Ultimate Assassin System

Chapter 6 - Surveillance york

Clang, clang, clang …

Early the next morning, Tang En woke up in a melodious bell.

“This is the bell? It seems to be over Xiaoshicun.”

Tang En shook his head and woke up, walked out of the cabin, and watched the rising smoke in the direction of Xiaoshicun.

Compared to Tang En, who is unaware of the situation, the villagers of Xiaoshi Village are used to the bells every Sunday. This is the church congregating believers to a prayer meeting. Believers in the surrounding villages will come early.

The villagers of Xunxiaoshi Village walked out of the house. At this time, even the laziest idler in the village would get up and walk to the church.

Gradually, more and more people came together. Fortunately, there is an open area in front of the church, otherwise this small church must be collapsed.

After nineteen bells struck, Father York came out wearing a flat black robe.

“Good morning, under the watchful eyes of the beloved God of Light, devout believers. Today is the time of a week’s prayer meeting, and I am glad that everyone can continue to participate.”

“Today before the prayer meeting begins, I would like to announce one thing. At about noon today, the Quartet inspection of the Church of the Light God brought Lord Sesman to our church, and then we will bring the Light God Association Greetings. “

As soon as Father York’s voice came to an end, there was a sudden uproar among the people below, all with joy and excitement. There is always the God of Light, which is known as the place closest to God. The adults of the Light God Association are the spokespersons of God walking in the world.

After he announced the news, Father York began to preside over the entire prayer meeting.

Town looked at Father York’s every move in the crowd. He showed mild behavior and kind expression, and could not see anything unusual. Don was really not sure what kind of villain Father Fuck would be.

The whole prayer meeting lasted for about an hour. As usual, after the prayer meeting, a large number of believers will disperse. There may only be a few faithful believers who will talk to York about their faith in God or something. But today, knowing that there will be big men coming, a large number of believers are stranded inside and outside the church.

Tang En also took the opportunity to walk around the church, in fact, the small stone village church is very small. When I walked in, the first thing I saw was a bell. Behind the bell is a bishop’s hall. Inside the bishop’s hall are two rows of seats and a podium. There is also an explanation booth in the corner. Father York was sitting in there at the moment, doubting or repenting for the believer.

Behind the Bishop’s Hall was the place where Father York stayed. Tang En pleaded guilty, quietly touched it and searched, but found nothing. Inside the room were simple bed tables and chairs, and a bookcase with a stack of religious books. So Tang En left a small hidden door at the window so that he could exit the room next time he entered.

After Enun’s investigation was fruitless, Tang En returned to the corner of the Bishops’ Hall, guarding Father York quietly.

All morning, Father York sat in the confession booth and patiently resolved various confusions for believers.

It was not until noon that Father York came out of it.

Father York’s look was a little awkward at this moment, because the Quartet inspection did not arrive. After waiting another hour, Father York finally announced that the Quartet may make an extra day in Laiyan City next door, and let the believers go back first, and wait for his further notice.

The hungry believers had to go back, and soon the people inside and outside the church were scattered.

Father York and a few enthusiastic followers packed the church inside and out. After all, when so many people came and went, they always brought a little dust and debris.

Tang En saw that they had to clean up for a while, then they left the church and had lunch with the old farmer. The old farmer naturally returned just after attending the prayer meeting. Since there was no time, the smoked rabbit meat was not made. Just pack some food and deal with it. During the meal, the old farmer has been a pity that the big man has not arrived.

唐 After lunch, Tang En slipped into the church again. At this time, everyone was scattered. Father York was taking a nap in the backyard.

Thann through the concealed door left in the window, he opened a slight gap and determined that Father York was resting. Then he brought the window and walked around the church. Finally he stayed on the roof of the bishop’s hall. This place, he was optimistic when he came this morning. Not only can you overlook the Bishop’s Hall, but you can also see the outside through the hollow window decoration on the roof.

I have to say that Tang En has learned a lot through the killer system these days. If it was before, even if he wanted to monitor, he couldn’t find such a good position.

左右 Around three in the afternoon, Father York got up. After briefly rubbing his face, he locked the church door and walked towards the village. After a while, he would talk to the old people in the village without care and promote the Gospel as usual.

Tang En hung far behind, watching the smiles of satisfaction of the old people, and from time to time happy laughter, Tang En really felt that his surveillance behavior was really mean.

I was worried that the inspection would suddenly come, so Father York today did not go to the surrounding villages. Two hours later, it was a little dark, shaking hands with several elderly people, and Father York set off for the church.

“Huh?” Tang En, who had been following, suddenly gave a stun.

