Ultimate Assassin System

Chapter 5 - The first system task

Green fruit wine has a low alcohol content, but Tang En really drank a lot under such a delicious food. When he awoke, he found that it was setting sun.

恩 Tang Enwan refused the old farmer’s kindness to stay, but returned to his forest cabin. It wasn’t that Tang En was stupid, but the old farmer had only a living room, and Tang En was naturally embarrassed to occupy the old farmer’s bed. In addition, in the past few days, his forest log house has already tasted a bit of an air tower, which makes Tang En, who is used to reinforced concrete buildings, very fresh.

Tang En, who had been dormant for a long time, naturally had no drowsiness and entered the killer system space as soon as he returned to the cabin.

There is still a forest-like appearance in the space, which is very similar to the place where Tang En is currently located. Tang En suspects that the old housekeeper was directly established with a realistic template. But there is one thing that is different from the outside. This is the exquisite wooden house standing on a tall trunk.

Obviously, this exquisite wooden house was repaired by an old housekeeper. This is not comparable to Tang En’s “genius work”. It is not excessive at all to say that the two are far away from each other. Tang En’s post-improvement work on the forest chalet can be a reference to this exquisite chalet.

The old housekeeper still stood in front of Tang En with a rigorous expression. If a camera took a picture of the old housekeeper ’s current expression, image, and standing position, Tang En absolutely believed that when comparing the appearance of the next old housekeeper, it would definitely be the same of.

“Good evening, Tang En.”

呃 “Uh … good evening, old housekeeper!” Tang En looked at the sunny forest in the system space, and felt that this greeting was a bit silly.

Tang En went straight to the theme: “Old housekeeper, quickly open the game, I want revenge tonight!”

The extraordinary performance at noon today gave Tang En’s great confidence, and now he was anxious to slaughter the evil dog that had held him back for several days.

“Happy to help.” The old housekeeper waved the scene to change, and a magnificently decorated noble manor appeared. Tang En was vengeful, but didn’t have time to see these beautiful buildings. Step forward and step directly into the game scene.

Facts have proved that Tang En’s hiding level has improved greatly. This time he successfully crossed the wall of the manor and walked behind the evil dog.

“Make you arrogant, let your dog look at people, yo, dare to bite me …” Tang En held the dagger excitedly and tied the evil dog. After all, it took the lead, and the evil dog struggled for a while and was killed by Tang En.

I can’t help but make such a big noise, the guard of the manor is also the main one. Tang En didn’t care, leaving a sentence “I will come back …”, he was chopped to death by the swarming guards.

In fact, Tang En talks. After exiting, I entered the game scene again.

For a moment,

让 “Make you arrogant, let your dog look at people. Say that you cut you ten times, you cut ten times …”

Uh …

The old butler who was expressionless, watching Tang En shuttle back and forth in the game space excitedly, could not help but twitch his lips: “Well, this is also a talent, should I train him in the direction of the pervert killer?”

The old housekeeper did not stop Tang En’s pranks. In his opinion, at least in this boring farce, Tang En’s hiding skills gradually became proficient.

Finally, within a few hours, Tang En successfully completed the great goal of chopping evil dogs ten times. The last time, while in good condition, dived directly into the nobleman’s bedroom and stole the sword from the nobleman who was sleeping.

“Haha …” Tang En smiled with his hands on his hips as he watched the big golden characters completed.

The scene was dim, and Tang En retreated from the game. Just when Tang En stepped into the system space, the system synthesized sound came,

叮 “Ding, congratulations to the killer Tang En for completing the task of stealing the noble sabre.”

“Mission Difficulty: Fˉ, Complete Evaluation Fˉ”

“Get experience: 25 points”

“Ding, the title system is on. Get the title, the evil dog nemesis. With this title, ordinary watch dogs retreat.”

How about the evil dog nemesis? I rub it, it’s really a painful title. After hearing the reward, Tang En was speechless.

Old housekeeper said: “Good job!”

“Oh, okay.” Tang En looked at the old butler’s expressionless face, determined that this was not ironic.

The old housekeeper said seriously: “It is really good, the system title is difficult to obtain. And the title function is also effective outside.”

