Tutoring the Spoiled

A Little Action

Kouji would’ve asked what they were all doing here, but that answer was pretty clear. Especially since there was an inking in his mind that something like this would happen, as it wasn’t the first time.

“About time you opened the door.” Himawari was the first one to speak up as she walked passed him inside.

“Come on in.” He sarcastically said after the way she rudely entered without permission. “You know, I figured you were the one that cared about proper etiquette.” Kouji continued after the other two girls got inside.

“I do.” She replied, putting down the umbrella she always had with her on the hanger. “But I think we should all be a little more careful to ensure no one gets an idea of what’s going on.” Himawari was very much afraid of letting people be aware she was part of a harem. That was going to lead to some very scandalous talk at the school.

“I think you need to relax.” Teru said as she placed down her skateboard next to where shoes were kept. “Everyone will just think we’re getting a little extra tutoring time, that’s all.”

“Oh yeah, it’ll be some really ‘special’ tutoring time. Right Kouji?” As saucy as that sounded, he had his doubts seeing as this statement was coming from a girl carrying a large bag of chips in one arm, and a two liter soda in the other.

“Whatever, let’s just get inside my room.”

“Your room?” Teru wasn’t expecting him to say that, seeing as she sat right down on the couch in the living room. “It’s so cramped in there, and your uncle ain’t gonna be home for a while, right?” She made her case that there should be no concerns about anyone seeing this. After all, studying was the last thing on anyone’s mind.

“She’s right.” Waa agreed. “Aren’t you going to treat us properly as guests?”

“I think it’s too risky.” Himawari was against them on this matter. “What’s the point of keeping this a secret if we’re going to play so fast and loose?”

“Um, you girls do realize this is my house right?” Kouji turned the attention back onto himself. “I get the final say, and I guess we can stay out here in the living room.”

“Awesome.” Waa plopped herself down and opened up her bag.

“So do you guys want something to eat?” He asked the other two girls. Of course, Waa couldn’t resist making any jokes.

“I’m sure they’d love to have some of you.” She giggled immaturely.

“I’d like an orange, looks like you’ve already got some out.” Himawari ignored her friend to try and focus on the person in front of her. Teru asked for the same thing, and he went into the kitchen to grab them their stuff.

“You know we were talking about you earlier.” Waa spoke while they had a moment of privacy from Kouji.

“I’m very well aware of that.” She responded. “I’d think that my cold stare made it very clear.”

“If you weren’t so worried about your image, maybe you might actually have a shot of winning here.” Waa goaded her. “But I guess that’s what I should figure from a girl who’s gotten precisely zero experience with dating boys in junior high.”

“It’s not like you’ve ever had a boyfriend either.” Teru cut into the conversation.

“Ha, I’ve won the hearts of at least 100 boys in my lifetime.”

“No you haven’t.” Himawari had no idea where that number had come from. But from the years she had known of this girl would indicate that to be false.

“In video games.” Waa admitted. “Still, I’d like to believe I understand a boy’s feelings better than the two of you.”

“You should be careful with all that trash talking, it’ll just make you even more let down in the future.”

“I’m back.” Kouji announced himself with a pair of oranges in hand. With a toss, he threw one to Teru and handed the other to Himawari. “So, how was school for you two?”

“It was fine.” Himawari answered first as she gently peeled the skin off her fruit. “There’s nothing new that I can possibly report to you.”

“Yeah, just another boring day at school.” Teru was a bit more aggressive with her bit, tearing off the skin with her mouth. “What type of stupid question is that anyway?”

“Yeah, enough with the small talk.” Waa agreed, which prompted her to get up from the couch and get up right to the boy. “I can’t believe that’s what a boy your age would start with something like that. You got three girls here that are obviously into you, yet you’re not even going to make the first move here.”

“Well.” He couldn't look her in the eye as she inched closer towards him. “I just figured you all wanted to get comfortable first before anything happened.” It was all just an excuse to them.

As much as the other two didn’t care to watch him be intimate with another girl, it was going to have to suffice. After all, it wasn’t like neither of them were the proactive ones compared to Waa.

“First you were complaining that most of us give you that much attention at school. But now you’re the one that’s holding back.” Waa teased him. “It’s kind of cute actually.” She said as she rubbed her fingers a bit on his hair. “That a big boy like you puts up this shy act, but come on and loosen up a bit.” The girl encouraged him, since there should be nothing to fear. They’re all alone in this house, and no one is going to figure anything out.

