Ugly Bastard

Chapter 228 – The Title that complicates things

“Bullshit!” Said Commander Beatrix, stopping Lorenz’s story. “Are you fucking lying to me again, boy?”  She hissed standing up from her chair and grabbing him by the scruff pulling him toward herself. Lorenz's eyes shuddered from fear as he stared into Commander's angry eyes.

“What do you try to pull here? Do you seriously want me to believe that not only one of Duchess’ would lower herself to interact openly with commoners but two would do that at the same time? Who do you think the Duke’s and Duchess’s are, you little fucker? They are people with power second to only the Royal Family.”

“High-Nobles are moving only in the high circles of society. Even the act of speaking to someone lesser than them irritated them, not to say directly speaking to a commoner. Their houses have daughters and sons of other noble houses as their maids, servants and guards. It is basic knowledge that a commoner would not be even let to step on the same soil as the Marquise or Duke house. If they needed to interact with someone a lot lower in status, there would always be several proxies. Commoners just do not meet an eye to eye with a High status Noble. For commoners these people are like ethereal beings forever unreachable.

A High Noble would never lower himself to make products for commoners and let them imbue in the same luxury as themselves. Even the idea of it is preposterous for them. The business they own is handled by several levels of merchant companies, that they controll from the back, not allowing them to even mention their names to not besmirch them.

So how could two ladies of such a high status lower themselves to not just speak with commoners. Even in theaters there are VIP rooms for them, so that they would not sit in the same space as commoners, because they think that breathing the same air with commoners is dirtying them. Yet here you are suggesting they not only sat there talking with all the lower nobles and commoners, but did that in the middle of a whorehose in the red light district? This is a slander, boy. For these words alone you may be castrated by the city guards on the spot if you were to be heard besmirching the names of High-nobles like that.

But to make it even less believable you mention Dryads? Dryad that has not left their forest even once in the entire history of the Great Tree Labyrinth? Dryads are spirit beings, you fucker, they would never befriend a mo….khem…That is just not possible you idiot.” Said Commander Beatrix stopping herself at the end as she remembered in the last moment that her disciples and Lorenz were not allowed to know of the monster's secrets yet.

“Well I guess I did not bring this thing to no purpose. Shall we proceed?” Asked Ron lifting the magical device for mind search.

“No! No! I swear. I swear everything I said is truth. Please!” Pleaded Lorenz.

“Maybe we should let him finish first before trying it?” Said Tara and Lorenz turned to her with hope in his eyes. She seemed to be the only voice of reason here. But that hope was quickly crushed with her next words. “If we break his mind with ‘Mind search’ we need to answer all questions in one go. The more he lies, the more memory points we have to confirm. That would give us more navigation points in his memories and let us use it more efficiently. We’ll find more truth before he breaks down.”

“Good point.” Said Commander pushing Lorenz back into his seat. “Continue. But bear this in mind. If I don’t believe you by the end of the story, you get to find out what the life of a vegetable looks like.”

Beatrix planned to calm down Lorenz before but his words just pissed her too much, making him unintentionally lash out at him, once again bringing him to the brink of pissing his pants. But what the hell was going on in this town? Duchess’ walking down the Red light district? Dryads befriending a monster family. What the fuck kind of event this was? Beatrix knew well the names of Vespertine and Threadweaver. She was in on all the in depth info same as Royal Investigator, but knew only enough to understand the basic situation. But this just did not fit the level of her understanding. Also that name, Threadweaver, made her very uncomfortable. She heard it before and had a bad feeling from hearing it here. She felt as if she was dipping into something beyond her capability. It reeked of the upper echelon of High-noble politics. The play on the very top of the Kingdom's rule. It was out of her jurisdiction. And if her gut feeling was right…. She felt she needed to consult with someone higher.

“Fuck. I did my best to steer away from bullshit of the upper echelons games. That old asshole Belmont, if he threw a hot potato into my hands I swear…!” Thought Beatrix in her head, clenching her teeth. “If this fucker mentions that title, I quit, I wash my hands off and let the old asshole deal with it himself. Did he know about it? Is this because I refused promotion? I did it to not get involved in shit like this and he sent me here knowing it? Fucking bastard. Is this his pay off for refusing his proposal? One mention of that title and I swear to God I’ll rip Belmont a second asshole.” She thought, while angrily tapping her feet on the floor in irritation.

Lorenz did not understand what exactly was happening in Commander Beatrix's head but he saw just how pissed she looked and this made tears roll down his cheeks as he was almost sure that he was done for.

“Continue!” Snapped at him Commander Beatrix.


Mouth-watering beauties were walking down the podium one after another in revealing and provocative clothes under the awestruck exclamations and chatter of women who watched the models with their sparkling from excitement eyes.

