Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 8. Introduction seems far longer than it should be because my monologues.

{POV : MC}
Current Location : Chiba Elementary School, 1-A Classroom.


After following all the annoying procedures for everyone who just started school for the first time, I'm finally able to see our class with my twin sister.

Our class apparently on 1-A. Not that actually important anyway.

I walked into class with my twin sister and see the brats arround me.. Still no one dared to look at me?

Sigh, Am I really that scary?! Did I become infamous on my very first day?

["Bravo user."] System said to me sarcastically.


I don't really care and just walked with my twin sister ignoring all the brats curious stares.

I took the back seat near the window on very corner of the class.

Of course, I deliberately took the back position so I could monitor the people in this class.

And obviously, my twin sister sit next to me.

Imagining I could stare at my sister next to me all day...


["SISCON."] System comment to me.

Yes I know. I already know that I'm genuinely SISCON, and I'm proud!!

["Uhh.."] The system just speechless at my confession.


Back to my second objective, Since my first objective has been achieved.

Now I see the people here, Is there a protagonist I'm targeting among them?

Azazel said he pulled a lot of ropes from behind to help me gather the protagonists or someone who ranks like the protagonists in this elementary school. So should be some atleast in this class.


I looked around carefully, while remembering whether the character I'm currently looking are part of the anime character or not.

I can't use the Sharingan because it would be troublesome if someone was watching me so I just have to look carefully.

There's magic.. but again, troublesome. And I can't use magic yet.

Lets see..




I rubbed my eyes and look again most people on this class.



Brats with short pigtails hair, bald hair, frizzy hair, mohawk hair, goku hair...

Okay my eyes didn't see it wrong.

What did their parents do to make their children have hairstyles like that?!


Azazel might doesn't seem to really understand what kind of people that might be protagonists.

These people are not protagonists, but weirdos!

["Pffft.. The person with the pink hair said."] The system said.

Ignore the useless system words day~


I observed again.. There are quite a lot of people in this class. There should be actual protagonist among them.


Okay in this class I found kid version of Hikigaya Hachiman sitting in the very front corner seat near the door. He was so far away from my position that it was difficult for me to recognize him.

It seems he has been a loner since childhood.

No one spoke to him, and he just sat there. Poor guy.

["Said by a person who almost been raped by his 'auntie'."] System comment on my monologue.

Ignore the useless system words day~

["Honestly user, you are really getting my nerves ignoring me all day."] System said to me with serious tone.

You have nerves? I don't think so~

["Duck you."] 

Ignore the useless system words day~

Well about Hikigaya Hachiman.. He's one of my main target, so I'll try to befriend him later.


Looking arround again~


Then I saw a girl that I would easily recognize as loli Miyazono Kaori sitting in the middle seat.

The little yellow haired girl looks happy chatting with her friends sitting next to her.

But if canon doesn't change here, she should have an illness that will kill her in the future.

Anyway, Where is Arima Kousei? 

Did he is not in this class?

Oh well. I will find him later in other class and If I can't find him, I can use Azazel network.

Well, Kaori here is fine as she is really cheerful girl, and to be honest, watching her bright smile really comfort me.


["That's girl smiling so bright that could easily motivated others to admire her.. Yet she had a chronic illness.. Is this anime troupe, user?"] System asked me.

Yeah.. In a lot anime and eroge, that's actually generic stuff.

She's not the target, but.

But I feel like I'll have to find a way to heal her later.

...Or I feel I will regret it forever.

But I don't have healing abilities...


Oh yes there is Asia Argento who have sacred gear Twilight Healing!

I will ask Azazel for help later to save her from the Church.

Alright then, Continue to look around.


There's girl with blonde twintails who looks aloof is sitting in the back corner opposite me so I didn't realize she was here earlier.

Wait a minute I recognize this girl...

...Is that loli Ravel Phenex?

But shouldn't she be a year younger than me? What is a devil doing here in human elementary school?

And she's also looking at me?


Is the information about me already known to the devil? So Ravel is here spying on me?

Ravel always been smart in her canon part and if she also does same in here, She would be perfect spy to watch me.

Too bad I knew her identity.


What should I do? Honestly she doesn't bother me.

Should I leave her alone? Of course I will warn my twin sister and Azazel about Ravel but other than that.. I got nothing.

She is also one of my favorite girl in Highschool DxD series, so I felt relucant to do something to her.

When I'm thinking how to deal with Ravel, I notice everyone suddenly quiet.

* Tap* Tap* Tap*

Then I saw someone who shouldn't be fit to be here, As the daughter of a conglomerate in Japan just enter this class.

...loli Shinomiya Kaguya.

And next to her the yellow haired girl ponytail girl should be.. loli Hayasaka Ai, her servant?

Everyone who seems aware about her identity open the way for her. Well even if they are not, a lot adult with black uniform outside the class escorting both of them should make everyone with eyes could see their identities are not normal.


Why are those two in my class?!

I need Miyuki Shirogane, and not them!

