Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 16: And now, Back in the Real World… again.

The next day after I had returned to town and logged out.

Hikari... caught a cold.


"38.0. That's a pretty bad cold, alright."

"Ugh. Bro... I don't feel so good."

"You reap what you sow, Hikari. Just what natural force told you to use your Dive Gear in your underwear while having the air conditioner set to the coldest possible settings?"

"Well uh... I wanted to be cool while playing."

"And you got a cold as a result of that. Good grief. You're starting to act more like Mom now."

"Geh. That's someone I do not wish to become."

"Well too bad. Also, it seemed that you did not learn your lesson from playing until 4am from last night. Seeing as how you've ended up playing the game until 6am this time."

"Umm... I umm..."

"Did you and Himeji reach level 20?"

"Oh. Yes, we did!"

"Well, good for you. And now you're banned from playing any games for a day after you've recovered. By the way, you're also not allowed to play games while you are recovering."

"That's... That's horrible, bro. How could you..."

"Like I've said, you reap what you sow. Now lie down and rest. I'll call your school to inform them that you'll be absent from class today. I'm also going to the local supermarket for a while, so you'll be alone in the house while I'm gone."

And just like that, I left a sick Hikari fake sobbing in her room to rest, while I made a call to her school.

After that was done, I grabbed my house keys, wallet and phone, wore my shoes at the front door and left the house, locking the door behind me. Making my way to the local park first before going to the supermarket.

Because at the park are the neighbourhood housewives and aunties, who are waiting for me to arrive.

"Yoru boy! Over here!"

One of the group members called out to me the moment she saw me. I waved back as I approached the ladies.

"You're finally here. What kept you so long, boy?"

"Sorry, Madam Tori. Hikari caught a cold, so I had to contact her school first before coming here."

"Oh my! How is she right now?"

"She's fine, Mrs Himekawa. Thank you for the concern. She's currently resting in her room. But I plan to buy some cold medicine, just in case."

"I see. Then we'll need to make this quick, don't we, Madam Tori?"

"Yes, indeed. It's not good to leave a sick person alone after all. Come, ladies and Yoruto, let us make haste and head for the battlefield!"

""Yes, ma'am!""

The collective group of ladies and I responded in unison like a unit.

We are the Neighbourhood Household Association. And our objective today is to go to the local supermarket which is holding a one-day bargain sale of 50% off for almost every food product they have. Naturally, this is something us, household elites, cannot ignore.

We shall get those eggs, meats, vegetables and all of the other stuff as much as we can!

As for why the leader of the NHA, Madam Tori, called it a battlefield, it's because this type of news would naturally call the attention of others like us.

So, we arrived. And immediately upon our arrival, we could see the other competitors here before us.

"Madam Tori, over there." one of our own points.

Athletic, muscular and menacing. They are the Tomboy Housewives from the next block over. A group of bodybuilding women who regularly visit the local training center, the Juggernaut Gym, in their area. With overwhelming power, they can dominate everything with ease. Including and especially their own husbands. They are also very nice people despite their looks, so I don't want to say anything bad about them.

"Madam. There too." Mrs Himekawa pointed to another group next.

Beautiful, busty and alluring. It's the Lusty Bodacious Housewives. A group of attractive cougars with an infamous reputation. Some of them were caught cheating on their husbands. Some of them were arrested for laying their hands on minors. They have insatiable sex drives which can't be contained through regular means. And since they live in our neighbourhood, they bring a bad name to us.

While looking at them, the leader of that group threw a wink and blew a kiss at me which I reflectively smacked away to the ground.

These three groups including us are now standing before the entrance to the supermarket. Although the lights inside are on, the place has yet to open, which will be when the promotion sales begin.

As we waited, however, one of our members called out.

"Madam, behind us." she said, prompting us to turn around to see the next group of foes arriving.

Small, adorable and looks incredibly young. They are the School of Loli Babas, making their entrance into the fray. They don't even live near this area, yet here they are. Attracted by the scent of discounted goods.

While we were stunned by their appearance, I looked to my side and noticed one more group approaching the battlefield as well.

"To think that those young-looking grannies would appear."

