Tutoring the Spoiled

One Last Time?

Today was the day. It’s supposed to be when he met with Isako to get his paperwork handled so he could transfer back to his old school. It was about time too, it felt like this last week took an eternity. Plus it didn’t end very well, so he was more than eagar to try and move on with his life.

While waiting for the agreed upon time, Kouji heard his doorbell ring. When he answered, it was Moku who came to his place.

“Hey, you gonna be busy?” He was hoping to get a little bit of studying before the break ended. Unfortunately, Kouji already had plans set.

“I’m a little surprised.” Kouji mentioned the carnival that was apparently happening not to far from here. He figured that Moku would’ve been there instead.

“It’s not like I have anyone to go with, plus I figured you weren’t the type to want to go.” He wasn’t wrong with that assumption. When Kouji saw it yesterday. He already wrote it off as some event he wouldn’t have to care about.

At least, he didn’t think he’d would. Until a message from Isako came in. It told him that she was going to be waiting for him right were it was being held. To him, this seemed like a ploy to get him to stay. But he was going to have to be strong on his convictions.

“I guess if you still want to go…” The offer was immediately accepted. It wasn’t very hard to get Moku of all people to come with him. When they were about to leave, Kouji remembered one last thing.

His school uniform had yet to be returned back to the headmistress. He wasn’t going to be needing that thing anymore. He reached into his closet and pulled out everything needed. His blazer, the trousers, even that little tie.

For a moment, he took a second to look at them. The last time he wore them, was going to be the final time he’d ever wear them… Then Moku called him, wondering what the hold up was. Kouji hastily put them into a bag to give to Isako when he arrived.


The two arrived at the carnival, a place that was truly massive. This left Kouji in awe, seeing as he was just here a day ago. Yet it was completely different than when he left.

Now the place was filled with various rides and booths with games inside. If he was a child, then he’d definitely want to be running from place to place just to get a chance to do everything.

From the way Moku pointed at thing as they walked by. It appeared that his friend never grew past that stage. However, they couldn’t stop to try anything, there was an important person that he didn’t want to leave waiting.

“There you are.” They finally found Isako, who was sitting at a table by herself. She had some sausages on a stick from one of the booths. Her offer was rejected by one, and accepted by the other.

“So, here’s my old uniform.” He put the bag down next to her. “About my transfer.”

“Don’t worry about that.” She said, producing some papers to show to him. Kouji was about to grab them, to get things over with, but she pulled it away.” Ah, ah, ah. We’ve got all day, so there’s really no reason to rush things.”

“Please.” He said, getting cross with her. “I don’t want to bother with these dumb games.”

“You might find them silly.” She responded. “But, don’t think I’m not aware of your plans.” She let on how much she knew about his little ghosting attempt. Isako also revealed she invited all the girls in the study group.

“You what?” He took issue with the fact that he would be seeing the girls once more. Mainly because there was one he was most certainly not looking forward to seeing.

“I already know how it feels for someone to leave without a goodbye.” She simply replied with that. “So please, give me one last wish?”

Kouji sighed in response. He wasn’t going to have much choice beyond capitulating to her. At the same time, a part of him did agree with her. So sitting at the table was his answer that he was going to stay, just a little longer. Moku certainly wasn’t against the idea.

They didn’t have to wait long for the first arrivals, Anastasia and Waa. The only surprise here was that the latter actually put in some effort in her outfit. She had shorts that didn’t look like she neglected to clean the stains from them.

“Yo.” Waa greeted him lackadaisically as she sat across from him. “Hope you waited long.” She joked.

“Not too long…” He answered, but didn’t want to look her in the eye. Just seeing her again, just flashed that… Image he really wished to forget.

“Kouji, I am so excited.” Anastasia sat down besides him. “I have never been to an event like this before, so I hope that we can a lot of fun.” While she had been down in the dumps from their last encounter. When she was invited, she knew this was going to be a great second chance. One that she didn’t intend on wasting.

While those two girls were chatting with Moku, Kouji couldn’t keep his eyes from shifting back and forth. There was only one person that he had concern with their invitation. When was she going to arrive? Was she even going to come at all?

Soon, Teru and Yuma. For once, the former didn’t actually arrive here with her skateboard. Plus, he got to see the latter in public, with something that was neither a work uniform or something bought by someone else due to circumstances. Now he could see what she wears for casual events.

That girl seemed to be the type to wear a sun dress for something like this, it appeared.

“Food.” That was the first thing Teru laid her eyes on when they came up to the table. “Great, I’m starving.” If he was ever to continue being her tutor, table manners were certainly high on the list he’d teach her.

“Kouji… It’s nice to see you again.” Yuma made more proper greetings, bowing before him. She was worried with how her servants treated him, that he’d have second thoughts about seeing her again.

“Nice to see you too.” Those concerns were washed away in an instant.

“I wonder what’s taking Himawari so long?” Waa wondered aloud. For all of them, they’d figured that she’d be the one to make sure to arrive on time. The only person with doubts to her arrival, was Kouji.

“Maybe she won’t come.” He said, getting up from the table. “I’m sure she’s a busy person, probably got some better things to do.” It was a little stressful to lie to them like that. So nervously, he was stretching his back from that feeling.

“Nonsense.” Isako shot him down. “When I asked her, she said that she’d be able to make it.” Though, she also added that the invitation was sent out a couple days ago, which was before that argument he had with her. So Kouji felt that she might’ve changed her mind.

“Maybe something came up.” He was more than ready not to waste anyone’s time. Nor was he about to say that it was his fault that she wouldn’t be here to enjoy the festivities. So Kouji attempted to convince them that it might be best to go ahead without her. “If she comes, then she can just call…” He trailed off, for as he turned around. There was the girl he wasn’t waiting for.

“I’m here now.”

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