Under Pressure

Chapter 8: Judgement

We sat there for a while watching the snow before turning in. It hadn’t yet stopped by the time I woke up in the morning, covering the world outside the window in a thick white blanket. I watched my ladies cuddle under the thick blankets as I started to get ready for a much slower commute, until my thoughts were interrupted by a distinct ping that was much different from my usual text tone. School alert had gone out, there would be no class this day due to weather and road conditions.


Let it never be said that teachers look forward to snow days any less than their students.

I did not proceed to make coffee. I immediately stripped back down and got back into bed with my wife and our lover. While I couldn’t get between them again, I got curled back into what used to be my most common and comfortable place, as the big spoon behind my wife. It was slightly more awkward than it used to be, given how much taller than me she had become, but I still tried. At least, I tried until she noticed what I was doing, skillfully redirecting me to a position much further south as she wanted me in her for these particular cuddles. The feeling of smoothly entering Lucy, the feel of those skillfully coiling insides, was welcoming and heavenly as she wiggled a bit into place.


I heard her sigh with pleasure, soon met by a matching one by the woman in her arms. Lilly’s changes were happening much faster than Lucy’s had, and as she began to shift positions on her way to wakefulness I could see just how dramatic they were. She hadn’t grown much taller, her features still softer, but her breasts and hips swelled into view with little provocation, despite the angle. She sat up as she felt the bed shift, and what emerged from the sheets like the sun rising in the East was well beyond the model proportions of the prior day, now well into wet dream territory.


That glimpse of breasts hanging like the melons they now rivaled in size was brief, as my wife decided that it was now time for her fun. Her arms came up and guided Lilly in the other direction, until she was laying with her head towards the foot of the bed, her face mere inches from where I was buried deep in my wife’s heavenly pussy. She got the hint immediately, diving in to find her clit tongue first, enjoying the taste of my wife and myself as I slowly pushed in and out. My wife for her part, looked back at me with a particularly wicked look, and stuck her tongue out… and out. I knew from experience that it was either enormously long or else could shapeshift like the rest of her, and with a bend that likely would not have been comfortable for literally anyone else Lucy shoved it deep within Lilly’s snatch at the same time.


I wasn’t in her to feel this one, but I could hear Lilly’s screams of pleasure from between our legs. I could feel it as the invigorated attack on Lucy’s clit had rapid results, and as she came I was absolutely unable to resist cumming with her, exploding deep into my wife as we all reached the peaks of pleasure together on our bed.


It was a few moments later when my wife looked back at me and asked “snow day?”



I found out later that my wife’s prediction of Lilly’s chess skills were, if anything, understated. I’m no slouch, usually winning more than I lose at the amateur games I sit down for, but she obliterated me like I wasn’t playing. Turned out that professors of both her majors loved their chess allegories, so she got curious, then dangerous. By the time of her wedding, Lilly had participated in a couple of state-level competitions, falling within the top 8 the last time. I was outclassed.


This, even before factoring in the distraction from her absolutely mouth-watering boobs.

Last night’s transformation did not leave her more than an inch or so taller, but there was no mistaking the other changes. Her body had acquired an exaggerated hourglass look directly from an adolescent fantasy. Her thighs, hips, and ass had filled out significantly, round and firm and soft in equal measure. Her waist had cinched in a bit, not losing any of its softness in the process somehow. Her straight, black hair had grown down most of the way to her epic buttocks, gaining a certain luster usually reserved for shampoo commercials. Most distinctly, though, her breasts had grown. A lot.


It wasn’t just size, though the fact that they looked twice the size of yesterday on her still-tiny frame made the proportions even more impressive. No, it was the fact that they still rode high and perky, but flowed and bounced with her every move. They were hypnotic, and if anything even more ridiculously sensitive than the day prior. We had nothing that could reasonably contain them other than a couple of fancy shirts meant for Lucy’s sexiest forms, so she was entirely without a top or bra. Thus, I got to witness the expression on her face every time those juicy nipples brushed anything in her vicinity. Which was often, since she was not quite used to having to stop most of a foot before her objects yet.