Maybe like Arima, He's in another class. I will find out throughout the school later.

Also.. This is weird.. I dont think Shinomiya family group would let their "princess" going into normal school like here.

I remember she was sheltered during her childhood but she is obviously here.. Attending in normal public school..

And I believe Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya should be reunited 1 years later as their status master and servant made official at age 7 If my memory is not wrong.

Or their age already 7? I don't really know. Though I could easy conclude by see this situation.

...Something really wrong with their canon.

That's actually a hope for me. 

Atleast there's a chance that canon of Highschool DxD would be also mess up.

Either for better.. or worse. 

["..User"] System said to me with deadpanned tone.


I should stop jinx it. I knew better to play with fire.


Looking arround again~



Everyone else just mobs..

Ok, I have done looking arround and confirm all my target here.

Why everyone else in this class except Hachiman, are heroine ?

I have guts Azazel doing something from behind.


Oh well.

Since only Hachiman who are protagonist in this class, I should only focus to plan getting close to him.

Might as well getting close as friend with heroine's later, as perhaps it could be useful when they had connection with protagonist.


Shortly after I observed (Ehmm..) my fellow class members, An adult came into the class and introduced himself as the homeroom teacher (Sensei) for this class.

After introducing himself, Sensei then instructed the students to also introduce themselves to get to know each other.

Meh, the tradition of school students entering a new school.

Students are asked to state their names, hobbies and goals. Very generic stuff happens here.

But I can use this opportunity to confirm their identity and obtain information regarding the target directly.

Very nice!

"Alright, let's start with the person in the front row near the door. Let's introduce yourself to the others." The sensei's homeroom said.

Self-introduction starts with the most anti-social person here huh, Poor you Hachiman.

Wait, Does that mean I will be the last introducing myself though?


"O-Okay sensei." Hachiman replied.

Hachiman stood up and begin his introducti0n.

"MMM.. My name is Hikigaya Hachiman. Anyone can call me.. Hachi-man!! My hobbies are reading manga and watching anime, and my favorite anime is Drag-so-ball! I also want to try cosplay, because I think cosplay is really cool. I don't know what I want to be but I want to have lots of friends! Nice to meet you all!!!"

Hachiman said loudly in class.


No one answered.

I understand why in the Oregairu series, Hachiman will grow up to be a loner.

He used to be a heavy otaku and socially awkards!

I mean, just look at the way he introduces himself.

Very.. cringe.

If Hachiman have a good looking like handsome boy or pretty girl, the class respond could be different.

Too bad he didn't realize that!

["Actually user, your monologues mostly cringe too."] System said to me.

SHUT UP! Monologues doesn't count. No one else knew it after all.


Well, my plan at this point is just to be good friends with him and teach him how to socialize.

Yup, the simplest but most effective plan to approach Hachiman.


After Hachiman's 'amazing' self-introduction, the students in the rest of the class started to introduce themselves one by one normally.

Poor Hachiman.

Only Hachiman himself had such a strange introduction.


Well, the other students aren't important so I won't remember their names.

Except for the brat who made fun of my hair this morning.

We still have an appointment to party in Tokyo Bay.

["Press F, for Unknown Brat C."] System commented out of respect.

I ignored the system comment, No one can escape when they dare to mock my hair color!


Then Miyazono Kaori's turn arrived.

"Etto.. My name is Miyazono Kaori, you can call me Kaori! I don't think I have hobby right now, but I'm sure I'll find one someday! My goal for now are to play and get along with everyone here, Nice to meet you~!" Kaori said with a big smile. .

Almost everyone in the class clapped, Including me.

Wow, Even since childhood she has been this bright.

So she's have not watching Arima Kousei music recital yet since she said she does't hobby and concrete goal.

Too bad she is not my prime target.


["Hmm.. Honestly user could take blood sample from Kaori to complete the mission for Shigatsu Kimi no Uso series."] System said to me

Eh? But as far as I know, the protagonist is Arima Kousei.

Kaori was just a main heroine.

["Heroine is also a protagonist, user. Without heroine, many stories in anime and novels won't work properly."] The system tells me again.





Why didn't you tell me all this time. system?

["HAH! The user never asked about that."] Replied the system in an arrogant tone.


I bet if system can express himself, he would be smugly smiling at me now.

Damn useless system!

If I had known, my mission would have been much easier!

["But remember users, this only applies to heroines in the non-harem genre. If the user wants to use the same method for the harem protagonist, the user must take a sample of all his heroines to count as completed. If that's the case, it's easier to directly take a sample from protagonist."] The system explained to me.

I see.. There's a catch. Well, thanks system!

By this means I can also target Shinomiya too! Because in the anime, she is the main heroine. I don't need to look for Shirogane Miyuki as I have feeling that Shirogane Miyuki won't be in this school.


Did I trying to do cuck here?

["Its not cuck if the heroine itself not liking someone romantically yet."] System replied.


