Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 126: Doom

Chapter 126: Doom

Looking at the scene before him, Benjamin was beyond confused as he asked the System.

System? Are we in the right universe?

[...There has been a change in your universe’s coordinates. It is no longer the same as before.]

Benjamin was even more confused.

What do you mean by the coordinates changed?

Did our universe get evicted or something? Did we not pay rent or something?? Do universes even move???

[Generally, universes have their own fixed frequencies which are used as coordinates for multiversal travel. These frequencies do not change under normal circumstances.]

Benjamin rolled his eyes.

Well, clearly this isn’t normal.

Benjamin sighed as he looked around once again.

Seeing this Doom-ridden world, he suddenly remembered something.

Come to think of it. Does our universe have a Viktor Von Doom?


What happened to that guy?

[He tried to go to New York and gotten into a fight with Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four. However, he was quickly overpowered by Sue Storm.]

Benjamin was speechless.

Was Sue that powerful?

[Host, you forget how powerful your seed is. Sleeping with you has caused Sue Storm’s abilities to grow even more powerful. Plus, she had the Untainted Symbiote and other stuff you left behind.]


Benjamin remembered giving some of the extra stuff he got in his gacha. Those stuff were useless to him and were just dusting away in his Inventory so he would occasionally give them to the others.

It’s mostly things like proton swords, gravity bombs, and other gadgets. Nothing too deadly.

It wasn’t just to his women but to other members of the EPD as well.

Spiderman seemed to have taken most of it though.

Still, Benjamin didn’t think that Doctor Doom had already made a move in his universe and he didn’t even realize it. It seems the version of Doctor Doom in his universe isn’t one of the stronger versions.

As for this world…

Benjamin scratched his head.

“Forget it. I’ll help deal with this situation here then we go back.”

I mean…it would be weird to just ignore it now that I’m here…

Benjamin thought and sighed.

Benjamin stretched a bit and pumped himself up.

“Let’s end this quickly.”

Benjamin did a quick mental sweep of New York to look for Doctor Doom.

“There you are.”

Empire State Building.

On the topmost floor, a throne made of metal was placed in an obnoxious manner.

Sitting on it was none other than Viktor Von Doom.

Doom’s head rested on his hand propped up on the armchair when he felt a surge of mental energy sweep New York.

His eyes gleamed a green cold light.

“Susan? No, she isn’t this powerful. Is it Xavier?”

Doom scoffed.

“I expected resistance from the X-Men but I didn’t think they would arrive this quickly.”

Doom slowly stood up and walked to the edge of of the building.

As he walked, numerous bodies groaned beneath his feet.

Looking closely, it was actually Captain America and the rest of the Avengers!

Doom glanced at the Mjolnir that lay beside Thor’s unconscious body and casually held the handle.


Explosions of green lightning and energy flashed from Doom’s hand as it repeatedly struck Mjolnir until he eventually…lifted the hammer of Thor!

Doom sneered.

“Worthy? Ridiculous. No one can judge Doom if he is worthy or not! Only Doom!”


Suddenly a web shot towards his face.

“Does Doom always speak in the third person?”

Doom remained unfazed as he merely took it off and glanced at a corner where a familiar figure with black and red suit was lying.

It was none other than Miles Morales, Spiderman.

“Spiderman. Till the end, you can never learn to shut up.”

Doom pointed Mjolnir towards Spiderman and green lightning flashed!

But at this moment, white lightning also shot in between Doom and Spiderman, revealing a figure in white trench coat and black shirt.

“Oh man, what a rush. The Speedforce is pretty awesome.”

Benjamin smiled.

Just earlier, he received the rewards from settling Kal-El in the DC universe and got 1 trillion MP, the Speedforce, Avatar Creation, and Power Bestowal.

He tried using the Speedforce just now and got used to it for a few seconds before arriving here.

It would be embarrassing if he fumbles and trips during the fight after all.

Benjamin glanced at the Miles Morales Spiderman of this universe.

“You okay there kid?”


“Hm? Oh you must not be a part of the Spider Society yet if you didn’t recognize me.”

“Spider Society?”

“It’s a multiverse thing. Anyway, let’s get you guys patched up.”

Benjamin flipped his hand and warm light spread out as it shot towards each of the fallen heroes.

The next moment, their wounds healed visibly and they began to wake up one after the other.

This healing ability is just one of the many applications of his Nature power which he was slowly exploring.

As the Avengers stood up, they glanced at their bodies and each other.


Iron Man asked.

“We were fighting Doctor Doom…and we lost…we should be dead.”

Hawkeye frowned.

“Not dead. Just unconscious. This guy healed us.”

Spiderman answered their confusion. Although he still can’t wrap his head around what was happening.

