Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 15: Live well, Buddy + [Forum Discussion 3]

A few dozen minutes later, I got up from the floor and took some potions from my inventory to drink. Restoring my HP and MP back to full.

While I was at it, I also allocated my attribute points and brought Lampy back out since the boss fight was over. Patting the big firefly gently.

Then, I turned to Bane and saw that it was still sleeping and decided to leave it be for the time being, as I stood up and approached the big treasure chest that had been waiting for me to be opened now that the dungeon has been cleared.

I had already gotten some neat stuff from the Gaius and the hidden quest reward. So I wondered what I would get from the chest.

Lo and behold, here are what I've acquired:


[Skill Scroll - Knight's Valour]

Lets the user learn the skill [Knight's Valour] when used.

Knight's Valour - (Activates when the player has 1 HP remaining.) Temporarily grants Invincibility and sets all skill's MP cost to zero. Effect lasts for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 1 day.


[Skill Scroll - Knight's Last Stand]

Lets the user learn the skill [Knight's Last Stand] when used.

Knight's Last Stand - Endures any damage that would kill the player with 1 HP remaining. Cooldown: 1 day.


[Cloak of Romuli]

Physical Defense: +200

Magical Defense: +150

Quality: Ancient

Effect(s): [+30 STR, +20 VIT], [Has a small chance of ignoring damage taken.]

An ancient cloak that was made out of the finest linen and the fur of a great beast, worn only by the greatest warrior of Romuli as the fallen nation's insignia was also embroidered on back. Though it needs some laundry work, wearing it shall also grant the wearer +100 Drip.

Equippable by: [All Classes]

Equippable slot(s): [Accessory 1] / [Accessory 2]


First off. These are broken.

Knight Valour and Knight's Last Stand on their own are not that great, especially with that one day cooldown. But when put together, I can already tell they will be incredible when in battle. And if I include my Final Push skill into the mix, I can negate more damage for a longer time. Even if it's by a few dozen more seconds.

The other broken thing would be the Cloak of Romuli, which also gives me the possibility of negating damage.

That ability itself is incredible. And will probably be even more so if I have a high amount of LUK stats. Unfortunately, I wasn't keen on building that so it merely stands at 20, which is only at that number because of the Ritual Dagger of the Accursed that I have equipped right now.

I also have barely used the dagger ever since I'd acquired the Hex skill, considering that the effect is better and much easier to apply onto enemies.

It hasn't even been a full day since I got it. Yet, I'm already considering switching it to something else. But until I find something better to replace it, I'll just keep it equipped in my off-hand.

As for the cloak, I immediately took off my Ring of Magic Attack and wore it.

Oh my! The description was right. This is pretty fashionable to wear.

And it feels nice to touch too.

After that, the only other things I wanted to check were the items I'd got from Gaius and the completion of the Hidden Quest.

Starting with the longsword Gaius gave to me before his death. It is nice in terms of coolness and design. But the weapon cannot be used by a Magician, so I'm not going to go into details about it.

As for the other items...


[Skill Scroll - Blessing of Romuli]

Let the user learn the skill [Blessing of Romuli] when used.

Blessing of Romuli - Grants immunity to stats-decreasing Status Effects. (Curse, Slow, Weaken etc.)


This one is good. But I'll still need to be careful for other effects like Poisoned, Bleed and whatnot.

But this item on the other hand, was something I don't quite understand.


Quest Item: [Lumen Stone]

A unique stone that contains the power of the Angel of Illumination, Lumen. With this very stone, light can be restored to the world. However, the stone is required to be placed in a [Sacred Altar] for the divine energy sealed within the stone to be released.


A [Sacred Altar]...

And where in the world do I find that!?

"Haa..." I sighed and closed the item description window.

With all of that being said and done, the only thing left for me to do is to leave this dungeon through that shining blue magic circle on the ground, which I could only assume to be the exit.

Bane has also woken up, so...

"Shall we go, Bane?"


"Hm? What's wrong?"


Bane looks down for some reason. I couldn't figure out why and simply thought about it for a few minutes.

Then, as I looked at the circle and back at Bane. I asked it a question.

"Could it be that... you are unable to come with me from here on out?"


"I see....."

Although tamed, Bane is still a monster after all. If monsters are able to exit the dungeon through the circle, that would become hectic for sure for many people.

But even so, isn't there something I can do to bring Bane along with me?

"Bane, let's stand in the circle together. Who knows. Maybe we can leave this place together if we do."


Although Bane didn't look too optimistic, we still tried it anyway.


[Notice!] Monster detected in the circle. Unable to transport players out of the area.


Hmm.... I should try again.


[Notice!] Monster detected in the circle. Unable to transport players out of the area.


"So it's no good, huh..." I sighed.


There's got to be some method to bring Bane with me, right? Maybe I can put Bane into my inventory like I can do with Lampy— Ah, no.... never mind. It failed.

Are there any other possibilities though?

I thought long and hard for a solution. But no matter what I try, the result was the same.

I can't take Bane with me out of this dungeon.

"Yeah. Looks like this is where we have to say goodbye."

I patted Bane gently and even rubbed my head against its own.

"Farewell, Bane. We've only known each other for a short time, but it was fun spending time with you."


"I'll probably never see you again, since this isn't the sort of place I would come twice unless I have some reason to. So live well, buddy."


Having said our farewells, Bane leaves the circle so it can finally work properly as intended.

