Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 40: A Completely Normal Date at the Mall

The next day... Early in the morning.

I was the first to wake up. Not surprising. As I went down to the kitchen and began preparing breakfast for four. That being fried mackerel and white rice, along with miso soup on the side.

While cooking, however, I heard loud footsteps coming from upstairs, which could only mean that Hikari's awake, surprisingly early, as she came down to the dining room, bursting with energy.

"Good morning, my big brother!"

"Good morning, Hikari. I'm surprised to see you awake this early today."

"Of course I am, bro! Today is the first event for UFO and there's no way I'm missing out on the opening!"

"Yeah yeah... Anyways, breakfast will be ready soon. Mind waking up Himeji and Sanae for me."

"Aye aye, sir!"

Hikari ran back upstairs while I continued making breakfast. A bit later, Hikari returned with Himeji and Sanae.

"Good morning, you two."

"Good morning, Big Brother Yoruto." Himeji yawned.

"Mornin', Yoruto. That smells good. What are you cooking?" Sanae asked, taking in the scent of the cooked mackerel.

"Breakfast." I answered, setting them on the dining table for the four of us. "I had just finished cooking them. Let's eat."

And so, we had our breakfast.

"By the way, bro..." Hikari began to ask while food was in her mouth. "Why was Sis Sanae sleeping in your room when I went to wake her up?"

Himeji's eyes widened when she heard that. Her mouth did not stop chewing however. Sanae on the other hand, remained calm but grew a small smile as she was eating.

"That's because we slept together last night." I casually answered, carrying on with my meal.

"Did you two—"

"Nope. Now stop talking with your mouth full."


After that, we were done eating our breakfast.

"By the way, Himeji, is your mom coming to pick you up later or should I walk home?" I asked while washing the dishes, as Himeji will be going back to her own home afterwards.

"I've asked Mom to pick me up at 1pm." she answered, handing me her plate which she had just finished because her portion was the largest.

"I see. Well, if that's the case, Hikari, make sure to open the door for Mrs Himekawa when she arrives." I instructed my sister.

"Why? You going out somewhere, bro?" Hikari inquired.

"Yes. Yoruto and I are going on a date later." Sanae answered in my stead. Just as I had finished washing the dishes.

"What she said." I chimed in. "We'll be out during that time, so you'll be alone until then and you'll have to buy your own lunch too." I informed Hikari.

"Ohoho~ Is that so? No problem, brother!" Hikari gave us an ok sign. "Just make sure to be back before 9pm. That's when the event's night match will begin."

"We won't be gone for that long, Hikari..." I replied.

"Oh? We won't?" Sanae said, teasingly.

"Yes. We won't." I snapped back quickly. "Anyways, if we're done talking I've got some housework to do. Wouldn't want to leave it for later when I'm on the date."

"Ok! Himeji and I will be in UFO then!" Hikari informed me, before dragging Himeji with her to her room. Closing the door behind her with a loud bang.

I head to the washing machine first to do the laundry. While I was doing so, Sanae came in.

"Shall I help you?" she asked.

"Yes. Could you help me vacuum the house?" I decided to accept her offer. "The vacuum cleaner in the cabinet right there."

"Got it."

Sanae and I proceeded to clean the house after that. We left Hikari's room for last, since cleaning there while Hikari and Himeji are in the game can be quite a hassle.

But eventually, by the time we were done with that, it was around eleven already. And so, we each took a bath separately and dressed ourselves for our date. Taking the train to Shinjuku and going shopping to one of the malls there.

"So, what shall we do now?" I asked her.

"I don't know." Sanae replied.

We have arrived at the mall, but we did not have a plan for our date whatsoever, as we are simply strolling around the area while holding each other's hands.

"Well, there is something I need to buy but... that can be put for later." Sanae added.

Can't we just go and buy it now then? It's not like we have anything to do at the moment.

Thinking so but decided not to say it out loud, I looked around our surroundings instead to see what we could do.

I also have something I need to buy. Namely groceries. But I think that should be put for last after our date has concluded.

Fortunately, my eyes spotted a cinema at the far end from where we were. And because movies aren't a bad plan for dates, I suggested it to Sanae.

"Want to watch a movie?" I pointed at the cinema.