Lucy was also quite busy teaching her the basics of the abilities she was now gaining, usually to my direct benefit. I found out that her talent for singing went as far as orgasming in perfect pitch, as well, which was not a sentence I ever expected to use. Combined with the instruction that she was getting from my wife, it meant that she could already get me nearly as hard from whispering in my ear as she could from actively wrapping those increasingly-enormous breasts around my shaft and pumping.


However, no matter how hedonistic the day got, we all knew in the back of our heads what was coming. As the sun began to set, Lilly anxiously began to pull me from the living room, Lucy following with a knowing smile. Nobody said a word, nobody needed to. We reached our bed, the air itself seeming to hold a charge of excitement, and Lilly abruptly shoved me back onto the mattress and climbed atop me. She would show me what she had learned this day.


I bounced, and by the time I lifted my head she was on top of me, dragging her heavenly breast all over me. None of us had bothered with clothing at any point since waking up. We weren’t going anywhere, and the warmth of the house combined with the heat from each other were more than sufficient. Now, I could see and feel my wife joining Lilly, the two practically burying me in boobs. I had so many things to reach for, and only so many ways to do it. My right hand snaked down to find Lilly’s snatch, she tensed up with a shudder and a sigh almost instantly as it sent a dose of pure pleasure through her brain. My left hand found Lucy’s breast, heavy and soft and lighting her up as much as our lover. My lips found Lilly’s neck, letting me taste her as we writhed on the bed together, nothing mattering but the feel of each other.


It was time. Lilly climbed up onto me, sliding my achingly hard member into her waiting pussy, quaking inside and out with the orgasm which overtook her as she came to rest on me. Now, almost by reflex, my hands came to the sides of her knees. Not to stroke her thighs, not to quest upwards, but to find the pair of points hidden there and begin my work. It took me a while, between the points resisting and my ladies doing a very good job of distracting me, but the sudden, sharp clench on me let me know I had done well. Lilly had no time to recover as my hand came up to her hips, snaking around to her lower abdomen, finding the two points hidden deep within her pelvic cradle, and bearing in on them with will and determination. My wife leaned over, kissing Lilly deeply as her hand found our lover’s clit while staying out of my way, and the orgasm that resulted from this combination was easily the strongest I had ever witnessed.


Lilly screamed, and it would have been sufficient to disturb the building if she hadn’t been muffled by Lucy’s tongue. Her entire body shook, writhing in rhythm as it looked like every inch of her body joined in the celebration of joy and transformation. The feel of her from within was no light butterfly pulse, it was as strong as if she was squeezing me with her hands, barely short of pain as her body pulled an orgasm out of mine in short order. I shot my essence deep within her, over and over and over in blinding pleasure, as the changes began again.


Like my wife before her, the transformations from this set were not slow. They were not subtle. I could feel her hips widen, her ass expand, her thighs grow thicker as she rode me into the bed. My hands came up and met her breasts halfway, as they bounced and grew ever more until they reached proportions that formed their own cleavage without the help of a bra. Her waist firmed up and tightened in even more, giving her the look of an hourglass if that hourglass was meant to last for a week. Her skin smoothed to perfection as her face took on an ever-sexier dimension, its lines and curves enticing the eye even when competing with the rest of her being.


It finally ended, she collapsed, panting, onto my chest, still twitching inside as she stayed impaled upon my length. Her new, impossible dimensions cushioned her against me, covering my chest in her pillowy feel. They rode high and firm on her while she was upright, but were so soft that they felt like they were almost pulling me in now that she was resting them on me. Her butt was the same way, firm to the eye and pillowy soft to the hand as I held her there. She was also asleep, fully passed out again in my arms. I rolled over on the bed a bit, laying her down with her head on a pillow to sleep the rest of the night through before slowly pulling myself out of her to hug my wife. We turned to look at her, at this part of her conversion, as proud as a parent to their child. We should know, having done it three times ourselves.


