Ugly Bastard System

UBS43 – Chase Missions are Annoying Too

"Well then, Hanazono san and... Araragi san, right? Sorry for taking up your time. We will be going now." Sawashiro and Gojima stood up after finishing their meals. It was time to go.

"Oh it was nothing." Misaki said in return.
"Y-Yes, we did not mind at all." Sayuri also said politely.

Gojima just simply nodded at them and then they both went away.

Sayuri waved them goodbye as she watched them go. The instant they went out of sight, someone strongly grabber her shoulders.

"Yeep—Misaki?! What a—"

"Tell me everything about him. NOW."


"How did you two meet? What has happened between you two till now? Tell. Me. Everything!"

Her friend's eyes bored into her with an intensity never seen before.

Sayuri felt a chill going through her spine.

There was no escape for her now.



"Hello, Shiraishi san." Sawashiro simply walked upto the receptionist and greeted her.

"Ah, Sawashiro sensei. I presume you are here to meet her again?"

"Yep, and this time I even brought my colleague with me."

"Hello." Gojima simply greeted the lady.

The lady just stared at his face for a few seconds. Then the realization hit her.

"Oh! You are that person who was atmitted here for a few weeks, right? The fire incident?"

"...Yes. That was me."

"Hah! I knew it! Go...jirou san, right?"

"It's Gojima."

"Ah sorry, my bad. Sure, you two can meet her. But please remember that it is only for ten minutes."

"Thank you, Shiraishi san. Well than Gojima sensei, let's go—owf!" Sawashiro grabbed his hand and started leading him towards the lift, but unfortunately she crashed into a patient on wheelchair.

"Oh! I'm extremely sorry! I didn't notice—huh? Tanigawa san?"

She dumbfoundedly stared at the girl who was sitting on the wheelchair, sleeping soundly.

But why was she on the wheelchair?

"Hey, where are you taking her?" She asked the male nurse that was pulling the wheelchair.

"Uh... t-the doctor prescribed to take her to the field regularly, t-to make her feel better."

"Oh! Yeah, outside air is important! Right, Gojima sensei?... Sensei?"

Gojima just stared at the man. He seemed familiar. Where had he seen him before?

A chubby looking guy... his height should be around 165 to 170 centimete—wait—

"Kyahhh!" The man violently pushed Sawashiro towards a wooden shelf. Why was there such a shelf in the hospital reception?!

He felt accel thought activating, as the world slowed down around him.

Gojima tried to grab the man, but he saw the shelf wobbling from the corner of his eyes. It could topple over at any moment. Sawashiro was directly under it!

Ken, don't—

The shelf finally started to fall on her. He saw her freezing up due to fear. He wasted no time and ran up to her and grabbed the shelf.

It was heavy!

'Ubs! Give me some boost!'

...On it. 10%, anymore will damage you.

"Sawashiro san! Get away right now!"

...She wasn't listening. She was completely frozen and blood was coming out of her forehead. Did she get a concussion? There was no time!

"Miss receptionist! Please!"

The lady quickly responded and took her away.

–1.2 AP! Forget about the shelf and hurry after the man! He is getting away with her!

Gojima gave to shelf an upward push to have it levitate in the air for a moment, as he took it to jump backwards. He was sure that placing back the shelf to its previous position would snuff away even more APs. Gravity was a bitch.

He hurriedly ran outwards to see the man driving away with the girl in a car.

'Ubs! Can I catch up to him with my super speed?'

I'm afraid not. A car is a bit too much for you.

'Then what should I—oh.'

He noticed a high school boy just standing there and watching all the commotion dumbfoundedly with a bike. He ran up to him.

"Sorry kid, I need your bike right now. Someone's life is in danger!" He spent no time in hearing the boy's answer and just grabbed the bike and started riding it.

If his muscles were not enough, then mechanical advantage was the way to go.

'Ubs! Mark that girl as a conquest target and show her location on the map!'

Ubs was impressed that its host was starting to learn about the various utilities it had. But there were risks as well.

Only for a minute, I will have to cancel it after that, or you will receive penalties if you don't 'conquer' her.

'Just do it!'

Gojima saw a dark pink dot mark moving on the map. As it was a car, it was having trouble with narrow roads and thus was going along the wider main roads.

