Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 48. History of ‘Sato’, Reason and Another Deal.

Skimmed a lot part, but it should be understandable at least. Hopefully.


(Once again, 3rd POV for entire chapter)


Satou who hears the reply from the godly being in front of her is confused. Does ROB have a sister? Why her brother doesn't mention it?

"Ah, your brother of course won't know anything about me. I told my brother to hide it from him after all."


"You can read my thought?" Satou asked.

"I am omnipotence, same as my brother. Of course, I did, silly."

Satou thought the goddess in front of her seems a bit shrewd, something she didn't expect from a goddess.

"I don't care whats your perception of me so let's just cut the case. I will revive you back."


"You will?!"Satou surprised.

"Yes, after all from what I can see, all of Sato-kun tragedy instigated by my brother... Though I can't really blame him."

Satou who hear that got confused and asked "What do you mean? ROB is evil?"

"No, he is not. But I guess he is consumed by hate. Probably because of my situation. Not even 'true god' can escape from feeling. It is what defines our identity after all. "

Satou gets even more confused by the goddess's reply so she asked more "Your situation? What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"I am the goddess of life... or concept of living... Ah, Let me explain from the beginning. The truth of this world, and your brother past life which he didn't even aware now."


As LIV wave her arm, A big mirror appeared in front of them. Satou looks at the mirror, and quickly in the mirror was shown a slightly adult man who has a weary expression doing an office job in front of a computer. At first, Satou didn't recognize the man in the mirror but a few seconds later, she realize that the man has a similar appearance to his brother.



Satou open her mouth and asked, "Is he... was my brother's previous life?"

....LIV didn't answer directly but begin to narratively explain the guy in the mirror.

"Matsuzaka Satoru was formerly known as Hibari Sato, he was a normal human who worked as an ordinary office worker in a slightly black company. He was naturally a coward, so bad that he was exploited by his co-worker frequently. He is also an otaku, which makes his identity become furthermore get shunned.

...After LIV's quick explanation, Satou begins to carefully stare at the man in the mirror.


She licks her lips.

"So my brother is naturally handsome. I am looking forward to my brother's adult version." Satou said with a hint of anticipation in her tone.

"Yes I agree, but his nature prevents him to be popular. They called him water boy after all. His nature was a coward. The only reason why he is not getting bullied is because he came from a quite well-known family. He is kind, truly kind... but he then it means he is also easily manipulated. Your brother was a coward and doesn't want to get the bad side of anyone else."

"But what's all of this related to all of the tragedy all my brother was experienced?" Satou asked again.

"Be patient, silly girl. Let me rush the story a bit. Also, you are also contributing to it you know? In this world."

"...Ugh.. I truly regret it." Satou replied. Satou was aware of what the goddess meant, considering she ended kill her brother in the Enosh control.

LIV shook her head and change the scene in the mirror. Now the scene changed to Sato currently driving in a car. Fatigue is clearly shown in his face and it looks like Sato was about to pass out at any moment.

"Well, one day your brother died in a traffic accident in his car, due to accumulation of stress, unfulfilling life, and emptiness."


The scene quickly shows that Sato lost his focus and quickly crashed his car into a tree on the side of the road.



"Brother!" Satou yelled out.


LIV didn't say anything and let Satou watch his brother's first life final moment.

In the mirror,  Satou can see his brother was stuck in his car, the car also was about to explode but he can't move, moreover, his heavy injury would prevent him to do so.


"Ah... This is the end, I guess. I hope, I get a better chance for happiness in my next life." (Sato)

...Satou who looks at his older brother feels pity, as she can see that his brother has died in regret and loneliness.



...After that, all left was exploded car, which made his brother chared corpse due to explosion and fire.

"I saw his life and his last moment. As a goddess of life, I decided that his life was truly miserable, so I took his soul and give him promise to reincarnate in another world with cheat."

"Our current world?" Satou asked. 

"No, it was a different world. A true generated world. Your world or I should say 'multiverse' has different nature than your brother's former world. We will get into that later."