"Great idea! Let's see what they're showing right now."

We began making our way to the cinema and briefly scanned through the posters of the movies they are showing. After a while, we chose our movies, went inside to buy our tickets and food.

"Popcorn is a must."

"So are nachos."

"Drinks. Two large cola, thank you."

"And I'll have a hotdog too."

"I'll have those meatballs as well."

"And finally, one Mars chocolate bar! Thank you."

We paid for our food, went to the respective theater and found our seat soon after that. For the next hour and fourty minutes, we sat back, relaxed with our food in hand and enjoyed the movie.

As we walked out of the cinema once it was over, Sanae stretched her arms out and loudly exclaimed.

"Ahhhh~ That was incredibly awful! Why in the world did we choose to watch that?" she said, laughing joyfully from the number of times she laughed at the crappy plot we chose to sit through.

"Let's just never talk about the movie." I suggested, wanting to erase my memories of the movie we had just seen.

"Yeah... Agreed. So, what shall we do now?" Sanae asked, immediately changing the subject.

I thought for a moment. "How about we go and buy the thing you needed to buy?" I said.

"You sure? We're not going to have lunch?"

"Cinema food has already filled my stomach for that. Unless you're saying that you're still hungry, then..."

"No need. I'm also full from the popcorn, nachos and hotdogs I had. And Mars bar too. Mustn't forget that."

"Of course. Because the Mars bar was totally the thing that satisfies your hunger."

"Exactly! So let's go buy the stuff I need then. And maybe some clothes too since we're here."

"Yes yes... Lead the way, babe."

Following Sanae after the movie, she held my hand, ride the escalator up several as we ended up entering... a lingerie store.


My eyes shifted its gaze to Sanae.

"You needed to buy underwear?"

"Uh huh." Sanae nodded. "All of the underwear I owned no longer fits me. That's why buying new ones has become a priority in my book."

"Wait... what?"

All of her underwear no longer fits her, she said. Does that mean right now...!? I thought.

But before I could ask, it was as if Sanae had read my mind in that instance as she whispered.

"Just so you know, I'm not wearing anything underneath these clothes right now." she said. "Also..." she then added. "I'm now an I-cup."

"I see..." I gave her a monotone response. However, I then process the information that was fed to me.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I... Oh my god!

It was hard to hide my shock after that. Especially the brief instance of my eyes on her chest. Witnessing my reaction, Sanae formed a smirk on her face and asked.

"Like what you hear?"


We entered the store and Sanae browsed through the sets. During which, she kept asking me which one I'd prefer while the eyes of the other ladies around us were on me.

"Say Yoruto, which do you think would look better on me? The red one or the violet one?"


"I see."

She placed both sets back to where she got them and continued looking through her choices after that.

She's trolling with me. She's definitely trolling with me...

The gazes of the ladies are just getting stronger. Or I'm just imagining it.

Nope. Never mind. I just turned to check and they were definitely staring at me.

This feels... awkward...

"Yoruto, which do you prefer? The black or the blue one?" Sanae continued her trolling as she displayed another two sets of lingerie to me.

"Sanae, do these even fit you?" I questioned her instead.

Sanae took one look at the underwear she's holding and replied immediately. "Whoops. Looks like they don't." she stuck her tongue out, indicating her intentions clearly.

She was totally messing with me. And it worked.

I sighed, defeated. Then I called a staff over.

"Sorry, could you help my girlfriend find the right size for her?"

"Certainly, sir." the staff responded professionally.

Then I turned to Sanae.

"I'll be waiting outside until you're done." I told her.

"Aww~ You're not going to stay and help me pick? You could also join me in the changing room if you want to~"

"Yeah... I'll pass on that. Take your time." I waved her teasing off and left Sanae's side. Heading to the entrance of the store to simply wait for her there rather than in the store.

With nothing better to do as I waited, however, I took out my phone and decided to read some cooking related stuff on the internet.

"Hey hey, mister."


I looked up, thinking that someone was talking to me.

They were. Two young ladies, both the same height, possibly a few years younger than I am, came walking up to me with their fancy clothes and designer bags. They eyed me up and down and gave me an overly friendly smile.

"Oh my, mister~ You look so dashing!" one of the girls complimented my looks.

