Tutoring the Spoiled

Why Me?

Just a nice quiet peaceful weekend for Kouji. The girls had their work taken care of and he already handled his shopping. Even if it was a little boring, he couldn’t complain about lack of things to do. Everything he did this week was a handful.

A knocking came at his door, breaking the tranquility. Shame, he thought. Slowly getting up, he figured it was probably one of the girls wanting some help or something. Opening the door, he got a different sight. It was Moku.

“…” Without saying anything, Kouji went to shut the door on him. Thinking fast, Moku stopped it to plead his case.

“Wait please!”

“How did you find where I live?” He asked him.

“Oh, that was easy, the Russian girl you know told me.” Kouji made a mental note to really make that girl not tell people where he lived.

“What do you want?” He spoke with irritation in his voice.

“Come on, it’s been lonely at school without you.” He let himself in. Uninvited, but Kouji didn’t stop him.

“We’re not friends.” That was made very clear, but unfortunately for him, the two of used to sit besides each other. “I don’t go there anymore, so why bother?”

“Come on, you’re the only person nice to me.” Moku was being persistent. That statement wasn’t even true, he was only tolerant of him at best. “And besides, don’t you get lonely too?”

“…” That was true, there were plenty of things he couldn’t be open about with everyone around him being a girl. “Fine you can stay.” He relented, at least this wouldn’t be all the time.

“Yay!” Moku cheered, sitting himself right at the table. “I gotta say, I didn’t know you lived by yourself.”

“There’s a lot of stuff you don’t know about me.” Kouji sat alongside him. Even if he wasn’t technically a transfer student at his old school. He had entered the school despite going to a middle school that was rather far away. This led to a lot of students wondering his reasons for that.

Of course, he wouldn’t tell them. Because he didn’t want the same thing happening when he was younger to define his high school life. Though, that just led to more curious minds.

“So…” Moku struck up the obvious conversation. “Looks like there’s a lot of cute girls at your school now.” He prodded him playfully.

“Yeah, and none of them are interested in you.” He responded.

“You don’t have to be so mean.” He was hoping that this would get the guy to leave, but he was used to this behavior by now. “And I was asking because of you. Surely there’s some girl you must have an interest in.”

“I’m a bit too busy to care about that right now.” As it stands, his enrollment was always hanging by a strand. These girls certainly proved a challenge for any tutor. Let alone someone with no experience like himself.

“This opportunity is wasted on you.” When he said the word opportunity, that made Kouji remember something.

“Hey…” There was only one person that was aware of his preference of wanting to go to this school, and he was looking right at him. “Did the headmistress ever talk to you?”

“Headmistress?” He paused to remember that moment. “Oh yeah. I remember, she was asking about you.”

“And you told her… “

“Pretty much everything she asked about.” Kouji put his hand over his face from that comment. People really needed to stop giving away so much of his personal information.

“Okay, do you have any idea why she was interested in me?”

“No.” Given how relaxed Moku appeared to be, it was clear he was telling the truth. “Though that conversation is part of the reason I knew you transferred over to Tenfumi.”

That didn’t give him too many answers. Though it appeared that this woman did her research on him. But why him of all people? Aside from the fact that there were probably plenty of intelligent girls around town. Surely they’d love the chance to go to this school. He was going to have to confront her on this.


“So…” This was one of his meetings with Isako. “I heard you were asking about me back at my old school.” His paperwork detailed every girl’s progress were scattered across her desk.

“I see you’ve done a little sleuthing of your own.” She sipped on her tea. The two were sitting in her office. Her desk was ornate with very minute details which required an eagle eye to appreciate. “Care for some tea?” She slid over the other cup she had with her.

“No thanks.” He pushed it back to her. “I just wanted to know. Why were you so interested in me?”

“I figured that what’s you were going to say next.” She closed her eyes, as if to concentrate on something. “Is it really of any importance to you? After all, now you’re here at this prestigious school.”

“It kind of is.” He was given something he didn’t know the true reason for. “And it’s clear that you didn’t know everything about me. Or else you would’ve just approached me in the first place.”

“It was simply to find a way to convince you to join.” Her stance was unchanging. It was as if she had all her answers prepared in advance. “I understand that it must be difficult for you, especially being the only male at this school.”

“So you won’t tell me then.” He got up from his seat. His report to her was already done. If she wasn’t going to tell him the truth, then this conversation was over. “I’m sorry, but I should be going.” Kouji was about to exit the room. When the next words out of her mouth made him stop right in his tracks.

“If you want to know why you are here, then perhaps you should get the girls to pass their exams for the quarter.” He turned back to her, staring at her as if she said something crazy to her.

“Everything? You’ll tell me everything, right?”

“I’d like to see if you can prove yourself.” She replied. “It’d be pointless to hide the truth then, but I hope you choose to stay after hearing me out.” He had the option of leaving the school? Why would the reason cause him to want to do that? It was worrisome to hear that, but if it meant getting the truth out of her. That was exactly what he was going to do.

“I’ll make sure everyone passes.” He accepted her request. It was already on the agenda, but a goal certainly motivated him.

“And one final thing.” She stopped him once again. “Don’t you think it’s unfair. Asking me for my motivations, if you haven’t told them of yours?” Kouji heard her loud and clear, but he ignored her. Instead, walking out with one final thing to say to her.

“I don’t… want to hold it against them.”

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