Under Pressure

Chapter 9: Trial and Error

This is the beginning of the third and final “book” of Under Pressure. I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as I have.



The small classroom felt like a restrictive kind of place as the late spring bloomed. All the windows were flung wide open to greet the air now warm enough to permit it, the sweet scent of flowers flowed in. The students also suffered from dramatically degraded attention spans, a fact which I had long since learned to take into account at the end of my semesters. Put the important information up front, while they still were mostly able to absorb it, and just do reinforcement for the back half of the period. It wasn’t ideal, but it worked.


Spring Fever was also in full pitch in other ways. The college was packed to the brim with coeds who were enjoying the first blush of spring warmth by wearing just as little as they could get away with. The boys were rather appreciative of this fact, and to be fair in previous years I would have been as well. This year was… a bit different. For one, I had two wildly sexy and sexual women at home. When an average day included two to five sexual encounters, it put the damper on what revealing clothing could do.


For two, I was suddenly in the top echelon of hotness, myself. Gone was the slightly-hunched, pale, middle-aged IT professor. Replaced overnight by smoothly tanned skin, powerful muscle, regular features, and a monster-sized dick that could be clearly perceived against my pants if I was not careful. Concealing the fact that it had nothing at all to do with self care and everything to do with actual magic had taken a lot of doing. Loose clothes, makeup, hair color, deliberately bad posture, commentary about seeing a chiropractor, the works. Even so, I was only now getting to the point where I could stop taking so much time in the mornings to conceal things. It meant that the whispers in the halls now included a lot of speculation as to my availability for a fling, and how long the line would be if the answer was yes.


I mean… okay, I was absolutely available for a fling. So were my wife and our girlfriend. That was kind of the point. Just not with students at the college I worked at. Impropriety, and all. 


My eyes were sharper these days. I could much more easily see when specific students needed help, even when they didn’t want to admit it. My empathy was up through the roof, letting me head off fights and frustrations both in and out of the classroom. And… well, I was taller, more muscular, and way more attractive. It got me listened to much more quickly by basically everyone. Shallow and instinctual? Perhaps. Did I ruthlessly exploit this edge to make both classes and faculty meetings go more smoothly? Absolutely.


The bell rang, the class period was over. In the past, I might have stayed there in the hopes that I could catch a few of the inevitable questions as the students fled. Not anymore. As entertaining as the idea of students throwing themselves at me for their grades might be, I really did want to keep this job. At least a couple more years, until I could qualify for retirement. It wasn’t much of a pension, but combined with what Lucy and Lilly were making on cam it would be enough to be comfortable for the foreseeable future. This particular bell on this particular day meant I could get home. No mandatory office hours, and given what was waiting for me at home (plus the fact that students were just listening better on average) I had no interest in staying voluntarily for extras. I had my briefcase locked up and was out the door faster than I used to do when I was one of the students.


My phone pinged at me as I got to the car. A message from Lucy: Sarah is here for you!


Sarah. Our current guest, and candidate to complete our little family. She seemed like a good fit, and with Lucy and Lilly’s approval we had begun the process of transforming her slowly into the absolute perfection of the women she was preparing to join. Hers had been going much more slowly than the others, by her wishes. A month at it, and we were only a bit over halfway there. Slowly, her dark skin had become a smooth ebon black. Slowly, her face had sharpened from her self-conscious flatness. Slowly, her sagging breasts had lifted into a proud display of their already-impressive size. Who knew how far she would go? 


Not bad for someone who started as a customer of my ladies’ online channels, eh?


The apartment building was plain on the outside, the elevator the same as it ever was. Even so, my heartrate was picking up as I got closer to my home. To the woman who was becoming mine. Despite the undeniably excessive amount of mind-blowing sex I had been getting, despite having two wonderful and gorgeous ladies in my life, the thought of transforming another was still incredible. As soon as I opened the door, it was obvious what was going on. I stepped in and closed the door, stripping as soon as the outside world could not see. 


In the center of our living room was a kneeling figure, seemingly carved from dark chocolate. Sarah. Even in her pose, submitting herself to me, I could see that she had grown. Her muscles had firmed and smoothed, moving towards the body of a swimmer or runway model. At the same time, there was definitely more of her there, growing taller along with the rest of her changes. She wore nothing there and wore it well, hairless from the neck down, and I could smell her arousal from several feet away at the door. Lucy and Lilly were nowhere to be seen. Presumably, Sarah wanted me alone for this one.


I knew from our time getting used to each other what she wanted. No words need be spoken for this next part. Slowly and smoothly, I discarded my clothing to the side. Just as smoothly, I stepped forward, my rising hardness enormous by any normal standard. Overwhelmingly so, arguably the biggest on Earth. Until this last set of pressure points, Sarah had been unable to take it all, no matter which way she tried. Today, though, the changes she had undergone combined with her self-professed (and amply demonstrated) love of and talent for giving oral meant that as soon as my tip touched her face she was taking it into her mouth. Forward she went, taking me all the way down to the root. I could feel her skilled tongue and throat working at me, driving me towards the edge as fast as she could.


