Tutoring the Spoiled


Hot. If there was one word to describe this day, it would be hot. The blazing heat was weighing everyone down during lunch.

“Ugh, why is it so hot today?” Kouji was fanning himself with his hand with futile results. “I would’ve thought a school like this would’ve had air conditioning at least.”

“We do.” Waa responded to him. “But today’s a special day according to the headmistress.”

“Special day?” He asked.

“Sorry, I don’t actually know what she meant.” She kept picking at her clothes, getting them off her sweaty skin. This was getting annoying. Waa started to unbutton her skirt.

“What are you doing?” He covered over his eyes from this sight. “Not only am I here, but we’re in the classroom right now.”

“Don’t know why you’re embarrassed, you’ve already seen me in my underwear.” She didn’t stop, but when she took it off. It was revealed that she brought along an undershirt tank top.

“Can you please not say that out loud.” He spoke to her in gritted teeth. “I don’t really need people to get the wrong idea.” She gave him a grinning smirk, Waa had no intention of listening to what she said.

“That is very smart.” Anastasia complimented her outfit idea. “Unfortunately I am not used to the heat at all. So this is rather painful for me.” She took off her blazer to try and keep as cool as she could.

“Yes.” Yuma agreed. She sipped on her drink more. This heat was really driving up thirst. “I should’ve brought something for this hot weather.” She sighed, messing around with the lunch she brought. This heat had made all of them strip off the dark blazers they had on, to little effect.

“Ah shucks.” He attempted to do the same. But as he tipped over his bottle, Kouji found to be empty. “Say Anastasia, do you have some…” His eyes wondered as he was asking. Right down to her chest, he was a boy after all. This heat was creating some interesting circumstances.

“Some what?” She asked, noticing that he stopped suddenly.

“Hehe, pink.” Waa chuckled, hinting at the problem. Realizing what she was meaning, Anastasia quickly grabbed her blazer to cover herself. It was clear her redness was not from the weather. “Funny that gets you flustered.” Waa teased him over his reaction.

“That’s because we’re at school.” He defended himself. Finding an excuse over why he acted different towards the two of them. “Speaking of, why is everyone looking at us funny?” He quietly whispered to them

It’s not that he didn’t get some glares from time to time. That was to be expected given his status at the school. This was different thought, it felt like the girls with him were the targets here.

“I noticed it too.” Anastasia agreed with him, putting back on her blazer. It may have been hotter, but white shirts were terrible with this weather. Especially to those that sweat a lot.

“Don’t really care about them.” Waa wasn’t concerned. “Not like I pay attention to the prudes around here.” Yuma spent some time in silence, until she spoke up with her answer.

“It’s because... you’re here.” She pointed to him. “They don’t feel comfortable with taking off any clothes with you... and they hate us because we are.” That was direct. Yet, probably true. This girl was a lot more perceptive than he thought she’d be.

“If that’s the case, then I guess I’ll leave.” He said.

“Why, that does not sound very fair.” Anastasia asked him. “It is not your fault, for the way they feel.”

“True.” He got up, giving his back a nice stretch. “But I just finished my lunch, and I could go for a walk to cool off.”

“Count me in then.” Waa hastily put her work back into her bag. Certainly wrinkling it as she did so.

“I will join you too.”

“...I guess I’ll come as well.” The group left, even if Kouji would’ve preferred being alone.

“So where’s Wakiyama?” He asked him. They walked through the barren hallways, it appeared that people preferred doing as little physical activity as possible with this heat. “She’s probably found somewhere cool, right?” That girl usually spent her lunchtime napping off somewhere. Where? That was something he didn’t know. Maybe somewhere cooler.

“How should we know?” Waa responded. “We eat with you, not her.” As they were rounding a corner, a familiar sight ran into them. Him specifically.

He fell back to the ground. Kouji was about to apologize, until he saw who it was.

“Ugh, watch where you’re going.” Himawari yelled at him. She was joined with her other two friends, who helped her back to her feet. Kouji had the same treatment with the other girls.

“You should be more careful.” He retorted. Figures he’d run into her of all people. “I’m surprised you’re out and about.” He also noted that unlike everyone else, she was fully clothed, despite the privacy here.

“The weather’s hot, I’m sure you know that.” She replied. “I was just about to go get some fresh air.” The fan she was waving looked very nice… Very expensive. It must’ve been nice to have something like that, he thought.

“Whatever, I guess I’ll go outside too.” He said to annoy her.

“Don’t you dare follow us you creep.” Mayura said to him. Asano backed her up with that as well.

“I’m not going with you.” Him and Himawari quickly turned their heads up and away the other. Walking away, causing the two groups to separate once again.

Now outside, things were barely any better. At least the air wasn’t stuffy, so it was nice to breath in some fresh air. Yuma pointed over to a tree that was nearby. Understanding that the shade could provide some relief, he sat right down at the trunk.

“This is a much better spot.” Anastasia commented, sitting right besides him. “Don’t you think so?”

“It’s a lot better than the classroom.” He answered. “I guess we can get some work done here.”

“Really? Homework’s what’s on your mind right now?” That attitude from Waa was part of the reason he knew she was failing her classes.

“If you all want to pass your exams, then yes.” He grabbed out his bag, taking out the first page of work he had yet to start. “I got my own things to worry about too, so I got to make the most of my time.”

“What’s with all the racket?” A voice said, but it didn’t come from any of them. They all looked around, it sounded like it came from above. Unless it was God coming down on them to scold them, how could someone speak from above?

“Who’s… Who’s there?” He asked.

“Ah geez, it’s you losers.” Some rustling could be heard from the leaves in the tree. As quick as a flash, a girl landed right in front of him. Also on top of his homework as well, ruining it.

“Wakiyama!” He growled at her, upset over his loss. “Be more careful. What are you even doing in some tree?”

“Careful? You should watch which tree you choose to sit under next time.” She acted as if this was a normal occurrence. It may have been for her, but not for most normal people.

As it turned out, she was napping in a tree this whole time. Using the leaves as cover from the sun was a smart idea for her. That light warmth instead of blistering heat was enough to make her want to drift off to sleep.

“I guess it’s not that bad.” She checked the time through her phone. “Was gonna have to wake up soon anyway.”

“Well, it’s good that you care about getting to classes.” He said.

“Classes? You don’t know?” He looked at her confused, the blank stares from everyone else told her what she needed to know. “We don’t have any afternoon classes today.”

“Really? Is that some excuse so you can just-”

“No, I’m not skipping anything. Besides, why would I want to skip out on swimming?”

“Swimming?” Anastasia asked. “That sounds like an odd thing to replace all classes for the rest of the day.”

“It’s not just swimming.” Teru corrected her. “The rest of the today, is sports day.”

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