The scene in the mirror quickly changed with Sato soul (as white orb) meeting LIV the goddess in a similar place where Satou is now.


{Scene in the mirror: First time in white dimension after 'Sato' just died in his first life.}



"Where am I? I believe I was dead." Sato called out.

"Welcome, young soul." 


The goddess LIV greets Sato as she opens wide her arm.

"Is this isekai moment? wait, I don't have a body!" Sato yelled out.

"I have seen your life, and as a kind soul, I offer you the second chance to reincarnate to another world."

"Let me guess, as a hero to defeat demon king?" Sato responded.

"...Uh, yes?"

LIV was genuinely surprised by Sato's guessing right.

"I know it. It is following isekai template" Sato murmured.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"So can I begin to pick my ability? Can I pick ability from anime I have watched? I want to not get hurt so perhaps I want to have invincible ability... hmm..." Sato asked.

"...What is anime?

"You don't know anime? You seriously don't know anything even though you are a goddess?"

LIV shook her head and then said "I know anime is something you are watching, but I never watch it myself."

"...The duck? Can you at least do customize ability?" Sato asked again.


LIV getting a bit pissed by Sato's response. Thankfully, Sato quickly notices this and quickly apologizes.


"I-I am sorry for being rude goddess-sama!" Sato said with an apologetic tone.

"Hah... Anyway, your ability would be decided by this 'Ability wheel'. Just pray that your luck is great."

LIV wave her hand, and a wheel with random text on it appeared.

"I can't read the text on it." Sato said.

"Because it is god language, silly." 


Sato shuts up his mouth, he doesn't want to piss a goddess after all. 

<"...Shit, I remember I need to get pity to get the character in gacha in my last life.">



The Ability wheel is spinning. Sato stares at the wheel intensely and wishes if he could get a powerful cheat so he can live leisurely without any harm to him.


The wheel soon stops and LIV begins to congrats Sato.

"Congratulation, you got 'Potential' as your ability cheat!"

A rainbow orb suddenly enters his orb, merging into one. Sato could feel something change with him.

"What my cheat does?"

"It is similar to growth cheat but less superior, though there is also access to your full potential for some time."

Sato didn't really understand but he know that 'growth' boost kind of ability always be on the powerful side based on all of the isekai anime he has been watching.

"Good. You will learn your own ability soon or later when you come to the new world. Any question?"

"How can I contact you?" He asked.

"What? Why? If you expect help from me for your journey, no I won't. I have given enough favoritism for you."

"No. I just want to befriend you, you seem lonely despite looking so beautiful. I will also teach you the wonderful world of otaku!" Sato proudly explained.

LIV who hears that has deadpanned expression, but she is also curious. This is the first time a soul asked her to be friend, and she was intrigued.

"OK. I will make you able to chat with me in your sleep when you think about me."

Hearing the goddess reply, Sato quickly responds "That's would be great. Thanks!"


After that LIV proceed reincarnated him to another world.



"LIV-sama, my ability..."

"Oh you realized, and probably want to ask, why you got it instead your brother?"


"That's because true nature of Encounter and that will be something explained later. For now, just watch."



{Scene in the mirror: Sato wakes up on summoning circle as he summoned as hero.}


Sato wakes up and finds himself in sort in the center of a crowd.



""OHHHH FINALLY!!"" (???)



Sato looked at himself, and he got his old body back. A king then greets him and gives him a speech about humanity in danger because demon lord threat. Standard isekai plot.

Sato thought that his new life sure start with being very enthusiastic. He was greatly welcomed by citizens and people actually respect him... something that never happens in his previous life.

After that event, the king instructed him to train, strengthen himself and then proceed to defeat the demon army in the demon country.

At first, he is confident with his ability this should be easy but then harsh reality hit him. His ability 'potential' needs him to train himself further first. He doesn't give up though.


He also got engaged with the princess of the kingdom, Erza. At first, he was happy but then he find out that the princess has a bad attitude and doesn't well-liked by commoners.

