Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 6. Truth Revealed and Cooperation.


{3rd POV}


A few days later..

Satoru wakes up to find himself on the bed.. And his body is full bandages.

He seems to be in the hospital.

Satoru looked around, and found his twin sister sitting asleep beside his bed.

"Thank goodness." Satoru said seeing his sister fine beside him.

He wanted to stroke his sister's head, but he felt pain all over his body just want to lift his right arm.

He then remembered what he was doing before he passed out. He burned a woman who claimed to be her aunt with an Amaterasu fire to save her sister.

He is really grateful that he chose the ability of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

Then it comes to him realize.

He just killed a person.  

And surprisingly he felt.. nothing? He don't feel sad, disgusted or remorse about it.

Just nothing.



...He had a hunch that this was something that had resulted from his previous life.

...But.. He thought he wasn't once an otaku and just a normal person?

...Satoru tried to remember the details of what actually happened in his previous life but to no avail.

Looks like ROB-sama didn't just erase the memory of his cause of death.

Satoru will ask him when he get a chance to see him again.


The sound of the door opening.

Satoru looked towards the door, and found a character he recognized from one of his favorite anime and novel series.

A tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee.

Azazel, the Governor of Fallen Angel.



Satoru now realize that this world isn't simple as he thought.

<So there's also Highschool DxD in this world huh? Thank goodness I chose the overpowered abilities from ROB-sama. Highschool DxD is not only famous for its ecchi content, but also for its character strengths. I'll die quickly if I don't have my abilities.>  Satoru thought.

Azazel looked at Satoru and he looked amused. Then he walked towards Satoru's location. Satoru didn't panic in the slightest because he knew Azazel's character.

Azazel stand beside Satoru bed then looked at his younger sister Satoru.

"You guys are really twins, huh?" Azazel said.

Satoru just smiled at Azazel's words. Azazel then continued to speak.

"Your sister really loves you, you know? You passed out for 3 days and your sister refuses to leave you and stay with you all the time." Azazel looked at Satoru.

Satoru who heard that, just shocked.. to think that his sister was waiting for him to wake up.

"I also love her.. because she's the only one family member I have left in this world." Satoru muttered.

Satoru looked toward Azazel and said "Thank you for saving us."

Azazel just smiled at the words. Then he touched Satoru's shoulder.

"I've heard what really happened in that apartment building from your sister, and I'm very sorry that you guys experienced such an incident at such a young age." Azazel said with a serious expression.

Recalling the incident he had with his twin sister, he felt a little traumatized because he almost lost his only remaining family.

That woman almost kill her twin sister.

And if not because my twin sister come, He might happen been raped too.

If it wasn't because sharingan..

Satoru looks at his sister and wonders if his sister will be okay. Of course, what happened to his sister should be more traumatizing than him. She might even need pyschiatrist.

Certainly need one, because.. now he really remember it. Why his twin sister knew how to stab someone? Did someone teach her? 

Did his twin sister actually a reborn person like himself?

Even its true, He wouldn't act unrational like his twin sister.

Literally want to stab that woman to death.


So many weird thing happen... He thought he might really need to asked her later.

Forget about that for a while, Their situation currently aren't exactly great.

Satoru thought, maybe he should ask Azazel to help him.

Azazel is one of the characters in Highschool DxD who can be trusted as long as it is also profitable for him.

Both of him and his twin sister need new living place with safe environtment to grow up.

Azazel should be easily provided that as literally one of leader from Fallen Angel Faction.

Satoru decided to try negotiate with Azazel.


Azazel take off his extended hand from Satoru shoulder and put it on his pocket.

Now Azazel giving Satoru a confusing look.

"Anyway, Brat. You don't seem surprised, meeting me a strange old man like me. Your twin sister much more believeable as she refused to talk until I show her your body currently treated on this place.

Tell me.. I believe we've never met before.. but that looks to me, you seem to know me?" Azazel said to Satoru, seems want to probe him by looking directly at his eyes.


Satoru was too tired to think of a better explanation just said while looked at him back.. "If I told you, I knew your identity even before I was born, would you believe it, Azazel-san?"

Azazel's eyes widened at the information from Satoru. He is currently grinning because this is amused him.

"Interesting." Muttered by Azazel.

Azazel was silent for a moment and held his chin in thought.

"The power you used to burn the apartment down isn't a sacred gear. I feel the black flames you are using to burn that apartment are extremely dangerous, even I'm sure it's on the level of a Sun God's Flame like Amaterasu from Shinto Mythology.

Then you said that you knew my identity long before we've even met and also you seems didn't really panic about what happened to you few days ago either, unlike your sister. 

If something like that happened to you was experienced by a normal child, I'm sure he would be very traumatized. But looking at you, you seems not affected that much. Though your sister somehow also not that far from you though..

Well.. With your words to me just now, I concluded that you are either..

First, An unknown god childrens from other faction that knew a lot important from 3 faction as I'm also not sure how other God system worked out and their abilities sometimes are something I've never seen before. 