“It won’t be long now, will it, love?”


“You aren’t lying, Lucy. Look at her! What do you think she’s measuring now?”


“I’m an H-cup when I’m in this form. She’s bigger, by a good margin, and somehow still on that tiny frame of hers. She still fits tucked up under your chin and everything. Trying to get clothes for her will be even crazier than it was for me, and I legitimately don’t think anything we have will let her out in public right now.”


“Well, that’s a bit of an issue, since she is going to need to be dressed well in about 36 hours.”


“What’s… oh. Court date. That might be difficult.”


“The way the weather is looking, I’m not expecting to go back to work this week, but we still have a lot to do. I need you to go hunt for clothes, since you’re both way better at the details and also a woman. People look at me funny if I’m out there trying to buy bras by myself, and we can’t leave her alone while she’s naked with an angry ex running around.” Lilly nodded. “Goals are what will get her in and out of that courthouse first and foremost. Her changes have been different from yours by a bit, so I don’t want to depend on shapechanging. After that, daily wear and other necessities. Dip into the emergency fund if you need to, those measurements aren’t going to be cheap and she will need them. I’ll get things rushed here from an online store if I can, as well.”


“Sounds good. For now, though, we all need some sleep. Make sure your alarms are set just in case they call you in.”


We snuggled into bed then, my position as center spoon only getting better as the woman under my chin acquired her newest and most perfect dimensions.



My phone beeped at me almost apologetically in the morning. All three of us glared at it in response. Lilly had woken up around midnight hornier than she could ever remember being, and neither Lucy nor I was interested in denying her. It was great for the hormones and for bonding, not so much for resting. Still, one glance out the window told me that the university was not likely to be calling me any time soon.


We did get out of bed, though, and got dressed. Lilly could only fit into a bathrobe, but it was enough to keep me from being quite as distracted. Breakfast was quiet, all of us focusing a bit more on coffee than usual. I laid out the plans, Lilly nodding as she took it in. After we finished, Lilly took her back to the bedroom to get her measurements. I accompanied them fairly eagerly. 30J, as it turned out, and so ridiculously sensitive that she could barely hold herself still through the measuring. That might have been Lucy’s fault, though, she was not exactly being her most restrained. Her hips were similarly expansive, and I jotted down notes as my wife went.


Lucy got on a jacket and headed out. I pulled up the laptop and started hunting for things that would come remotely close to fitting properly and could get to us by the next morning. Technology was a wonderful thing, but physics was its own limit. What I found wasn’t perfect. The bra would be tight, its band a bit loose. The clothes would be similarly close. Enough that she’d be able to go into public for a bit with some focus.


I got pulled out of my search by a quiet sound from behind me. Lilly was there, holding a mug of what smelled like chicken broth. I realized how long I had been hunched as my body complained at me. I stretched, back popping loudly as I did, my stomach and throat complaining that I had been ignoring their demands. I accepted the mug gladly, sipping at it slowly.


“Jay… can I ask you a favor?”


“Sure. What’s up?”


“When I go to sign the divorce… I think I want to be in this body. Don’t change me tonight. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but Lucy’s been pretty clear that she is not quite human anymore, no matter how she looks. Her body works differently now. This is the version of me that needs to be free. Does that make sense?”


I thought about it for a moment. This version of her was radically different from the woman who had come to us. Still, if this was the line she felt, it was her own body and her own time. “Of course it does, and we can delay as much as you need. This is just one more day.”


She was appreciative.



It turned out to be a good thing that I at least got some things ordered. Later that afternoon, my rather frustrated-looking wife returned nearly empty-handed. There were a couple of items, a decent shirt that would be slightly loose, pants that would hopefully accommodate those newly-epic hips, a belt that should be able to make up the difference… but in total, the effect was both not quite professional and not quite sufficiently concealing the fact that her body was now one that would launch a thousand ships.


