Ugly Bastard

Chapter 2 – First comment

"Requesting connection to the main server where a data library with word match has been found." Said the emotionless automatic-like voice in the darkness.

"Connection to the main server "Laniakea" has been established."

"Reroute to the sub-server 'Virgo'"

"Requesting authorisation for the data cluster "Milky way" entrance."

"Request has been approved. Analyzing information note left by "Milky Way" administrator."


"Unable to analyze information. Writing-off note information as inconsequential. Putting a notification mark for the user to check this information later. Proceeding to the next step."

"Entering data library 'Solar system'"

"Redirecting to sub-library 'Earth'"

"Beginning word match search."

"Trillion matches found. Count number is too high. Initiating 'information narrowing down' protocol."

"Implementing data filter. Filter data by most full data libraries with relations to the needed data. "

"Creating a list of 100 most suitable libraries."

"Filtering list of data by most suitable to the users gradual development."

"Error: no data found."

"Filter extension to: any development or education."

"Several matches were found. Analyzing data relative to user educational capability."

"Most suitable data library found."

"Request connection to the library data 'comment section'"

"Connection established."

"Analyzing acquired information."

"Confirming data library to be full and sufficient for setting up user system."

"User system has been set up."

"Installation has successfully finished. "

"Handing over system control to the user."



"Thank you for the wait. You can now proceed to the system use" Sounded words in the darkness rousing Noah's mind from oblivion.

"Who's there?" Asked Noah's voice in the darkness.

"Where am I? Why is it so dark? Am I blind?" Streamed the thoughts of Noah in to the dark space where he found himself. "Why do I hear my thoughts so loud?"

"Fuck, shut up, me! You are to noisy. The fuck am I doing? Am I going crazy?" Though Noah yet heard it as if he spoke aloud.

"Is this…My sub-consciousness?" Finding himself a reasonable explanation to the strange situation he found himself in.

"Wait, what's that? There's light!" His though sounded in the darkness.

"To the light! Must go to the light" echoed every thought in the darkness.

The light source he saw started slowly approach from the distance, soon the light became so bright it burned his mind eyes or whatever he was seeing it with.

"Ughh, bitch! Too bright! Too bright, fuck!"

*Do you want to switch to the dark mode?* Asked the strange voice all of a sudden.

"YES, to whoever asked that." Said Noah's voice.

Light suddenly disappeared plunging him into a total darkness again.

"No, no, no! Fuck! Where did it go! Everything's gone, bitch!" Swore Noah from frustration.

"Wait…it's not totally dark…is that? Is there something written in this darkness? It is! I SEE WORDS! WHO THE FUCK WRITE BLACK WORDS ON THE BLACK CANVAS? I CAN'T SEE SHIT!"

*Do you want to switch to the bright mode?"


"Yes" answered Noah after some hesitation.

White light bright as noons sun smacked him in the "face" so hard he started seeing stars. 

"Ughh. Isn't there a middle ground or anything?"

Do you want to switch system light to reading mode? 

"YES!" Answered Noah this time without delay.

White light slowly darkened and gained a yellow tint to it becoming a lot more pleasing to the eyes.

"Bitch, so there was a better option!" Swore Noah in his thoughts yet it all sounded loudly around him.

"Whatever" thought Noah aloud when no answer to his scolding followed.

"What is this?  Some texts appear on canvas one after another. Hmmm... and there is other text that looks like the name of the one who wrote it. Is this some kind of written conversation? And these pictures from the side...From the looks of it. The same person is followed by the same picture. Are these perhaps something like banner or family signature. Are these people nobles? Why am I seeing this? Is this a dream? If it's a dream it sure is a fucked up one." Rationalized Noah with his every thought repeated aloud.

*Warning user in critical health condition* Sounded emotionless voice from before.

*User status: Severely poisoned condition* 

"Fuck I am poisoned?" Exclaimed Noah smacking canvas in his imagination and a sound of smacking reverberated as if he hit something with a mental fist.

A moment later he remembering what happened to him prior to coming to this place, the ugly sneer and swearing of his brother-in-law coming to his memory clearly.

"That's right! That son of a bitch poisoned me…..Huh? Why did my words appear on the white canvas?" Said Noah noticing something strange.

On the white canvas under the signature "Ugly Bastard" was a sentence: Fuck I am poisoned

Quick you need to suck it out. Suddenly another sentence appeared right under the one that repeated his words.

"Huh? What? Suck it out? I ate it! How do I suck it out? What a moron!" Thought Noah.

Yes let me suck you…only if you are man of course. Another sentence appeared on the canvas. This one had a different emblem and name.

"Wait what, suck me? Wait but you'r name sound like male's….wait that means…what? No fuck get away from me you dirty thing! FUCK! I feel dirty now" Exclaimed Noah in shock.

Dude above….WHY ARE YOU GEH? Appeared one more sentence. This one was accompanied a picture.

"Well said friend. But…who is this angry black man on the picture you showed?" Wondered Noah.

Nooo niichan, you don't want poison-chan anymore? A strange new sentence appeared under the previous one, also accompanied with a picture.

"WHAT IN THE TARNATION IS THIS ABOMINATION? NAKED SLIME GIRL? Th…that's not going to make me exited you idiot….even if she's quite sexy….still not enough! I mean I am not into something like this! What kind of man would want to….No! Just No!" Screamed Noah shocked by the picture.

Cure poison with poison as they say! HERE POISON FOR THE MIND. Said another sentence.

Noah watched in confusion at the string of words appearing under his own sentence some of which were accompanied by all kinds of strange pictures.

However after the last sentence appearing something different happened. Right after those words multiple pictures started appearing one after another, all under the same name and emblem signifying that they were all shown by the same person. Whoever he was.

"AaaaaaGhh! WHAT THE HELL?! My eyes! Someone tear out my eyes for me! NO, GOD! It's inside my mind now. Nooooo my mind! My mind is poisoned! Aaaaarghh! Erase it it! Erase it form my mind! God! Erase this memory!" Screamed Noah with disgust, fright and pain in his voice at once after seeing these pictures.

*Detecting stronger poison effect than the one in the user*

*Skill //Cure poison with poison// condition has been fulfilled.* Sounded emotionless automatic voice.

*Skill used*

*Users body has been successfully healed*

Stream of notifications from system ringed in Noah's mind but he could not hear them as his consciousness started slipping out if this dark place, until he totally disappeared.

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