Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 38: Well well well~ Look who finally woke up to reality.

After I had two-shotted Gaius in his second phase, I explained to Hikari and Himeji what I believed to be an unexpected exploit I had unknowingly utilised, which they both listened attentively while eating potato chips.

"Sis, mind if I report you for hacking?" was Hikari's response after I had explained.

"Do that and I'll ban you from having any snacks."

"Ok, never mind."

While Hikari was joking around, Himeji was still kind of in disbelief, as she then turned to Hikari and said.

"Hikari... I don't think we can beat Mama in the event tomorrow."

"Hey, don't use my real name in the game!" Hikari quickly shut her up on that part.

"Don't worry, you two." I said. "I'll just have to not use the Multi-Casting exploit so that the match will be fair." I assured them, putting their minds to ease.

"Phew~ Well, if you say you won't use it, then it's alright." Hikari commented with her full trust in me.

"Mm. I trust Mama." Himeji stated and nodded, believing my words fully as well.

But still... I'm surprised this particular exploit was not discovered during the beta testing. Did none of the beta testers of the game have Multi-Casting when they played it? Or maybe it was a new skill added after the beta.

"Anyways, let's go and see what rewards we're getting from that chest." I decided to move on from the topic and get back to the game.

"Ok!" Hikari perked up immediately from her excitement on the rewards. "I got the boss's boots and a Lumen Stone after his disappointing defeat at your hands." she said, rubbing salt on my wounds as I felt bad for completely stealing their thunder in the fight.

"Well, you're the one who asked for help. So don't complain." I retorted, but Hikari was having none of it.

"Oo! I got the boss's helmet! And a Lumen Stone as well..." Himeji pitched in with the reward she's gotten.

So naturally, I'll have to say what I got as well.

"I see. Well for me, I got his armour this time. The other time, I got his sword. I guess we got the full set then."

"Too bad none of us can use it though." Hikari stated.


The requirements for one to wear Gaius's equipment are for them to be of the Warrior Class and have a certain amount of Strength in their stats. In other words, it's useless to us.

"I wonder how much this will be if we sell the whole set to someone." I wondered.

"I assume it'd be a lot? The stats are good for early game equipment and the design is pretty edgy in an awesome way." Hikari remarked.

"Then, should we give this to Mama so that she can sell it?" Himeji asked.

"What? Me?"

"Yeah. Good idea, HimeHime." Hikari took out the pair of blood-red boots and pushed them onto me. "Be sure to split the gold with us once you sell them." she said.

And then, Himeji followed suit. "Here you go, Mama." she said, gently handing me the blood-red helmet with a lovely smile.

Thus, I have acquired the Bloodsoaked Boots and Bloodsoaked Helmet from my sister and her friend to sell.

After that, we headed over to the chest that had been waiting for us to open.

"Oo, Ooo, Oooo~ I got two awesome skill scrolls and a cool looking cloak!"

"Me too."

Me three... Or rather, I already have these!

The three of us got the same items each: The Skill Scrolls for Knight's Valour and Knight's Last Stand, and the Cloak of Romuli.

Looks like the chest rewards are fixed, huh...

"What a disappointment." I sighed.

"What do you mean, sis? These loots are amazing!"

"I know they are. But I already have them and I don't need two."

"Oh. Right... But you can sell them."

"Yeah. I think I will."

While Hikari and Himeji use the two skill scrolls from the chest, Bane came up to me as I unconsciously patted it on the head before noticing the saddened look it has on its face.

"What's wrong, Bane? Why do you—"



I soon realised the reason for its sadness.

We have reached the end of the dungeon. In other words, we'll have to go through the portal to exit this place and Bane can't come with us because it's a monster!

Oh shit. I forgot about that.

Does this mean I have to say goodbye to Bane again?

"Hika— Lumina."

"Wassup, sis?"

I gestured to her to come over, wanting to speak with her for a second. Curious as to what I'm calling her for, Himeji tagged along, not that I mind.

"Is something wrong, sis?"

"Nothing... much is wrong. It's just that now that we've cleared the dungeon, we might have to say goodbye to Bane."

"Is that so... Wait, what!?"

"Say goodbye... to Bane? Why, Mama?"

Hikari and Himeji were surprised. Have they become that attached to Bane in such a short amount of time already? I don't know. But nonetheless, I told them the reason.

"Bane here can't use the dungeon exit there. Because it doesn't allow monsters to pass through it."

"What!? Why!?"

"I don't know. Ask the devs. Either way, because I have no idea on how to get Bane past the exit portal, we may have to say goodbye to Bane." I explained, upset about the fact. However... "That is unless you two got some way to let Bane use the exit with us?" I added, hoping that my sister and her friend, who knows more about the game than I do, may have some solution to this problem.

"Nope. None."

"Sorry, Mama..."

Yeah, that's what I expected.

Shame... To think I'll have to say goodbye to Bane once more.

"Neither of us are Summoners. So there's no way we can leave this place with Bane."

"I see... Wait. I beg your pardon?"

Hikari had just stated this new info with a sigh like it's normal. But when I asked her to reiterate on what she meant by that, she explained.

"If we want to leave with Bane, we will need someone who is a Summoner in our party since that's the only Class in the game that can freely enter and exit dungeons with monsters. After all, monsters are kind of like the main weapons of Summoners. In fact, that Monster Tamer skills of yours is more suitable for Summoners to have than Magicians because of their Class's traits."

"I see."

Come to think of it, the description for the Summoner Class had a reference of that game when I read about it.

"So we need a Summoner then."


"Well, that's a shame..."

