Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 25: Shingeki no Yoru

Annnnnd... SMASH! There goes the second Shadow Gate.

It was pretty easy to find once I got the high ground to survey the area from above.

The second gate was on the highest floor of a hospital that was oddly still intact compared to the rest of the buildings in the city, which are either partially destroyed or completely in ruins.

But once I climbed my way up the building, I went straight for the room where the Shadow Gate was, when I spotted it from outside on the high ground.

And now, with two Shadow Gates gone, only one more left to go.

The rate of which monsters are spawning have also decreased drastically, as their maximum numbers are only increasing by 1 to 5.

While that may sound good, the reason for this low number is because the monsters spawning now are of quality instead of quantity.

I'm talking about the Shadow Titans. Yes, there are more of them now. About a hundred or two are just roaming around the city now, with some of them trying to reach for me who is on the top of the tower; the tallest building in the city.

"One was troublesome enough and now you give me hundreds of them?" I groaned frustratingly, seeing their numbers which are only increasing the more time I spend hanging on this tower.

Therefore, I must destroy the last Shadow Gate as soon as possible.

Hence, I jumped... right into the group of Shadow Titans below.

But before they were able to grab me, I used my skill.


Aimed at the tower behind, the force of the blast propelled me forward which now puts me behind the Shadow Titans.

"Magic Shield. Explosion!"

I made my next move. Deploying a Magic Shield in the air and using Explosion to hit. Allowing me to change the path of my trajectory and land exactly on one of the Shadow Titans' nape.

Then, I dug my staff into its nape.


The Shadow Titan I'm on was decapitated. The adjacent Shadow Titans were damaged greatly from my attack. Allowing me to swoop in onto their napes and finish them off with a Firebomb spell each.

Now, the Shadow Titans around me have been eliminated. But to prevent anymore from spawning, I replenished my MP and headed for the third Shadow Gate's location using the Magic Shield-Explosion maneuvering technique to make a beeline for my destination.

Shadow Titans and other types of monsters naturally stood in my way.

But I'm not going to let them stop me.

"Magic Shield. Explosion!"

"Magic Shield. Explosion!"

"Magic Shield Explosion!"

I burst through the air with multiple bangs. Evading the monsters on the ground and the Shadow Titans' hands. Sometimes, running on the roof of the buildings to conserve my MP and replenish them, before taking off into the air with an Explosion-boosted jump.

It was more difficult than I imagined, honestly. I had to precisely aim and calculate where the explosive force would push me every time I moved. And I had to be quick since I was always moving.

As a result, I would sometimes crash into buildings and through windows. Sometimes, I would have my face slammed into a Shadow Titan's chest and slowly slide down.

Making those mistakes were scary, since I could've gotten grabbed by a Shadow Titan or mauled by the other monsters while I was down.

But eventually, I somewhat got the hang of it and began relying on instinct for the most part to maneuver through the air. During which, I would take the opportunity to get behind several Shadow Titans and take them down with my Multi-Explosion decapitation move. As that was the only way I know how to effectively kill those giants.

Along the way it was fine. But as I got closer to the third and final Shadow Gate location, it was clear that reaching it would prove to be more difficult, seeing all of those Shadow Titans guarding the area.

Judging by where they're positioned at, the final Shadow Gate is most likely to be in that broken down church by the graveyard. There's also a bunch of undead monsters in that area from what I can see. Some which I recognised and some which I didn't.

"Magic Shield. Explosion!"

I planned to make my entry from above after surveying the area in the air.

The roof of the church was wide open. Most likely because the Shadow Titans burst them open when they spawned. As such, I boosted myself high up into the sky and moved myself to be right above the roof of the church, trying to aim for the large open hole in the roof so that I could drop into it.

And then, Like I did at the tower, I jumped down.

From where I was, I could see monster parts of a Shadow Titan about to be spawned from the Shadow Gate. Meanwhile, the monsters guarding it noticed my presence approaching and are preparing to attack the moment I touch the ground. The other Shadow Titans in the area have also taken notice of my presence and are all heading straight to where I'm falling.

Not yet... Not yet...

I patiently waited for the right moment. Holding my staff in front of me as I was getting ready to use my skill for when I've reached the right moment.

