Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 55: I choose you!

I am back in Arialight with Sanae in my party, needing to do one thing before we go to the Underground Catacombs where Bane is.

The Auction House; a place for players to sell their rare but unwanted items for other players to buy, should they want it. It is also useful for the seller if they don't know the estimated value of the items they have in possession.

It is located right next to the skill shop and I had visited the place a few days before the patch update to sell some of the items that I have no use for. Mainly the Bloodsoaked equipment that Hikari and Himeji had entrusted me to sell. But there were other stuff as well that I have put on sale in the auction, like the weapons I bought from the shop of the game's first event.

Now that a few days have passed, some of the items I had put on sale should have been sold already as they don't really stay there for long, according to the Auction House's NPC who'd explained the system to me.

"Welcome, Miss Yoru and her companion. How may I help you?" The auction house staff respectfully greeted me and Sanae as soon as we approached him.

"Did the NPC just greet you...?" Sanae pulled me aside and asked, surprised as it is the first time she's witnessing something of the sort.

"Yeah, I got a skill called Liberator of Arialight, which basically makes every NPC affiliated with the city recognize me as a hero."

"Is that all the skill does?"

"There are other effects. But the most obvious one would be that."

"Aaah... Got it."

After I was done explaining to Sanae, we returned to the staff and conversed with him.

"I would like to ask about the status of the items I had put on auction a few days prior. Have any of them been sold yet?"

"Absolutely, Miss Yoru! The items you had handed to us to be auctioned have all been sold."

"All of them!?"


Ok... I was not expecting that.

I did not put that many items up for auction, but even so I was stunned nonetheless that they were all bought by other players already. 

"Here is the gold you've earned from the sold items." The staff casually handed me a large bag of in-game currency, which totaled up to approximately 40 million gold into my inventory.

Holy shit!

"Judging from your face, I'd say you got a lot of money, did you?" Sanae whispered, asking if that was the case.

"Yeah..." I replied, leaving it at that.

"Are there any more items you would like to put up for auction, Miss Yoru? Or are you here to take a look at what we have for auction?" The staff then asked me.

"Umm, no. We'll be taking our leave now."

"Very well. Thank you for your service. We hope to see you again."

"Ok... Bye."

"Bye bye~"

Sanae and I left the auction house. With a fat amount of gold in my inventory, I was very much happy as the two of us headed back into the Shade Forest.

I'll need to split the gold with Hikari and Himeji when I play with them again. Which is why I can't spend them like it's all mine.

But anyways, a few minutes after entering the Shade Forest, Sanae and I encountered a group of monsters, consisting of Boneys and Wraiths.


I blasted away the small number of Wraiths that were among the group of monsters. As for Sanae who wants to deal with the Boneys...

"I choose you! Go, Bones!"

She took out a blue orb the size of a baseball from who knows where and threw it at the ground in front of the monsters, summoning a monster Boney of her own which performed a battle cry, or rattle in this case, upon being called.

"Go Bones! Attack them!" She commanded, which Bones proceeded to obey and attack its fellow Boneys with one of its ribcages it pried out of its body.

The Summoner Class is truly unlike the other Classes in the game...

While I was watching after defeating the Wraiths for Sanae, she then brought out another blue orb and threw it at the monsters as well.

"I choose you too! Go, Boners!"

Another Boney was summoned as it joined its brother, Bones, in assaulting its fellow Boneys. The scene of skeletons bludgeoning each other with their own bones thus unveiled before my eyes.

What the heck am I watching...?

I have already seen her fight a bit when we were making our way to Arialight through the forest. But even so, this is still a bewildering sight.

It was not long after that before Sanae took out another blue orb and threw it.

"I choose you as well, Bonini!"

What is with the names, gurl?

The battle soon ended since Sanae's Boneys were stronger than the regular Boneys. And so, we moved on.

"Hee Hee~"

Oh. Not again...

A familiar voice echoed as soon as we got near the lake in the forest. Signifying the coming of a big nuisance.

"Hey Yoru, was that The Jackson just now?

"So you've encountered it before?"

"Yup. It killed me three times while I was minding my own business, trying to catch other monsters to be my summons."

"Wow... That sucks..."

"I know, right! That boss monster was just terrifying. Argh! Just thinking about that thing makes me angry."

"I see..."

The Jackson then appeared before us while Sanae was ranting.

"Well then, allow me to avenge you." I said to Sanae and approached the boss without fear.

The Jackson approached me too as we ended up staring down at each other with a smirk on our face.

"Hee Hee~"

"Come on then."