Only now did the Avengers look towards Benjamin.

Captain America stepped forward and picked up his broken shield before turning to Benjamin.

“You saved us. Thank you. But let’s talk later. I’m assuming you’re a friendly. We still need to deal with the problem at hand.”

Captain America narrowed his eyes as he turned to look at Doom who wasn’t saying a single peep since earlier and just watched everything unfold.

Doom shook his head.

“Pathetic tricks. Do you think you stand a chance now? How pitiful. Do you still not understand? You cannot face Doom!”

Green lightning flickered as Doom held Mjolnir.

Thor gritted his teeth seeing his hammer in the hands of the enemy.

“Be careful. He wields Mjolnir. The most powerful weapon of Asg-”

“Oh, I’ll be taking that.”

Before Thor could finish, Benjamin waved his hand and the Mjolnir in Doom’s hand suddenly left his hands and flew straight to Benjamin.

Thor was speechless.

Fuck! What’s wrong with Mjolnir today!? Why are so many people lifting it!?

Doom glanced at his hand and frowned.

He lifted his head again and looked at Benjamin.

“Speak your name in front of Doom!”

Benjamin groaned.

Is this guy always going to be speaking like this?

Benjamin shook his head.

He looked at the Mjolnir in his hand and thought of something.

Suddenly, on his other hand, another Mjolnir appeared.


Thunder rumbled in the skies above and Benjamin’s eyes glowed with white lightning as he held two Mjolnirs.

Thor was dumbfounded and his jaw practically dropped to the floor.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I?

Doom’s eyes narrowed.

“You think you can scare Doom? Doom is not afraid of that hammer. My armor is resis-”

“Doom talks too much.”

Benjamin charged up the Speedforce and sped towards Doom holding two Mjolnirs and smashed both at Doom!

With the power of the Speedforce, plus the lightning of two Mjolnirs, and speed that surpassed the speed of sound, no matter how resistant Doom’s armor was…it’s impossible to remain uninjured under such power.

Doom crashed onto his metal throne, destroying it into rubbles.

His armor…cracked and in pieces.

He didn’t die though but it would probably take months for him to recover.

Benjamin glanced at Doom then put away his own Mjolnir before tossing the other Mjolnir at Thor.

“Here. Catch.”

“Ah, oh…”

Thor caught his Mjolnir while fumbling.

He still hasn’t snapped out of it completely.

The other Avengers were pretty much the same.

Finally, Spiderman spoke up.

“Well…that takes care of that.”

“Yeap. Oh, let me fix this place a bit as well.”

Benjamin waved his hand and the power of the Reality Stone surged, removing all the green flags and stuff that Doom left behind.

Oh and also fixed the green sky.

How did that green sky even happen?

Whatever, it’s probably some kind of machine Doom made or something.

Iron Man looked at the changed surroundings and shouted.

“What the fuck was that!?”

“Reality Stone.”

“Oh, Reality Stone. Of course. Not! What the fuck is a Reality Stone!? Who the fuck are you!?”

“Wow, you sure swear a lot. Did Captain Americal allow that?”


Benjamin sighed.

“Look, I'm just a guy who accidentally traveled to this universe. I’ll be leaving soon so there’s no need to bother about who I am.”

Benjamin looked around.

“Since things here have settled, I’ll be leaving now. If fate wills it, we’ll meet again.”

Benjamin no longer bothered staying around and just simply left.

After finding a secluded place, Benjamin turned to the System.

So. Any idea how to get back?

[You could travel to the TVA and go back from there.]


[Time Variance Authority. They used to manage the Sacred Timeline but are now managing the Marvel multiverse to make sure nothing threatens to destroy it.]

So multiverse cop?


Sounds fun. But too much detour. I’ll just go ask Mors.

Mors, the Death of his universe, is still connected to him via the Soul Stone so she should be able to form a link for Benjamin to return.

[...Or that. I could do that.]

Benjamin rolled his eyes at the System.

What’s happening to this System? It’s like it wants me to make the detour.


Oh shit, you do want me to make that detour? You want me to go to the TVA? Why?

[Host, you know I can’t answer that.]

Ugh. You and your stupid permissions. Who the hell made you so uptight?


The System was speechless.

Benjamin shook his head.

Anyway, let’s head home first. Nat’s about to give birth. I’ll deal with the TVA after, deal?

[Understood. Connecting to Death’s presence. Coordinates found.]

The portal appeared once again which Benjamin stepped into and finally made it back home.

Benjamin looked at the familiar city in front of him and smiled.

Ah…it’s so good to be home.

And the sky is blue this time.



“Oh come on!”


AN: I know, the fight with Doom is over too fast. But this won't be the last we'll see of this Doom. XD

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