Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 54: Hey, it ain’t that bad.

I have logged into the game and the instant I opened my eyes, the game notice window popped up in my face with information on things that have changed after the update.

Let's read it quickly before I go and meet up with Sanae.


[U.F.O. Version 1.1 Patch Notes Update]

With the first update of our game implemented, here some new things we've added:

  • A new region covered by the darkness, the Sacrecy Region, is now available. Travel Northeast beyond the Lucidum Region to find it. But beware of the dangers that lie within the darkness.
  • Eight new dungeons (hidden dungeons excluded) are now available for all to venture.
  • More quests have been added. Search for them at your leisure in the cities, towns, or the open world.

And with the first update of the game, here some changes and fixes to certain things that were already in the game:

  • Base stats have been changed from 0 to 5.
  • Gathering-type Repeatable Quests will now reward players all at once, calculated based on the amount of the requested item(s) in their inventory divided by the required amount for one quest completion. This is to prevent some players from causing some NPCs to bug out.
  • Female variant of all outfits have been visually altered to be slightly less "conspicuous" due to some complains of them being "too lewd"
  • The pain sensitivity feature has been slightly adjusted as well for a more immersive experience, as per suggested by some players.
  • Other miscellaneous bugs have been fixed as well.

The following skills have also been re-adjusted due to the actions of some players. (Mostly Yoru.)

  • [Monster Tamer] may now only tame up to 69 monsters max. (My colleagues wanted less but I say screw them! 69 is the limit because you know why. If it's too much in your opinion then git gud, you noobs.) The skill will also allow players to check the status of any monsters they've tamed and their location via the character status screen window.
  • [Knight's Valour] effect time has been changed from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. In addition, [Paralysis] status effect will be applied to the user after the skill's effect ends.
  • [Final Push] effect time has been changed from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. In addition, [Slow] status effect will be applied to the user after the skill's effect ends.
  • [I Am Demonic] effect time has been changed from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. In addition, [Hex] status effect will be applied to the user after the skill's effect ends. (Yes. You're on our list too, Zanny.)
  • [Multi-Casting] will no longer allow buff(s) from a single skill to stack when using it.
  • The combination of [Multi-Casting] and [Delay-Casting] with any corresponding skills will have an increased MP cost of triple the initial amount of the skill applied to the equation.
  • [Moon Walk] cooldown time has been changed from 3 seconds to 7 seconds because some players really love to abuse it like my dad with his belt.
  • [Bug Admirer] effect chance has been slightly decreased.
  • Other skills not mentioned above have been slightly adjusted as well.

That is all for the Version 1.1 update. Additionally, as of 18/05/20XX, our game's rating has been changed from B to C. (Not that it matters since nobody cares about such things to begin with...)

Thank you for reading through the patch note, if any of you actually did read it...

And one last thing: The One Piece is real, Zanny, you moron!


Huh? It's not as bad as I thought it would be...

The only "bad" nerfs I could see so far was Knight's Valour having a debuff aftereffect and the combined usage of Multi-Casting and Delay-Casting costing more MP based on the skill that I use. Other than that, they ain't so bad.

For starters, Final Push's debuff won't likely affect me since I have the Blessing of Romuli skill which makes me immune to certain status effects like Slow, Cursed and such.

Moon Walk's slightly longer cooldown time just means I shouldn't rely on it too much in difficult combat scenarios like my fight against Zanny.

The Multi-buff exploit had been patched too but I'm perfectly alright with that since the only time I had intentionally used it was, again, in my fight against Zanny.

But if I had one complaint, it would be the fact that their alteration of the female variant of every outfit... BARELY CHANGE AT ALL!!!

My Holy Magus Robes are still lewd! Not as lewd as before, but still lewd!

Curse you, devs!!!

After I was done reading the patch notes, I proceeded to make my way to Lily Corvo where Sanae should be waiting for me by now.


I started controlling my staff with my mind and sat on it. Using the powers of Telekinesis to fly all the way to Lily Corvo without worrying about encountering any monsters or Jacksons along the path.

I could make myself move faster, but as I am still trying to get the hang of flying, I decided to take my time so that I would not accidentally fall off my staff and be left hanging with my arms gripping tightly onto it.

The number of times when that happened was just plain terrifying...

After some time, I reached Lily Corvo and flew to the fountain where Sanae and I agreed to meet up.

It did not take long for me to recognise her game character sitting on the fountain ledge, as her in-game appearance was, indeed, as beautiful as she said it was. So I descended upon her, who looked up after noticing my shadow enlarging at her feet.

"Were you just flying just now?"

"Yup. Pretty cool, huh?"

"Not cool. Awesome! You surprised me for a second there, Yoru."

"You're welcome, Akatsuki. Just wanted to make an entrance."

We were joking around for a bit. Then, Sanae began to scan my appearance as she looked at me from head to toe.

"My my~ I must say, Yoru, you really are a hot beauty, aren't you~?"

"Urk... Please don't call me that..."

"You're also wearing some lewd clothing."

"Please don't mention that too..."

However, if I were to observe Sanae myself, I'd say that she's a greater beauty than my character is. Granted, that may be my own bias since her face and body are nearly as identical as her real life looks. But as I observe her shining silvery-white long hair, her dazzling blue eyes and those oddly beautiful white lashes, I cannot lie that I was entranced by those traits alone.

What's more, she's boldly wearing equipment that is very appealing to the eye. But not as revealing as the ones I have on now.

Thank you for the treat.

"So now that we've met up, what shall we do together now?" Sanae asked, moving up close towards me, which made me blushed a bit because of how near her face was to mine.

I had to take a step back as well for that reason.

"Well first... I would like to check in on a place in Arialight. Then maybe we could visit a dungeon together?" I replied, not having much of a plan besides hoping to have Sanae get Bane out of the Underground Catacombs.

I had checked while I was flying to Lily Corvo earlier since the patch made it possible. But Bane was still alive and well and it's still in the dungeon seemingly waiting for me.

Its level had also increased since our last goodbye. Making Bane level 40 now, which would be an incredible ally if I can get him out.

"Sounds good." Sanae agreed with my plan. "But before we move out, may I ask your consent on something?" She then asked me.

"What... is it?" I asked her back first, having a slightly bad feeling judging from the situation.

Then, with a straight face, she asked, "May I touch them?"


"May I touch those enticing melons hanging on your chest for a second?" She reiterated.

"Umm...." I have no idea what to say.

"Sure... I guess?" I ended up giving her permission.

And with it, Sanae placed one hand on my boob and squeezed once to cope a feel. Then she placed her other hand on my other boob and squeezed them both once more.

"So... Thoughts?"

"Ten out of ten. Perfect boobs. Very nice firmness."

"Uhh... Thank you, I guess..."

I had also just realised then, that I had allowed Sanae to touch my chest in front of public eyes. But ignoring that fact, we then began to make our way to Arialight, exiting the town of Lily Corvo and into the Shade Forest.

"By the way, what level are you?" I asked Sanae as we walked.

"14. And you?"

"I'm level 23."

"I see. Then I will be relying on you to carry me, Yoru."

"That is what I intend to do. At least until you're able to handle things on your own."

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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