I heaved a sad sigh and turned to Bane who was already getting a farewell hug and pats from Himeji who looked very sad to say goodbye to it.

"It's been short but I'll miss you, Bane."


She lets go. Then, it was Hikari's turn to say goodbye.

"Bye Bane. You're an awesome bug."


At last, it was my turn. I patted Bane with much love towards it and whispered into wherever its ears are.

"See ya... Live well, Buddy. Alright?"


With a cry of goodbye that echoed throughout the dungeon, Bane left the boss room while we left the dungeon together. Teleporting back to the Shade Forest as we stretched our arms with ease, being finally able to see the night sky again.

"So... what time is it now?" Hikari asked as she yawned.

"Umm... It's still around 10:30 pm." Himeji answered.

"10:30, huh... Tomorrow is Saturday, so we can still stay up for some more time, right?" Hikari turned, asking me, seeking permission to continue playing for a bit longer.

"Sure, why not. What do you two want to do now?" I permitted it and inquired on our next course of action from Hikari, who couldn't think of one right away.


She continues pondering away for a solid ten seconds. Himeji does too, unable to think on what we should do next. So, I gave them a suggestion.

"How about we do a quest and make some money? We spent almost all of our gold at the skill shop, and the gold we had obtained from the dungeon isn't that much considering. So, how about it?"

"Great idea, sis! What do you say, HimeHime?"

"I agree. Let's do it."

And so, we have all decided to regain the gold we had recently lost to the skill shop. But while Hikari got all pumped up, Himeji then asked me.

"But Mama, which quest are we going to do?"

"Well, I'm thinking of doing the Herb Quest."

"You mean... the one from the general store old man at Lily Corvo?"

"Uh huh. I made over a million gold just from doing that quest repeatedly before. Come with me, and turn off your lamp bugs while you're at it." I instructed them.

"We're going to gather a lot of the Magicule Herbs for the old man!"

Later, on that night...

A few hours after midnight...

A report was made to the developers of UFO. Stating... that the Old Man Jim of Lily Corvo had bugged out.... again. However, the report would not be received by the developers until later in the morning.


Back to the real world, after Hikari, Himeji and I had made some money.

When I woke up after logging out of the game, I felt something soft and warm, clinging onto my left arm and checked.

There I saw Sanae, in nothing but a single white shirt and purple panties, sleeping soundly next to me with her breasts pressing against my left arm, and her cleavage being shown through the unbuttoned part of her shirt. Her beautiful and adorable sleeping face was also a treasure to behold.

It was a delicious sight for my eyes and a pleasurable sensation for my left arm.

As I slowly took off the Dive Gear with my right hand, trying not to wake her up, Sanae suddenly opened her eyes and smiled.

"Well well well~ Look who finally woke up to reality." she said.

"If this is reality, then I would like to stay awake forever." I remarked, causing her to chuckle.

"So, how was your game?" she then asked. "Considering how long you spent playing in there, it must have been really fun."

"Yeah, it was. Hikari was a fox girl in the game and Himeji started calling me 'Mama' later on."

"Is that so? Well then, you should go and wash your face now, 'Mama'. You have a bit of... pfft... artwork there."

"Yeah. Let go of my arm so that I can go."

"Of course. Hehehe~"

While ignoring Sanae's strange giggling, I hopped off my bed and headed to the door. As soon as I left my room, Hikari did too as we subconsciously looked at each other.

At that moment...


...The both of us started laughing like maniacs.

""What is with your face!?""

We both said, laughing and pointing at one another.

But then, our laughter stopped as we quickly realised that the both of us have something drawn on our faces.

Immediately we knew who the culprit was, as I turned, staring straight at Sanae with a deadpan expression, while Hikari peeked into my room, staring straight at her as well with a deadpan expression.

Sanae, the joker behind it, pulls out a water-based marker from her back and wiggles it in our faces.

"What a reaction, Pikachu~" she said, holding the biggest smirk I have ever seen her expressed on her face.

It would seem that she has drawn Pikachu on my face, while Hikari got a silly moustache and bread on hers.

Himeji came out of Hikari's room not long after, rubbing her eyes. We turned to look at her momentarily and saw that she got nothing on her face.

"You didn't draw on Himeji's face?"

"I couldn't bear to defile such an innocent sleeping face with my art, you see."

"Pfft! Kyahahaha! Hikari, Mama, what is with both of your faces!?" Himeji started laughing too as soon as she saw our faces.

"Sanae drew them on us, Himeji. Also, why are you still calling me Mama!? We're no longer in the game."

"Ah. Sorry. Puhuhuhu~"

Himeji was still laughing at our faces. But ignoring her, I returned to staring at Sanae who still got that smirk on her face.

Time to teach her a lesson.


"Yes, bro?"

"Get the permanent marker."

"Yes sir!"

"Umm wait, what?"

Sanae's smirk immediately vanished, as she quickly realised what Hikari and I were about to do to her.

"Come here, Sanae~" I said, smiling while slowly walking over to her side, as she slowly backed away into the wall behind her.

"Umm... hold on, Yoruto. What are you going to do?"

"Just a little payback, pika pika~"

I jumped and grabbed hold of her, preventing her from escaping. Hikari soon came back with a marker. One that is water-based and not oil-based.

As expected of my little sister. She read my mind perfectly.

Obviously, I didn't want her to actually grab a permanent marker. I only said that to scare Sanae. And because Sanae was panicking, she was not able to realise which kind of marker Hikari was holding as Hikari removed the cap and approached Sanae's face with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Wait wait wait! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please don't draw on my face. Please don't draw on my face!!!"

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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