Tutoring the Spoiled

Full House

“What are you doing here?” Kouji asked Isako. Of all the people to arrive today, she was the most unlikely in his mind.

“I just wanted to drop by and check on how you were doing.” She answered, walking in with a couple of bags in her arms. “Seems that you’ve been pretty busy knowing your uncle was going to be at work for a while.” For those not in the know, it would appear Kouji invited everyone that had been in the room.

“Yeah, looks like a real party happening here.” Yokohara laughed, then noticed Hasua standing there. “Who are you? I feel like I’ve seen you before.”

“It’s me, Hasua.” She responded as if he would remember her. The man had changed a lot since the last time they met. “I used to go to school together with Kouji.”

“Right.” He didn’t have a clue to what she was saying. So the man simply just went along with it. “I take it you go to one of the nearby schools here now.” While those two were chatting, Kouji took note of Isako carrying those bags and offered to help. This was a good opportunity for him to try and get away from things, since everyone could be a bit overwhelming.

“What’s up with all the stuff here?” He placed them down on the table, which revealed a fair bit of food to be cooked. “Are you staying for dinner?”

“I was planning on making dinner, yes.” Isako answered. “A part of me hasn’t had a proper get together like this in a long time.” Not one where she cooked at least.

“That sounds nice.” He didn’t know what to expect with her being the chef. Hopefully not as bad Anastasia’s cooking. “Wait, then does that mean… Are you getting back with my uncle?”

“That’s ship’s long past sailed.” She replied with a chuckle. “The two of us just aren’t meant to be as lovers. Though I’m glad we can make for good friends when we try. After everything we’ve lost, it’s nice to have someone who understands.”

“Right…” He replied with a downtrodden tone.

“Sorry, I know that you’re very much a part of it too.” Isako empathized with him. “For someone as young as you, we’ll both help you when things get tough.” She gave Kouji a pinch on the cheek, prompting him to push away in embarrassment.

“I get it, I get it.” He bashfully turned away from her. “But I’m fine now, don’t worry.”

“I can see that.” She began to get things prepped for the meal. “You’re certainly not alone either.”

“Well, it’s just a study group.” He told her, hiding the real reason they were all here. “I guess I can thank you for that.”

“So you’re thanking me for helping you find romance as well?”

“What? I… Of course not…” He was near speechless at how direct she was being. The boy thought he was a good liar, but she’s very perceptive.

“Anastasia and Yuma aren’t here, are they?” She explained how she deduced it. “Surely you didn’t just forget to invite them as well. Not to mention the way you all act during classes. I can tell when my students are attempting to hide their secret relationships. You don’t get to be in my position without that skill.

“Then I’m taking it you know about…”

“Yes, I’m also aware of this balancing act you’ve found yourself in.” Kouji was worried he might get in trouble for this. Dating any of the girls was a concern for him due to his educational status. However, Isako didn’t seem very mad about the whole deal. “But don’t worry, your love life is your own.” Her response was a relief, but he sensed a bit of bitterness in the statement.

“Thank you, but don’t tell anyone about this, okay?”

“It’s a secret between the two of us.” Seeing as she’s the headmistress. It’s a little bit of a moot point since she gets the final say on his status anyway. “While I’m getting dinner made, perhaps you should invite those who got left out? It’d be a shame to leave them out of this gathering.” She referred the missing two girls from the group.

So Kouji made a couple of calls for the two girls, who arrived in no time at all.

“Wow, we are having a real party here.” Anastasia was enthusiastic about the crowd. In fact, she quickly made friends with Hasua, the new person that she had never met before.

“Yes, this is a nice gathering… Isn’t it, Kouji?” Yuma came right behind her, lagging just a little bit.

“Right, and it looks like the headmistress will be cooking for us too.” He replied.

“How long as everyone else been here?” Yuma asked, taking note of the mostly eaten bag of chips Waa left on the coffee table.

“Um…” The way she looked into his eyes felt like the girl was staring into his soul. She never gave off any dangerous vibes, yet somehow the flat expression was more frightening to him. “Not too long…” Despite his best attempts, that statement didn’t sound very convincing.

“I… See.” She took his answer anyway. The girl was never one for confrontations. “Thank you for inviting us.”

While this place was much larger than Kouji’s old apartment. It certainly wasn’t built to house all the people that had entered. So everyone had to make do with sitting around the coffee table in the living room on the couch instead.

“Okay everyone, please don’t get anything on this.” Yokohara didn’t want to have a big mess he was going to have to deal with. Especially not on the couch that he had grown up with.

“As long as everyone keeps with their table manners.” Himawari sat up straight in a snooty manner. “Then no mess shall stain this room.” With that, people began taking their first bites.

“Wow.” Kouji was impressed with his headmistresses cooking skills. “This is really delicious.” It was not a special dish. The meal was just some stir-fried beef and vegetables served along side some rice.

“Gonna be honest, I never knew you could cook.” Waa commented. “Thought you ate out a lot with your friends.” After all, her position does pay well.

“I used to, but it seems that in recent years all of my acquaintances have begun finding new people to spend time with.”

“That’s just a polite way of saying they all got some nice dudes to marry.” Waa’s words knew no filter.

“Waa!” Himawari was shocked at her boldness.

“Are you trying to get us in trouble?” Teru got mad at her for saying it.

“It’s fine.” Isako calmed them down. “I can handle a little bit of ribbing about my relationship status.” If you asked her, she was still young enough to find a nice man that will make her happy. “Plus, I’m sure I’ll find the right one sooner or later, right?”

“R-right.” Anastasia spoke up with nervousness in her voice. “It is good to marry the person you love, r-right?”

“Yeah?” Kouji wasn’t certain what was up with that. It’s not as if he’d consider that a controversial statement in any manner.

“Anyway, let’s move past my relationship status.” Isako stood up to make an announcement. “I suppose for a couple of you, this will be useless knowledge.” She said, directing that to Hasua and Moku. However, there was something that she knew the girls and Kouji would definitely going to have to prepare for. “Tenfumi academy is going to be celebrating its Winter ball, in a couple of weeks.”

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