that I forget to introduce myself. You can say that I am ROB sister, LIV. Nice to meet you!" LIV said with a cheerful expression.


The reason and story behind Satoru's existence would come forth soon.


If any of you thought Enosh's decision to flee from Satoru is stupid, just remember that his setting was as a multidimensional God who has conquered a lot of worlds and survived. He is not stupid at all. He is also supposed to be archvillain in this story, so I can't really make him defeated easily right?

Though everything seems paced too fast... but I just.. have no idea how to convey it better. I just can't concentrate much when I am very busy like this.

Another actually very important character was introduced!! The next chapter would be revealing Satoru's past life and the reason for a lot of things that happened in Satoru's life. Hopefully, everything after it now makes sense for everyone. (Thought spoiler exists in the glossary).

Also, I know some of the fights just... ended anti-climatic but honestly, I just don't know how to write them better. Sorry. Besides I want to everything end before chapter 50.

I am too lazy writting summary, pardon me.

As always no editor, tell me if there is something wrong. Pretty sure something should be wrong anyway but if you dont tell me, I won't know lmao.

I actually have written the next chapter and the side chapter, but eh... I want to make sure nothing is wrong with them so I decide to hold it for now.

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