Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 53: An Ice Breaker in the Morning

Ding dong~!

The doorbell to Yoruto's house rang.

Sanae, who has come over to play UFO with Yoruto, was standing outside, under the light of the morning sunshine with her Dive Gear and game in her purse and a plastic bag of delicious puddings.

A few seconds later, the door opened up wide as the person greeting her was not Yoruto like she had expected, but Hikari with a somewhat sour face.

"You got the goods?"

"Here you go."

Sanae handed over the plastic bag to Hikari, whose sour expression immediately turned into pure delight when she looked at how many cups of pudding there were inside.

"Bro is upstairs in his room. Come on in and close the door." Hikari welcomed Sanae into the house and ran off to the kitchen to keep her desserts cool.

While Hikari was storing her puddings in the fridge, Sanae took off her shoes after closing the front door and walked up the stairs to Yoruto's room.

"Yoruto, I'm here!" She knocked on his door at first.

But after no response was heard, Sanae decided to enter the room without Yoruto's permission. Thinking that he was still asleep.

"Yoruto, I'm coming in alright?"

She gently opened the door.


And immediately as she did so, she shrieked. For what she had found in the room was Yoruto lying face down on the floor in front of her, an unknown middle-aged woman snoring gleefully on his bed naked, and a whole lot of beer cans cluttered on the small table in the room.

"What... happened here?" Sanae questioned in utter confusion.

Hikari then popped up beside her to answer.

"Oh. They were drinking all night." She said. "Bro won't be waking up anytime soon, which pisses me off since there was no breakfast because of that. And the naked mama on his bed is Himeji's mom, who I like to call Himemama."

"I... see...."

"So that's what he meant by 'it'..." Sanae thought, recalling her conversation with Yoruto the day before. "But why is Mrs Himemama naked on his bed?"

"Did they fuck?"

"Nope. They only drank until they were out for the count. Himemama being naked is because she has a habit of stripping her clothes off while asleep." Hikari answered.

"Himepapa will be coming soon to pick Himemama up. And Bro's too heavy for me to move to a bed. So if it's possible for you, Sis, would you mind helping me carry Bro to my bed to let him rest there?"

"Errr... Sure."

Sanae placed her purse down and approached the passed out Yoruto with Hikari, as they lifted him up to Hikari's room.

Then, the girls went downstairs to have a cold beverage and chat on the couch.

"Phew... I'd never thought Yoruto would drink." Sanae remarked.

"Bro has a low tolerance towards alcohol, so he rarely ever drinks. But Himemama probably just wanted to have him let loose a bit since he's always working hard for his family." Hikari commented.

"Ah. Well Yoruto did mention you a lot to me and my parents whenever he comes to work."

"He did? And wait, he works for you?"

"Yes, he did. And yes, he works as a second chef at the restaurant my parents run. I'm just a helper who gets her free time whenever I want."

"That sounds nice."

"It is."

"So then, is that how you two met?" Hikari asked next.

"Sort of. Yes... Around four years ago, he helped me from being harrassed by some punks on the street before asking me for directions to my family's restaurant. We were hiring at that time to ease my father's burden a bit since my mother and I can't cook, so for us to meet in that way sounded like an odd twist of fate, wouldn't you say?"

"Errr, I guess?"

"Haha. Not that destiny believing type of girl, are you? Well for me, I think it is at least."

Sanae's face blushed red as she recalled the moment they met. Noticing the expression on her face, Hikari took a sip from her cup and asked her.

"You really love my brother, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"So what exactly about him do you love?" Hikari asked next, leaving Sanae to ponder for a second.

"How should I put it...?" Sanae pondered a bit longer. "Yoruto... He has this charm that seems to make people like him. Like a vortex that attracts the people he talks to towards himself as the center. Before I realised it, I, too, got caught up within that force of nature and fell in love with him. In addition, he rarely gets angry; he's honest; a good looker; reliable; and most importantly of all, he cooks the meanest dishes that are just top notch."

"I know, right!? Bro makes some fire dishes like a pro and claims that he's just 'following the recipe'. Like there's no way, man!"

"Hahaha! I agree with you on that. My father basically fell for him because of how good he cooks and wanted him so badly as his son-in-law. Which surprised us even more because why would someone of that level want to work for a small restaurant like ourselves?"

