Ugly Bastard

Chapter 229 – Petty revenge?

The first thing Lord Belmont heard when answering the call from Commander Beatrix was a tirade of swear words that made his eyebrows rise. He looked around, seeing a few guards looking at him strangely, and smiled embarrassed while covering the far-talking device's crystal with his palm, muffling the sound coming from it.

“Excuse me. I need a private room. This call seems to be important.” Said Lord Belmont toward one of the guards looking at him and the Knight immediately saluted. 

“Of course my Lord. Please follow me.” Said Knight and quickly walked down the hall. He reached one on the door and opened it letting Lord Belmont in.

“This room has good soundproofing, Your Excellency. I will stand guard to make sure no one disturbs you.”

“Thank you.” Said Lord Belmont, entering the room and closing the door behind him. A slight shudder of magic reached his senses, signaling that soundproofing snapped active.

“You old ass. Is that your idea of petty revenge? Are you going to be this misery after I refused the promotion? I said that I did not want to deal with matters of the pompous nobles whose status is so much above mine, and you threw me in the middle of it just to show I have no choice? Is that what you want? To show me that you’re the boss? Fuck you. You force my hand like that again and I quit! Now take this case and shove it up your ass!” Screamed Commander Beatrix voice from the far-talking device on the table as Lord Belmont found a glass and a bottle of alcohol from the cupboard at the side of the room and poured himself two fingers high, before taking a small sip and savored the taste. 

“Damn good.” He thought. “Even a bottle in a random room is damn expensive brew when you are in the Royal Palace.”

Just as he swallowed the small gulp he noticed that Commander Beatrix seemed to come to the end of her angry tirade, so he returned to the table and sat down.

“Before I can give you any answer, my hot headed disciple, why don't you explain to me what seems to be the problem for starters. Because the topic of this discussion seems to have eluded me.” Said Lord Belmont taking another sip.

“What other topic could it be! I am here in Greenville Town interrogating that little wastrel Lorenz as you asked me.”

“Ah, yes. We seem to be on the same topic then. But what’s the reason for this outrage?”

“You said it was just a case of strange coincidence and suspicion of a local investigator, so I believed you! But how come just as I refused to take the post of Superintendent Investigator that you proposed to me because I did not wish to get greasy with all the damn politics of Upper Echelons in High-noble society, the very next case you throw at me is a fucking hot potato enough to scald me and my whole damn family if I make any mistake!? Huh? Explain it to me?”

“There seems to be some misunderstanding, Beatrix. I was disappointed you refused to go up the career ladder but surely not angry and surely had no intentions of taking any petty actions to harm you. It is your choice and your life. As your old teacher I can only wish you happiness. 

Besides, I still have other candidates, and you know how high my expectations of Frost are. The boy is as brilliant as you and even better in some things and will be a fine addition to the Bureau. It’s just that he still far away from taking that post. I hoped you would fill it for the time being to not let someone else take it. I do regret that you would not lend me your strength. You would be very helpful in that position for us all here. But I will make do. I am not angry Beatrix. I am still content with you on your post of Commander. Your achievements are incredible. So whatever you thought it is that I did, I did no such thing. You should trust me as your old teacher more."

"I'll believe you this time." Muttered Beatrix. "Maybe I overreacted. But I am totally out of my depth here, so you have to take it over from here."

"I see. Now why don’t you explain to me everything in detail. What is it that you have encountered there, that makes you believe it is Royal Investigators grade of a case instead of inner matter?"

“Theressa fucking Threadweaver. Rings a bell?” Said Commander Beatrix with irritation in her voice.

“....” Lord Belmont placed the glass on the table and straightened his back, while stretching his neck to the sides. “Continue.” He said just one word in a frosty voice.

“My investigation of Lorenz's actions led me to one specific event. And on that said event several totally unexpected names have made their appearance in cooperation with each other. Madam of the brothel Named Madam Irene, Duchess Cassandra Vespertine represented by one of her vamps named Vella pretending as her niece, Queen of Dryad represented by her daughter, Dryad named Aster, and Duchess Theressa Threadweaver represented by her daughter Priscilla. They performed some kind of fashion show for the most renowned local public.”

“Fashion show? I don’t seem to recognize the term.” Said Lord Belmont.