I'm glad. But in future based on canon of where she is, She should be come to like Shirogane Miyuki later.


I know the solution !

I'll just try to be good friend with Kaguya, I won't go after her romantically!

["I can see this solution of yours will failed badly in future. This is jinx from you. The opposite of what you expect will happen."] System retort me.

...Well even if that happen, It shouldn't hurt me anyway.. but I did feel bad for main protagonist if that happen.

System just snorted on my comment.


Shortly after Kaori's turn, it is Kaguya's turn to introduce herself. She stand up from seats to introduce herself.

"My name is Shinomiya Kaguya. My nickname is Kaguya. I don't have any hobbies. My goal in the future is to inherit and lead the Shinomiya Group." Kaguya said in a flat tone.


Everyone in the class fell silent and gaped.


Why is it suddenly feel cold here?


Kaguya has been like this since childhood?!


"Elegant self-introduction, Ojou-sama!"
"Sasuga Ojou-sama, You have best introduction!"
"Ojou-sama is great!!"
"Kaguya-sama, you are the best!"

Only her bodyguards outside were excited by her introduction!! Even though inside everyone was silent, except Hayasaka Ai who also cheer her up.

They must be paid actor!



I don't know what a good plan I can do to approach Kaguya.


Actually I know, it's enough to beat Kaguya in education to get close to her.. but I'm afraid she will comes to like me after that!

["Free harem member for you then, user."] System said while chuckle to me.

I dont know.. She is pretty I admit.. but I never thought to be with someone like her, yet. For now in my head, Only my twin sister is matters.

... I'll think If I could get alternate plan to approach her later.


I will skip the self-introduction details of Hayasaka Ai because nothing special happen except she added "Kaguya-sama is the best."

The last person I wonder why is here of course Ravel Phenex. I will listen to her self introduction and see if she is also same as her canon part.

It's Ravel's turn, She stood up from her seat to introduce herself.

"Introducing myself, My name is Ravel Phenex from the Phenex Family, You can call me Ravel-sama. My hobby is something that you don't need to know and my future goals are also the same as my hobby. Thank you." Ravel said in a slightly arrogant tone to introduce herself.

Yep, she's a real devil. Pride in herself really shows early on even they are still kids huh.

Devil kids education on its finest.

And I also seem to have a hunch she's also tsundere like her canon part. 



The situation fell silent again after Ravel introduced herself.

I can guess, the others started thinking "Okay another Ojou-sama is here."

I don't really care though because she's definitely not my target at all, and I won't go near her either.

I don't what the devil's plan toward me if they knew more about my information and abilities.

It would be safer if I go to Issei Hyoudou immediately than go to her.. Especially since Issei is harem protagonist.


Finally, after everyone had introduced themselves, it was my sister's turn and then last one should be myself. (Because we were sitting in the very back corner.)

My sister stood up like the others to introduce herself.

"My name is Matsuzaka Satou, anyone can call me Satou! My hobby is playing with my twin brother, And my dream is.. I don't know yet! I hope for everyone that we can get along! Thank you!" My sister said to introduce herself with sunny bright smile.


Once again, Almost everyone in the class clapping hand.

I feel De Javu. This class know who is the cutest here! You guys cool!

Of course the one did loudest clapping hand is me!

I looked my sister covering her face with both hands. She seemed embarrassed.


I'm thankful that my twin sister doesn't seem like it's going to become like in the anime.


Now it's my turn to introduce myself.

I looked around, and some people suddenly looked away.

I guess I still look scary to some of them.

I'm standing up then begin my introduction.

"Hello everyone, My name is Matsuzaka Satoru. Nickname, you can call me Satoru. My hobby is doing everything with my twin sister. My dream.. I don't know yet but for now I hope we can all be good friends and with this opportunity I'll say: Whoever tries to hurt my twin sister, you guys will going to party with me~"  I said with a slight bloodlust aura.


{POV : Everyone else except Satoru and Satou : THE BROTHER IS TERRYFYING!! }



All silent after my introduction? It was even more silent than when Kaguya did the introduction.

Good, it means these people understand what I mean not to mess with my sister.

["I'm sure with your introduction, they will be really scared of you this time user. This might make it really hard for you to get close to your target, Bravo user."] System said to me with sarcastic tone.


I want to facepalmed myself.

I messed up my own plan.


Is there a 'Restart' button somewhere so I can redo my Introduction?

This chapter is full of MC monologues and this chapter is twice longer than usual with 2800 words by the time I'm writing this note. I'm having fun writing this. Sorry about that.

I'm decided to just writing whatever I like rather than thinking how people rate my writing and stress me out. 

I promise it will back to 3rd person at next chapter and PoV of some people here (and mc sister plan). Currently, I have planned out to do some chapter dedicated toward all potential heroine on this chapter for the sake of development. 

Anyway, If you want to ask why there's no Erina Nakiri yet because honestly, I can't think any justified reason to make Erina Dad somehow allow Erina to attend normal public school.

They will be introduced on later time skips.


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