“I’m guessing this is what you were talking about when you warned me about going out?”


“This is only the first half of it, Lilly. Ask Jay sometime about our first date in my new body. You haven’t even stepped outside yet, we know what precautions to take this time before we go. Jay, this next part is not going to be pleasant, but unless we want her tits hypnotizing half the courthouse we need to keep them restrained. Need you to get the ace wrap from our closet, and while you’re there the little green box in the back.”


This would only be practice, thankfully. I moved smartly to get what my wife asked for, and found what she told me to quickly enough. The box turned out to contain what looked like a tank top with hardened ridges in it. Kind of like a corset, but not quite. “Here you go. Not quite sure what this is, really, but if you say it’ll help I believe it.”


“I found out about these and ordered one when I was transforming last time around, but then you gave me shapeshifting before it arrived. It’s called a binder, and it’s going to work like the angriest sports bra Lilly has ever worn.”


“Um, why do I want to wear that, then?” Lilly was looking at it suspiciously. Couldn’t even blame her, really. A week ago, she was too small for a push-up to work, much less to need one of these.


“This one is the most heavy-duty model I could find, and they’re made for people with chests they don’t want to show. Trans men, or women who just want to hide. It’s designed for someone a bit smaller than you are now, but it’s the best we’ve got. Won’t bring you back to how you looked, but it’ll be a LOT better than this.”


“Okay, can I at least take the ace wrap off? This is not feeling good.” As Lilly tried to take a decent breath, the clip which had been securing her improvised binding tore free, and the stretchy wrap decided to follow the traditions of all overstretched elastics that came before it. The thing flew across the room with enough force that it left a visible scratch in the paint of the far wall.


Thankfully, we had just moved in a few months ago. Plenty of time to look into repair options before deposits started becoming relevant.


Lilly’s struggle to get into the binder was an odd one. On the one hand, it was obviously much too small for her stunning cup size, the rest of it a bit too big for her tiny frame, and she had to struggle and wiggle in ways that were unbelievably distracting to me in order to get into it. On the other, her breasts were much, much softer and more malleable than their size and general perkiness would suggest on any woman not being assisted by supernatural means. I’m not saying the binder got her anywhere near the flatness she started at, but to someone who didn’t realize what she had on it looked like she was slightly stocky and in the D range. Still ludicrously attractive, more so than she could have reached even with preparation two weeks ago, but it was the best we could do.


Lilly’s face was a bit strained. “This is not comfy, but I think I can do it. Just have to breathe shallowly. Maybe for a couple of hours?” She was already reaching for the hem to peel it off of herself.


I shook my head. “It’s a county court. We might be in and out in 30 minutes, we might be waiting all morning. You need to spend today practicing and getting used to just breathing in that and getting mentally prepared. Once tomorrow is done, you’re in the clear, but until then you have a part to play.”


Lilly sighed and let go of the binder. Much to my disappointment, really, but this was important. Instead of peeling it off, she had to put the clothing back on over it, slowly and painfully. This time the effect was significantly more contained. The ace wrap could be used to tighten down her epic behind, though nothing would really contain her hips, which meant that some pants fit and might not hypnotize all onlookers. Some tactical makeup put on to de-emphasize her newfound beauty helped mask some of it.


About four hours later, after practicing walking and writing and talking, I finally gave her the go-ahead to peel it all off. That went much, much more quickly than getting it all on. For that matter, so did her jumping me, and the sensations of those pillowy proportions pressing against me combined with the tightness of me pressing into her drove both of us over the edge rapidly.


Lucy gave her a massage later to help her aching back and sides. That gave her at least two more orgasms that I could hear. When she massaged me afterwards, it took five minutes for me to cum just as hard, despite my own recent activity. Lucy was just that good. I had to wonder, then. What was Lilly going to be like when we finally got to see her final form?