“A performance where Seamstress’ and designers show off their skills and ideas. Or so they explained. As I understood it was their invention. So it was a first. As I understood these women went into cooperation and would be selling their products through the Boutiques that Madam Irene opens up all over the place. They even listed all products in the catalog. The women seemed to be quite excited by all that.

“I see something unexpected. But hardly a matter to be overly worried about.”

“I thought so too until I heard that at the event, in front of everyone Priscilla Threadweaver had announced that she was going to become the next Thesalia as there was no one else with the needed skills in her family or anywhere else. Now I am not an Investigator of this grade of country matters and don’t know a lot, but even I understand what she implied by this. So? What do you have to say?”

As Commander Beatrix finished her explanation she suddenly heard a loud laughter from the device. Her eyebrows instantly crease, as the scowl appeared on her lips. Was he taunting her? Just as she was about to lash out at Belmont once again.

“Ah. Sorry, sorry, Beatrix. I just could not help it.” Said Lord Belmont, stopping his laughter but still chuckling. “I could not help it. It’s just that it seems that I, myself, have been fooled quite a bit as well. This has not happened to me for a long time. This woman. She played me well. Now I know why my teacher always warned me about her and told me to always take her seriously. For the last century we have all relaxed ourselves as she has been inactive in Country matters for almost a hundred and fifty years, but now she is back, and she let me know it in a most glaring way. She made a fool out of this old man that considered himself the smartest.”

“I don’t understand.” Said Beatrix in confusion.

“Don’t worry. It’s just an old fool talking to himself. The case of that, Lorenz, consider it closed. I now almost fully understand what happened there to have him erase the Dark Association so magically. It must have been a set-up. He was led by the nose.”

“That’s what I thought.” Said Beatrix. “But shouldn’t we investigate the true perpetrators?”

“They are quite clear. You just named them. Let me guess how it all began. One of the arrested by Investigator Lorenz barged in onto that event trying to subdue her business and strangely even announced that he belongs to the Dark Association, which was ‘coincidentally’ heard by our Hero Investigator. Then he just walked around the Region and performed arrest after arrest like it was a walk in the park with almost no investigation needed?” 

“Basically that’s how the picture looked like. We did not find him lying the whole time we interrogated him. So yeah, a set-up of huge proportions. But all arrested people were indeed proven to be involved in the Dark Association when I interrogated them as myself. I don’t believe Dark Association members could be this stupid to leave all the evidence lying around. Someone figured out their whole underground net in this Region and planted evidence all over the place before setting Lorenz loose on them. I have no idea how they did it. But if they are our enemy, the hair on my back stands up when I think about it.” Explained Beatrix.

“Well if I am right on whom the perpetrator is, then at least for now this person is indeed our ally. Or at least their actions are partly to our benefit, seeing as they took the side to oppose the Dark Association on two major cases now.” Said Belmont.

“Two cases?” Asked Beatrix.

“Yeah. The person involved in the case to Investigate now is also the one involved in the Black Market Labyrinth fall in the North Region Capital.”

“I see. That secret informant you never disclosed.” Said Beatrix.

“Yeah. But to confirm this connection, I need all the information about the event that you described. Every small detail matters. You said there was a catalog of items they sell? I want to see it." Said Lord Belmont.

"Maybe a pointer. What specifically you're looking for?" Asked Beatrix knowing full well her old teacher was not just curious. He was looking for something specific.

"..." A moment of silence passed as Lord Belmont considered it. There were things she was not meant to know in her position. But he hesitated just for a moment.

"This is only between us. Look up everything slightly or indirectly connected with the names Threadweaver and McDaniels in that region."

"Understood." Said Beatrix but there was a bit of hesitation in her voice.

"Anything else?" Asked Lord Belmont, noticing that strangeness.

“There is one thing that bothers me.” Said Beatrix thoughtfully.

“That is?”

“Well, I understand it in the case of all the people with Noble status, but when I looked through the records of Madam Irene, I found no record. Nothing at all. She is not noble so how come? How could she be not in the secret list?”

“Ah. That…it was erased from basic grade record.” Answered Lord Belmont, surprising Beatrix.