And so, another battle with it has begun. Too bad for the boss, I don't plan on wasting too much time with it.

The Jackson brandished its claws and made the first move.

"Magic Shield."

As soon as it attacked, however, I parried it with a barrier and countered by firing a Charge Ball at its face.

The Jackson evaded the spell by teleporting. But as I have gotten used to its movement, I casted another Magic Shield without looking back, parrying another attack it tried to deliver from behind.

Immediately after that, I applied Hex on it and buffed myself with Magic Amplification, as I then casted Thorn Bind to immobilize The Jackson in place and used Moon Walk to teleport myself behind it where I gently placed my staff on its back.


"Hee... Heeee!!"

I blasted The Jackson's back out as it cried out in pain. Although it was not dead yet, its HP only had a small percentage remaining. Which I quickly shaved off before it could do anything in retaliation.

"Multi-Charge Ball!"

"Hee... Hee..."


[Congratulations! You have defeated the Area Boss: The Jackson.]

Exp gained: 6,185

[You have levelled up to LV 24!]

Gold obtained: 175,280

Item(s) get: [Claws of the Jackson].


Huh... That was easy. And I've also levelled up. Neat.

"Wooo~! Nice job, Yoru!" Sanae started congratulating me on my victory, ecstatically cheering while clapping her hands together as she was happy to see The Jackson dead.

"Did you get any drops from it?" I asked her, since we're partied together.

"I got its jaws and that's all. But thanks to you, I just reached level 16 in one go!"

"Ooh... Nice."

"Hehe~ Looks like I'll be catching up to you in no time!"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure you will."

Now that the sideshow was over, we made a beeline to the entrance of the Underground Catacombs.

"So, what's down here?" Sanae asked, staring at the hole which will lead us into the dungeon.

"Undead mostly. But there is a giant centipede monster inside which I have tamed on my first time coming here."

"Is that so? Is it still inside the dungeon?"

"Yes. Its name is Bane and it's a strong fellow. However, since I'm not a Summoner, I wasn't able to get it out of the dungeon and had to leave the poor bug down there."

"Aaaaahhh.... I see now. So you wanted us to come here so that I could help you free your friend, is that it?"

"That was my intention, yes. I forgot to tell you about it. Sorry. Sooo... Will you help me out?"

"Fufufu..." Sanae smiled and giggled. "Of course. I would love to have your friend as one of my summons." She said, accepting my request which made me feel ecstatic as Bane can finally be free from the dungeon.

"Speaking of which..." I then asked her, "How many monsters exactly can you make as your summon?"

"Huh...?" Sanae replied with a surprised reaction, seemingly clueless as to what the answer to my question was.

"I'm... not sure." She said. "Besides Bones, Boners and Bonini, I have three more monsters I can summon but they aren't exactly trained just yet."

"What about the skill? Does it have a capture limit stated in its descriptions or something?" I asked next, as Sanae opened her skill window to check as per my suggestion.

"Uh... no. The Capture skill doesn't have one stated anywhere in its description. Maybe we'll find out the more monsters I catch."

"Or maybe there is no limit at all..." I argued, remembering that the Monster Tamer skill had to be patched to have a limit added to it.

So unless it's not a similar case, then that might be it.

"That's stupid, Yoru. If there's no limit as to how many monsters I can catch, then I can basically have an army full of them."

That is... true. But...

"Say, Akatsuki... Did you read the patch notes?"

"No. Why do you ask?"


Well, Sanae did start playing the game AFTER the first event. So I guessed she wouldn’t understand the patch note that much even if she read it…

"It's nothing. Let's just enter the dungeon already."

"Ok, let's go! I can't wait to meet this Bane of yours."

Together, we've entered the hole and slid our way into the Underground Catacombs.

"Lampy, your turn to shine."

"You call your Lamp Bug, Lampy?"

"Yes... Is there a problem?"

"No. I think it's a cute name. I should give mine a name of its own as well."

"Well, you can think of a name for it later. We’ve got company approaching."

Speaking of Lampy, I should check out the cash shop when I have the time. I'm not going to change its species like what other players did, but I do hope to find something nice to add to its aesthetics.

But for now, I should focus on dealing with the group of monsters, consisting of Boneys, Wraiths and one Steely, heading towards us.

"Yoru, don't kill the Steely. I want to make it my summon."

"Got it."

You thought it'd be a forum chapter, but it was just a regular one! Muahahaha!

Thanks for reading. 🍫

Bane will finally be free soon! Hooray~! 🎉🎉🎉

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