If it hadn’t been for who she was competing against, it might have worked. As it stood, I merely stood and enjoyed her efforts. Could I have let myself go? Sure, but that would hardly be fun.


Before too long she had to back her luscious lips off of me, looking up at me with pleading eyes. My hand came down to her long, black hair and guided her back to the ground. I mounted her there, thrusting deeply into her as she lay on our living room floor. Her moans sounded, soft and desperate, in my ears. I felt her needy depths, gripping me with every push as if reluctant to let go. Repeatedly, I felt her body clench on me in orgasm, helpless to resist beneath me, and on the fourth or fifth of these I let myself join her, filling her to the brim with my essence.


Her eyes were wide and staring up at the ceiling, she gasped for breath as she recovered from our lovemaking. Knowing I was still ready to go for anything, it was time. “Sarah, are you ready for me to keep pushing your transformation forward?”


She didn’t respond verbally for a bit, gulping deeply. Her expression came back to herself, though, slowly and inevitably. As I was still buried deep within her, she shook her head. “No. I think this is where I stop, Jay.”



“So that’s it? She just got dressed and left?” Lucy was understandably a bit put out. Sarah’s transformation had been going well, she was fitting in well with the household, and every indication had been that she was going to complete our little set.


“Pretty much. She won’t be returning. She had a lot of regret for the man she dumped last year, before she started watching our content and came to us. If he’s still single, she’s about to give herself to him properly with her new body. Told me we were too overwhelming. That the changes were too much.”


“I told you two we needed to slow her down more!” Lilly didn’t seem too happy, either. Both she and Lucy had been transformed entirely in a week. Sarah had been a month in and only halfway there, I’d been scared it would start to interfere with the process if we slowed it down more.


“No use arguing. We agreed from the start. Everyone is all the way willing, or we let them go. She wanted out, and that is that.”


Lucy took another deep breath. “Might have less sting if this wasn’t the third one already.”


There was that. You would think that the entire concept of being supernaturally transformed into one of the hottest and most capable women on Earth, free of old pains and old regrets, would be more of a draw. We were very selective about who we even told about it, sure. Only people we were sure would fit in well with us, who at least two of us knew in some way, who could keep the secret. The first got one pressure point in before getting spooked by the restless energy and spiking libido it caused. The second turned us down outright, not interested in the poly life no matter how good a friend she was (and remained). And now the third got over halfway there and stopped. 


“There is that. Back to the search… tomorrow. Any ideas for dinner?” Both shook their heads. Among other things, neither of them really needed to eat anymore as long as sex was happening in the area. They couldn’t sustain off of each other, but they certainly could from what I did to Sarah. They also certainly could from the frequent guests we had in our bedroom. Both were running pretty full, and it was easy to forget about food when you didn’t need it. “Okay. Mind joining me for some fast food, then?”


My own system had been significantly improved. I didn’t need as much, and I didn’t need to be anywhere near as careful about what it was, to keep my own new physique. They could still eat to enjoy it. I still had to eat. We decided to walk there this time. An old favorite of mine from a youth spent hanging out at ones like it, cheap food and good memories plus an amazing milkshake. The ladies had their own favorites, Lilly finding that her old lactose intolerance no longer held sway over her after her own changes this past winter. 


The weather was nice, the walk pleasant, the company amazing. Both ladies wore their more public faces, improved versions of their old bodies instead of their supernatural glory or supermodel porn star preferred appearances. No matter how much they fed on sex and lust, it would not do to encourage either assailants or orgies. All of us wore casual clothing as well, easy to walk around in. We weren’t doing anything special today. No fancy dinners. No court dates. No exams or shows. Just three people joining the line at a restaurant. 


And… it was a line. Forgot about what time it was. After school at a popular place on a Thursday evening? Yeah. Place was packed. The time it would take didn’t really bother us all that much, truth be told. Although there was a lot about what went on at home we really couldn’t talk about in public… especially in front of kids… but a lot of little things we could. What some of my students had been getting up to. The call Lucy had gotten from our daughter off at college. Upcoming rehearsals and songs for the choir Lilly joined.


We got to the front, a familiar face greeting us… with our order, that we hadn’t spoken yet. “Saw you come in, Mister Jay! Here’s the usual!”


A voice yelled from the back “And this time we put it on the counter for her!”


The familiar face up front was Layla. Short, pudgy, and pale with uncontrollable hair so red it looked like her head was on fire when she took off her company hat. She had taken to calling me that after she was at work dressed as Harley Quinn last Halloween and saw my first name on the credit card. The cook in the back was referring to an episode about a month prior where she tripped over her own two feet trying to hand us our shakes, resulting in the floor looking an awful lot like an abstract piece of modern art until we helped her mop it up. That time had thankfully not been at peak hours, but she blushed so darkly red her skin resembled her hair upon being reminded of it. Just like she had the last two times we’d stopped by.


“Thank you, Layla! Always a pleasure.” I paid, and we went to one of the outdoor tables. Getting slightly away from the crowd seemed better than staying in there. Thing is, I could still see inside, into the crowd, to the counter. I could see the quizzical looks Layla was giving our little group in the space between customers.


