Tutoring the Spoiled

The Spoiled Idols

They were lucky the costumes that the people they were filling in for already were here. Doubly so given they were all able to fit.

“Yuma, can we please trade?” Teru begged the girl. It wasn’t that Yuma rejected the request. More so that it wouldn’t work out considering their different body shapes.

“I’m sorry… It doesn’t look possible.” Was the best response she could get out of the girl.

“This stinks.” She was downtrodden about the situation. “Does the only one that fits me have to be pink?” The girl didn’t feel comfortable wearing this. Not because there was something wrong with it. Just that this didn’t seem like something she ever considered wearing.

“Okay, here’s the plan.” Moku gathered the girls. Obviously it wasn’t as if he expected them to be able sing whatever songs were planned. Which is why he was going to handle the music so all they had to do was dance and lip sync to the lyrics. They didn’t need to be perfect, hopefully the crowd would be forgiving.

“Once we’re done with our set, we can put this whole thing behind us.” Himawari had unfounded confidence about their abilities. Or perhaps she just wasn’t willing to admit how terrified she was to step on stage. “And what’s up with this stupid outfit?” She took off the eye patch that it came with, since that wasn’t needed at the moment. “We’re not pirates, how come I’m the one stuck with it?”

“Beats me.” He responded. “That’s just what they had with them. I have no clue why there were designed the way they were.” Not that this was going to deter any of them. It was clear that plenty of things weren’t going to go their way considering how they were filling in on such short notice.

He checked the music system and found song sheets for what was to be sung by the prior idols. “Great, make sure to quickly read this before you get on state.”

“Easy for you to say.” Teru quipped as he handed them out. “You’re not the one humiliating yourself out there.”

“True...” He admitted. “But, to be honest. I’m set this up for all of you. You guys looked pretty upset that we couldn’t have the whole gang. So I guess this is my attempt to give you some fun.”

“I would’ve prefer your idea of fun be less embarrassing.” Himawari commented while scanning along the paper. “Still, I suppose we’ll manage.”

All the girls sat down to read the song lyrics. It was a bit awkward to be singing some type of love song. Especially considering that the target of their affection wouldn’t be hearing it. Sadly, this would all be done in a crowd of strangers.

“What about the dancing?” Anastasia asked when she was done reading.

“I don’t know. Just do whatever, I guess.” Moku responded.

“So much for having this go well.” Teru thought things were going to be hopeless. The same went for Anastasia, who despite being rather optimistic at the start. Now had some doubts about this.

“I was happy that we are doing this.” She confided with Yuma. “But, I worry I might mess everything up for everyone.”

“It’s… Fine.” Yuma did her best to say what was the right thing to say. “I’m sure that you’ll do… Fine.” It wasn’t like she was the most confident of girls, but this stuff didn’t look like it would be too hard for her.

“You really believe so?” Anastasia didn’t feel the encouragement, but at least she was feeling better about the situation.

“At least if something embarrassing happens... Kouji won’t be here to see it.”

“Wh-what? I do n-not understand why I w-would take issue with h-his presence.” She got flustered trying to deny the truth. “It would be n-nice if he was here, no?”

“Perhaps.” Yuma agreed. “It would be nice if he could see us… Dressed like this.” She paused for a moment, as if mulling something over in order to make a big decision. “Because… You like him, correct?”

“Ahh!” She let out a fearful scream, which got the others to look at her. “I mean, ahh, that was so funny Yuma.” Anastasia said to take the heat off of her. Then she pulled Yuma down to hide their conversation from prying ears. “I do not know what you mean?”

“I think that it’s… Obvious to all of us.” That was the truth. Pretty much all the girls, Moku, and even the headmistress believed that to be the case. Either that, or this girl was really attached to the boy for some other odd reason. “You don’t have to be shy. I… Like him too.”

“You have feelings for him too?” Anastasia was shocked to hear this revelation. No one had any suspicions on Yuma. Mainly because they could figure out her emotions on any subjects. “Then, that would make us…”

“...Rivals.” Yuma finished her sentence, especially with how long it was taking the other girl to say the word she didn’t want to utter. “But it’s okay… As long as we support each other.”

“Support each other?” That wasn’t what she was expecting to hear. Aren’t rivals supposed to be competing with each other, not helping?

“We’re all friends, and I’d like to keep it that way. So… I’ll accept whoever Kouji chooses… No matter what… or who.”