It all started with the dresses full of novel ideas yet all looking similar to each other as if suggesting different possibilities to the same design. At that point women calmly discussed what they thought of it.

Madam Irene, as a lead of the event, stood at the end of the podium and explained to the ladies the ideas and pointed out what they needed to turn their attention to with that device thay made her voice loud and clear even over all that chatter.

After dresses the clothes change to more revealing and intimate things - lingerie and apparel. 

The half transparent and transparent stockings that made the legs look well contoured, long and beautiful, yet seemed light and thin as if a second layer of skin. What shocked them that no set of garters was needed for some of the models. They magically held on thighs without slipping, all on their own.

The bras presented showed off deep cleavages and made breasts look perky without any need for a corsets, making women exclaim in wonder. Madam Irene explained the principles behind these so-called push up bras and locks on the back, even asking several models to demonstrate the ease of its use. As the models removed their bras presenting their naked, beautiful bodies in front of the public excited exclamations and giggles rose in the crowd. 

But most of all the panties that barely had any material cover the intimate parts, yet hid just enough to excite and make you wonder. It seemed that some of them barely consisted of several threads and while covering intimate parts barely did anything to hide the wonderful toned behinds of the models.

Most of the lingerie came in sets beautifully complementing each other, and presenting the public with different colors and patterns on the same design. 

From Madam Irene’s explanation ladies were aware that different types of clothes had different branding of the one responsible for its design. The Vespertine Secretes brand presented by the well renown in the entire country socialite, Duchess Cassandra Vespertine, famed for her beauty and elegance, were no doubt the all time favorite of all the ladies. The line was called ‘Seductress’ and no one had any doubt why. The sexapeal, the sensuality, the allure. Just imagining themselves in these when they entered their beloved ones chambers, noble ladies could already imagine how much happy they could make their husbands and fiances. 

For Madam’s and their girls, having these items was an undoubtedly advantage before all the competitors.

The show lasted for hours and the entire time servants mingled in the hall suggesting aperitifs and adding wines to the women’s glasses without stopping and yet no one was charged anything for it.

The show ended deep into the evening, although it began under the sun of the day outside, and yet women had not a speck of tiredness in their eyes. The whole show they were so over excited that fatigue just did not come to their mind.

Investigator Lorenz though, was of a mind he would be coming in his pants before it all ended but miraculously endured it to the end. However he feared that his cover might be blown any moment as he sat there so hard in his dress, he was sure that if not for the dim light of the hall he would be instantly found out. Luckily for him, none of the women in the crowd could tear their eyes away from the show for a second even when they leaned into him chattering and discussing with him the things they saw.

Irene saw, that just as expected, the show was a huge success by that moment, yet it was still not the end. So she instructed the models to continue with the next step.


Then models did something even more incredible. They started to come up on the podium in a crowd and some women noticed that they all had their lips paint erased from the lips. Previously the crowd already discussed how models had all kinds of different lips paints and were changing them very quickly to come up on the scene in the new set of clothes and new make up this quickly, but came to conclusion than Irene collected an incredible team of maids in the hidden room where models changed the clothes out of everyone's view and made a whole line of color for paint in advance.

However, the next moment shocked them into speechlessness. Every model pulled out a small cylindrical object, rotating it to make a colorful stick come out of it. With just a light move they painted the lips in all kinds of different colors within mere seconds making everyone cheer in wonder. Then they took another bottle and a piece of cloth, erased the lips paint and took another cylinder painting their lips once again but in different color than before. The hall blew up with ovations no less than when they cheered for Priscilla.

Who of the present here did not know the hardship of makeup. Lip paint needed a long time of making. Everyone had to have a set of different colors to mix. And even if they had not all could efficiently and precisely recreate the color that they wanted. Noble and rich ladies of course had specific maids with this skill, but others had to struggle on their own. 

Also making lots of paint at once was a waste as it would dry and be unusable later, so they had to make just enough for a day. Having the same color every day many noble ladies considered it an embarrassing thing to do just as wearing the same clothes every day. So the paint had to be mixed often and in small portions, but not too small to not let it dry too quickly. Then they would fill the small bottle and when needed they would have to re apply it with a brush. The unused paint then was discarded and bottles were re-washed. But here the models did it so effortlessly and skipped all the difficulties. 

The solid lips paint in the form of a cut cylinder that Madam Irene called ‘lipstick’ was already in a hardened form and melted from contact with skin so it did not fear drying. Moreover colors were mixed in different shades on the production by a professional with good color discerning ability and all shades were numbered. After that all guests were handed a small booklet where all the shades and other options of the lipstick were cataloged.

The women did not need to understand the shadings; all they needed was to understand the easy table of numbering, however there was some kind of RGB scheme that allowed to easily make up a shade and give it a number and suggested that they could either buy premade shades or order individuals ones. The booklet even gave suggestions of which shade suits which occasion or clothes for ease of everyone's understanding. This was simply amazing. It was like a secret knowledge passe down to masses. Ladies were simply too excited.