Dinner was subdued, and we settled into bed with as many thoughts and plans as we could dancing around our heads. Tucked as I was between my two women, though, I didn’t last long until sleep claimed me once more.



Getting to the county courthouse in the snow that still blanketed the town was not the most pleasant experience on Earth. Especially since we had to be there by nine in the morning in order to get into this batch of brief hearings. Having cars helped, but between getting Lilly ready and the general slowdown we almost didn’t make it. Leaving early was offset by having to reroute around accidents, because something about ice falling from the sky makes people forget how to drive.


The parking lot was mostly empty, oddly. Guessing that anyone who would have been here for a petty reason decided that it wasn’t worth coming. Didn’t blame them, really. A hiss from the back seat as we passed a red Tesla confirmed one thing, though. Dr. Brad was here. I made sure not to park anywhere near him. Not that it was any different, I try not to park next to Teslas anyway. The front door to the courthouse was thankfully unlocked, and the binder Lilly was in was nonmetallic. We walked right in and headed for courtroom one.


The group waiting there was an assorted and eclectic bunch. Couple of police officers. Some few in ratty clothes, looking nervous. A couple with a child. And… two guys in business suits. I recognized one immediately from the research I’d done early in the week. The Doctor was chatting with the man who was standing with him, most likely a lawyer of some kind. Lilly’s would likely be arriving soon. Unexpectedly, the door opened. A man walked out in police uniform.


“Good morning. I am Sergeant Pinetto, the officer of the court for today. Normally, this kind of variety would not be all at one courtroom, but the snow is making things complicated. Traffic tickets, you will be coming in first. This will be followed by divorce proceedings, then adoption. Please be patient. Any questions?” Lilly was not looking like she was feeling particularly patient. Both wearing the binder and being within 20 feet of her soon-to-be-ex were causing her significant emotional struggle. The officer continued after a pause. “Good. First group, come on in.”


The two police standing by went in along with the people who were not dressed the best. Made sense. The people who could afford to send lawyers to represent them tended to not be there in person. The couple with the child, presumably the adoption, wandered off. Also made sense, they’d not need to be here for a while, so no need to use up what little patience the kid had. That left the five of us, and the sound of echoing footsteps in the distance.


“Lilly, who are your friends?” It was Brad. Greasy-sounding git, though I was likely biased.


I was the first off the mark to respond. “The ones sheltering her, but you knew that. You’re the one with Private Investigator money, here.” Huh. My patience was, in fact, fairly short with people I knew to be wife beaters. My personal snark settings were up higher than even with problem students and middle-management at the university.


“Yes, of course. And I see you’ve used the time together well.”


“What, pray tell, is that supposed to mean. Be specific. Best to not have any misunderstandings right in front of the courthouse door.”


Now, I’ll give his lawyer some credit here. The poor man tried to stop the next words from coming out of his client’s mouth. Probably didn’t expect to even see us here, do some kind of contest or claim, and preserve the doctor’s honor and finances both. Unfortunately for the lawyer (whew, since when do I think of that particular phrase?), Brad waved him off and stepped right on with his observations. “Isn’t it obvious? You three are obviously quite close, Lilly’s makeup is done for more than just a court appearance, and she’s had surgical enhancements to her figure? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were having sex with my wife.”


Oh, if only he knew. I didn’t take the bait to respond directly, though, since I didn’t know the terms of her prenup. “I just treat my house guest like a human being. I mean, if she left you and glowed up that much, then maybe it’s you?”


My tone cut harder than any scalpel the doctor ever held, my words deliberately chosen. Turned out? The good doctor apparently also had skin about five microns thick when it came to any insult to his person. In a flash, he jumped me and I felt his fist connect with my cheek. Yup. That tracked for someone willing to harm his wife. The second swing never landed, as my wife pulled him off of me and threw him down the hallway with what I knew to be shapeshifting-enhanced strength. He tumbled and ended up in a heap, just as I looked up to find Lilly’s lawyer trotting up. He’d witnessed the whole thing.