“I…” Anastasia almost broke into tears hearing that. It sounded so sad, yet also one of the most kindest things she had ever heard. “Then, I will try my best and support you too. Because, I like all of you as friends.” The two embraced each other in a hug. This was a major breakthrough for them, and it wasn’t the only one that was occurring backstage.

Himawari and Teru were sitting by the other. Impatiently waiting for their call to be on stage. While the former was sitting still, a bit bored. The latter couldn’t stop moving in her seat.

“You know.” Himawari spoke up, as all the jittering was getting on her nerves. “If you need to use a restroom, I’d suggest you go now.”

“I don’t need a toilet.” Teru sat straight up to try and show her. However, she was unable to stop her nervous foot tapping. “I’m just a little nervous, that’s all.”

“More like a lot nervous.” That was clear as day to anyone watching them. Teru was a complete emotional wreak compared to the composed manner that Himawari held herself.

“Well… I really don’t belong here.” The girl admitted. “This dress, all the singing and dancing. That doesn’t suit me. Because… I’m not cute.” Her breaths were short. Every second that passed meant that they were one second closer to being on stage. That was one second closer to her making a fool of herself. Teru fully believed that she was going to humiliate herself on stage.

“…” Himawari sighed. She couldn’t believe what she was about to say next, but it was the complete truth. “I thought someone like you would have more confidence than that.”


“Really, don’t sell yourself short.” She continued. “Because you’re actually a really… Pretty girl.” Those were some of the hardest words to ever come from her mouth.

“You… You really think so?” Teru couldn’t believe what she was hearing some this girl of all people. Was all this pressure causing her to go crazy?

“I know that we banter a lot.” Himawari explained herself. It was hard to say why, but after her discussion with Kouji earlier today. She knew that this needed to be brought out into the light. “I say a lot of mean things, but I really don’t mean most of it. You’re a nice girl when you want to be.”

There was not a hint of dishonesty in her tone. That much was clear to Teru. It turned out that she actually thought the so-called delinquent girl was proper competition in this love triangle. So much so, that she was concerned that Kouji would go for her instead.

“I’m… Scared.” Himawari admitted to her. “To tell you the truth, I think he’ll pick you and I just don’t know what I’ll do after that.” How could she face him after having her heart broken? It just seemed to difficult to foresee a future where Kouji would be in a relationship with a girl that wasn’t her.

“I feel the same way.” Indeed, that was one thing they were definitely on the same page for. They both believed that when this was all over, things weren’t going to be good for the loser. “But, what are we supposed to do then?”

“I don’t know.” The two of them had no answers to the question burning on both their minds. However, because of this conversation, Teru was feeling a lot better now.

“Whatever we come up with.” She said. “Things will work out. After all, I’d hate to lose you as a friend.”

“You really consider us friends?” In response to that question Himawari got a tight hug from the girl.

“Of course. Anyone that thinks I’m pretty is cool in my book.” She rolled her eyes in response to that statement, but did agree with the sentiment.

“All right girls.” Moku called attention to everyone. “It’s showtime.”

“Finally.” Himawari got up first and took charge. After all, she was going to be the lead idol. “It’s about time.”

“Don’t worry, looks like everything is going according to plan.”

“Don’t count your chickens just yet.” Teru glared at him as they all took position. “We haven’t even started our performance.”

“It looks like everything I wanted to have happened, did. So I’d say we’re on the right track.” He gave them a big smile as he gestured them to enter the stage. The girls walked out to the massive crowd waiting for them to begin. It was nearly overwhelming, but Himawari made sure to keep things steady.

“Hello everyone.” She addressed the crowd. Obviously, they weren’t the ones they were expecting. So she explained to them the situation, which the audience was pretty receptive to. “So, we’re not exactly what you call professional.” The girl continued her small speech. “But, as long as we stick together, then nothing will stop us. So please, enjoy our performance.”

They all bowed as the crowd erupted into cheer. While there was yet to be a performance for them to applaud. Every single person there had nothing but respect for the courage they displayed just for entering the stage.

Their performance was… Interesting to say the least. It was a good thing they were lip syncing, since Anastasia's Japanese still needed a lot of work. Yuma was a bit slow in both mouthing the words and dancing the right steps. Teru was kind of clumsy trying to keep up with everyone and Himawari was trying way too hard to look good. So much so, that she ended up standing out in all the wrong ways.

However, all of that was fine for Moku, them, and especially the crowd. Because they didn’t have to be perfect.

It was all about putting on a good show.

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