The device holding the lipstick was simple and easy to use. All they needed was to take off the dust cover and twist it to make the paint pop up. This prevented the paint stick from breaking in the pocket or clutch. The idea sunk in so well, that before all the catalogs were even handed out to the guests, Irene was already flooded with orders of ladies willing to try it immediately.

However there were ladies that calmly listed the whole catalog to the end and their eyes popped out in astonishment. It was not just the lipstick there. It had several parts and listed many things from cosmetics to clothes that were presented here today. If not lipstick the other things blew their minds, raising countless questions.

As the catalogs were handed out the myriad of hands rose to ask Irene the questions they could not wait to find out.

“Irene, I have a question that I would dare say interests us all equally.” Said Baronessa standing up from her seat, trying to overcome the loud chatter in the room with her voice.

“One moment your excellency.” Said Madam Irene and beckoned one of the servants toward the Baronessa. The Noble woman looked surprised when one of the servants came up to her and offered her a small cylindrical device explaining to her how to use it. 

“Is this how you use it?” She said into the device and everyone in the hall instantly heard her very clearly, producing an applause from the crowd. Baronessa smiled at Irene and bowed lightly in appreciation.

“As I said before. There is one question I wish to raise after looking through the catalog you presented. I see that you say here in the introduction that all these designs and other things will be sold in your new Boutiques that you open up all over the country. However that would suggest that the clothes you intend to sell would be mass produced by the low qualified crowd. Many merchant to tried it, but all the same conclusion.

It is simply impossible to find so many seamstress systems. So you have to exchange them with unfitting the job people. Which suggest the lack of needed skills and of course a drop of quality. Isn’t that right? We all know what this means. The quality we see today is simply astonishing and I complement your work Lady Priscilla. These are pure works of art. However what will happen to the quality once you start to mass produce. Don’t think wrongly dear Irene, Lady Priscilla, but surely you don’t suggest we all wear some low quality made things. You know well that we will be a laughing stock among other ladies if any of these clothes tears in front of others. The shame of it would follow us for life and embarrass our entire family.”

“I am happy you asked, your excellency. However let me point out one thing that I omitted from you when I introduced Lady Priscilla to all of you today. As it all goes, why don’t you come up here and present yourself once again, esteemed Ladies.” Said Madam Irene to the three smiling contently young women. Surprisingly they were prepared for this as Theressa has predicted this situation quite easily when she planned the event.

Priscilla, Vella and Aster stood up from their seats and walked to the podium, where one of the servants handed them the same device to speak loudly, except Priscilla as she had her own, which several Noble ladies instantly marked into their record of this even, to share this peculiar thing with other Noble-ladies when they go to speak about it on next meetings with those who were not present here today.

The ones attending today's event may have been only from the lower nobility with several Baroness’ from the middle nobility, but it does not mean that more statuesque women were not following what Irene performed. It’s just that their status did not allow them to even dare come to such a place.

“First of all, thank you everyone for such high praise for my works and Duchess Cassandra’s designs.” Both Priscilla and Vella bowed under the short applause.

“I will now explain to everyone present a few things we did not wish to mention to not undermine this shows true meaning, lest you all be too bothered with unnecessary things and not enjoy it thoroughly as I hope you all did.”

Nodding head of approval could be seen all around the room

“For me the true meaning of today's event was to listen to your feedback. It was very important for me to hear all of your discussion and thoughts. And I was happy to hear both positive and negative comments. I am not angered by them in any way. Mind you.” Said Priscilla as she saw several ladies that had scared faces and seemed to be ready to apologize. 

“On the contrary, these thoughts helped me look at my works from a different perspective and realize many new things. I am thankful for your openness and fearlessness this evening. In the future all your ideas will help me create even better pieces of artwork.” Said Priscilla and the hall was filled with applause and cheers. She wasn’t just a Daughter of a Duchess in their eyes now but a rose to equal a Royal princess in their hearts. This kindness, this openness and care for the people around her. Magnanimous and gentle. This was how people imagined the princess to be not the stuck-up high noble lady everyone was used to seed when meeting nobles. 

“As to answer a very reasonable question of…” Said Priscilla looking at the woman that asked the question.

“Baronessa Lidhe, Your Highness.”

“Thank you. As I had no opportunity to make an acquaintance with everyone present, it would also suggest that many of you do not recognize my family name as I come from another Region. After all, our country is big and we have many names of prominent status. Not all have enough popularity to be easily discerned and I regret saying it is also true for my own family name, as our family has been in a century long decline. However, even if you do not know it today, there was a time when my last name was known to all in this country and all other countries as well. It was the time of the very first ancestor of my family. Her name was Thesalia. And she was the best seamstress to have ever walked this land. Thesalia the Threadweaver. Her achievements in that profession were so high, she was gifted the status of Duchess of Moonstar Kingdom and received the family name Threadweaver.”

