Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 125: Return

AN: Sorry for the delay. I caught the flu last last week then got hospitalized last week due to some problems with my throat. Apparently if it wasn't prevented, I would have to breath through a tube on my neck. It's all good now though.

I'll see if I can do another chapter later.

That's all. Enjoy!


Chapter 125: Return


Benjamin and Lucas returned and explained the situation to Kal-El without hiding any details.

On the way, the two discussed that it was better to just rip the band-aid off and tell Kal-El the details without dragging their words.

As a result, Kal-El, who was surrounded by people of the same race as his and had relaxed, was dumbfounded.

Clark, Kara, and Karen facepalmed and sighed.

Can’t they at least soften the blow or something…

Kal-El, who was still dumbfounded, had a lot of questions.

Benjamin and Lucas answered each of them patiently.

Lucas even showed him a projection of that world where the reincarnated Kal-El was happily chatting amongst friends.

Seeing that his replacement was living a happy carefree life while remembering all the suffering and torment he had to go through for years made Kal-El feel angry.

How was this fair!?

That was supposed to be my life!

Why did this have to happen to me!?

All sorts of questions spiraled in his head. His breathing became hoarse and his heart beat loudly. So loud that he felt it drowned out all the noise around him.

It felt as if walls were closing in on him, suffocating him. 

Suddenly, he heard a soft chime.

All that anger and rage disappeared. However, it wasn’t like it was just gone like it was never there.

It was still there. He could still feel angry.

But his thoughts were now clear and the walls that started to close in on him began to crumble.

He looked up and saw Benjamin holding a bell.

Benjamin lifted his hand and placed it on his shoulder.

“I know you’re angry and you have every right to be. But at times like this, you must not sight of yourself. If you do, it will only get much worse. Your life may no longer be what it was supposed to be, but think of it this way.”

Benjamin smiled.

“From now on, every choice you make. Every decision. Every path. It’s all up to you to decide. You don’t have to be Clark Kent like most Kal-Els in the multiverse. You don’t have to be Superman. Heck, if you want, it’s fine if you don’t become Kal-El. You can just be…well, you.”

Lucas nodded.

“And you also have us. Whatever you decide to become, we’re all here for it.”

Kal-El was silent.

“...What if I decide to end the universe?”

“Go ahead. But just so you know, we’ll stop you.”

Superman grinned.

“Because we’re also following our own path. If your path crosses ours, we’ll stop you.”

Karen also added.

“Don’t get it wrong. We said we’re here to support you, but we won’t hold your hand all the way. If you want to walk your own path, then stand on your own two feet and walk. Whatever path it is, you’re responsible for the consequences of your own actions.”

Kal-El smiled.

He sighed and looked back at the display showing the smiling Kal-El who had replaced him.

“Can I…meet him?”

Benjamin and Lucas exchanged looks.

The two nodded.

“Sure. Don’t worry, if it becomes a fight, we’ll take you away.”

Lucas turned to Benjamin.

“Ah, you better not come. Two System holders meeting is already a rare occurrence and so far, nothing happened. But we can’t really be sure what would happen if three were to meet in the same universe. Besides, I can already feel this universe rejecting you. I’m only holding it back. Once I leave, you’ll be expelled forcefully.”

“...How convenient.”

“...Was that a 4th wall break?”


In any case, it was time to head back anyway.

Thinking that, Benjamin called back Gamora, Groot, and Rocket who went somewhere.

Soon, they arrived.

Seeing them, Benjamin was surprised.

Gamora now had a brace on both arms similar to Wonder Woman and a golden lasso tied to her waist.


Wonder Woman answered.

“The Lasso of Truth. Or well, a replica that Lucas made. It’s only slightly weaker than the original.”

“I see…”

Benjamin then turned to Rocket.

He was wearing some kind of tech on his head and was carrying a bunch of weapons.

Rocket grinned.

“Souvenirs from Gorilla City! Man, you cannot believe how high-tech it is for a city full of apes!”


Benjamin looked at Flash.

“Did he get permission to get those or did he steal them?”

“Uhh, it’s fine. Grodd gave it to him.”

“Hey! What do you take me for!? A petty thief!?”

Rocket shouted.

Benjamin just glanced at him with half-closed eyes.

Well…aren’t you?

Benjamin ignored him and turned to Groot.

Umm…this guy seemed to have…grown? There’s also more leaves on him now.

If the Groot before was a bald tree, he was now considered full of hair…or rather, leaves…

“I am Groot.”

Beside Groot, a lady with slight greenish skin and red hair smiled.

“He said it's the result of his training. I taught him some mixtures of concoction suitable for plant growth and strengthening. Oh, Swampy also taught it how to access the Green. I’m not sure if it will be of use back in your universe.”

“Ivy, can you stop calling me Swampy…”

A huge green figure sighed beside them.

These must me…Poison Ivy and Swamp Thing?’

Benjamin was surprised.

Did these three…just upgrade?

They all got some sort of power up…

Meanwhile, he…

Rocket looked at Benjamin and the various souvenir bags by his feet.

He looked at Benjamin weirdly.

“Did you just go to an amusement park or something?”



“I also rode a rollercoaster that sped close to the speed of light?”

“...Are you an idiot? Doesn’t that mean that the ride is over in a single second? Is that supposed to be fun?”


That seemed to be true…

Gamora looked around and nodded.

“Good, you didn’t bring back any girls. My mission is complete.”


Benjamin was speechless.

After a while, the group said their goodbyes and Benjamin opened a portal back to his home universe.

Gamora, Groot, and Rocket went back into the Soul Stone as well in order to prevent any accidents from happening during the travel.

Just as Benjamin was about to return, Kal-El called out to him.



“...Thank you.”

Benjamin grinned.

“It’s fine. If fate wills it, we’ll meet again.”

Benjamin turned as he waved goodbye.

Goodbye DC Universe!

As soon as he went through the portal, he saw a green sky and the familiar city of New York.

Ah…it’s so good to be home.

…Wait, green sky?

Benjamin looked back at the sky.

…Yep, it's green…why is it green? Did Earth get cucked? Did it become the Hulk?

Benjamin looked back at the ‘familiar’ city of New York.

There seemed to be…green banners everywhere?

There’s also a huge metal statue where the Statue of Liberty was supposed to be.

It was a figure of a man in robes with a metal mask.

Suddenly, a huge projection appeared in the skies.

It was the image of a huge metal mask.

“Citizens of New York. Your heroes have fallen. Now, prepare for Doom!”

“...What the fu-”

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