Second, A person who reincarnated from the past who knew me either as enemies or comrade, But I've never seen your kind of power. 

Or Last, It might far fetched but there's possibility you are a person from another world who somehow know of my information." Azazel fully explained to Satoru.

Satoru who listened toward Azazel explanation was not really surprised. Because  Azazel well known for his ingenuity. He is leader of Faction not for nothing.

"Yeah Azazel-san. Your theory is right. I'm a person from another world." Satoru answered Azazel with smile.

Skipping a lot detail, Satoru tells Azazel about everything he knows because he knows Azazel can be trusted. Satoru begins to tell the story from ROB stealing his soul from afterlife, Giving him the abilities he has, He was born in this world which is a world where various anime seem to be joined then his mission is to travel to other anime worlds in the future.

Satoru also said that he knew he is leader of Grigori faction and would gladly work for the Grigori faction if he guaranteed his sister's safety, living place with safe environtment to grow up and let him using his network to gather information that he might need to know about this world.

Hearing all the unbelievable things from Satoru, Azazel fell silent, thinking again.


Azazel then spoke.. "Alright brat, I will guarantee your sister's safety and on top of that I will adopt both of you. However, when you carry out your mission from ROB-sama in later future, I want to come with you. Because it sounds very interesting to visit another world." Azazel said with big wide smiles in his face.

Satoru didn't know whether it would possible or not in future hesitate to accept the agreement.

["You can bring other people later with you, User."] System tell him.

<Thanks system.> Satoru answer the system.

"Okay I accept. Do we need a contract?" Satoru asked.

Azazel waved his hand at Satoru, showing his rejection of Satoru's proposal

"I don't think we need something like that, brat. I believe you, and you seem to believe me. It's not necessary." Azazel replied with a smile.

Azazel touched Satoru's shoulder again.

"Alright Satoru, Enjoy your recovery time. Don't worry, As our agreement I will adopt both of you and of course give both of you a place to live as I promised. Also, I have feeling it would be fun to become your daddy." Azazel explained to Satoru with chuckle.

Satoru just become absentminded after hearing what Azazel just said to him.

Then Azazel walked out of the room.


As soon as Azazel walked out of the room, his twin sister opened her eyes, looked at Satoru with serious expression then said..

"Onii-chan, is what you told him all true?"


"How much did you hear Sis?" Ask Satoru.

"From the moment the old man came." Answered his sister quickly.

Satoru is sweating a lot knowing his twin sister was pretending to be asleep just to overheard his conversation with Azazel.

Now he really need to tell the truth to his sister.


{POV : Matsuzaka Satou, ,MC twin sister.}


Hearing the truth from my brother, I still can't believe it.

So, my twin brother is a reborn person who came from another world.

He also apologized for lying to me since from he was born into this world.

He confessed that he actually knew what was going to happen to our parents and still can't do anything about it. Apparently, he knew that would happen because in my twin brother old world, we are characters from anime series and novels.

It sounds very unlikely.. but I believe my twin brother has never lied to me before.

So I will believe it.

When I think about it, it also explains why my twin brother always seems more mature and reliable.

Though I'm also pretty sure, I feel also much smarter and much more mature lately.

Probably because my love to my Onii-chan.


Anyway, Even if my twin brother is an alien, I will still love him!

Because he confessed to me, he will still loves me even If I hate him after this.

As If that would happen!

My brother said in the anime he watched where I exist, I would turn into a person who would kill to protect my love, which my brother said my love would be toward a little kindergarten girl.

I tried to refute my brother's words that it was impossible.. but my brother said without him, I would live with that woman for many years until high school.


Living with that woman for years?!

That's really unbelieveable.

I still remember that woman gaze first time I saw her, It's really TERRYFYING.

She would really become my nightmare from now on.

Even though she should already burned to death by Onii-chan.

I see.. 

If I live with that woman for many years, I wouldn't sure if I can stay sane anymore.

That.. might actually happen. Yeah, I can see it happening to me.

After all right now, I will do anything to protect my love, which is only my twin brother.

I'm thankful to ROB being who let my Onii-chan born as my twin brother.

Also about protecting him.

It seems my brother remember that I would be a murderer if I managed to stab that woman while I was trying to save him.  

However I said to him, I don't remember anything. Onii-chan somehow seems glad and told me to forget his question as believed my lies.

Sorry Onii-chan, I don't want to lie to you but I don't want you are scared and concerned to me. I'm perfectly sane, you know?

I will pretend to be normal in front of you, and I will protect you without your knowledge from behind the scenes as a good twin sister should act.

Even if I have to KILL PEOPLE to protect Onii-chan, I certainly wouldn't mind at all.

I might also need contact Azazel-san later for cooperation.


["The user twin sister really scary, I felt really sorry for user to not able see her true thought. User could use his sharingan to know, but I bet he won't use that to his sister because he is damn SISCON."] System doing monologue as always at the end of chapter.

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