"Thank you." I replied appropriately.

"Say mister, are you free right now? Want to go and have some fun?" the other girl asked.

At this point, it was obvious that these two were hitting on me.

"Sorry, I'm on a date with my girlfriend. Just waiting for her while she buys some lingerie." I said, pointing to the store sign above, as I hope that they are respectful and understanding.

But of course, there's no way that will be possible in this day and age where decency is a rarity.

The girls looked at the sign and then back at me.

"Really? You're not lying to us, are you mister?" the girls, smiling.

And it did not take long after that for them to invade my personal space and wrap my arm around with theirs.

"Come on. Let's go have some fun."

"Or, we can go straight to a hotel if that's what you want~"

"Please unhand me..." I sighed, not wanting to use force to release myself from their grasp.

However, should these girls persist, I wouldn't hesitate to wack them in the face if that's what's necessary to get them to leave me alone.

Fortunately, that won't be the case as a familiar face suddenly approached to save me.

"Whoa there, missies. Would you two mind letting go of my boy here?" a muscular tomboy woman kindly asked the young ladies while towering over them like a titan.

The two girls were completely speechless as they stared at the woman. I, on the other hand, was happy to see them here.

"Hello there, Mrs Katsuragi. I'm surprised to see you here." I politely greeted her.

"'Long time no see, Yoruto.' Is what I wanted to say, but we saw each other a few days ago at the supermarket. So... Sup, Yoruto. What'chu doin' here?"

"I'm on a date with my girlfriend when these two strangers started talking to me out of nowhere."

"I see. I see." Mrs Katsuragi looked back down at the girls and smiled at them.

"Buzz off. Leave my boy alone, aight?"

Without saying another word, the two girls ran off, away from the goliath that is Mrs Katsuragi.

"And there they go." she commented. "So where's this date of yours, Yoruto?" She began to inquire me about it.

"She's inside, buying new undies for herself at the moment." I answered. "I'm just here waiting for—"

"I'm done, Yoruto!" Sanae appeared as I was talking. Carrying two bags in her hands as it seemed that she had bought a whole lot of new lingeries to wear.

"That was quick." I remarked.

"Well, that's because you weren't there for me to tease. So, I just went through the pairs the clerk showed me to and picked out the ones I liked. It was pretty easy considering that there weren't many choices for cup sizes like mine."


"So who's this?" Sanae asked me, looking at Mrs Katsuragi in awe at how tall she is.

Seeing as how these two are meeting each other for the first time, I proceeded to introduce them to each other.

"Sanae, this is Mrs Katsuragi. She's a trainer of the Juggernaut Gym, near the area where she lives."

"Ahh! So you're the one who gave those muscles to Yoruto." Sanae commented. "I also heard that you gave him some... finger training?"

"Mrs Katsuragi, this is Sanae. My girlfriend."

"I did not give anyone my muscles. Those gains were obtained by none other than Yoruto himself." Mrs Katsuragi replied to Sanae's comment. "And yes, we did. The boy had some exceptional fingers. Made me and the rest of the ladies feel good with them."

The two then shook hands as they got acquainted. Right after that, Mrs Katsuragi placed her hand on my shoulder as she then whispered into my ear loudly.

"Not bad, kiddo. You've scored a good one. Gurl's got huge racks." she stated.

Then she pats my shoulder and proceeds to make her exit. "Well, it's time for me to leave you two alone now." she said. "Have fun on your date!"

And like that, there she goes. Turning left into the corridor where we could no longer see her figure.

"Did something happen while I was away?" Sanae asked me, presumably intuitively guessing of such which she was right on the money.

"Yeah. I got hit by some girls while you were away. They were quite the persistant bunch, I'll tell you."

"Oh? And I'm guessing that's when your Master came in to save you."

"Yes. And Mrs Katsuragi is not my Master. She's just a friend now."

"You're friends with a buffed tomboy older woman?"

"I'm friends with many older women. Including Mrs Katsuragi."

"I see. Well, you are one of them after all."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, 'Mama'. Pfft. "

"Tch. You heard that..."

"How could I not when Himeji said it out loud. Come on. Let's continue our date, shall we?"

"Sure. Where to next?"

"Where do you think? To the clothing stores!"

And so, our date continues...

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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