Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 123: Reason for Transmigration

AN: Cause I wasn't able to update last week. Here's another chap!


Chapter 123: Reason for Transmigration

“While we don’t have a lady racoon, we have a talking shark, a talking crocodile, a lady cheetah, a guy who can turn into any animal, and a city full of talking gorillas. They used to be our enemies but after being beaten by Lucas black and blue and some…rehabilitation, they’re good guys now.”

Flash added when he saw Rocket looked disappointed.

Rocket was surprised and asked.

“A city of gorillas?”

“Like planet of the apes.”

“You have a planet full of apes? Oh, are you talking about Earth?”

“It’s a movi-...oh right, different world. Nevermind.”

“Whatever. This I gotta see! Let’s go there!”

“Hop on the Flash express!”

Flash laughed and held Rocket as he sped away, leaving Green Lantern grumbling.

“Sure, leave the guy with no super speed…”

While Gamora, Groot, and Rocket went about doing their own things, in the watchtower, Benjamin and Lucas were still talking amongst themselves when a sudden beeping sound rang out.

Lucas turned to look at one of the screens on the wall and shrugged.

“Oh, it’s that time again.”

“What is it? Someone’s birthday or something?”

Benjamin asked since the beeping sound didn’t sound urgent or dangerous.

Lucas shook his head.

“Nah, it’s just another wave of anti-matter about to destroy the multiverse again.”

“Oh…wait what?”

Benjamin broke into sweat.

Isn’t that important!? Rather, it’s a multiverse level threat isn’t it!?

Why are you acting like it’s some kind of holiday!?

Lucas noticed his expression and laughed.

“Haha, relax. This stuff happens every few years or so. It’s not a big deal.”

“...How is the end of the multiverse not a big deal!? Also, why does it happen so many times!?”

Lucas sighed.

“Actually, the first time this happened, it was indeed somewhat of a big deal.”

…Only somewhat!?

Benjamin was speechless.

Lucas continued.

“But eventually, I managed to kill the Anti-monitor who was responsible for the anti-matter wave. We all celebrated and moved on. However…it happened again after a few years…and again…and again…”

“What’s wrong? The Anti-monitor keep resurrecting?”

“Well, yes and no.”


“Technically speaking, the ones we killed were already dead. The ones that appeared later are another version of the Anti-monitor. You know, multiverse stuff.”

“...Isn’t the Anit-monitor some kind of unique being in the multiverse?”

Lucas shook his head.

“There’s no such thing as a unique being in the multiverse. Not the Anti-monitor, not the One Above All, and certainly not me or you. If I have to say…the only unique thing in the multiverse are the Systems and by extension, makes the ‘current us’ a unique thing. I’ve tested it before by going back in time and meeting the past me. The instant I entered that timeline, the past me’s System disappeared suddenly while the current me still had it. I tried going to the future and this time, it was my System that disappeared while the future me still had it. Of course, the System returned to me when I went back to my time.”

Benjamin was surprised to hear Lucas explain regarding this.

He had never thought about the System like this and thought it would always be bound to him unless something happens to take it away.

It didn’t occur to him that traveling to the future might cause it to disappear.

It seems he can’t simply time-travel unnecessarily.

“Anyway, it was indeed a problem that Anti-monitors keep appearing so with the help of Doctor Fate, John Constantine, Ray Palmer, Brainiac, Lex Luthor and a bunch more experts in the field of magic and science, we were able to create the Anti-Anti-monitor. AAM for shor!”

“...Anti-Anti? Isn’t that just the Monitor?”

Benjamin retorted.

Lucas shook his head and clicked his tongue.

“No, the Monitor is useless. You know that one guy in school project team that keeps talking but doesn’t contribute to anything? He’s that guy.”


Benjamin was speechless.

“Anyway, with the AAM, basically whenever there’s a notice of anti-matter wave appearing, the AAM will release its own burst of anti-anti-matter wave which exactly counters the anti-matter and at the same time, kill the Anti-monitor. Also, it’s basically harmless to others.”

As he spoke, Benjamin felt an invisible wave of energy seemingly surge past him.

Seconds after, the beeping stopped.

“There. Problem solved.”


…That’s it?

A multiverse-level disaster…was gone just like that?

“So…you just saved the entire multiverse just like that?”

“Hm? Well, it’s AAM who did it not me. Also, when I meant multiverse, I only mean the DC multiverse.”

Lucas explained.

“The multiverse is much larger than people think it is. There is what I call the Greater Multiverse which consists of every existing universe like yours or mine. Then there’s the Lesser Multiverse which are a cluster of universes that are closely related. The Marvel-verse and DC-verse is an example of this. There’s also others like the Harry Potter-verse or One Piece-verse. Speaking of, I went there by accident one time. Anyway, the anti-matter wave just now only existed in the DC-verse and didn’t affect your universe.”

“What about the spider-verse?”

“That’s another smaller cluster in your Marvel-verse which is the Character-verse. Spider-verse, Venom-verse, Batman-verse, Flash-verse… basically a group of universes where the same character exists.”

Benjamin nodded then asked.

“I’m curious. With your power…aren’t you tempted to go and conquer other universes? Not just the DC ones.”

Lucas chuckled and shook his head.

“I might be powerful but it would be too arrogant to think that there’s nobody out there capable of defeating me. The multiverse is simply too vast. There’s no point in conquering other universes. Besides, if someone disrupts things too much in a universe where they don’t belong, more System-holders appear.”


Benjamin was surprised to hear the topic return to the Systems again.

Lucas hesitated for a moment before sighing.

“Actually, I think I might have caused you to transmigrate and gain a system.”


Benjamin was even more surprised.

“The thing is, I went to the Marvel cinematic universe one time for fun and had my kids uhh…make a mess over there…anyway, it reached the point where that universe was about to break so I reverted things to how it was before we arrived there…I tried to fix it as best I could but…hehe.”


Benjamin was speechless once again.

So…does he mean that after making a mess and trying to fix it…I somehow got transmigrated into that universe?

[It is true. Because of his involvement, spatial anomalies appeared and accidentally dragged you from your previous world. As for the changes resulting his ‘fix’, the universe fixed itself on its own by incorporating other nearby universes.]

…No wonder…

Benjamin felt long before that his world seemed similar to the MCU in his previous world, but at the same time, differed a lot.

Characters that didn’t originally appear in the MCU appeared here…events that happened in other versions also appeared here…it was like a mix of this and that with the MCU as a main base…

Was this the reason?

Then…what about the System? How did I get it? Is it some kind of naturally occurring phenomenon?

[It is not. You were given this System right before you appeared in the Marvel world.]

By who?

[That is classified. Do not worry, host. That person has no bad intentions. When the time comes, the host will realize who it is and why it happened.]


Benjamin sighed and shook his head.

“Anyway, forget about it. What’s happened has happened. Rather than that, is there any fun things to do here? It’s not always that I get to travel to the DC universe.”

“Haha I know all the fun places! For starters, let’s go to Apokalips!”



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