Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 124: Apokalips

Chapter 124: Apokalips

“This…is Apokalips?”

Benjamin asked as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing in front of him.

When one mentions Apokalips, you’d think it’s some sort of apocalyptic world filled with death.

It could be a hellish landscape of fire and lava.

Or maybe a barren wasteland with no breath of greenery.

But what he was seeing now…


Welcome to Apokalips, where darkness meets the thrill,

A world of cosmic wonders, where villains test their skill.

Beneath the fiery skies, where shadows never fade,

Adventure calls, in every corner, heroes brave the shade.


Apokalips, where legends rise and fall,

In the heart of chaos, hear destiny's call.

From fiery pits to the stars above,

Feel the power, embrace the dark, in this realm we love.


Ride the Omega Rollercoaster, through the cosmic storm,

Face the trials of Darkseid, where evil takes its form.

With every twist and turn, a battle to be won,

On Apokalips, the journey's just begun.


Through the fiery trials, find courage in your heart,

In Apokalips' embrace, heroes play their part.

Among the Parademons' flight, and New Gods' mighty reign,

We celebrate the darkness, where heroes dare to gain.


Apokalips, where legends rise and fall,

In the heart of chaos, hear destiny's call.

From fiery pits to the stars above,

Feel the power, embrace the dark, in this realm we love.


So join us now, in this cosmic domain,

Apokalips awaits you, where adventure's never tame.

Where villains scheme and heroes rise, in this eternal fight,

At Apokalips Theme Park, let your spirit take its flight!



The song filled the air and numerous parademons in uniforms walked around.

Some were tending to booths, some selling street snacks, some taking pictures for others…

Suddenly, the streets lit up with flashy fireworks and a huge figure arrived.

“Welcome all to Apokalips Park! May you all have an exciting and thrilling time!”

…It was Darkseid. AKA Lord of Apokalips. AKA God of Evil. AKA The Great Darkness. AKA The Destroyer of Worlds…

“What the fuck?”

There were too many things to retort but in the end, Benjamin could only utter those three words.

Beside him, Lucas laughed seeing his reaction.

“Relax. That isn’t the real Darkseid and parademons. That’s just Clayface. The parademons are just normal staff transformed to look like parademons temporarily.”


“Why? Well, I killed Darkseid long ago so I can’t have him be here.”

“That’s not what I meant! I mean…why did you turn Apokalips like this!?”

“Ah. Well…It’s a waste not to use such a planet right?”


Benjamin was speechless.

Otherworlders really have different ideas of fun…

…Hm? Actually, can’t I do the same to Thanos’ homeworld, Titan?

Although that planet’s a dead planet, the air was still breathable so it should be fine after I fix it up a bit…

Like Lucas said, it’s a waste to leave a good planet be.

It wouldn’t necessarily be an amusement park but he can definitely build residential areas there.

I guess I’ll talk to Fury about it later.

While Benjamin was seriously considering it, Lucas went ahead and bought them tickets.

“Wanna try riding the Omega Rollercoster? It’s quite exciting.”

“Hm? Well…might as well.”

Benjamin chuckled.

Anyway, he was already here. Might as well enjoy himself.

A few minutes later…

Benjamin was strapped to a chair or a red streamlined rollercoaster with Lucas right beside him.

He looked ahead of him and turned to Lucas stiffly. It was so stiff that one could almost hear creaking sounds from his neck as he turned.

“Uhh, bro.”

“What’s up bro?”

“This is a rollercoaster, right bro?”

“Yea bro.”

“...So where’s the tracks…bro?”

Lucas grinned.

“Who says the Omega Rollercoaster runs on tracks, bro?”

As if on cue, a huge head of Darkseid appeared behind the rollercoaster car, and its eyes lit up.

At the same time, transparent covers suddenly enveloped the whole car.

Lucas explained.

“Neat huh? After I studied the Omega energy a bit, I made this thing that can shoot harmless Omega Blasts. It can even carry stuff on it!”

Benjamin sweated.

“You’re not seriously suggesting…”


“I- FUUU----!!!”

Before Benjamin could retort again, Omega energy had already gathered and shot towards the rollercoaster car, enveloping it and then pulling it along as it shot at light speed into space!

Right, the ‘track’ wasn’t isolated on the surface of the planet…it shoots out to space, loops around some asteroids a couple of times, then crashlanding on a pool of water on the planet!



It was so fast that Benjamin could finish his curse that he started at the start of the ‘ride’.

By the time the car floated to the surface of the pool and uncovered, several passengers behind them had already leaned and vomited before shouting in excitement, wanting to go again.

Benjamin was still able to hold on without vomiting due to his strong physique and the Untainted Symbiote’s durability.

Lucas expertly got out and went to a nearby booth.

When Benjamin shakily got out and stood back on the surface, Lucas approached him with a photo in his hands.

“Here, you can keep it.”


Benjamin looked at the picture and saw his ugly expression captured in high definition.

“...Weren’t we moving at light speed?”

“Haha, that’s just what we say but the truth is, the ride only moves at ‘near’ light speed. The camera to take this was quite specialized so it’s able to take high-definition pictures of the ride.”

…What’s the fucking difference!?

Benjamin took several breaths to calm himself.

“...Just how bored are you to make this thing…”



I could tell…

Benjamin sighed.

“Come on! Let’s go to the next one!’

Lucas laughed.

It’s not always that he could bring other reincarnated people like him around.

Although he had met a few ones in the DC universe, they usually tried their best to avoid him like a plague.

As if they’re afraid he would suddenly start killing them or something.

Seriously, who had the time for such bothersome things.

Thankfully, Benjamin wasn’t like that and he could have some fun once in a while away from his wives.

As they toured Apokalips, Lucas asked.

“By the way, have you met Deadpool? Does he actually break the fourth wall?”

“That guy? Yeah, he would sometimes turn towards an empty spot and speak. Whenever he does that, I also sense a faint presence of the ‘4th wall’ which kinda feels weird…”

“Oh? What does it feel?”

“Like hundreds of eyes peering on me…”

“Only a hundred? Guess the author isn’t popular.”


“How about Gwenpool?”

“Gwenpool huh? She hasn’t appeared yet. I don’t know if my world even has her.”

“Which Spider-man is in your universe? Tobey? Andrew? Tom? Or someone else?”

“Uhh, none of those I believe. If I have to say…it’s closer to the one from the Ultimate Spider-man series.”

After chatting some more and having finished touring Apokalips, Benjamin was ready to head back and head home with some souvenirs.

On the way back, he asked Lucas.

“What’s your plan with Kal-El?”

“Hmmm, I think I know where his home universe is but…the Kal-El of that universe had already been replaced with another reincarnator with a system. If we send him back there…well, it’s easy fix if we want to be violent about it but that guy has been living a good life and hasn’t abused his powers so it would be a bit unreasonable to suddenly take his life away.”

Benjamin nodded.

“In that case, we’ll proceed with finding a world where his parents were still alive as planned?”

Lucas nodded then sighed.

“About that. Actually, wouldn’t it be better to inform Kal-El first and let him decide? It’s just gonna be troublesome if he somehow finds out the truth in the future. I don’t want any unnecessary drama.”

“...Let’s do that then.”

Benjamin agreed but sighed as well.

He just doesn’t know what reaction Superman would have upon learning that someone had replaced him in his home world.


AN: song credits to chatgpt XD

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