The Shadow Titan spawning from the Shadow Gate has its upper body out or the portal now. More and more monsters are also gathering as I fall closer to the ground. 

With this attack, I intend to stop that one Shadow Titan from being spawned and wipe out as many monsters in the vicinity as I can.

And so, I yelled.



Liberation Quest: [Liberate the Holy City, Arialight.]

Arialight is under occupancy of the Umbra Lords. Complete the following objectives to free it from their control.


Kill all monsters in the city (231/2,365)

Destroy the Shadow Gates in the city (3/3) [Completed]

Cleanse the Sacred Altar (incomplete)


All right! The Shadow Gates are all destroyed.

I'm on the ground, in the corner of the broken down church, looking at my quest window. The monsters in here have been eliminated and I can hear the ground rumbling to the sound of the Shadow Titans approaching.

Now all that's left is to kill every single monster here, then I can cleanse this Sacred Alter wherever it's at.

But first, it's finally time for me to do some Titan killing.

What was it they say in the show? Ah, right.

"Dedicate your heart! Magic Shield. Explosion! Woohoo~!"

I explodingly maneuvered my way around the nearest Shadow Titan in the area and attacked it's nape, like I did with the others.


Once decapitated, I explode my way to the next while drinking a MP potion to replenish a bit of my MP.

Then, I repeated the same action to the other Shadow Titans.

There were a total of around two hundred at the start. But when I looked again, there were suddenly around fifty of them left.

Did I really just kill that many already? Wow.

After I've killed the next Shadow Titan, I stopped momentarily on the roof of a building to check my potion supply.

"Oh crap." I said aloud.

My MP potions were getting visibly low, whereas my HP potions were doing just fine.

I did dished out more damage than taking them, so it makes sense. But my goodness! Imagine if I were to fail this quest because I ran out of potions. That'd be embarrassing to say for sure.

If I were to make a quick calculation, using half of the remaining MP potions I got would be enough to eliminate the remaining Shadow Titans. But what of the other monsters in the city? Will the remaining half be enough for them?

I could risk it. But that would be a terrible plan, in all honesty.

Therefore, I did the only thing I could think of right now in this crucial moment.

I unequipped the Magic Buckler, spread my arms out wide, stared at one of the Shadow Titans approaching me and shouted while waving my arms around.


The Shadow Titan then winds its arm up and delivers a powerful slap across the entire roof. Hitting me and sending me flying across several buildings. Crashing into one of them at the end of my flight.

"Ow ow ow...."

I know you can't feel pain in the game. But still....


They actually did a massive amount of damage to my HP when I'm not equipped with the Magic Buckler. Proving how great it was, despite its creator calling it a failure.

But now because I've taken the blow of a Shadow Titan at full force, my HP has a single point remaining. Which was only possible due to my skill, Knight's Last Stand. In other words...


[Notice! Skill: Knight's Valour has been activated.]


It's here! Time to go wild, me!

For the next thirty seconds, not only will I be invincible, my MP will not be reduced no matter what spells I use.

Using this skill to my advantage, I shall kill as many monsters and Shadow Titans as I can within that time limit.

"Explosion! Magic Shield."

I boosted myself up into the air and stood on a Magic Shield platform. Then, as I looked down at all of my targets below, I started casting spells like no tomorrow.

"Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion!"


Destroy them all! Raze it all into ashes! Eradicate everything in sight! The monsters, the streets, the houses. EVERYTHING! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!

I only have thirty seconds before Knight's Valour loses its effect after all. Enemies are all over the city. And since the buildings were already in ruins or were partially in ruins, I might as well lay waste to everything everywhere to ensure that I get the most out of my Knight's Valour skill.


"Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion! Snipe. Multi-Explosion!"


....I..... had a lot of fun....


Too much fun, I would say....

Teehee~! (ノ≧ڡ≦)


Condition cleared: [Defeat 2,000 monsters within 60 seconds.]

Skill Acquired: [Destroyer]

All damage dealt to enemies are doubled for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 12 hours.


Thanks for reading. 🍫

Our MC is slowly becoming a pyromaniac, ain't (s)he?

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