"Bro wanted to earn his own pocket money because he's too stubborn to use a single yen of the money our mom provides, for his personal usage. Even if it's just a little thing he wants."

Sanae's eyes lit up when Hikari started mentioning her mother, as she poured herself another cup of the beverage before asking.

"Speaking of which, I have not met either of your parents yet. Even though this is my second visit to your home today, I don't see them anywhere. Are they out perhaps?"

"Uhh... Well... You can say that, I guess..." Hikari answered in a not so cheerful tone. "Mom's overseas right now due to the nature of her work. She rarely comes home and when she does, she would normally be gone before you know it."

"O-Oh... Is that so? So umm... What’s her job?" Sanae inquired curiously.

"She's a flight attendant. If you've taken a plane, there's a chance that she may have served you food before."

"Uh, no... I've never actually been overseas. The furthest away from home I've travelled to was probably Kyoto and that's during my high school field trip."

"Well the furthest I've ever travelled to was my school, because I got sick on the day when my class went on a school trip, dammit! Ah." Hikari quickly covered her mouth, much to Sanae's confusion. "Please don't tell Bro that I said that."

"Said what?"



"Well Bro doesn't like it when I cuss."

"Oh? Does he get mad when you do?"

"Nooo... He'll just say 'language' in a strict tone and I would just shut up and apologise."

"Like a mom, huh?"

"Like a mom, yes."

The girls got a chuckle out of the joke they've made.

"Ok... So then, what about your father?" Sanae asked next.

"I don't know." Hikari answered, as Sanae gave her a confused look.

"You do not know what your father’s job is?"

"No. I mean I don't know my pops at all." Hikari calmly clarified. "Bro knows. But he never tells me about him. All I know is our old man left us when I was a baby and when Bro was ten. There's a reason why my Big Brother is the way he is now."

It was the first time Sanae had ever heard about that, even though she had known Yoruto for a long while now. Yoruto never told her about his parents, but she never asked. So that was one reason. Regardless, upon hearing about it now, she was shocked at the revelation.

"How do you feel about that? How does Yoruto feel?" She thus asked Hikari, concerned that she may have unintentionally stepped into a forbidden topic.

"Me? I'm fine. I never knew my pops, so I don't really care much about it. To me, Bro is the one in the family I see as a father... And a mother... And a big brother. He's a three-in-one family package!"

"Pfft! Haha... I see. That's... good, I guess."

"Ah. But Bro is a different case. Sooo... it's better not to talk to him about it."

"I understand..."

"Awesome..." Hikari clapped her hands. "And now, it should be time now." She remarked.

"Time for... what?"

When Sanae asked that, Hikari puts three fingers out to her and counted down, "Three... Two... One..."

Ding dong~!

The doorbell rang right after Hikari counted to one, informing them that Himeji's father had arrived and that their conversation has ended.

"I'll go get it."

Leaving her drink on the table and getting off the couch, Hikari went and opened the door.

"Hello Himepapa~! Welcome." She greeted the man cheerfully, who was holding a small bag in his hand.

"Umm, hello... Hikari." Himepapa replied softly, as he rubbed his neck out of shyness. "I'm here to pick Saeko up. Is she in?" He asked.

"Yup. Himemama is still out cold in my brother's room. She's also naked so you might want to put her clothes back on first before you carry her home."

"Oh... That will not be a problem." Himepapa entered the house after that and took off his shoes. "Ah right. I... almost forgot." He then handed the bag in his hand to Hikari.

"Here. It's a... hangover drink I made for Yoruto. Let him drink it when he wakes up." He said.

"Okay~!" Hikari gratefully accepted the bag. "I'll ask Sis Sanae to do that for Bro later." She said, which raised a question for Himepapa.

"Umm... Who?" He asked, before turning his head to his left to see Sanae on the couch, looking at him.

"Hello, sir. I'm Yoruto's girlfriend, Sanae. I'm also quite acquainted with your daughter."

"Ah. Umm, yes... Hello. I'm Himeji's father. My daughter told us about you. She mentioned how pretty you were."

"Is that so? Tell her I said thank you then."

"I will."

After their brief introduction, Himepapa followed Hikari up the stairs and helped to clean Yoruto's room up first before carrying his wife back home. Saying goodbye to Hikari and Sanae as he left.

