Tutoring the Spoiled


Kouji and Himawari stood in silence before the other. This was the first time they were seeing each other since their fight. However, both were smart enough to hide it from the others… For now.

“Great, you made it.” He said, putting on a fake smile. “I guess we can get started now.”

“Hmpf, really now?” She had the same air of arrogance to her tone as always. It was almost enough to convince him that nothing was wrong. “It looked like you were planning on leaving me behind.”

“Well, I’m sorry.” He responded with sarcasm. “I just didn’t want to waste time for you to be fashionably late.”

“But I thought you didn’t want to do any of the things here.” Isako exposed him.

“Ju-just, shut up!” He stomped past Himawari, grumbling all the way. It was time for them to enjoy the festivities.

“Sheesh, what’s gotten his panties in a twist?” Waa commented. The way those two acted when they saw each other. There was just something about it, that seemed off to her. As if it was just acting.

Everyone got to walking around, looking to see what they should do first. One of the shop runners was calling for people to try out their game. A simple dart game, only need to hit one target to win a prize.

“We should try this.” Moku offer, but before anyone could accept or reject the idea. He was already first in line. While everyone was so preoccupied with his shots, Waa pulled Himawari aside to confront her.

“You didn’t do anything stupid with him, did you?” She asked, about as blunt as a rock on a hard place.

“Of course I didn’t” Himawari denied anything. “I’m not like you. Besides, judging from the way he’s acting now. I doubt you were very successful with your lamebrain scheme.”

“Look, it’s not my fault he took a peek at my stash.” She defended herself, even though it just made it worse. “Though, maybe I shouldn’t leave manga involving boys and… Inhuman appendages laying around.”

“Well, whatever.” Himawari crossed her arms and turned her head in disgust. “It’s too late anyway, so we might as well just en… I mean, tolerate him for the rest of the night.”

“So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” Waa walked away, clearly they stood no chance if that’s how some of the girls were going to be. Not that she was much better about it herself.

“Darn.” Returning back to Moku’s game. The boy had failed to pop a single balloon with his three shots. He set his head down to the counter in disappointment.

“Let me try.” Now it was Kouji’s turn.

His first shot and a failure, as it nearly missed his target. Not wanting to lose, he calmed himself down. Focusing greatly on his target. With his eyes closed, he threw…

“That didn’t even come close.” The person running the game commented. “And can you please not throw with your eyes closed, it’s a little dangerous.”

“Sorry.” He was disappointed with his apparent lack of skill in this game. Without making any effort at all, he simply tossed up the final dart. As in, quickly grabbing it as it lay on the counter and flicking it causally to the balloons. He just wanted to finish this as soon as humanly possible.

Pop! The sound of a balloon popping entered his ears. Followed by the cheering of the people watching this.

“Nice job.” The person said. “So, what prize do you want?” There were a plethora of stuffed animals hung up along the walls. Kouji pointed to one, a pig, and that was the present he got.

“Interesting choice.” Isako commented on his stuffed pig. It wasn’t what she would’ve thought anyone would’ve chosen with all the options in front of them. “What are you going to do with it?” She asked in a playful manner, trying to tease him about giving it to someone.

“Keep it?” If only that actually entered his brain. “Pigs are kind of cute, so what else would I do with it?”

With that, they left the stand to go look for their next destination. Looking around him, Kouji realized just how odd of a group this was for him to find himself in. A bunch of rich girls, some guy from the different school from the rest of them, plus the headmistress of the prestigious all-girls school. It felt strange to him, that this would be coming to an end tonight.

At least, if he had his way. But Anastasia wasn’t about to give up, and this time, she wasn’t alone with her next plan. This time was going to be different.

“Hey, Yuma.” She whispered over to her partner in crime. She pointed over to one of the rides that were set up for this event. The well known teacup ride, the one that spins rapidly in circles. “Hey, we should go on that ride.”

“...It does look like a lot of… Fun.” Yuma backed her up, to try and convince the others. “We should… Try it.”

“You can count me out.” Himawari thought something like this was pretty silly.

“Same here.” Waa followed up. “With all the junk food I’ve eaten, probably just gonna barf on everything.” Kouji could’ve lived without that last bit, but he was partially in agreement.

“Yeah. If you want you guys can get on, but I think I’ll sit out.” In response to this, Anastasia took his hand, and gave him big puppy eyes.

“Please, I promise it will be a lot of fun.” She said to him. As much as he wanted to say no, he just couldn’t. So now here he was, sitting with her, Yuma, and Teru in one of these things. These things were a lot bigger than he was expecting, for it to be able to have all four of them.

Of all of them here, it was Teru that was most excited. And trying to get Kouji’s attention was not the reason at all. Though, it was about to do just that.

The ride began, and the cups went moving around the area they were set up in. To get added spin, the riders had something in the center to do just that. Things were going nice and smoothly, as they worked together as a team to get things rolling.

“So Kouji.” Anastasia yelled out, to make sure he could hear over the rushing air. “Are you having fun?”

“A little.” On the inside, he was terrified. A part of him was worried that this thing might lose a bolt and come crashing. Plus, the rushing wind did little to calm his nerves. “Just don’t want to fall out, that’s all.”

In response to his words, Yuma gently put her hand over his. He turned to look at her, where all she did was return it with a smile. Her answer to tell him that she’d keep him safe. It was a touching moment for him… Too bad that Teru had to ruin that.

“This is getting lame.” She said, then started to ramp up her power onto the spin wheel.

“W-what are you doing?” He asked in horror as they started to spin, faster and faster.

“If you want to have some real fun.” She pulled heavily another rotation, overpowering everyone else. “Then you gotta push it to the limit.”

“But I just said…” He didn’t get much chance to protest, as he hung onto dear life. “Just slow down, maybe just a little bit?” Thankfully, his torture was short lived, as the ride came to its stop.

“Please don’t do something that dangerous again.” The person running the machine scolded Teru as they got off the ride. He stopped it, seeing that they were going a bit too fast for their liking.

“Apologies.” Isako stepped in. “We promise, we won’t do something rash again, right Teru?”

“Right.” Teru grumbled quietly. While they were getting that warning. Kouji was still holding onto the teacup for dear life, even if dear life wasn’t at risk anymore. Breathing heavily, he felt like he was about to be flicked off the ride and meet an unfortunate end there.

Slowly, he got off the ride. However, spinning like that made him very dizzy. He couldn’t keep himself steady, as he stumbled over his feet. In a desperate attempt not to fall, he clung onto Anastasia, who was the nearest girl.

And by clung to her, more like landing his head onto her noticeably large breasts.

“Ooh, it’s so soft.” He muttered, slightly snuggling into it, until realizing what it was that he was doing. “…” He stared at everyone, who were staring back on his display. Quickly, he straightened himself back up, falsely coughing to regain some composure. “Anyway, we should probably look for something else to do.”

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