Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 7. Back to elementary school.


{POV : MC}

MC is 6 Years Old.

Hello again~

2 years later after my sister and I experienced that traumatic event, only need several physchiatrist therapy for years and we were able to adapt to normal life again.

2 years time skip sure very convenient~

I would like also to tell  that apparently ROB-sama felt bad about what happened to me and my sister so he sent something to the system as his apologize gift.

1 ticket to unlock the system's additional abilities.
1 ticket to travel to another world (random.)

I already used '1 ticket to unlock the system's additional abilities' when the gift was sent.

And the system now have other abilities besides being a commentator in my monologue.

Which I believe, he still useless.

["Thats hurt my feeling, User!"] System replied to me.

I don't know system have feeling.

Ignore the useless system, back to explaining.

Oh yeah the system from now has the [Create Water] ability!!

Cool... right? 

How does that work?

System can make water appear from nothing nearby, which is just enough to fill a 2 liter bucket every day!


*Clap *Clap *Clap.


God damn it!

You useless system!

["At least the user can set whether you want warm water and cold water! And the water can also be drinked!"] The system said to me, trying to defend hiself.

We are at ignore system comment program today~

Oh right I'm almost forgot about the other ticket. It seems that ticket can be used for World Travel whenever I want, but the destination world is determined randomly.

It's an interesting gift, but I wouldn't want to use it until I can master all my abilities.

I don't want if that ticket somehow sent me to dangerous world, or heck.. straight to cursed world such as any world from Venus Blood Series or Boku no Pico.

I would be damned if that happen. 



And God damn it, I just jinx it.

["You are poor bastard, User."] System said to me.


Anyway, lets talk about what happen for our situation.

Azazel adopted both of us twins as he promised, and he was also the one who pressured and control the media to report the incident that night as a fire from an electric short circuit.

Seems being a Governor of the Fallen Angel Faction helps to take care of the matter quickly.

I don't know about supernatural side though but I will believe in Azazel ability.

He also gave us a place to stay in Chiba. At first he wanted to us come with him to live in Kuoh town. But I refuse! Because I knew all the problems that happened at Highschool DxD later happened in that place. I might be fine if I go with Azazel, but my sister is a normal human with no abilities... I would be a fool to let my sister stay there.

I won't let those devil have chance to use my sister for plotting against me!

I would go rampage in the hell if that happen.

Also I already told Azazel about the Highschool DxD plot that I know to him. Knowing him, I hope that Azazel can destroy the canon, Because Azazel informed me that Issei Hyoudou is about the same age as me.

That means before I can travel to another world, If canon runs properly then this world will face a threat from goddamn World Destroyer, Trihexa!

And again I'd be a fool to let that happen.

I’m not sure If I can defeat World Destroyer creature like Trihexa with my overpowered abilities, but I wouldn’t try my chance with it.

After all, no one like pain right?

Instead I have much better plan, I will stop that Rizevim devil guy plan later before it happens. I will find him with Azazel network then coming to him directly to kill him.

That’s should be a much better plan.

As I said earlier because our agreement, Azazel has let me use the trusted info network he has.

Guess what.

I found out that in this world there are a lot of mixed anime characters, and I'm really surprised there’s just too much mixing here. I don't know what ROB was thinking when he sent me to this world.

Using Azazel's network, I can at least identify the anime and eroge characters I know.

Large elite families of Japan from various anime exist in this world, you name it.

Shinomiya, Yukinoshita, Seijuro, Nakiri, and lot of others.

Then there's the island of Aqua Eden as well, which is Private Island owned by vampire faction which I'm sure its from Dracu-Riot! visual novel, One of my favorite eroge.

Oh well.. That's not the worst part.

To make it worse, The system told me that I had to take enough 'sample' of all the anime protagonists in this world before I could travel to another world.

I don't even know how many anime and eroge characters there are in this world!


Long story short, at this time my twin sister and I are currently heading with a car to elementary school which we will both start studying from there.

Yeah, apparently Azazel is very rich. So we become rich kids that have our own servant to look and protect us.

Not that I’m actually need protection to begin with.

I'm alone should be more than enough to protect my sister.

Now you want to ask, ‘Why do I want to go to school?’ 

As a reincarnated person of course I don't need a elementary school education. I could easily skip a grade.

I'm sure I wasn't a smart person in my previous life, but I wasn't stupid either to the point where I couldn't finish elementary school.

In my previous life, I think I remember that I have finished my bachelor's degree so that's something isn't it?

[“Stop flexing in your monologue and just tell the reason, user! You are very annoying!!”] System replied to my monologue.

HAH!! Its my own monologue so I can do anything as much as I please. If you are get bothered by it then be my guest and try to guess my reason, You useless system.

Wow, nice pun right there.

["Its very easy to guess. The reason is because you are a pervert."] System comment on my monologue.

Wrong!! I am a normal human from head to toe, not a supernatural being!

["I'm not talking about your body. You're a ‘pervert’. Who wants to be with their little sister everywhere and everytime!? Even when you are in shower!”] Comment system on me.