Sato also can see the princess dislikes him due to his cowardly nature. Sato then promises that he would dissolve their engagement after his journey is complete.

Later though, Sato befriends the timid young sister of the princess, Eru Hildegarta. They are sort of clicking because they are both naturally timid. Eru was different from her sister, she is never brag about her status as the princess, and she also well-liked by commoners of the kingdom.


After knowing each other for a while, Eru joined Sato as his first party member in a journey to defeat the demon king. Also as an apprentice, since she rarely came out of the castle and because that she doesn't have much common sense.

Much later, another 5 people joined his party. Soon they are later known as legendary hero party group, the strongest human party.

Sato also frequently chats with the goddess in his dream, which later causes LIV to become attached to him than other souls.


While almost everyone loves the hero, some people actually feel alarmed about his presence.

Eric is one of them. He is the crown prince and has a thought that the hero would usurp his position one day to become the king of the kingdom.

Then he proceed to contact the demon king, they made cooperation to make sure the hero failed on his journey.

In the way, LIV tries to warn him a lot through dreams but Sato was too naive like he did in the first world, and easily believes people around him.


With that said, Eric at first tried to kill Sato.

Eric tried to poison the hero. But then by some miracle, Sato avoided it and instead poisoned one of his party members, Edward.


Another attempt by Eric was to capture the hero with a group of elite bandits. But the hero was proven to be strong, and then the bandit captured his mage party member instead, Alice. She was gang-raped by the bandit until her demise.

Another 2 party members have died in an explosion when attempting to rescue the citizen but then Eric was also the one who staged it.


Due to the consecutive tragedies he has experienced, Sato begins to grow up mentally in a literal sense. He overcome his cowardness to protect his loved one, as he didn't want to lose anyone else anymore. He begins to seriously train himself, makes everyone else proud of his progress, and now believes that he really could defeat the demon king.


Eric knows that he would soon be in danger if he keeps failing to try to kill the hero. But then he got another better plan, he wants to kill Sato after he defeated the demon king. He then instructed a new party member for Sato, which is secretly his agent. He also told his sister, Erza the princess about his plan and she fully agree to cooperate with his brother.



Satou who watched his brother's second life in the mirror asked "Why you didn't directly help my brother? Also that Eru girl..."

LIV shook her head and explained "I wish I did but at that time I tried my best to hold back because I believe in him... which soon proved backfired. But don't worry, I have done something to that world for what they did." LIV smiled ominously.

"Then about that girl... Is she?" Satou asked again.

"Shh.. I will explain later, keep watching." LIV put a finger on her lips, gesturing that Satou should just watch.

Satou quickly shut up her mouth and then look at her brother again in the mirror.


{Scene in the mirror: Sato with the rest of his party arrived in demon king castle.}


The party finally arrived in front of the castle of the demon king, after 2 years of journey. Sato look at his party member, His soon to be not fiancee anymore, Erza the archmage. A guy named Sil, who is prince Eric's attendant who has helped the party a lot since Edward died, and then he looks at the last member of the party.

Eru, the youngest princess who has been with him from start. After all of this was done, he planned to propose to Eru, as he truly like her. He believes he won't be last this long without her on his side.

"Let's do this." Sato muttered.

None of his party members replied but they followed him from behind.


Satou watches the mirror intensely as his brother and his party has struggled to fight against the demon king, even with his cheat fully activated. 


"Weak." She muttered.

Satou thought that his current brother would easily one-shot this guy. Based on what she got, the demon king is probably as strong as Azazel, which is impressive but not too great compared to his current demon kings class in her world like Sirzech or Rizevim.

"Well... you forget your brother is living cheat. And your world standard was much higher than this you know. Your brother in the mirror is just a normal human 2 years ago without any battle experience."


The whole party has been tired and injured a lot as more time goes, which only leaves a single battle from Sato against the demon king. Sato does pretty well too, which situation quickly got into a stalemate for both the demon king and him. Sato has a slight disadvantage though, as he would run his energy out sooner than demon king, considering he is just human. But then LIV wave her arm, the scene in the mirror quickly changed.