Gojima traced a shortcut path and started riding the bike.

'Give me enough muscle and reflex boost to travel along the path!'

On it!

Gojima rode the bike through narrow pathways. He was going at a speed of approximately 50 kilometers per hour. That was fast, considering he was just pedaling it and he was also using narrow roads with dangerously sharp turns, which required some serious drifts. It was dangerous, but he was slowly catching up to the car.



"See! Isn't my new bike super cool!" Takeshi was proudly showing off his new bike to his jealous friends.

They were all standing on the top of a sloped road with their bikes on their side. Usually it was extremely fun to just ride the slope to gain some serious speed, but it was extremely dangerous as well. At the bottom of the road there was a railway crossing, and it was sounding an alarm; which meant that a train was coming. You would not want to be going down the slope in that situation.

But the more important thing right now was the new bike Takeshi's parents bought for him. It looked awesome, and it had a really smooth and powerful gear function. It could go almost twice as fast as the other bikes! His friends were jealous!

"...Hey Takeshi, lemme ride it a little, will ya?" One of his friends asked.

"Try harder." He flat out refused with a smug look.

"Hah! Stingy!" Another one of his friend boo'd.

"Hey! Who the hell are you calling stingy—"


The all freaked out as they saw a car run past them while nearly missing them with an extremely high velocity. Who the fuck was driving a car so recklessly! A few inches to the right, and all of them would have been dead! Not to mention it was driving straight down the slope, towards the closed railway crossing!


...and then they saw something they never expected to see.


They saw a man riding a bike take a sharp turn while drifing! Was something like that even possible with a bike?! And then he also pedaled down the same slope! They would all die!

"...Gojima uncle? Hey! Gojima uncle! What the hell are you doing?!" Recognizing the man on the bike, Takeshi shouted at him to make him stop, but he did not listen.

"You know that guy?"

"Yeah! He's my neighbor! He'd get himself killed at this rate!"

But how would you even stop such a madman? He helplessly watched while clutching his knuckles, as the car and the bike fastly approached the railway crossing, with the bike slowly catching up to the car. Life was not a movie dammit!

They breathlessly watched as Gojima's bike started to move to the left, while the car was just moving forwards with increasing speed. There were a bunch of people who were standing beyond the bar. They all shrieked and moved away from it.

The car, without any hesitation, rammed into the safety bar and drove forward. It only managed to escape to the other side by a hair.

The car passed through! His two friends rejoiced, but Takeshi's eyes were on Gojima, who definitely was a little behind the car. If the car only missed by an inch, there was no way he could cross the railway in time—

The front will of the bike rammed into an obstacle, throwing Gojima up in the air! Takeshi felt his heat stop—

In midair, Gojima grabbed the horizontal expansion of an L shaped pole, that only held a warning sign. Then he simply used the momentum to swing himself to the other side, even above the electrical wires!

Takeshi and his friends watched with their jaws dropped, as Gojima dived to the top of the car and grabbed it on the sides. Everything on the other side was clear to them from the top of the hilly slope. The crazy car driver tried to shake off the equally crazy human from the top of the car, but could not manage to do so.

Gojima slid down to the front of the car, making it harder for the driver to see. Eventually the car crashed to a street light pole, putting an end to the crazy chase. Gojima simply walked up to the driver's seat, dragged him out of the car and then threw him to a nearby wall, knocking him out.


"...Takeshi, you have one hell of a neighbor."
"...Yeah. You think he is willing to take desciples? I am not sure about the movie stunts, but I want to drift my bike just like him!"

Takeshi did not hear any of the words. He just remembered the nickname he heard of his neighbor uncle.

"...Godspeed," he muttered.

"Godspeed... wait! You mean that buff guy from that video clip?! I still have it on my phone!"
"Really? Lemme see... wait, it is him! Takeshi! You gotta introduce him to us! We have to become his desciples!"
"Yeah! I have to learn drifting like him!"

Takeshi could not find any fault in them. Even he wanted Gojima to teach him how to become like him.

But... bragging about his neighbor came first.


I wanted to release the chapter yesterday, but got distracted. Oh well. As for the railway crossing... I envisioned something like this:


I hope I was able to convey the image. See you all next week!

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