That's normal for twins! We're still kids after all!

["HAH!! But you're mentally not a kid anymore, you know that right?"] The system answered my monologue.

Ignored the system comments again--.

[“And because you are that much siscon, Its easy to guess the reason. You  want to enjoy your school life with your sister."] System answer with deadpanned monologue.

You are… not exactly wrong. But not right either!


[“HAH!! You are just not admit it.”] System finished his talk.


["HAH!! HAH!! HAH!!] System try to provoked me.

I Ignore that useless system ringing in my head.


Back to the topic again, The second reason I went to elementary school is because in the elementary school I will be attending there should several protagonists I knows who are probably the easiest to get blood or samples.

["So you admit that I was right?"] System retort to me.

Again ignore that useless system..

Here some anime characters that I'm successfully able to identity then I've expecting them to be in there with Azazel help.

Arima Kousei from Shigatsu Kimi no Uso.

Hikigaya Hachiman from Oregairu.

Shirogane Miyuki from Kaguya-sama: Love is War.

And all of them currently still brats!

I plan to be friends with them for now, to be their best friend. Knowing their background from anime, I'm sure I can use the info to gain their trust.


I really feel like a villain here, but I really need their blood!

["You're acting like a vampire now, user."] System said to me.

Blame it on ROB-sama!


"Satoru-sama and Satou-ojou. We'll arrived at school soon" said our male servant who was driving the car in front.

Ohh.. I didn't realize time flies that fast, monologues are really time consuming huh?

[“You are just doing monologues too much”] System retort to my statement.


I looked my twin sister who was fast asleep leaning on my shoulder.

"Sis .. Wake up, we will soon arrive at school" I whispered to her while shaking her body slowly.

My sister woke up, and she rubbed her eyes.

"Ok... Onii-chan.." My sister mumbled.

She seems really sleepy. I wonder what she does last night.

* munya* munya* munya*



My sister is so cute!!

Her sleepy eyes add to her cuteness by 200%!!

And when I look at her, properly.. My sister is wearing school uniform adding to her cuteness by 300%

My sister with 500% cuteness!

I wish I had camera with me now!

I need to capture every of her cute moments!

["System, stop being a creep and there's your sister's drool on your shoulder"] System said to me in a flat tone.

..Drool of my sister?



I won't let this school uniform get washed from now on! I will show no parts of my twin sister is filthy!

I will show the world that this is the mark that my twin sister left with me!

["I give up. Please do as you please, user."] The system said in a resigned tone.


Finally we arrived at Chiba elementary school. Apparently, it's common for schools to take names based on where they are in the world. Not very creative huh?

Kuoh Academy for example, very creative.

My twin sister and I got out of the car holding hands as the butler open the car door.
A lot children with same age stare at us.

"Wow, look at them.. getting out of the car that looks expensive.." (Unknown Brat A)

"Their appearance, it looks like they are twins! How interesting!" (Unknown Brat B)

"Her sister is really pretty with pink hair, but her brother with pink hair too… I find it weird (Unknown Brat A)

"HAHAHAHA Pink haired boy!" (Unknown Brat C)




DUCK YOU BRAT! Come here brat so I can take you to Tokyo Bay!

We will feeding the fish there with your dead body parts!

I stared at Unknown Brat C with a bloodshot look from my eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!??!!!" (Unknown Brat C)

That brat ran away after see my stares. Wait until I see you again!

["I feel ashamed to have a user like you."] The system said in a tired tone.


No one can talk about my hair color.

Not even you system!

The only exception is my twin sister!


I feel my twin sister tugged at my shirt to get my attention. I looked toward my sister.

She looked embarrased.

"...Onii-chan, stop that stare of yours... You scared the people here." My sister said.

My sister embarassed expression is so cute!!

[“User, Please focus!”] System said to me.



I looked around, and realize now people didn't dare to look at me.


"I apologize." I said while lowering my head toward the crowd.


Still no one dared to look at me.

Am I really that scary to them?

I don't understand how the children thoughts works. Well, not a big deal. My mission here is not to be a person with good reputation anyway.

All I need is my sister. Anyone dare hurt my sister, I will throw them away in Tokyo Bay!

Especially who talk about my hair!

I turned to my sister, and said "Let's go."

My sister just nodded and followed me.


["I must say the siscon tendencies by the user seems become worse through the years, And he's also much annoying too nowadays!"] System doing monologue to end chapter as always.

I didn't know this is exist before lol. 

This is the last chapter that I publish quickly. The chapter rate will slow down from here.. maybe 1 chapter per 2 or 3 days. I feel like I have to adapt to the writer's reality first before I can write normally again.

I'm writing this to try out a new hobby because I'm currently have a lot free time due to working from home at the time I'm writing this. Writing is surprisingly... very difficult, at least mentally. I'm also noticing a lot mistake happen with words and usage of capital on my writing oftenly happen, sigh.

And I don't know shit about grammar either. English is my third language and I admit I'm not very good at it.

Welp.. enough about my complaint.. It might sound cringy and I'm sorry about this.

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