Because York wiped his hands quickly after leaving the old man’s eyes, his face turned away with a mild expression, and his face murmured a few words.

From Tang’s perspective, I could see Father York’s lips, which was clearly cursing.

He did not wait for Tang En to react from the scene in front of him, and Father York greeted the peasant woman who came to work part-time. The warm smile was still there, and he did not see the disgusting color just now.

Tang En touched his nose, at this time he was not sure whether the vision he had just seen was an illusion.

With confusion, Tang En arrived at the church first, and after hiding it in the bishop’s roof beam, Father York opened the door of the church and walked in.

Father York didn’t have a mild smile on his face at this time, until he walked into the backyard accommodation, his expressionless face was a little embarrassed.

恩 Tang Enju exaggerated and took a look at York’s look, quickly jumped off the roof beam, and went straight to the backyard.

York’s room was lighting up, but strangely, Down did not see the figure shaking on the window, nor did he hear any noise, like an empty house.

恩 Tangen gritted his teeth and ventured to open the window through the hidden door.

The mortuary was empty … Don was stunned. Although it was a little dark just now, he dared to swear that York was undoubtedly entering the room just now.

恩 Don En simply opened the window and quietly rolled into the room.

The decorations in the mortuary are almost the same as when they came in the morning.

有 Is there a secret door? This is the first thought of Tang En, and it is also the most likely scenario.

If there is a hidden door in this room, it may only be underground. Tang En leaned down to look at the ground carefully, and finally found signs of movement in the bookcase. And the bottom of the bookcase does not directly touch the ground, but is covered with a layer of iron sheet. Obviously this is due to the increase of sliding force.

Tang En stood beside the bookcase. With a little hard work, the entire bookcase was pushed away, and a downward step appeared in front of Tang En. At this time, Tang En knew that Father York was definitely not easy. After all, no one demolished the walls of his own house and dug the foundation of his own house to play in the cellar.

Tang En fumbled down the stairs, and the whole ladder was spiral. After walking dozens of steps, Tang En vaguely heard the crazy laughter and tragic cry. The two sounds are mixed together, which sounds very dark in this narrow tunnel.

There was a martyr after I stepped down the stairs, and the cry and laughter became clearer. Tang En saw a white light at the corner ahead. The voice came from there.

Tang En calmed his mind, touched the corner, carefully leaned his head out,

There is a lot of space inside the urn, which is particularly bright illuminated by the torches of the wall.

An iron pillar is erected in the center of the space, and black chains are wrapped around the iron pillars. Two undressed girls are locked at each end of the chain. Outgoing.

Father York was no more gentle now, and his face was ugly. He took off his black robe, rolled white sleeves and whipped the long whip on the two little girls, making a crazy laugh.

“Please, please me … haha ​​…”

“Please … don’t hit, oh, don’t hit …”

“Don’t fight? Well, do you remember what I said to you last night?”

“Woohoo, remember, remember. Serve well, wait for the ambassador.”

“Well, Mary, remember that well, in order to reward you, I will reward you a few more whip … haha ​​…”

“Don’t … Ah! Oh …”

“Struggling … Struggling with all your strength, haha ​​…”

Hey fuck, this scum, he made him a good man. Seeing here, Tang En was stunned and rushed out.

“Haha, don’t worry, I won’t leave scars on your delicate skin. UU reads www.uukanshu.com” York laughed wildly, raising his hands, two white lights shone on the two little girls. The white and white whip marks on their bodies quickly disappeared into the white light.

看看 “Look, isn’t that all right, then we will start again …”

“Don’t … don’t fight …” The two little girls were clearly torn down in their torture. Healing only treats the body, but it can’t treat the spirit.

Two white lights made Tang En completely sober. The environment here is bright, unobstructed, and the power of hiding is too low.

If he goes up like this, he may not be the opponent of this perverted York. Just put yourself in, but the two little girls won’t be rescued anymore, for fear that they will really lose their spirits.

Tang En now regrets very much that he did not learn the killing skills with the old housekeeper.

Huh? As soon as Tang En’s mind turned, an idea came to mind.

Tang En looked at the two little girls, gritted his teeth, and turned to run to the stairs. At the steps, Tang En made some noises and ran straight up.


A very unclear voice echoed in the underpass. Tang En naturally ignored it. After running out of the underpass, he quickly moved the bookcase back to his original position. After a quick observation, Tang En flashed out of the window without any trace of himself.

After I left York’s room, Dunn pulled out directly from the back of the church and hurried to his forest hut. The forest is just south of Xiaoshi Village, and it takes about ten minutes to go back and forth.


PS (PS: for recommendation and collection. This book has been signed A, please rest assured!)

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