Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 5. This is what people call “Plot Armor” moment.


{POV : Matsuzaka Satou, MC twin sister}




Uh? What happened? My head feels dizzy.

I woke up to a loud noise, it seemed to be coming from inside.

I opened my eyes.. and saw that my twin brother wasn't there.

"Onii-chan?" I said.


No response.

I'm looking arround.

There is no Onii-chan.


I'm panicking!

Where is Onii-chan?!

I have a bad feeling!

I have a feeling that it was my brother who made the loud noise earlier.

And my feeling never betray me to find my Onii-chan!

* Tap* Tap* Tap*

The sound of someone walking came from inside.

I'm scared but my brother needs me!!

I walked inside.

Then I saw that strange woman who bring us here, wearing nothing walking towards the room where I was sure there I heard a voice that woke me up.

She is smiling and seems happy.

Then I just realize maybe…

Maybe my brother is there?!

This woman target my brother as I expected from the start!

Damn it! I won't let you have my brother!

My brother is mine!




I have to do something.


I have to get rid of this woman.




That's the best way.

I know if something dies then they won't bother anymore

Like a cockroach that disgusts and scares our mother, then I see my brother kill it so he doesn't bother our mother anymore.


I can kill this woman so we can be free!


And I can have my brother alone again!



Then I heard the sound of the door opening.

I saw a woman smiling and went inside..

And I heard a strange sound from inside!!

Onii-chan must be there!!

I have to do something fast!


Then I walked to the the area where my guts telling that's the kitchen area.



{3rd person POV}


The woman who claimed to be Satoru's aunt walked over to Satoru who still tied tightly with rope.

Satoru who couldn't do anything could only give up and start crying.

"Ara? Don't be panic. Everything will be fine. Auntie will make you feels good." The woman said.

But that only made Satoru cry even more and start shaking.

"MMMMMMM!! MMMMMMM!!" Satoru could only speak incoherently as his mouth was still gagged with the cloth.

The woman just smiled and began to slowly undress Satoru's body.

Satoru squirmed to make it difficult for the woman to do so, but the woman instead pinned Satoru with her naked body.



"Don't move satoru-kun~ Auntie is about to start teaching you how to feels good so pay close attention~" The woman said with a small chuckle.

Satoru didn't want to give up but the woman made Satoru unable to move.

Just as Satoru began to give up, he saw a shadowy figure behind this woman, holding a knife.


Then Satoru realized it was his sister!

As fate doesn't stop giving him surprise moment.

His sister then ran quickly towards the woman intending to stab her.


But the woman seems knew something was behind her and avoided Satoru sister stab easily.


Then the woman then kicked her sister's body, The knife slipped from her hand and then she fell to the floor.



His brother who saw what happen really worried about his sister's condition, as that kick should be really hurt for her small body.

The woman then approached the body of her sister who is lying on the floor, seems enduring the pain from the previous kick from the woman itself.

*Tap* Tap* Tap*

The woman sit down then lifted Satoru twin sister's head, while her other hand holding the knife her sister was carrying.

"Ara~ What do you want to do with that knife, Satou-chan~?" The woman said.

Her sister trembled with fear but was still able to answer the woman's question.

"Don't.. Touch.. My brother... " His sister replied even though she had difficulty speaking properly.

The woman's eyes widened at the sight of Satoru's twin sister, amused by her answer.

"But from now on we are a family, And a good family should share with each other, Satou-chan~" The woman replied with a smile.

The woman then brought the knife to Satoru's sister's neck.


"If you don't want to share~, then you are not part of the family~" The woman said while sticking a knife to the neck of Satoru's twin sister.

Blood started dripping from her twin sister's neck.

Satoru twin sister who currently in so much pain, realize that she could lost her life at this very moment.. begin to tearing up.

Satoru who can only see the situation of her sister, is very very afraid of losing his twin sister whose life is currently in danger!

Satoru will not allow it!


Satoru's eyeballs change color, And they bleed.

["User, you have awakened your sharingan!"] System yell at him.

Satoru realized the meaning of what had happened to him immediately acted quickly to save his sister.

He doesnt know how to active his ability but he believe on his instinct!

"MMMMMMM!!" Satoru said to activate the ability from his eyes but his mouth was still gagged so it sounds very bizarre.

A black fire suddenly appear in the woman’s back.

Satoru glad his ability worked!



"AAAAAAGGGHHHHHH" The woman suddenly screamed feeling her body burning from Amaterasu black flame.

A huge black fire instantly burned through the woman's body and released her grip from her sister.

The woman then try to run toward her bathroom, probably trying extinguish the black fire.

...But Satoru knew it's useless because Amaterasu can burn everything, including fire itself!

Satoru then looked toward her sister who seems about to pass out. She also very close to residue of his Amaterasu fire that he launch toward the woman.


Satoru realize he need to move fast to save his sister from the possibility of getting burned by the fire of Amaterasu.

Satoru tried activated his Susanoo to untie his body instictively. He ignored the feeling of extreme exhaustion that seemed to be a side effect of his ability.

It worked!

Then quickly run toward his sister.


Satoru jump through Amaterasu fire that about reach his twin sister body then hug his sister tightly.

Her little sister who are starting to lose consciousness.. mumbled.. "Onii... chan.."

Satoru was glad his sister is okay. His eyes also begin to bleeding intensely but he doesn't care as long his sister safe!



Satoru looked around and find the black flames began to spread through the room from where the woman run off.

Satoru thought that woman should be already dead burned by the Amaterasu fire. He should turn off Amaterasu fire now.

However there's problem.

He doesn't know how to put out the Amaterasu fire yet!

Satoru realized there was no time to relax, then  decisively try to exited the apartment room from the window.

He need to escaped with his sister or they would be burned alive!

Then he jumped from the apartment hugging his sister.


They jumped from the 4th floor and fell to the ground directly, creating a large crack in the ground.

Satoru then tried deactivated his Susanoo because it's really exhausting for him to use.

Satoru looked at the apartment and found the flames shrinking, He feels he could be fainted by any moment.

It seemed like his Amaterasu fire would go away on its own if he lost consciousness.

"...Thank God, I'm able to save my sister" Satoru muttered while looking at his sister in his hug.

There were no injuries on his body but he was very exhausted.

Satoru fell on his back to the ground unable to keep stand up due to exhaustion.



"Hmmm… Interesting black flames, brat. Is this came from new type of sacred gear? ..Perhaps mutation?"


Satoru suddenly hear an old man voice.

Satoru sense someone coming towards him and his twin sister.

Satoru was about to see the man..

Then Satoru eyes feels hurt so bad plus add the extreme exhaustion Satoru feel, He fainted before being able to protect his sister or clearly see the appearance of the man.


["I would call that awakening moment is plot armor bullshit, ROB-sama should researching Satoru instead since he clearly has plot armor that time!"] System as always doing monologue before end the chapter.

<Author note : This should be the end of this 'Prologue Arc'. Pretty short huh? I dont know how writer manage to write ton of backstory on their own stories. After this chapter should be Aftermath of the incident then Satoru will find how much anime and eroge stuff mixed in his new world.>

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