Tutoring the Spoiled

Lift a Finger

“Why exactly is there a sports day today?” Kouji was confronting Isako over this. “And how come I wasn’t told of this?” Something like this would’ve been nice to prepare for. After all, it cut into the set study time he had with the girls. More importantly, this sports day was also a part of their grades.

“Don’t you just love surprises?” She laughed off his concern. “But this is a part of our system here. So that also means you don’t get any special privilege over anyone.” She explained to him that everyone should’ve been in the dark in this.

Of course, some things might leak out, as it appeared that Teru heard about this. Fortunately for the school, she learned of it today, so it wasn’t a big deal.

“…You see, this school doesn’t have any physical education classes. So that means this day will count for their entire fitness grade.” He was worried, if any of those girls failed today, it would be the end for him.

“I still don’t see why it has to be a secret, if it’s a part of their grades.” He questioned her.

“It’s pointless to announce it ahead of time. All that means is girls will prepare the week ahead, then go back to not keeping their bodies fit.” So therefore, this was designed as a way to encourage every student to maintain their fitness all year round, being ready for whatever life brought them.

“It certainly doesn’t make my job any easier.” He commented to himself. “Then, I guess it’s time for me to go help out the girls. Since this is all graded.”

“Before you go.” She stopped him, handing him some clothes. “You’re the only boy, so you should put these on here.” It was the his gym clothes. While he was grateful to not have to wait in line for it, there was something about this that bugged him. How did she know he was going to visit her before this all started?


Sports day for the school was about to begin. It was to take place after lunch, where a fair bit of girls were upset over this sudden news. Alone, Kouji was standing by himself, searching for his targets.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, every girl maintained a high level of distance for him. It was a bit of a shame he thought, how they treated him as some pervert trying to get looks at them.

On the bright side, at least it made it easier for him to look out for the girls he was supposed to work with. Or more accurately, for them to find him.

“Figures I’d get stuck with you.” It was Himawari that found him first, and she’d be the only one for a while.

“Um…” Her outfit was rather strange to him. The fact that it was what one would wear for tennis would be the defining factor. “What’s with the getup?”

“You really don’t understand how this works, do you?” Why couldn’t the headmistress tell him this ahead of time? Perhaps that was part of his test as a tutor. “We all get one sport of our choosing, that’s what determines our grade.” She glared at him, thinking he was dumber than he looked.

If that was the case for the girls, then it was clear his grade would be dependent on their success. Probably because it meant he’d have to do up to five sports today.

“And it looks you chose tennis.” He responded to her.

“I’m also paired up with you, sadly.” She handed him one of the rackets she was holding. Whipping it around to get a feel, this wasn’t a sport he could say he had tons of experience with. How hard could it be?

As it would turn out, harder than it seemed. Not because he was bad at it though. Miss after miss, Kouji never thought he could see someone not hit a ball as badly as someone like her.

“Heya!” She swing hard for her serve, no contact was made. “Don’t worry, I got this.” If there was one thing he could admire from her, it would be the unwavering confidence. Though at this point, it was turning to sad arrogance.

Another swing, another miss. This girl was just plain awful at this sport. Why did she choose this one again? Good thing this wasn’t a real game where they were being graded yet, just warm ups.

“Dumb racket.” She directed her anger towards the tool of her failure.

“Something tells me that it’s not the racket’s fault here.” He responded with a bit of snark. He was far from an expert at this game, but there was clearly some level of control needed that she definitely didn’t have. Or wasn’t trying to do.

“Like you can do any better.” She challenged him, which he was already rising to the occasion. Taking the ball, he did his own serve, easily clearing the net. The ball was returned, he moved to what seemed like a good position and hit it back. Looking back at her, he had his arms out as if to ask how she couldn’t do this. “Hmphf, beginners luck.”

“Your problem is your form.” He informed her. “You’re trying too hard.”

“I didn’t ask for your opinion.” She turned her head up in a snooty fashion. At this rate, he wasn’t going to pass this day. There was only one thing left to do.

“Fine then, if you won’t listen to me, then I’ll just show you.” Walking up to her, Kouji grabbed her wrist from behind.

“Wh-what are you doing?” She protested, trying to free herself. “This is hardly appropriate behavior.

“Just shut up and pay attention.” He replied. “You just need to put your arm like this.” He pulled it back. Holding her like this, he was pressed up against her body. No wonder she was feeling uncomfortable with how he was handling this.