“Also useful in reality?” Tang En was surprised.

当然 “Of course, the power, skills, titles, etc. you get in the system space are valid outside.”

Tang En nodded, expressing understanding. Called the killer panel, and found that there was an additional title system. The following experience value is 25 points more. In the skill tree, the primary hide is marked (Mastered). The primary layout is (beginner). The primary killing technique is (beginner of crossbow).

“Old housekeeper, what other games are there? Get them out quickly.” Tang En tasted the sweetness of completing the task and couldn’t wait to start the next game.

The old housekeeper shook his head: “I don’t recommend that you continue to play the game, because some time later. You have a system task to do.”

“System Task?”

“Yes, you have started the killer system for seven days. These seven days are the novice protection period. After a few minutes, the novice protection period will pass, and there will be a system task that must be done.”

“What is the content of this mission?”

“I don’t know. This is the system.”

“Yes, what did you mean you had to do? What if you didn’t do it …” Tang En suddenly had a bad hunch.

“This is a must-do task for system authentication killers, if you don’t …” The old housekeeper didn’t answer directly, but just paused after a while: “I said before, as a killer, there are really not too many options.”

Tang En said: “Will you be killed?”

The old housekeeper didn’t answer, just looked up at the space.

System synthesis sounds again,

叮 “Ding, the 7-day novice protection period for the killer system has expired.”

“Ding, start the killer authentication task. Warning, warning. This task is unique. If the killer cannot complete it on time, it will be wiped out.”

“Killer certification mission: Kill Father York. Mission completion time: 72 hours.”

“The countdown starts, 开始, 嘀, 嘀 …”

Uh …

恩 Tang En opened his mouth and remained silent.

Although the old housekeeper had clarified the seriousness of the task before, Tang En was a little lucky. There are many forms of tasks. Like the stealing tasks he completed before, even in reality, he will do it, and he will just go back afterwards. But now it seems that he is too naive. The killer system, the place to cultivate the killer, it must be the killer …

“Joy, Father York?”

The old housekeeper said, “Yes.”

“I fuck, why? He, he is a good man!” Perhaps it was stimulated by the old housekeeper’s faint expression, Tang En blushed with his fists, and shouted at the old housekeeper.

The old housekeeper quietly said, “First of all, this task is not my task. Second, to judge whether a person is good or bad, that is what God should do.”

“God shit, Father York, haven’t you ever seen it? Isn’t he a good guy?”

The old housekeeper said, “Is it a good person to have given you a bread?”

Tang En angry: “You fart, who in Xiaoshicun has not been helped by him, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, who doesn’t admit that he is a good man?”

“The butcher gave him food for his piggery in captivity. For the piggery, the butcher is a good man? And, Don, have you not understood? You are a killer. The killer only talks about the target, good or bad.”

恩 Tang En stared at the old housekeeper with a scornful look: “The **** killer! You are stigmatizing,”

Old housekeeper: “Arguing is meaningless. If you have to worry about whether you can’t understand the good or bad. You have mastered the elementary hiding, is it stigmatizing, you can check it yourself.”

好 “Okay, I’ll go tomorrow. I will tell you with the facts that you are wrong. I would rather be obliterated than hurt Father York.”

“I’ll wait and see.”

Uh …

Silently, Tang En said, “Even if I wasn’t Father York this time, I wouldn’t kill anyone. I said this before.”

“You haven’t killed chickens and ducks before, and later …”

“It’s different!”

Tang En interrupted the words of the old housekeeper and exited the killer system.

Grunting … “Fuck!” Tang Enchang breathed a sigh of relief, punching his fist against the wooden partition.

Tong Qinglang Yuehui came in through the window, Tang En leaned on a wooden bed, and looked at the stars through the gaps in the branches. The forest at night is very quiet, and a little bugs and the calls of unknown birds and birds deepen the quietness of the night.

谧 Such a quiet night gradually calmed the angry Tang En.

“Can you only see it three more times on such a beautiful night?” Tang En breathed the woody scent, thinking 怔怔.

恩 Tang En is naturally afraid of death. But … Than En shrugged his fist. Father York is a good man. Good people should not be killed, at least not by themselves …

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