I mean, besides the fact that we were in a courthouse, and thus probably on three different cameras.


The discussion between the two legal professionals took about ten seconds. The police officer who ran up took one look at the situation and got the right idea, immediately cuffing Brad for assault. The court appearance, too, went remarkably differently… and much more quickly… than the divorce lawyer probably expected. Lilly got half of everything in the split, because injuries of the bruise she’d carried when she got to us paired well with the events in the hallway. Heck, the document signing and proceedings took less time than the witness statements and photos we gave afterwards, and all told we were still back to the apartment by lunch.


Off came the clothes, as soon as we locked the door. Lucy checked out my cheek, and determined that Brad had managed to do no lasting damage. Lilly’s binder came off with some effort, her glorious chest bouncing free. I couldn’t resist burying my face between those inviting breasts, licking and nibbling as I went, watching her face reflect the pleasure her new body could give her. Between pants, she managed to focus enough to speak. “I’ve waited long enough, Jay. Let’s eat, you massage the memory of that binder away, and then I want to finish this. Make me what I am becoming, all the way.”


I will never remember what exactly we ate that meal. In extremely short order, we were all in our bedroom, in our bed, and my hands were sinking into Lilly’s delicious flesh once more. I started well away from any pressure points. The muscles to her sides, under her shoulder blades, along her spine. In both arms and both legs. Sore and full of knots which melted under my attention. The stress of the day, the uncertainty, the pain, it all faded just as quickly as I could push it out of her.


Her breath came quick and sharp. Well before I did anything close to what should have set her off, I could feel her right at the edge of orgasm. I leaned in and set the point at her spine, setting her off in the first of many she would enjoy. Beside us, I could see the blue glow of Lucy’s own power brighten. My hands quested upwards from there as she moaned under me, finding the points in her shoulders to smooth them back to their proper state. When I reset the ones in her feet, though, she literally pulled me down onto the bed, straddled, and mounted me. The rest of this would be a bit more of a challenge, but one I was up for. I continued by pulling her down to me, then suddenly pushing in on the points deep within her bountiful breasts until they gave way. And again, on the point at the base of her skull.


At this point, Lilly’s orgasm was a constant thing. Weaker or stronger at the given time was the only variable, so I wasted no time. The points at her wrists and ring fingers were next, followed by the ones at the armpits. All set without effort, needing only to be gently reminded of their rightful place. So, too, did the ones at her sides under her rib cage, at her knees, and in her pelvic cradle. Every pair came with a spike in the intensity of her ongoing pleasure. Finally, it was time.


I rolled her over, laying her back on the bed as I beckoned Lucy over. Centered over her womb, the hidden 21st point lay guarding her highest potential. As she lay beneath me, her entire being focused on what I was doing, I began to bear down on the spot as I pushed myself ever deeper into her. I could feel it there, like trying to catch a spark in my hand, as I prepared both it and her for the final release. Some minutes later, I looked at her, right in her gorgeous eyes, and asked a simple question. “It is time. Are you ready?”


Sweating and panting, she nodded back at me. “I am. Do it now!”


I gestured for my wife to come over to us, laying her left hand on the mystical point with mine on top of it. Together, we pressed down, and the resistance gave way.


Lilly’s reaction was immediate, as under my hand a red sigil began to bloom. Her entire body seemed to clamp down onto me, holding on tight, as more lines of power snaked their way around her body in patterns and whorls connecting all twenty-one of the mystical pressure points I had opened in her body. I could feel the pain of my own cheek recede as the power, like last time, engulfed me right with her.


Lilly’s transformation, like Lucy’s before her, was swift and dramatic. As she came endlessly, her already-magnified self grew more. Her waist toned and firmed, her hips widened, her breasts ballooned even more. Within her, I could feel the powerful contractions doing their best to pull me in, to pull from me one more precious load of my seed. Her eyes sparkled, her tongue in my mouth, the simple joy of completion overtaking her.


