Ugly Bastard

Chapter 1 – System name match

"Ughhh…my head!" Groaned young man lying on the ground. He slowly awoke, opening his eyes only to be welcomed by the blinding bright light of the day, that intensified his head pain. Covering his face with a hand to make some shadow he opened his eyes wider to see the world around him. 

"Where…where am I?" He started to pick himself up but sudden pain in the head made him cringe.

"Ouch. Did I drink a lot last night?" He slowly sat up, without any fast movement to not invoke the biting pain in the head again, trying to remember what happened to him.

"NO! Wait!" Said he, as the memories finally swam back to his mind. "What drinking? Fuck! I went hunting with my brother-in-law. How the hell did I get here? Where's brother? Ughhh…" He started to nervously look around but severe headache told him not to move, with a new dose of pain that made him feel like his head was breaking apart. "FUCK! Why does it hurt so much? Did someone hit me in the head? Were we attacked". Many thoughts swam in his head making him panic.

"No, no, think. I have to remember. We went into the Labyrinth of Giant Trees. Brother-in-law helped me to kill a bunch of monsters. Then we made a camp. We ate some porridge…What then? I don't remember anything after that. Everything's is so blurry in my memory since then." He closed his eyes and tried to picture the night of their camping.

*tiring* came a sudden sound inside his head, startling him enough to jump up from sitting position, but the next moment he regretted that, sitting down with another dose of head splitting pain.

*Skill "Nothings gets forgotten" has been used* With these words from an unknown person suddenly a memory of the last night suddenly streamed into his mind, with a flashback of the last night that he remember.


"Brother…I…Don't feel so good…My vision is…blurry…" Said Noah suddenly dropping his almost empty wooden plate of porridge on the ground.

"It looks like it finally took effect" Said the person sitting in front of him, strangely not taking a bite from his own plate so far.

"What? Are you…talfhing…abou…bro…er" barely squeezed out of himself Noah falling to the ground.

"I am talking about poison I put in the porridge, fucker" Answered his brother-in-law with a sneer.

"W..why…brothe…'' came barely an audible voice out of Noah's mouth, but a sudden kick in the stomach stopped even that.

"Don't fucking call me brother. Just the thought of being your brother disgust me, you piece of shit. My fiance is not even your real sister you maggot. Who the fuck do you think you are to equal yourself to me or my fiance? You really think you have the right to be called the son of McDaniel family, you dimwit fuck? You? A mere trash born by a low life slut that Count McDaniel fucked just for fun? Your mother was a low life maid, you trash. She had no right to be called a second wife. Neither do you have any right to be called "McDaniel", BASTARD!" Angrily screamed his brother, delivering another full forced blow with his leg to Noah's head.

"Well," Said his brother-in-law, calming down after he let out some steam on his bastard-brother-in-law.

 "If you want to know the reason then ask your own family." He added and pulled back his hair that went loose in his strain of beating the half dead guy on the ground. 

"If it was me, I'd simply throw you out of the family and be done with it, but your McDaniel family is not so forgiving as I am. Do you even know how much shame you, your whore mother and that idiotic count brought on McDaniel family and it's first lady's family by default?" He said with a sigh.

"She, a high born lady, was not as good as a piece of pussy that was cleaning her own house! But instead of knowing your place, you run around screaming "mother, mother". She is not your mother bastard! Do you think anyone sane would tolerate a bastard going around spouting nonsense as if he has the same rights as her own kids? You fucking called it to be killed in a most miserable way possible, you quick fuck consiquence!"

"But the worst thing is you did not even have a system like all normal people…."

*Bleargh* vomitten Noah after his condition became so worse he started losing consciousness, almost dirtying his brother's shoes, making him jump away from vomit.

"FUCKING FARMERS HAVE SYSTEM!" Screamed his brother-in-law delivering another blow to the lying Noah. 

"Isn't it a fucking proof that you don't deserv to live the life you lived all this time in McDaniel house? What the fuck is this "Ug…" in you system window? Why the hell can't you use this system? Because you are cursed, you idiot. You and that bitch who spread her legs before the old count to seduce him are fucking cursed! That's why!" He said accentuating his words with more kicks.

"Heaven's feel ashamed for your birth you Ug…Ugly Bastard. That's what you are. Goddess must have laughed when she gave you your system and did not even manage to end the sentence before throwing you away. That's what your system must be - UGLY FUCKING BASTARD!"

"Enough already. I doubt you even hear me already bastard. I will throw you to the beasts now, before you die from poison. I don't want you to be marked as a "killed person" in my system's karma list".

He started to pick Noah up but saw all the vomit on that bastard clothes and jerked his hand away.

"Fuck! Dirty ugly bastard, can't you even die without dirtying everyone around you?"

Then he grabbed Noah by the leg and dragged him into the woods.

*DING* Troubleshooting complete. Suggested name match found. System has been renamed to the "UGLY BASTARD"







Strings of sentences loudly ringed in Noah's head, but he was unconscious to hear them.

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