The scene in the mirror shows the aftermath of the battle, which leaves only Satou and Erza are still alive along with ruined castle. 

Satou was surprised that the goddess just skipped the entire battle which she quickly asks "Umm... Why you didn't show the detail of the battle LIV-sama?" 

"Because in that battle there is something I need to hide from you, as much I want to show how your brother conquered his toughest battle."

Something that LIV need to even hide from her? Satou thinking hard and can't really think anything what could happen, after all LIV was omnipotence. Satou really want to ask, but she know pushing the goddess won't be pretty for herself.


"Congrats Sato-sama. You just defeated the demon king." Erza, the only member of his party who still alive congrats him.

Sato didn't reply or even look back as he still can't believe that his journey would be ended like this. In his face show sadness which is immeasurable, as he just lost his most loved one. Sato slumped down in front of Eru's corpse and stare at it.

Erza slowly comes behind Sato and due to lack of reaction, Sato can't even react to what Erza does to him.




Sato watched a knife stab through his chest by Erza.

"W-Why?" Sato muttered as he look at him.

He can't believe that his own fiancee stabbed him.

"Your job is done, right? now we don't need you anymore. Of course, we need to dispose of you." Erza explained with a cheerful tone.


"...Why?" Sato keeps muttering the same.

"Don't worry, you will be credited. What we are going to write in history was both of hero and demon king died in glorious battle, and you sacrificed yourself to humanity." Erza explained.

A very disgusted and evil smile of his own supposed Fiancee was the last thing he saw before dead.

He died in regret and betrayal.


Sato can't even be mad about the betrayal he just experienced, he was too tired of living and if the goddess gave him another chance of living, he would definitely reject it.



After that the mirror stop projecting scenes of his brother's previous life, Satou then asked the goddess again, as he wants to know what happened to her brother after dying for the second time.

"Well, Sato-kun was the only friend I have ever had. I have watched him and honestly, he is literally embodiment from zero to hero... but the world was giving him so much grief... that later, in the end, he was betrayed by his own fiancee.

What happened next was.. well, I destroyed that world. Yep, just like that... but it is not without consequence for me."

"What?" Satou who hear it shocked at what the goddess in front of her did.

"I destroyed that world."





Sato really thought the goddess in front of her seriously messed up in her head, destroying the whole world with millions if not billions innocent inside it?

LIV who was able to read Satou thought quickly replied.

"Actually I know I shouldn't do that, even omnipotence being had rules that ourself put into, and one of them was destroying the world willy nilly. But at that time, I got so mad you know? Sato-run second life was ended with tragedy of betrayal and It's just.. happen."


"Can I watch how you destroy the world?"

Satou actually agrees with the goddess, and now she is just curious how strong the true omnipotence being is.

"No silly, Believe me, it's not pretty. I also won't reveal my power to you that easily you know?"


"I am sorry. So what happened next to my brother?" Satou asked.

"At that time, I was thinking about how to make it up for Sato-kun but then I remember he loves anime and eroge, then why I didn't make it as reality? He also died virgin anyway."

....Satou has no idea how to respond to that statement.

The mirror quickly shows another scene with LIV talking with a very large orb in this white space, which Satou quickly assumes that it is ROB.


{Scene in the mirror: LIV with ROB talking in white space.}


"Sister, are you seriously going to do it despite you knowing the feedback you are going to face?!" ROB asked his sister.

"I am serious, ROB. Don't stop me." LIV said with a very serious tone.

"I don't understand. What is so special about that boy. It was his fate to be ended in tragedy..." ROB muttered.

"...he does not deserve it, besides... I actually really like how he overcome his fate and keep moving forward. He is really interesting and very fun to watch. I don't understand it myself why I feel that he is really attractive now." LIV said with a very sincere tone.

ROB watched his sister carefully and asked. "Sis, do you like him?"

LIV closes her eyes for a while, which is currently thinking about her brother's question.

"...Maybe? This is the first time I have been feeling like this." LIV said as she feel embarrassed.