The blue light from the circle then flashed in my eyes while I was taking one last look at Bane. And when I opened them again, I found myself back in the Shade Forest, at some unknown ruins with undead and stone debris everywhere.

"Lampy, are you there?"

My Lamp Bug then popped out and landed on my arm when I placed it in front of me.

I then patted it gently and said, "Let's go back to town, shall we?"

Lampy fluttered its wings in response and flew back onto my shoulder as we proceeded to walk back to Lily Corvo together.

"Hee Hee~"

Uh, correction: We RAN back to Lily Corvo together.

I thought that thing was supposed to be roaming around the lake area. Why the hell is it here!?




.......And so, she left.

Bane-- The Centibane that was tamed by Yoru, thus proceeded to traverse back the route it came from, fulfilling the last order it had received from its tamer before she left: "Live well."

Although those words were merely intended as another way of saying goodbye, Bane took it differently. As a result, the Centibane remained in its "tamed" state, unbeknownst to its tamer's knowledge, as it roamed around the Underground Catacomb dungeon, killing undead monsters left and right in order to "live well".

And while it is a fact that monsters in the game are unable to level up as programmed by the devs, Bane on the other hand, could. Being that it is a tamed monster and not a regular one.

However, as its tamer, Yoru, was no longer in close proximity to Bane, she would not get any experience points for whatever Bane kills. Thus, making the tamer herself to be even more unaware of her monster's deeds as it went on to continuously kill anything within its sights.

And so..... On that night, a bug was on its way to becoming a true monstrosity in the shadows of an underground hidden dungeon. Its existence would not be known until days later.

But that will be a story for another time......


UFO Forum > Game Discussion > General Chat - Thread 234

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[Genuine question: What are we supposed to do in the game?]

  1. OP

As the title states: What are we supposed to do? Like how do we progress with the game's story and all of that?

  1. A Passing Adventurer

- Explore the areas outside of town.

- Find dungeons and defeat the dungeon bosses.

- Find the next city afterwards.

- Unlock them by completing the Liberation Quest.

Repeat this process and new stories, events and areas will become available to all players in the server.

By the way, Liberation Quests only need to be completed once to open the new areas to all players. Which is why there are currently many players (including me) trying to be the first to unlock the next city by doing the Liberation Quest in full parties.

And let me tell you, so far, no one has cleared the quest yet.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 2

Wait. So does that mean if someone manages to clear that Liberation Quest, other players will no longer be able to do that particular quest in the future?

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 3

Player who played the Beta here. You can still do the Liberation Quest even if someone else has already cleared that particular one first, and you can still get the same rewards that they got. The only difference is the immersion, which will be an experience for the player or players who have cleared each Liberation Quest first.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Guess I won't get to experience that immersion then.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Me too.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Me 3.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

I want to try to do the Liberation Quest. Where's the next city?

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 8

The next city should be in the area somewhere after passing through the Shade Forest.

But before you go there, make sure that you have a quest item called the Lumen Stone first. Without it, you won't be able to do the quest.

Lumen Stones can be obtained by defeating dungeon bosses btw.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 9

Cool. Thanks.

[World News! Dungeon Boss: Fallen Knight, Gaius has been defeated for the first time single-handedly by Yoru. Hidden Dungeon: Underground Catacombs. First clear complete.]


Whaaaatt!? Another dungeon has been cleared for the first time!? I thought all of them around the starting location had been cleared at least once by now.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Someone even soloed said dungeon. Who is this Yoru person? Are they a he or a she? What race is their character? What is their Class? Anyone who knows them, please tell us about them! This is first name I'm seeing in the World News that isn't Zanny, Red or Sindri.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Where is this dungeon anyways? I tried looking up the game's official wiki, but it ain't telling me anything.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 11

It's a hidden dungeon. Their locations won't be mentioned in the wiki. You will need to find the place yourself. Please share if you do tho.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 11

The dungeon is called Underground Catacombs. Maybe if you start digging, you might find it. lol

I'm more curious about this Yoru guy tho. He/She must be like level 25 or something to be able to solo a hidden dungeon. Assuming that the hidden dungeon is much tougher than a regular dungeon.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 13

Their level could be even more than that. Zanny was already level 35 when he'd last live streamed. Red's level is unknown but is assumed to be around level 30 or so. Whereas Sindri was level 28 according to a friend of hers.

If I were to guess, I would say that this Yoru person is about the same level as Sindri currently.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Damn. They are all broken. Do they live in the game or something? UFO was only released four days ago and yet these players are already that high of a level. At this rate, we normal players will have no chance against them in the upcoming event on the first week of the game's release.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Say, what was the event going to be about again?

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 16

It's going to be a battle royale from what I've heard. Basically a free-for-all until one player remains standing.

This Yoru person, I don't know since we know nothing about them. But we expect either Zanny, Red or Sindri to be the winner for this event.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Not unless all of us team up and take those three out first. Who's with me!?

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 18

Aye! I'm with you, brother.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 18

My name is Maximus Vermillion Chadicus. I shall join you in this endeavour, brethren.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

>> 18

Let me join too. I want to have a chance to win in the event.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Let's go to the town square and rally more players into joining us. The event is in three days. We'll need as many players as we can in taking down those top-ranking Beta players.

  1. Zanny

Ho ho ho. So you peons think you can beat us, eh? How cute.

  1. A Passing Adventurer

Oh shoot. It's Zanny! Everybody, run!


Thanks for reading. 🍫

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