Finally, I could hold out no longer. The pleasure I felt in her grew and grew, enormously out of proportion to any action she was taking. The familiar feel of my balls boiling rose within me, but then it kept going. I could feel the sensation spread down my legs into my feet. Up my torso, engulfing my heart. Though my arms, in every finger. Finally it came to my head. When finally I orgasmed, my entire body joined in every joyous pulse of power. It felt like my very soul was shooting into her, having its fun, then coming back to me. Over and over again, for how long I could not say. Beside us, I could hear Lucy join us in our orgasm together, shocked at first but shortly riding the intensity.


Together, the three of us screamed our pleasure. Together, we passed out on the bed.



“Jay? Jay! You might want to wake up and check yourself out. And Lilly.”


Slowly, my eyes opened. I could feel an amazing and warm weight to my side, soft and inviting. To my other side was the glowing form of my wife, blue lines of power shining like neon. I shook my head a bit and tried to sit up, but found that the weight was trapping my right arm. My eyes were drawn in that direction, and what I saw shocked me.


Like my wife before her, Lilly’s transformation into her final form included shedding some of the constraints of physics. My brain was occupied by an enormous expanse of absolutely perfect breast flesh, round and firm and soft in impossible proportion, the nipple alone inviting every dirty thought in my brain. Glowing brightly red were lines of power, connecting her collar line through her delicious neck. She hadn’t grown much. Maybe another inch, and her body was firm rather than the powerful muscle my wife had found.


Her beauty was magnetic. It seemed that every curve of her, every line, every strand of hair was giving my body a giddy feeling. Like just gazing upon her form would be enough to climb to orgasm again. With what I knew Lucy was capable of? She just might manage it once she was awake. I began to move, and found the next set of surprises.


I could feel her weight, it wasn’t like she was a hundred pounds of nothing anymore. Heck, she probably weighed a significant chunk of that in breast alone, now. Her mass should have held me down without significant effort. When I moved, though, she shifted like she was made of cardboard. My eyes landed on my own arm, and I could barely recognize it. The hair had vanished from it, and instead of the sleek form it once had there was a lot of powerful muscle there. I could slide it out from under her with a minor flex, which led to my wife of all people moaning in desire.


I looked in the mirror as I got up. The same changes I had observed there were repeated all across my torso. Where my last transformation had built a swimmer’s bulk on my frame, this had given me something approaching if an Olympic power lifter decided to get cut for a Mr. Universe display instead. I had an eight-pack of abs that gave way to sharply-defined obliques and enormous, powerful pecs. My thighs were huge as well, and what hung between them shocked even me. I had grown to a full foot of monstrous length on the day I finished my wife’s transformation. My dick was now a couple of inches longer than even before, and the blue ring around the base had been joined by another in red. I’d gone from merely being overwhelmingly huge to being the largest swinging dick on Earth or very close to it.


Seriously, I had no idea if anything I had would fit. Especially since everything seemed to be off its normal angle, I’d grown at least a couple of inches vertically.


While I was no judge of male faces, I could tell that my features there had also smoothed and evened out. I felt… powerful. Like I could do anything. Claim anyone. I’d been on steroids before after a bout of pneumonia, and they had given me a similar feeling. Like then, I had to override the primal might of it all with my head. I was sex on legs, and could probably do straight bicep curls with my ladies as the weights.


I turned, carefully, towards my wife, breathing deep. “This was unexpected.” Even my voice had changed. Dropped a hair, and got more resonant. She nodded. I could smell the arousal on her, and it was now that Lilly stirred. She rose, her enormous chest apparently matched by broad, sexy hips, and her eyes were drawn, like my wife’s, to my new body. She rose, coming to her feet, crazy proportions swaying gently and without the sag that should have been imposed by technicalities of physics. Both stepped towards me, their naked forms coming to mine. My wife’s lips found my own, joining in a soul-deep kiss that felt like it could go on forever. Lilly’s lips found something very different, as she swallowed my absurd length all the way to the base… balls and all… and began to suck like my cum was the thickest and tastiest milkshake in existence. Her ludicrous breasts fully wrapped around my left leg as she used her ew body to its fullest for the first time.


