Tutoring the Spoiled

Filling in

Kouji and Waa were not the only ones having an interesting time. In fact, the other girls and Moku were about to run into an opportunity most would dream have happen to themselves.

“Finally, we’ve arrived.” Himawari said as they walked inside. The restaurant was filled to the brim with many patrons. A part of her wasn’t looking forward to just having dinner with all these people. Especially after being given the news that Kouji wouldn’t make it here. However, dinner was far from the only thing they were going to do.

“Table for five please.” Moku asked the waiter, and fortunately for them, there was a spot somewhere near the back that was available. “Honestly, if Waa and Kouji were here…” He said while they were getting seated. “...I don’t think we’d be able to get ourselves a table.”

This restaurant had a stage, but unfortunately they were sitting far from it. That said, given all the tourists here tonight. The business wasn’t going to let this opportunity to. So there was supposed to be a show with real idols from a local school club. A group that was apparently very well known from the way it was promoted.

“Pff, as if that really matters.” Himawari snidely commented.

“Are you really going to whine all night?” Teru was the only one willing to call her out on this behavior.

“If you’d like, I’ll simply be quiet and let you all just chat among yourselves.” Her issue with their current situation was so much of a damper on her mood. That the girl didn’t even want to engage in any banter against her rival.

“It is not that.” Anastasia hopped into the conversation. “I miss Kouji too, but he would want us to all enjoy ourselves.”

“I… Agree.” Yuma backed her up.

“Yeah, and since I only ever really hang out with Kouji. I’m feeling a bit awkward sitting with all of you like this.” Moku joined in on trying to cheer her up. “But, uh, aren’t we forgetting about Waa?”

“What’s there to talk about with her?” Teru asked.


Anyway, they were all ready to get their orders. However, as the girls were talking with the waitress, Moku overheard a conversation near a door that lead to backstage.

“What do you mean they won’t be able to make it?” An older man asked. He seemed to be the owner of this establishment.

“I’m sorry, but something about their being complications with their bus.” The other man explained, very shyly as he was worried about disappointing his boss. These two were not expecting anyone to eavesdrop on their conversation. Not that it mattered since they’d have to break the news somehow.

“Aw geez.” The boss squeezed the bridge of his nose trying to prep himself for the inevitable backlash. “I just wanted to give all these fine folks a good time. I’d hate to to let everyone down like this.”

“I know, but where else are we going to find another group to replace them? The rest of them are probably booked for the night too.”

Moku felt rather sad about hearing that. He was looking forward to enjoying a wonderful show with cute girls singing their hearts out. This would’ve been the first time he had been to a show like that. What a shame, he thought. If only there were a group of lovely ladies that could fill in for…

Wait a second. He took a good look at each girl sitting at the table. There were enough of them to perform as a unit. They all knew each other pretty well. All of them were cute too. In that moment, Moku hatched a plan.

“I’m just going to use the bathroom before our food gets here.” He came up with an excuse and left all of them none-the-wiser. Then the boy made his way secretly towards where those two men were talking. “Hello, I couldn’t help but overhear that the idol show will have to be canceled.”

“I’m so sorry.” The boss responded rather distraught. “You’re probably going to tell us off and storm out with your friends.”

“That’s not it.” He clarified the true reason why he was here. “It’d be a shame if all the people here couldn’t at least get a show. And well, I might have an answer to the problem you’ve got.”

“Really? You can get an idol group on such short notice?” The man got really excited at the prospect of being saved.

“Not exactly.” He admitted. “But, I can save this show. This isn’t a joke, I’m being completely serious here.” The boy motioned towards the girl she was sitting with. The two men weren’t certain this was the was to move forward. However, they weren’t in the luxury of making demands.

“We don’t really have any options here.” The other man was on Moku’s side on this risky plan.

“Fine, but please don’t mess this up.” The boss relented. Moku expressed his gratitude and bowed to both of them. While he might’ve been motivated by giving everyone a bit of fun, this wasn’t something he was going to mess around on. Though the other girls weren’t going to be very happy to hear what he had gotten them into.

“Aren’t the bathrooms the other way?” Teru asked when he returned. The way he came back practically told all of them that his trip wasn’t to relieve himself.

“About that…” He took one deep breath. This wasn’t going to be easy. “What do you guys think about idols?”

“Please don’t tell me you signed us up to be on stage.” Himawari spoke in a dejected tone. Moku explained about the whole situation and how he asked to help them out. The more she heard about this, the more that Himawari hated the plan. “You did this without saying a word to any of us!?”

“Look, I have a plan, this whole thing can move along smoothly.” He tried to defend his decision. “Plus, I knew you’d say no if I asked.”

“So you decided to force us to do it?” Teru chimed in. Being an idol was literally at the bottom on the list of things she ever saw herself be.

“Actually, this is not something that comes to one everyday. I think we should do it.” Anastasia was a lot more receptive to this plan than everyone else.

“Of course you’d get excited over anything, but this is a bit much.” Himawari scolded her. “Yuma, surely you can talk some reason to her. This is not something we should be doing.”

“I… Want to do it too.” She agreed with the Russian girl. As someone who had been used to serving those in need. Yuma could tell that the people running this place was in need of their help.

“Even you Yuma...” Himawari put a hand over her face. The girls she associated with were really crazy.

“Please.” Anastasia pleaded their case. “You are always saying that customers are important for a business.” This was something the girl always made a point at every time they ate at her one of her family’s establishments. Which was, unfortunately for everyone else, very often. “If we do not fill in, then all the people here will be very disheartened to not get what they were expecting.”

“…” Himawari took one deep sigh. There was no argument against something she always railed on the other girls about. They clearly paid attention to her words a lot more than she was expecting. “...Fine, I’ll do it.”

“You really just letting them get to you like that?” Teru couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Yet here she was, outnumbered on the number of yeses. There was no choice for her anymore. “I really can’t believe you guys.” She resigned herself to her fate. This was going to be the worst night of her life, wasn’t it?

“Great!” Moku clapped his hands in joy over the little success he had. “Now, let’s get back stage.” He physically grabbed Himawari and Teru, since those two were the most reluctant to go, and pulled them with him. Meanwhile, Yuma and Anastasia followed closely behind.

“Wait what?” Teru complained about the one thing that mattered to her when they first entered. “What about our food!?”

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