Tutoring the Spoiled

The More Things Change…

So Kouji finally got himself a harem. That was an interesting position to be in, but there was only one thing on his mind at the moment as he ate lunch.

Why did nothing seem to be any different right now?

There he sat with Waa, Yuma, and Anastasia. Just as he always did with them. Teru and Himawari were still hanging out either with their other friends, or sleeping in a tree. Apparently keeping this whole harem a secret meant keeping to their normal lives during classes. Except for one thing that is.

“Well Kouji.” Waa was a little closer to him after confessing her feelings. While she wasn’t about to expose the secret, she was brushing up along him more often. “I got a little extra lunch today, you want some of it?”

“Sure.” He took her half of a sandwich. If only she didn’t take a bite out of it as he grabbed it. Of course most would consider that to be a bit of flirting, but Waa was the type of girl to play actions like that off as a joke.

Kouji sighed as he took a bite from the spot that she had her mouth on just moment prior. His body felt warmer as he felt the tiny bits of saliva left behind by her, their little private affection in front of everyone. But something like this was nothing compared to the kiss they shared that night. “So how’s lunch for you two?”

“I have been enjoying more of the local cuisine you have here.” Anastasia answered first.

“And I’ve made lunch... As usual.” Yuma brought up a spoonful of her meal. “Would you… Like some?”

“Eh, I already have a good amount of food.” While he was fine with accepting food from Waa, there was a little bit of concern on what would happen if he accepted the kindness of the other two at the table. Yuma was saddened to hear that, but she didn’t let that show to everyone else at the table.

“I guess you must have a small stomach then.” Anastasia laughed. “By the way, did you have any plans for after our classes?” She asked him. Obviously, this was a way to suggest they should hang out after school. However, Kouji wasn’t sure how to answer that. Surely that seemed like some fun, but there was wonder if perhaps the more important girls might want to do the same thing.

“I’m not sure, but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.” He told her. “Anyway, I think I’ll go for a little walk.” Kouji got up from his seat, stretching out his legs. “You know, to really help digest this food.” This was simply a ploy to get away from the girls. After all, there were others he was thinking of seeing before this lunch period ended.

“I’ll come too.” Waa got up quickly as well. Of course she’d do that, he thought. “The two of you should just stay here though. Don’t wanna move in large packs, ya get me?” Without saying much else, the pair left the other two and headed out to roam the hallways. “Finally got away from those two.”

“I’m not so sure this is the better option.” He replied. “It’s not like we can do anything here.” While they may have been alone right now in these hallways, since most people eating lunch in their own classrooms. There was no telling just who or what might sneak up on them. “Man, I just don’t get you guys sometimes.”

“What’s wrong? Feeling a little frustrated?” Despite being the one in love with him, she never stopped being the one that also teased him all the time. “Look, that’s just what happens when you gotta deal with the two most stubborn girls in this entire school.”

“I get not being intimate, but what’s up with the cold act?” He couldn’t understand the lack of outside change from any of them. It was one thing to act like there was no harem here, but to just pretend that they weren’t even friends wasn’t all the great for him. “I mean, look at Himawari over there.”

Where he took them was no coincidence. Kouji had grown to know where that girl would be at this time of day. Just as he learned of what Teru’s favorite tree to nap on was as well. The girl he pointed to was with her other two friends, the ones that she had hung out with since junior high.

Himawari noticed him with Waa. The two locked eyes for a moment, but he could feel the scorn in her eyes. Quickly after that, she would return talking with her friends, as those other girls began to laugh. Mocking him, no doubt. “You know, is it really that bad to be known dating me?”

“Not to me personally.” Waa responded. “But, I can’t say I blame them with all the circumstances surrounding how and why you’re a part of this school.” That along with what people already believe to be why Kouji spent so much time with these certain girls would make anyone raise an eyebrow. “You know, you’re always free to make up your mind and pick me.” She leaned in closer towards him, putting a finger over his chest.

“Look, I just…” He wasn’t sure how to plead the case of those that brush him off. It was true that they could be mean, yet at the same time, the two of them were very much capable of that sweetness most men dream of.

“Relax, I’m only kidding.” She pushed off of him. This was simply another one of her little teases. “But I swear, it’s always you boys that can’t make up your minds that get into these types of things.”

“Oh haha, real funny.” he was not amused. “Look, it’s not as easy as it looks.” Kouji pleaded his case. “I have a hard time envisioning that things will go well when I do reject all but one of you.”

“It’s true, I’ll be pretty heartbroken.” Her tone didn’t suggest that she was speaking seriously to him. So he rolled his eyes at the apparent aloofness to how she was handling this situation. Which was precisely what she desired, as her statement was more genuine than it sounded.


Time passed rather uneventfully afterwards. It appeared that despite all the changes in his life, that few things seemed to have any actual effect on the normal day-to-day operations. He still tutored all the girls, of which they continued to make better and better progress towards the standards of the academy. Then after school, he would take the train back home. After his uncle and him moved in together. One unfortunate thing that did change was that the walk with Anastasia and Waa was now cut short to being the distance it took to arrive to the station.

Quietly, he returned home to an empty home, since his uncle was at work for another couple of hours. It was during this time that Kouji liked to sit down in the living room to catch a breather. Even if his normal life seemed not to change, that didn’t mean it was any less hectic considering who he was dealing with. It was good that he decided not to join any clubs, or else the boy would be too exhausted to do much else.

With some time to kill before beginning on homework, his stomach growled as usual. The boy got up from his seat and checked the kitchen for some fruit to eat before he would share dinner with his uncle. There was always an abundance of food in the fridge thanks to the work Yokakura found here in town. That was something that still took some getting used to, as he pulled out an orange to eat.

While peeling the skin off and preparing a knife to cut it into slices, he hear the doorbell ring. Odd, since he wasn’t expecting any visitors. Nonetheless, he left the kitchen to go answer it.

“Hello?” He said as he opened the door. To his surprise, a trio of familiar faces were standing before him.

It seemed that Himawari, Teru, and Waa had paid the boy a visit.

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