The hall went still with these words. The divine awe struck them as they looked at the lady before them. Who was Thesalia? They may not have heard this story but there was not a single lady, be it old woman or a little girl, who did not hear the word ‘Thesalia’ at least once.

“The Queen gowns! The seamstress of the legendary Thesalia gowns! Threadweaver? Is that who Thesalia was? They are descendants of Thesalia?” A murmur has begun in the room.

“You all know this word as I see it. Yes. The name of my ancestor has been immortalized by the country turning it into a title. The title Thesalia has been given ever since to the best grandmaster seamstress who was allowed to weave the Arachna silks and produce a masterpiece of beauty. The legendary Thesalia gowns. From Duchess to Queen, to Great Noble families of Central Cathedral, to Saintess herself. She was dressing the most powerful men and women, creating the masterpieces worthy of their status. All Thesalia masterpieces are listed in the separate catalog held in the Museum of history of our country. Each masterpiece is unique and has been the best artwork of the generation, raising the status of our country. Every little girl in the country saw these dresses and dreamed of wearing them once.”

Everyone listened in silence only nodding in confirmation. It was every little girl's dream to look like a princess and from that the legendary Queen Gowns the Thesalia Gowns were the top of any woman’s dreams and desires at one point in their life. Their beauty was unparalleled. Each Gown is considered a family heirloom. It was said that no family has ever had two gowns made for it. Even when the new seamstress has been given the title she would never make a gown for those who already possess a masterpiece of previous Thesalia’s.

“However as you all may know, in more than a century, there has not been any seamstress worthy of the title. The title demands a certain set of system skills to be possessed by the seamstress. And unfortunately not a single person was able to awaken a needed set of skills in more than a century. Though my Threadweaver family that had groomed several possessors of the Title Thesalia in the history of our country, being the only family that wore the title more than once, even we did not possess the needed skills for several generations.” Said Priscilla an elaborate lie that was concocted by her mother. 

“But here, today I stand before you all after finally awakening the needed skills. With centuries of knowledge and experience of previous Thesalia including the very first one, preserved by my family even throughout all the hardships that befell us in recent times, I have one and only one goal, to reach the mastery of my ancestors and claim the Title of Thesalia once again.” 

The hall tore with ovations even louder than before.

Priscilla turned to Baronessa after the noise calmed down a bit.

“And to finally answer your question, Your Excellency, as future Thesalia I consider it a matter of honor to produce only the items of top notch quality. Yes they will be produced in mass, but I will be the one supervising it, and I will not allow a single item of subpar quality to reach the shelves, which would besmirch my family name and the legendary title. The workers that will work on these items will be instructed and taught not only by me, but also by the Duchess Theressa Threadweaver, my mother.

As the head of the family and the bearer of all the knowledge and skills passed down in our family, she and I will make sure to raise the quality of works to the very top. As for shame that any item may bring to you by tearing, I will bear this shame for you and guarantee the quality of every item with my name and future title. All quality items will have guarantee and you will be able to address the claim to my family. If something like this happens my family will take it personally and come out to apologize and restore your honor in any way possible. Even if not Thesalia Grade masterpiece made out of Arachna silk, a Thesalia herself will gift you with one of her works.” Said Priscilla the applause renewed with another level of cheerfulness and loudness.

The event was definitely a success. Which was a great sign, as it was just a small step in the grand scheme of her mother, but it was a first step so it was important.


A sudden punch to the face mase Lorenz's head snap to the side, stoping his story.

"Auuu! What was that for? What did I do?" Said Lorenz whipping his bleeding nose. He knew he was lucky Beatrix did not put too much force into it but still wanted to at least know what he did to earn it.

 "Stupid motherfucker. You should have started the story from that very fucking moment and saved me day worth of time." Said Beatrix shaking slightly her hand that she used to punch Lorenz.

"Ron, Tara. Get the full story out of him. Record it and do the cross reference interrogation. Let him re tell it ten times and if single thing differentiate from what he said earlier, beat the truth out of him." Said Beatrix turning and walking toward the door.

"Ummm...Teacher?" Asked Ron, finding her behaviour sttange.

"I need to make a call. This motherfucker just turn my life ten times earlier. We officially out of our depth. The Royal Investigator will conduct the Investigation from here on. Our task is to provide him with maximum information. All clear?"

"Perfectly!" Said Ron saluting her with a frosty face. For once he was not smirking today.

"Now then? Where were you?" Said Ron sitting in the chair in front of Lorenz once the Commander Beatrix left the room. 

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