I could also see when the attention we were drawing away from her job resulted in a dropped carrier tray of sodas and another lot of mopping. Thankfully, the line had mostly died down by then. Lilly suggested at that point that we should probably get home. Lucy and I agreed.


The evening was more or less normal, or as normal as things got for us anymore. Papers to grade, plans to make, steamy threesomes to film. Normal. It was during the last one of these late in the evening, as I was buried doggy-style all the way in Lilly’s delicious pussy while Lucy was making out with me, our hands all over each other. Out of nowhere, Lilly tapped us, our signal to stop. Odd, that. She was usually the one pushing us harder.


We immediately got ourselves untangled. As I was turning off the camera, Lucy turned to Lilly. “You’ve been off all evening. What’s wrong?”


I hadn’t noticed. Blame the distraction, she felt completely amazing even after doing this for months.


Lilly was looking thoughtful. “Guys… can we, just… um…”


I noticed she was off now, at least. “Lilly, this isn’t like you. Say it, please.”


She sighed. “It’s… guys, can we stop? For tonight? We’ve done enough to eat, and to keep up our subscriptions. We’ve had non-stop sex around here, really great sex, but can we chill? Just… go to sleep and cuddle?’


I smiled. “Of course. Lucy, come on. You, too. Let’s lay down, and just lay down this time.”


And though none of us really needed as much sleep anymore, we settled there and dreamt of each other.



Waking up on Saturday mornings with Lucy had been a pleasure of mine for many a year. Waking up with her transformed self was relatively recent, and waking up between her and Lilly even more so. The joy of taking things slowly, the comfort we have with each other. Despite everything, there need not be anything sexual about it all. Just a casual intimacy.


This was slightly complicated by the fact that I found out why dinner had slipped the ladies’ minds. Apparently, so had groceries. We had coffee, but unless I wanted to make hardtack that was about it. “Alright, looks like it’s time for shopping. Been a bit, but I’m sure we remember how.”


Both Lilly and Lucy managed to look sheepish. Quite the trick when one’s boobs are bigger than their head, but they managed it. “Sorry about that,” Lucy said, “guess the time just kind of slipped by. It’s easy to forget.”


I sighed. Really couldn’t blame them, but it was awkward. Shopping for most things had kind of just fallen off the radar. They didn’t need to eat, we hadn’t had guests over (at least, not for meals), and we had finally run through what we’d had in the house from Thanksgiving and New Years. It just wasn’t a thing either of them had ever dealt with before. Or me, really, but that was changing. 


“Okay. I guess the plan for this morning is to top you two off, then I go and get a bite to eat while you go for groceries. That work for everyone?”


“Anything in particular you want, love?”


“Food. Preferably, food that once ate other food. I am still an apex predator and wish to exercise that right.”


“And pasta.”


“Of course.”


With lots of laughs and teasing, we got ourselves dressed and ready for the day. That the shower involved my wife deepthroating me while wearing the appearance of the latest Hollywood starlet was the only thing really unusual about this. Well, unusual from the point of view of someone not in our little family, it was a bit of a pastime for us. The ladies got into the car as soon as they were ready, along with a shopping list and a request to set some calendar dates and alarms to keep this from happening again. 


Me? Well, I decided to walk. No sense wasting a nice Spring morning, they were rare enough around here. Just let my feet carry me wherever they would. Taking in the clean (or clean-ish, still a city) air, listening to sirens in the distance and the nearby river, smelling the blooming flowers and hint of smoke, feeling the breeze of the cars passing by and the actual wind. I’d come upon a place to stop soon enough. 


And stop I did. Same place as last night as it turned out. Barely opening, today would be the first time I tried their breakfast stuff. Just hoped the shake machine was online, because I definitely still wanted one. Thing is, as I entered, food immediately became the last thing on my mind. Three of the employees were surrounding a fourth, who was slumped on the floor.


One, wearing a shirt in Manager Black, was talking. “… can’t just be here, not after that! Find somewhere to sleep, you have to recover. We’ll be fine for this shift.”


Some motion, of red hair shaking. Layla’s voice, “I don’t have anywhere to go back to! That was my home, the only reason I have this uniform left is because it is what I fell asleep in! I can’t take the shift off, because I need the paycheck more than ever.”


The man shook his head. “I’ll input you for today. Get yourself straightened out, okay?”


This was when I walked up. “I’m assuming this is a bad time?”


In the middle of the group, Layla stood. “Jay, I was hoping you’d come by tonight, but this works better. I need your help!”


No hesitation in my mind. “Name it.”




“… so that’s the story.”


I shook my head. Even with what I’d lived through this past year, it was a doozy. “So you’re telling me that you were trying to learn to cook from an online video, accidentally left the cooktop on after turning your pasta to mush, went to sleep, and it caught a different piece of hard pasta on fire?”


“Yes.” Her voice was outwardly calm. Matter of fact, even. She couldn’t seem to make eye contact, though, and her slightly pudgy hands wouldn’t stop fidgeting with each other.


“What makes you think I’d be able to help you?”


“I’m not stupid, