Tutoring the Spoiled

The Past Comes Back

“I’m so happy to see you!” The girl leaped into his arms, giving Kouji a tight hug. “It’s been too long.”

“It really has been, hasn’t it?” Kouji replied uneasily. Behind this girl was another familiar face, that being Moku’s. “I see you brought her here, didn’t you?”

“Of course I did, she said she knew you from your last school.” That indeed was true. Earlier today, Moku’s class has a new transfer student, which happened to be this girl. She took a spot next to him, which was the up-til-then empty seat that Kouji used to sit at. So that gave him ample opportunity to talk with her, where she mentioned that there was a boy she believed to go to their school.

When she said the name, Moku knew exactly what to do. After all, this seemed to be a good time to get the chance to hear about Kouji’s time at his last school. It was something that he never talked about with anyone all that much. “So when I told her we were friends, she asked to see you right away.”

“Right…” If this wasn’t interrupting him with some other matters, then maybe he wouldn’t mind this. Though, it wasn’t as if he was super excited about reuniting with this girl either.

“Oh, did we come in at a bad time?” The girl observed that Kouji wasn’t alone. Behind him were the trio of girls sitting on the couch, trying to find a way to act natural. She herself had a worried expression to go along with it.

“N-no…” He had to play it cool to let up the act. “We were just about to study together.”

“It’s a long story, but he’s in a study group.” It was a good thing that there was Moku to back him up on this matter, even if because he too was being tricked.

“I guess I should let you both in now.” Kouji allowed them inside, where he directed the pair to the living room. “Anyway, I should introduce everyone here.” He started with telling the new girl the names of the other three, then it was time for the girls to learn of her name. “And this is Hasua Fukamachi, we went to junior high together.”

“Hiya!” She have an enthusiastic greeting to everyone. They weren’t nearly as excited to return the favor as they waved back. “So I hear that Kouji’s the only boy at your school? Is that right?” When Moku told her of that, the girl found it rather difficult to believe. A situation like that seemed nigh impossible to occur in real life.

“It’s complicated.” Himawari answered. “But it is correct.”

“And don’t worry, our Kouji over here has been a good boy.” Waa couldn’t resist to continue making fun of him in front of others. Even those that are essential strangers to her. “He’s totally not the type to peek at other girl’s underwear.” Her giggles nearly gave away how factual that statement was.

“Speaking of being good, how exactly did a girl like you go to the same school as him?” Teru scanned this girl from head to toe. While her fashion choices were atypical, she seemed pretty nice.

“Trust me, she used to be a lot more troublesome when we were younger.” Kouji was the one to answer the question. “It’s not for me to say specifics, and I’m not so sure she’ll want to tell everyone here since we’ve just met.”

“Oh yeah, just like how everyone said he was one of the most scariest people back in school.” She gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. “But when you get to know him, he’s just a softy.”

“That’s only because you met me at a good time.” That being after his revelation to turn his life around. The way they bantered showed everyone how familiar they were with each other. However, Teru could tell that they had sidestep that question of hers. Whatever the answer was, they really didn’t want to let it coming out. That was fine with her, it’s not like this girl was a big deal for them.

Except for the fact that she’s intruding on their little business at the moment. It’s was made even worse with how close she was acting with him. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she’s clearly a gyaru given the way she’s dressed. But anyone could tell that she seemed rather interested in him.

“It’s funny.” Moku spoke up. “When we first met, I never took you for the type to have any friends from your old school.”

“Well, it’s not like I thought I’d see any of them again.” Kouji responded, giving an icy glare towards Hasua. “Anyway, so you go to Moku’s school now?”

“Yep.” She explained that her father got a new job, which required the family move to this area. After a little bit of paperwork, she had realized that this was the school Kouji had mentioned when he told her he was leaving town. “I thought we’d have this great reunion in class, then it turned out you didn’t even go to the school anymore.”

Hasua even had envisioned how it would turn out. How she’d say her name to the entire class and introduce herself. Then she’d spy him out from the rest of the students. He’d be sitting in the back, just as usual, and she’d run up and shock all the boys that a pretty girl like her already knew one of their classmates. “But you had to go and ruin it by not being there.” She whimpered.

“That’s an interesting fantasy to have.” Waa swore she’s read that in a manga before.

“Speaking of fantasy.” There was another thing off that Hasua wasn’t expecting when she arrived here. “Don’t you live alone? This place seems a lot nicer than you can afford.”

“Yeah, when we first met him. He was eating bread crumbs for lunch.” Teru joined in on making fun of him. It ticked him off to see just how quick they could turn that switch. Just moments ago, they were all being lovey-dovey. Now it was as if he was the clown of the group.

“Let’s just say that I’ve reconnected with my uncle.” Kouji explained to her. “So, we’re cool with each other again.”

That’s so wonderful to hear.” She clasped her hands together. “It’s a wonderful feeling to be close with family, isn’t it?”

“Right...” Himawari was amused with the display. She wasn’t a fan of this conversation, as it was cutting into their time heavily. “Kouji, could we have a little chat... In private?”

“Sure.” He knew what this was going to entail. They left everyone to discuss other things in the living room while they quietly moved to the kitchen. “Look, this is not my fault in anyway.” He was ready to cover his bases before she uttered a single word. “How am I supposed to expect someone like her to come back into my life.”

“Well it doesn’t matter either way.” She replied. “I’ve known her mere minutes, and I already don’t like her.”

“How can you say that? You’ve barely given her a chance.”

“Come on, look at the way she dresses, the way she acts.”

“What’s wrong with her being a gyaru?” He already had an idea as to where Himawari was taking this. He already wasn’t liking it as she spoke.

“Exactly. Her kind might’ve been normal at your old school, but someone like her is trouble for you if you keep her around.” Himawari had a cold stare at him as she talked. “Let’s be real here, I bet a lot of boys have already enjoyed her.”

“Now that’s too far.” He quietly whispered back with an angry tone. “I’ve known her for a while now, you’re completely off the mark here.” She was taken aback with his conviction at defending the girl.

“I’m… Sorry. You’re right, that type of talk is beneath me.”

“Good.” He took the type to consider why she was acting this way. Then realized just what her way was whenever a new girl seemed to arrive. “You’re scared of her, aren’t you?”

“S-scared? Of course not, I’m not worried about her.” Her response was all he needed to be aware of her insecurity. “What’s there for me to be threatened by her with?”

“Himawari, you don’t have to tear someone down just because you’re insecure I might like them more.”

“I’m not…” She was stunned into silence, as he hit the mark.

“But, if it’ll make you feel better. I’ve already rejected her.” Indeed, she had confessed her feelings for him the last time they saw each other. On that day when he told her that he was moving away from town. That was the reason he didn’t want to see her again. Why he didn’t talk about her to the other.

It was that concern that he wasn’t certain on how she was going to be here. It appeared that she had moved on, at least to the extent of not being sad. However, perhaps those feelings continued to linger considering the way she talked about him.

“I see you do have the capacity to reject girls after all.” She had returned to her normal self once the truth was exposed. “From the time we’ve known each other, I thought that rejection was simply not part of your vocabulary.”

“Oh haha.” He figured that her time to insult him was coming eventually. Kouji looked over to the clock in the kitchen. Unfortunately for all of them, their private time had come to an end. “Darn it, my uncle’s about to get home.”

Right on cue, they heard the keys unlocking the front door. As he had gotten used to, his uncle entered with some food he picked up from the way back from work. However, there was someone else with him as well. That being the headmistress of his school, Isako.

“I see we have quite the party here.” She commented as she entered.

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