“If you’re going to say it like that.” He let his guard down a little, landing a small peck on the girls lips. “we can get started now.”

“How about something new then.” She had something in mind when they all arrived. Slowly, she took his hand and guided it towards her chest. “Eh? What does it feel like to feel a girl’s boobs for the first time?”

“It feels like I’ve taken a wrong step somewhere and became a lolicon.” Perhaps if it was a different girl, then he may have felt differently. When it’s a girl like Waa, who still has a long way to go before being called a woman, something just felt wrong about it. Though, he wouldn’t deny that it was a bit of an exciting experience for him.

“All right, your turn’s over.” Teru was done with this display, and took his arm away from the girl. “Let’s not get too hasty here.” It annoyed her that Waa decided to do that. Up until now, they were content with little kisses and hand holding. Now that she had crossed this threshold, things were only going to have to get a little more uncomfortable for her.

“I guess it’s your turn to bore him now.” Waa was a bit peeved at being interrupted, so it was only fair she had her quips.

“I will not.” Teru took it as a challenge, then without thinking sat right on top of his lap. “See? We can totally cuddle like this.” She placed her arms around his neck and back to support herself, which was making fun fall a little.

“You know.” He struggled to remain upright. “Cuddling is supposed to be a fun experience…” The boy failed to support them over the top of these soft cushions. The pair of them toppled over, with him now on top of her.

“H-hey.” She was unable to speak in this position. They were just too close for her, and she had no way to getting up because of him. “I… Just…”

“Your eyes…” He was all he could put into words at first. This was the closest he had ever gotten to her crimson irises. “They’re really… Beautiful.” Hearing that, her cheeks turned the same shade as her eyes, and she averted herself from the compliment.

“Thanks, but that’s not true…”

“When you two are finished with your cute talk.” Himawari wasn’t amused with this site, as she talked to them by bending down to their level. “Maybe you should get some space between you again.” They did as she asked, for it was that girl’s turn now. But what was it that she was going to do after those two displays?

“Are you gonna do something?” Waa asked, since the girl had yet to move even though Teru was no longer under him. “We don’t got all day.”

“I’m thinking.” She responded. “After what you two did, I must top it somehow.” Yet, nothing was coming to mind for her.

“You know, you are wearing a dress.”

“And?” She missed the point as to why that was brought up. “I like to dress as a proper lady, unlike you two.”

“But when you lift those things up.” Waa made a slight nudge up on the girl’s clothes, which prompted her hand to get slapped down in response. “We all get a nice look at your panties.”

“Are you insinuating that he’d like to see my underwear?” Himawari had a shocked expression at the thought of it.

“You know I’m sitting right here.” Kouji reminded everyone of his presence. “You can just ask me. And well… I wouldn’t mind taking a peek.” It is a dream of a lot of boys to catch a look up a girl’s skirt. Especially one that they very much so like.

“What?” She couldn’t believe the words she was hearing, but if it pleased him… “Fine, I’ll do it.” With a scrunched face, she took a hold of her dress and lifted it up above her waist. With it, she revealed under it, her lavender lingerie panties.

Her bare legs were shown to all, those panties being the only thing to cover her decency. Though it certainly didn’t hide her curves with the way it wrapped around her butt. Kouji’s eye’s widen to the sight of something so alluring.

“So you chose some really sexy panties there.” Waa was there to break a lot of the tension. “Looks like a certain someone here was hoping he’d be able to see them.”

“S-shut up.” She glared at the girl in an attempt to command her to do as was asked. “Kouji, I hope you think they’re nice…” Himawari bashfully talked with him, as the subject was nearly too embarrassing for her to handle.

“You have good fashion sense.” He answered her, trying to hide how much he liked them. “So yes, I… Like them.”

“Goo-” She was interrupted by hearing the knock on the door. In absolute fear, she let out a yelp and dropped her dress back down. Immediately, she went to hide behind the couch in hope that no one saw what she was doing. If word got around school about this, it’d be the end of her reputation.

“It’s too early for him to be back home.” Kouji wonder who it was on the other side of the door. It couldn’t be his uncle, and he shouldn’t be expecting any other guests, nor was he expecting who was actually there when he answered it.

Right in front of him was a girl, dazzled out with jewelry, tanned skin, and dyed hair. For him, this was a familiar sight. Not that it made it any better for him as she reacted to seeing him.

“Kouji, it’s been so long.” She said with a smile impossible to contain.

“What are you doing here!?”

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