It was like absolutely nothing I had ever experienced. My wife was undoubtedly much more skilled and strong, but Lilly’s mouth and throat made every nerve they touched light up as if directly connected to the primal source of bliss. It took thirty seconds, maybe, before The orgasm overtook me, firing powerfully directly down her waiting throat. I could see the red lines of power on her skin glow more brightly as she stumbled back, could see the muscles of her abdominals work and her mound pulse as she joined me in orgasm from the taste of me.


In a flash, I picked up Lucy and practically threw her onto her back on the bed. Her legs spread, I had lost none of my hardness despite the intensity of the orgasm I was practically still twitching from, and I speared into her without resistance. Our skins slid on one another, the sensations pure and intense, until I was buried all the way into her already-orgasming womanhood. She was begging me to go harder, to go faster, to slam into her as we shared the heights of bliss. I was not one to object. Moments later and we were both cumming together as I exploded into her, force and quantity seemingly undiminished from less than a minute prior.


The next hour was a blur. A blur of breasts and rears of a hundred forms, of muscle and smooth flesh, of red and blue, of abs and lips. I lost track rapidly of how many times we came, but even in the brief “lows” between them I felt higher than the highest I’d ever been six months ago. None of us sweat. Not a drop of any fluid was wasted or hit the ground without being intercepted by a needy mouth. None of us got sore or tired. Eventually, we stopped, even our lusts sated though we all knew we could have kept on going. For how long, I didn’t know. It felt perfectly natural, like it was what we were meant to do.


A brief shower freshened us up, got our minds back where we needed. Lilly’s form did come back to what she had been in when we came back from the courthouse, my wife coaching her in the finer points. Lilly didn’t look too happy to be doing it, either, but we did need to talk. With words, not thrusts. “Welcome to your new forever body, Lilly. How do you feel?”


Her shaky breath caused all kinds of things to move delightfully, even in this form. Even playing by the rules of reality. “It’s… I can’t even describe it. I didn’t even realize how much I was hurting before, and now it’s just gone. Everything just moves better, faster. My body does what I tell it to, no matter what I want it to do. And so sensitive!” She practically panted this last bit.


“That sounds a lot like your body, Lucy. I assume you’re going to bring her up to speed what she can do now?”


“Kind of. She’s... Not quite the same as me? I don’t even know, but we’ll figure it out. More importantly, though, we need to talk about your body.”


I looked down at myself. “Yeah, I guess we do. I changed when you completed your transformation. I changed more when Lilly finished. No idea where this is going, my notes had nothing about this.”


Lilly looked at my body, with much more than mere lust. She was analyzing, applying that brain of hers to the problem in front of her. “It seems kind of obvious once you think about it. When you’re in us as we transform, you transform yourself. I don’t know by how much, but if I had to estimate, the body you’re in is like the one we had right before the finish line. You healed up, your proportions are impossibly sexy but technically possible for humans.” She breathed in deeply, obviously aroused again but holding herself together.


Lucy nodded. “If that’s the case, then the next time you do this will be it. You’ll push her into this form, and she will carry you with her. I can’t use the pressure points, so you probably won’t be able to after that, either. Your magical massages will be figurative instead of literal.”


I sighed. It was a lot to think about. I couldn’t just go rescuing people. My team would not expand infinitely. My own apparent growth had its limits. “Alright, then. The snow is melting, but since it’s the weekend I don’t have to go back to the university for a couple of days, so we have that much time.”


Lucy seemed as aroused as Lilly. “Mmmm… looking forward to it, love.”


“Oh, that too, Lucy, but other things. I need to figure out what this body can do, we need to test out Lilly, and… well, I’m going to need some new clothes. I don’t think mine will fit anymore.”

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