Ugly Bastard


In a world surrounded by white fog a heavenly beauty stood at the side of the river holding a basket filled with round shiny objects. 

She would take those objects out of her basket one by one and then press her lips against these objects, giving them a gentle kiss.

After placing kiss on every object, she would whispered something towards it and kneel to the river to gently released the shiny ball into the river. 

Strong current would take this objects away into distance in mere moments where it then disappeared in the white fog that held above the whole world.

Then this heavenly beauty would stand up and take out another shiny ball out of her basked, just to repeat her actions. She was taking out the objects, kissing them and releasing into the river for a long time, but still made it calmly and gently, as if each ball was her own child leaving the mothers home for a long time. 

"Sword fighter system." She whispered towards the shiny ball she currently held in her hand after she kissed it. Then she gently released it into water. She watched it for a few moments with love and a note of sadness, before standing up again and bringing her hand towards the basket again. She gently picked another shiny object and looked at it, this time her eyes wide ed a bit in surprise.

"Oh this one is a rare thing. How lucky to find at least one in this basket. Today is a wonderful day". She pressed her lips to the shiny ball that had a tint of cyan color in it and placed a very gentle kiss on it.

She then opened her red thick moist and incredibly beautiful lips and prepared to say something.



"Oh damn, which bastard is trashing and dirtying me behind my back to make this GODDESS sneeze this hard, you motherfu…… OH NO!"

Sudden sneeze caught her by surprise. She reflexively made an action to cover her mouth, but both her arms held something, so she sneezed into the elbow of an arm that held the shiny object, but accidentally released the ball when she sneezed. Shiny ball dropped into the river and was already swimming away in the strong current when she noticed it."

"No, no no! Damn it! How can this be? No! FUCK!" She screamed when she did not reach the ball quick enough. Shiny ball swam away and disappeared in the fog.

"Oh no, my baby! What have I done?"

Sitting on her knees with a perplexed face and tears in her eyes, she was silently watching fog while thinking about what a terrible thing she just made.

"She made?" Suddenly a thought came to her mind. Someone made her sneeze by talking dirty about her.

"That son of a bitch, that made me sneeze. I am going to find you and then skin you alive. Motherfucker, I will cut off your marbles and sacrifice them in the name of this ruined soul. Fucking asshole, you are fucking dead, you just don't know it yet. You don't fucking mess with Goddess of life you cocksucker!"

The Goddess of life picked up her still half full basket with fresh souls ready to be released into the world and walked away from the river disappearing into the white fog, while leaving stomping footprints in the soft ground.

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