"That's not all, Madam Tori. They have come as well." I said, calling for her attention as I pointed at the fifth group who are slowly making their way here.

"Impossible!" Madam Tori yelled out in shock. The other groups were appalled as well, seeing the group of legends making their entry.

Old, wrinkly yet terrifying. The Ancient Grandmas have arrived with their walking sticks and old handbags.

With these five groups gathered here today, we looked to the supermarket entrance and saw a staff member opening up the place with a megaphone as she started making an announcement.

"Umm... Good morning, everyone! Our store is now open. Therefore, we would like to announce that there will be a promotional sales going on now for today only, and will end on our closing time!"

And those were the words we needed to hear for the war to begin, as the ravenous parties of housewives, aunties and grandmas all charged into the supermarket like a gang of mobs. Even the staff who made the announcement had to retreat upon seeing the incoming wave, so that she wouldn't get caught up in it.

Baskets were grabbed. Trolleys were taken. It was an absolute chaos between the five groups as each and every one of us battled it out for products that were on sale.

Several hours later, the Neighbourhood Household Association and I made it out of the battlefield alive as we've gotten what we came for.

"Ladies! I am proud to announce that we have succeeded in acquiring the goods we came here for. And most of the success was all thanks to Yoruto!"

"Woooo~ Yoru boy!"

"As expected of our trump card. Good job, boy!"

The ladies of our group cheered. Meanwhile, I was completely exhausted from the war that I had just come out of.

I had to push those muscly tomboy housewives out of the way; unrestrained myself from the grasps of those lusty housewives and their sexual harassments; resist the charm of those loli babas and their fake cuteness; finally, take a beating from those grandmas and their walking sticks while I grabbed the items from the shelves.

Geez. Those women are scary. Especially the grandmas.

Note to self: Never mess with a woman. Especially the ones in their eighties.

"Are you alright, Yoruto?" Mrs Himekawa asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I replied.

"I see. Well, thank you for the help then. Here's your share of the groceries." she passed me a large bag of the item we'd bought. "I've made sure to put in some extra for you." Mrs Himekawa then whispered quietly into my ears, as to not let the others hear her.

"Is that alright? I'm pretty sure you would need the extra for your daughter's sake."

"Oh, that's alright, sweetie. My little girl prefers eating the food you made over mine. So, take it. In return, just make sure you make a lot for her whenever she comes over to your place."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure that Himeji is stuffed like a pig."

"Fufufu~ That's good to hear."

After our short celebration, I parted ways with the group as I still needed to buy that cold medicine for Hikari before going home.

"I'm back!"

I then shouted upon returning home. There was no response as Hikari might still be asleep. So after putting down the groceries on the kitchen counter, I headed up to her room to check on her.

Looks like she's still asleep.

After checking up on her, I quietly closed the door and went back downstairs to keep the groceries in the fridge and left some of them out on the counter, as I will be using them to cook some porridge for Hikari.

Some hours later, I went to her room again with the meal in my hands, which I had left them to cool first beforehand.

"Hikari, are you awake?" I knocked on the door.

Hearing no response, I let myself in and saw Hikari half-awake with droopy eyes as she looked at me in a daze.

"Good morning, bro...."

"Good morning. It's nearly noon now. Have you slept well?"

"Mm. What's that?"

"Porridge. It's been cooled already, so you eat it without worrying about it being too hot. There's also cold medicine. Take it once you're finished with your meal."

"Ok.... Got it...."

"Just leave the bowl on the floor once you're done. I'll come back to check on you later. So make sure you rest after eating, alright?"

"Mm. All right.... Thank you, brother."

"No problem, sister. Hope you get well soon."

After leaving Hikari to eat on her own, I headed back downstairs and started doing some chores.

For the time being, I guess I won't be playing the game until Hikari gets better.

While I thought about that, I heard my phone ring and went to see who it was.

"Oh. It's mom."


Looks like she has sent the money for this month.

"Finally." I said.

Then, I got another message from her.

"What the!?"

Upon seeing the message, I quickly closed my phone and put it faced down.

Damn it, Mom! Stop sending these types of photos to your own son!

Happy Valentine's Day. 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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