The situation quickly got awkward for both of them after hearing LIV reply.

ROB sighed and replied, "...Do whatever you like."

"Thank you, brother!" LIV responded cheerfully.



Satou was surprised the reason why the goddess the destroying the world was not only because he was betrayed, but it is because she loves his brother too. She is honestly scared that the goddess in front of her would take her number 1 position, and she can't do anything about it.

LIV is aware of what Satou currently thought about her, but she let her be since she can't do anything anyway.



The scene on the mirror quickly changed to both LIV and ROB meeting again, but Satou could see LIV face was tired, unlike the previous scene.



"It seems the feedback I got for force-generating multiple worlds is quite serious." LIV said.

"I have told you before." ROB said with a concerned tone.

...LIV looks away from her brother's stare.

"I know but I will still do it. Also, I have a request for you." LIV asked.

"...Let me hear it first." 


"Take Sato-kun soul from the afterlife and reincarnate him to the main world of multiverse I have been created." LIV said with a serious tone.

"I have expected that. It would be easy for me so don't worry... but why you don't do it yourself?" ROB replied with a tired tone.

"I am currently tired so after this, I will sleep, and also I am honestly afraid and I don't know how to face him. What happens if lashing out toward me?" LIV answered.


ROB stared at his sister... LIV looked away and then ROB shook his head.


"Great!! also, please seal his memory related to his previous life. I don't want him to get depressed. I have also made a system for him, that will release his memory when it is thought he is ready to face it." LIV asked again.

"...You are really going that far for the man huh, sis."


The mirror then shattered as LIV wave her arm once again, as he thought that's enough information for Satou to know.


"So... all of anime and eroge world was created for the sake of my brother? by yourself?" Satou asked after their watching session is done.



"Because I remember that he was asked for it when I ask if I could grant anything to him within our casual dreaming chatting. Also, I love him as you do, but I don't have the courage to admit it yet... besides I'm very weak right now. It takes me a lot to show up here, you know? It takes me a lot of years to be just wake up.. and soon I will be sleeping again."


Satou didn't know how to react. She is really afraid the goddess would take his position as number 1 of his brother when he knows the truth, but on another side, she is also thankful because if LIV doesn't love his brother, she wouldn't even exist.


"But then, why our life was so difficult if the world was created for my brother? It should be heaven for my brother right?" Satou asked again.

"That's was my brother's fault. He is the reason for a lot of things you know? Even I am unaware about it until this late."


LIV sighed and explained to Satou what actually happened.

"Well, let's just say... the one who empowered Enosh was my brother. Originally, Enosh wasn't that strong in his own story. Also, your special eyes. it was my brother's gift to make you feel close to 'death', which affected your mind and decision-making. The potential cheat was from your brother though, I believe Encounter was the reason it got to you. Potential ability was related to your brother's past after all, and thus make it part of the deal and also potential damage.

Moreover, your brother is supposed to not be your twin brother of you, but I guess it was a blessing in disguise. The mission that my brother give to him is also bullshit. I mean we are omnipotent, why he would learn about plot armor by taking protagonist blood, really? Anyone with a brain should realize that. Well, Sato-kun without his second life experience was back to naive himself so I can't blame him about he unaware about it."

...Satou become speechless at what she just heard. Now everything starts making sense. 


"But LIV-sama, why does ROB want to do that? S0rry if I have too many questions."  

LIV shook her head and replied "I bet it is because... technically ROB dislike your brother. After all, his own sister sacrificed a lot of her power for someone else. I aware that he did dislike Sato thought, what I didn't expect was my brother was going so far to make him suffer."


"I hate your brother LIV-sama. He is a jerk" Satou said with a disgusted tone.

"Fair enough. I will slap him for you later, don't worry."

...Satou wants to slap him herself to be honest, but she knows she won't be able to do it.

LIV shook her head and called out Satou to gain her attention.

"Anyway, Matsuzaka Satou. Let's have a really quick contract and I will revive you back to the main world so you can stop your brother's rampage."

"My brother on a rampage?" Satou said with a surprised tone.