"Here, Sis." Hikari handed the bag holding the hangover drink to Sanae next. "Be sure to let Bro drink this when he wakes up." She instructed. "I gotta get ready soon so I can't do that." She then added, leading Sanae to be curious who asked her.

"Are you going out somewhere, Hikari?"

"Yup. I'm going on a date with Himeji. There's a movie we've been waiting to watch, so we're heading off to the theater."

"I see. Have fun on your date then."

"You too, Sis. Have fun spending time alone with my brother." Hikari then moved up to her ear and whispered, "Also, one thing about my brother you may not know: He has a thing for maids."

Sanae's eyes widened in shock as Hikari stepped away from her and gave her a smug look on her face.

"Use that knowledge as you please. Ehe~"

And then... Not long after, Hikari departs for her date with Himeji.

A few hours later, Yoruto had finally woken up. And when he opened his eyes, all he could see were two big mounds of breasts in his face and the soft feeling of a plump pair of thighs on the back of his head.

"Sanae, is that you?"

"Good morning, Mr Sleepyhead. It's almost noon, you know."

Yoruto then got up feeling sick as he was having a massive headache from the hangover.

"Ughh... I drank too much." He remarked. Then turned to Sanae and asked her. "Did Mr Himekawa come and pick his wife up already?"

"Yes. Himepa— Himeji's father has also left you a hangover drink when you wake up." Sanae passed the bottle to Yoruto. "And Hikari's gone on a date with Himeji to watch a movie."

"I see. So it's just the two of us now. Thanks." Yoruto proceeded to drink the drink to get over his hangover.

Once he was finished drinking, he set the bottle aside and relaxed his shoulders.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Better. But still a bit of a headache."

"I see. Is there any way I can help you with that?"

"Let me bury my face between your breasts." Yoruto bluntly requested.

"Sure. Go ahead." Sanae happily fulfilled Yoruto's request and gently planted his head in between the gaps of her grand canyon, embracing her man for extra comfort.

"Better now?" She asked.

"Yes. It's a bit better." Yoruto replied, as he slithered his hands towards Sanae's peaches next. "Now it's much better." He said.

"Hah. You pervert."

"Says the other pervert."

A few minutes later, Yoruto released himself from Sanae's chest as the legendary Pillows of Comfort had cured him of his headache. And after stretching his limbs, he asked her.

"So did you bring your Dive Gear?"

"Fufufu. Of course." Sanae replied.

"I see. Get it set up in my room and we'll play the game together in the next thirty minutes. I've also just noticed now that we're in Hikari's room... But anyways, I'm going to wash my face and have a light breakfast first before we begin. Do you want anything?"

"No. I've eaten my breakfast before coming here."

"Alright then."

The couple then left the room together to do their own thing. But once those were done, they were ready to log into the world of Umbra Frontier Online together.

"By the way, Sanae, we'll be meeting by the fountain in Lily Corvo so what does your character look like? Mine is a female Dark Elf with black hair, violet eyes and a busty body. Class is Magician and I go by the name of Yoru."

"Wait... So you're a big tiddy woman in the game, Yoruto?"

"Yes... A Dark Elf at that. And I can see that you're stifling your laughter."

"Hehehe~ Sorry... I just did not expect you to be a woman in the game."

"Yeah... It's kind of my fault it happened. So what do you look like in the game? Don't tell me you're a man, are you?"

"Nope. I'm a beautiful High Elf maiden... with big breasts too."

"And the other characteristics?"

"Silver hair, blue eyes and beautiful white eyelashes. The name's Akatsuki as in 'Dawn' in english. And my class is Summoner."

"Wait... what?"

"Summoner. I chose it because the descriptions implied that it's like being a pokemon train—"

At the moment when Sanae mentioned her character's Class, Yoruto had stopped listening and immediately approached her. Grabbing her shoulders.

"Sanae, I love you." He said.

"Hm? I love you too, Yoruto." Sanae replied with her head tilted, confused. For she had no idea at that time how much she was going to help her boyfriend in a certain endeavour of his.

And so without wasting any more time, they put on their Dive Gears, lied comfortably next to each other on the bed while holding hands and logged into the game after its update was finished.


[Welcome back to Umbra Frontier Online.]

[Transporting to the last logout point....]


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