Ugly Bastard System

UBS44 – Familiar Ceilings

"Good morning, Gojima san."

"...Good morning, Doctor." Gojima greeted the same doctor he had been in care of last time.

After capturing that kidnapper and knocking him out, he also fell unconscious due to running out of all of his APs. He woke up in the next morning though.

He just woke up to the the familiar ceiling of a hospital being nursed by the same nurse as last time. What was her surname again? Toyota?

It's Honda. And the doctor is Dr. Mizushima.

"Its funny how you became my twice in a row after doing something quite crazy," Dr. Mizushima amused.

"Ahaha..." Gojima could only laugh embarrassedly. There were a lot of witnesses this time, after all. He just hoped that nobody recorded—

"By the way, this kick of yours has been the talk of the internet," the doctor, grinning, just pulled out his smartpho and showed him a clip.

It showed Gojima holding onto a car, forcing it to collide with an electric pole, then dragging the kidnapper out of the driver's seat and finally delivering a Spartan kick right in the man's stomach, resulting in the man flying and crashing on to a wall three meters away.

It looked straight out of an action movie—until Gojima also dropped to the ground like a puppet that got it's strings cut. That was uncool.

Gojima could feel a headache coming. That was going to cause trouble. It was different from saving an animal. He willingly assaulted a person, regardless of the context.

He just hoped that the school would not simple fire him just to get clear of any unwanted publicity. They do all sorts of stuff just to maintain reputation after all, even if some of them make no sense.

"There are also some clips of you riding a bike a bit too fast for the roads you chose, as well as the... drifts you did," the doctor continued, "too bad they could not film the part where both you and the driver apparently pulled off something amazingly stupid at a railcross. But there were a lot of witnesses."

"...Please tell all the journalists that I do not wish to meet them."

"Of course, we cannot let our patient get stressed now, can we?" The doctor smiled. Gojima also smiled in return.

"How's the girl doing? And how did the kidnapper manage to get her to the lobby in the first place?" Gojima finally asked the questions that had been bugging his mind.

The doctor stopped smiling.

"Miss Tanigawa is fine. Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, one of our own staff had been involved with this incident. She managed to administer the right amount of anesthesia to her, making her unconscious for a few hours. There had been incidents in the past where the kidnappers used too much choloform, causing the victims to never wake up. She also provided the staff outfit to the kidnapper you caught."

That was... a lot to take in for him. Having another accomplice did make sense. But why? For money? And... were there accomplices in the school as well?

"...Why did she do that?"

The doctor grimaced. "Her only son had been kidnapped by the kidnapper apparently. She was threatened to do his bidding, or the kid would have been dead."

"And is the kid okay now?" Gojima asked.

"He is... alive," the doctor continued with sadness in his voice, "poor boy is under observation. He had suffered some serious malnutrition. That devil did not feed him anything, not to mention did not even let the boy use washroom. He was found by the police tied in a basement."

Gojima felt his blood boiling, but kept his calm. At least things were over. If he have moved fast, all of these wouldn't have happened. If it was not for him coming here with—

"How is Sawashiro sensei?"

"She is also fine. She just went home after getting some checkups. She had also been informed about you, so she would probably come to meet you soon."

"...That's good to hear." Gojima sighed in relief. She did get a concussion, after all. Brain damage was dangerous.

"Oh, speaking of your colleague, the policed traced some documents found in that guy's house to a janitor in your school. Apparently the man gave the janitor money to do his biddings," informed the doctor.

"...Thank you for telling me, Doctor," Gojima said.

"You're welcome. Also, you have some visitors that wish to meet you as soon as possible. They have been outside for a whole hour. Should I call them inside?"

'...A few hour? Just who—'

"Yes, please."

Gojima was rather surprised to see a bunch of junior high school boys entering the room with the doctor. Takeshi was also one of them.

"Takeshi kun? I did not expe—"

"Gojima uncle, no, GODSPEED!"

His eyebrows twitched after hearing that name again. Suddenly all the boys bowed to him.

"Please make us your disciples!"




Yesterday afternoon, at the same time Gojima was saving the damsel in distress, another event was taking place.

Okada Fuyumi, after her day full of hard work, was finally returning home.

She lived not too far from the school, it took only 20 minutes of walk to return to home—thanks to a shortcut she used. In fact, she was also using it today. It was not anything dangerous, she just had to go through a nearby park to cut some time and distance.

"Hmm... I wonder if I should stop by the convenience store. I am almost out of eggs."

After a while, she decided to just straight go to home as she was extremely tired. There were also other ingredients in the fridge. She was sure Haruka, her younger sister, would manage to cook something delicious using them.

Fuyumi was terrible at cooking. Not just terrible, she was disaster level terrible. She remembered how she almost killed Isshiki using the valentines chocolate she made for him. Well, it was his fault for nagging her for chocolate anyway.

Isshiki was really annoying sometimes. It was his frivolous personality that had kept her from accepting his advances. It was a shame that his face was her exact type.

She wished he had been as mature as her other colleague Gojima sensei. He was... well, his appearance was not exactly her 'ideal' type, but he had an extremely charming personality—she had to admit. Even though he was not exactly anything special even a few months ago. Or did she just did not pay any attention to him?

Why is it that the things she desired from a man were split between two different people?

But she had to make a choice soon. Isshiki or Gojima? Well, Gojima might not exactly be into her, which was rare amongst her male colleagues, or men in general; but she was confident in her own beauty, intellect and desirability.

Until she just saw Gojima leaving the school with Sawashiro sensei, being all chummy with each other.

Just when did those two get so close?

It was bothering her more than usual. Isshiki was also popular amongst the ladies, but she did niot feel particularly threatened. Even someone as pretty as Sawashiro treated him like air. And she was all giddy and smily with Gojima?

Was there something really special about him then that attracted her? She was curious, even though she should not be.

Just what should she—


Okada Fuyumi yelped as something small bashed into her legs.


Fuyumi looked down to see a teary-eyed little girl wearing an elementary school uniform.

'...isn't this girl one of Gojima Sensei's neighbors?'

"Aunty! P-Please help Ruri chan!! She... she will die!!!"

Time to advance the plot.

Time to see why there is a Drama tag but not Comedy.

...damn, even I am having second thoughts about proceeding forward. But I have come too far (almost 44 chapters) to stop now.

I can only keep moving forward.

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