"Of course he is. I bet you also would do the same if the one who is died was your brother instead."

Now Satou just remembers that she felt her brother's power was absurd, her brother should be one who DIED, but then it is reflected... which caused the one who was dead is her instead.

Satou stared at LIV. Is the goddess in front of her is the cause? I bet ROB won't do that for her brother after all.


LIV who can read what Satou thought was sweating and then quickly explained. "Ugh... Well... his Encounter becomes so powerful was partly my fault. You see, every anime has its protagonist right? Sato-kun was the protagonist of not only in the world where he resides, but He is also the protagonist of the whole multiverse I have ever created! Is that cool? After all, I made all this world for his sake. So... the plot armor he got was much stronger than your average protagonist, thus also making his ability beyond comprehension. Also, this is also part of my help to counteract against my brother's stupid plan to ruin Sato's life."


The communication between them becomes awkward. Satou believes both brother and sister of omnipotence being really got something wrong on their head.

"You are a serious nutcase, LIV-sama. Like your brother." Satou said with a tired tone.

 "Uh... well... But you are glad about it, right? It means even in the worst-case scenario, my beloved Sato won't be dead!" 

"The consequence of the power is too severe though!" Satou yelled out too.

LIV wave her hand in denial and replied "Can't help about that. Every power has it is own cost, and that was the nature of its power. Not even me unscratched when I am using my power to create this world, you know?"


"Can you do something about that, LIV-sama? I don't want my brother's love toward me decreased." Satou asked with a sincere tone..

"Sato-kun could try to master his ability, so the feedback won't be as severe as he currently does."

Hearing that reply, Satou was surprised and asked confirmation "It is actually possible?" 

"Yes, It should be. I won't give any more clue for that. I saw your brother going destroy your world at this rate, we really don't have much time. I just slow down the time here, not stop it. Do you agree with my contract?"

"You know I will agree. What is the detail?" Satou asked.

"First, hide all of this info from your brother. I don't want him to remember all of this yet."

That would be easy for Satou to agree, as much she doesn't like to lie to her brother, she doesn't want her brother to remember his previous life either. 

"Second, spare the masked white-haired girl, Eru. She is actually one of few people I actually reincarnated to the main world but then my brother makes her join the enemy army."


That would be hard since she is also one of the people who know that she is one of the people who instigated the war itself. She understands that Eru was the girl who genuinely love her brother in a previous life, but why does the goddess in front of her care about the girl itself too much? Is it related to something happening in the battle?

Satou looked at the goddess again but it seems LIV doesn't want to reply about the reason.

Satou has to agree since she had no choice either way.


"Alright, I agree. Just bring me back alive, LIV-sama." Satou responded with a serious tone.

LIV who hear that quickly wave her hand and Satou is suddenly surrounded by bright light. It seems the act of waving hands really her favorite move.


"Great! By the way, If you were asked how you come back to alive by Sato-kun, tell that ROB who did. I will meet my brother to scold him later, so leave him to me!"

"...But how about others when they ask how I came back to alive?" Satou asked her last question.

"That's your own problem." LIV replied with a disinterested tone.




If only she got a body, she would gladly to try slap the goddess in front of her.




This was originally 11k+ words long believe me but then I trimmed it down a lot and it still ducking 5k words. To be honest, this chapter deserves its own story arc but I am tired of writing this arc and as I promised, I want to complete this arc before chapter 50. I will consider writing the previous life arc much later. 

I will write the part of ROB getting slapped by LIV though, and what he truly does.

And yes Eru was part of Satoru's second life heroic party. The other members would make an appearance too later as the part of Enosh apostle, yeah thanks to ROB manipulation.

I have nothing to say except 2 chapters more before the end of the arc and back to slice of life.  

Another time where I am too lazy to write a summary, go read the glossary instead lol.

Well, tell me if there is something wrong, I got no editor and this chapter really tired me out. (My browser keeps crashing and I am writing here, not on Microsoft word... so when it crashing I usually lost a lot of my progress.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.