“She was considered as a candidate for the Bureau to recruit.” Said Lord Belmont. “Her system is quite interesting. But she also possesses a very keen mind capable of making those skills shine. You could say she was born for her system, unlike anyone else. It suits her character and thought process perfectly. A talent. A real to Gods talent. So I hoped she might be a fine addition to our organization at first. A rough diamond that could shine after a good polishing. She could even outshine you. But I had to give her up.”

“Why? I've seen incurable bastards you could recruit and reform. I was one of them."

“Her character was a turn off. Her growth conditions made her too ambitious, which wasn't so bad. But I felt that she would not stay loyal to anyone she would not hold respect toward. When you reform someone, it is important to gain their respect. But I felt that what she sees and values in people goes against what Bureau could give her. If we could not gain her respect, we could not gain her loyalty. I was afraid she’d turn the things we teach her against us in the end. Having someone with her set of skills turn her back on you would have been very dangerous. It was a pity to give up a talent like that.”

“Why’d you erase the record though?” Asked Beatrix suspiciously.

“I am of a mind that there might be a rat or even several in the Bureau. That’s why it was so important for me that you, a person I can fully trust would take that position.” Said Belmont with a sigh. “A pity you refused.”

“Oh, don’t start it again. I made my choice.” Said Beatrix.

“I know. Well anyway, I did not wish for our enemies to take a talent of her proportion for themselves in case they even had access to the secret record of all citizens of the country. If turned into a weapon she'd be able to pose great danger. So I erased all mentions of what we knew of her and all other failed candidates like her, hoping she would just wither away like so many of those with those strange systems that we did not recruit." 

“I see. But its seems she did not weather, and instead polished her skills herself." Said Beatrix.

“It seems so. Well it is her right. Despite all the odds, she found a use for her skills and even proliferates in life. We have no right to interfere until she crosses our path and deserves retribution. We spy on citizens to find talents, not to dispose of those who we deem dangerous. This is a straight path to tyranny. We are defenders of justice, we are not allowed to lower ourselves this way." Said Lord Belmont with a sigh.

"Alright, that's enough about it. Finish the investigation, heal that Investigator Lorenz and let him go. We will write the merits of this case on him. Boy earned it, considering all that he was through under you care. Don’t mention the event and all the names associated with it though. Single record only for me. Erase all else. No one should know of the truth that happened there. Make sure Investigator Lorenz understands the importance of keeping his mouth shut from now on too.”

“Alright.” Said Beatrix ending the call.

Lord Belmont sighed looking up into the ceiling in total silence for a few seconds.

“What are you planning, Theressa should I call her Thesalia? Giving up your title to your Daughter? Is this her way of taking petty revenge on us? No. There is no way she did all this just for this. From what my teacher told me in the past, she does not feel the need for this. It would dirty her pride to take petty revenge on someone. If she ever felt the need to take revenge you would be dead. Then why the hell she does this? And to make me look like a fool now too. It seems like I need some advice from someone that knows her far better than me.” Muttered Lord Belmont, his voice the only sound in the silence of the room. He sighed heavily, standing up from the chair and walked toward the door. 

When he opened the door, the figure of the Knight met him from across the hall, who stood guard, making sure no one took a peep into the room.

“Thank you.” Said Lord Belmont, nodding at the knight.

“May I return to my position, Your Excellency?” Asked the knight after another salute.

“Yes. But…Do you know what day it is?” Asked Lord Belmont.

“Thursday, Your Excellency.” Answered the Knight

“Ah! Perfect.” Said Lord Belmont nodding to show that Knight was free to go. “They both should be there then. How lucky. This would be a good excuse to refuse this meeting.” He muttered, turning to walk away in a different direction, abandoning his previous appointment.

“Oh yes, if Minister Pilipinos comes, tell him I am very sorry, but I have had a sudden audience with his Majesty and can’t make it.” Said Lord Belmont to the knight before he went too far away.

"Understood." Said the Knight nodding and resumed to walk away.

“A minister can’t take offense at me when I went to meet the King instead.” Muttered Belmont with a smirk. He hated all the bureaucratic shit he had to go through, with every pompous ass thinking every bullshit they come up with was very important, for a Royal Investigator to investigate directly, calling him for a meeting and then talking about some unimportant trash for hours. The matter that Beatrix just raised has given him a good excuse to skip the torture of listening to pompous uselessness this evening at least.

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