Moving her arm, he gave her an example of what it should feel like when one swings. This gives a controlled motion for consistently hitting the ball accurately, and with power.

Of course, standing like this, he could feel her push up against him. Her slender body and legs up against him. Her soft butt pressed against his crotch. If it wasn’t for her nasty personality, he might’ve enjoyed this a little.

“And if it’s coming from across your body…” He pulled her arm over her body, demonstrating a backhand swing. Himawari felt his arm almost over her breasts, her arm being the only thing between them.

“I never asked for this.” She told him again, annoyed.

“No, but you better listen if we’re going to pass today.” He talked back to her. “Look, if you do this stuff, then I’m sure we’re do fine all right? Please just trust me.” Kouji was pleading with her, just this once.” He let go of her, hoping that she was paying attention to this lesson.

“Well if getting harassed was on my list of things to do, then I guess I can check that off.” She was blushing from that encounter. Soon she shook it off, with this game they could win and be done.

Their game began, and it wasn’t looking much better on her end. It was obvious to him that she was going out of her way to ignore his advice. This wasn’t looking too hot for him, and his sports day had only just begun.

Trying to do his best to keep them in his game, he didn’t hold back. The score was close, thankfully because their opponents were just as inexperienced as her. However, it wasn’t winning that mattered here. If Himawari was unable to showcase any physical capabilities or growth, that would be the iceberg to this ship’s dreams.

“Please.” He was begging her at this point. It was her serve, and it was also match point. “Just focus.” One score, and they can win. However, that also meant he might’ve failed to teach her even if they won. Only one last shot to prove themselves.

“Why do you insist on telling me what to do, every time I’m about to do something?” She glared back at him. “I’ll have you know I’m a very capable person.” She went for a serve, but hit the net. First fault, another one and they lose point to their opponents.

“Look.” He fetched the ball to give back to her. “You’re trying to hard to be pro. You’re not.”

“Why should I have to listen to someone like you?” She was grinding her teeth now. “There’s no way you should be better than me.”

“I’m not really.” The only reason he was doing better, is because he was trying to keep the basic straight. She, on the other hand, was trying to be flashy, when she clearly didn’t have a handle on things. “Just focus on hitting the ball over the net, that’s it.”

“What’s the reason? You’re trying pretty hard to help me right now.” She asked him.

“Mostly because both our grades hinge on this.” He answered. “But, I’d like to win too. So I trust you.”

“You… trust me?” He returned to his spot, ready to play. Hoping that she wasn’t going to let them both down. Himawari took those words to heart, calming herself down.

Standing at the back of the court, she threw the ball up. A steady swing from the racket, the bopping sound as it connect. Kouji saw it sear past him, over the net. It was game time.

The ball was successfully returned, he moved far left to knock it back. That was their plan all along, moving him to a far side to hit the ball over to Himawari’s half. It seemed that their opponents were aware of who was carrying this team.

“I can’t make it back!” He yelled out. “Focus on the ball!” He commanded her.

Everything turned to slow motion for her, this was a feeling she never had before. The ball, everything was so clear. There was only one thing on her mind, her body took control. ‘Hit the ball, get it over the net’. That phrase repeated in her mind.

She took the stance he used to teach her. Her arm, in position just as she was directed. A steady aim, swing, and a hit. Over the net, and slamming onto the court ground.

They did it, a point scored. The final point to win the whole thing for them.

“I can’t believe it.” Kouji was excited over this. Glad that she finally took his advice and that they won the game. Perhaps there was still hope for him left. “You did it! You did it!” He grabbed her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground.

”Hey, what are you doing?” She asked him, her eyes looking towards everyone that was watching this sight.

“Sorry.” He placed her back down to the ground. “It’s just that, I’m happy you listened to me. You did a good job there.”

“Hmph, I don’t need your validation.” She crossed her arms and pouted, looking away from him.

“I’m sorry to break up this moment.” It was the headmistress. She had been watching their game the whole time. “I’d hate to rush you, but you need to move on, or you’ll be late.”

“Right.” He was about to run off, until he realized that he had no clue where to next. “And that would be…”

“Basketball.” She told him, pointing towards the direction of some hoops set up. Looks like that the was the sport chosen by Yuma Onodera.

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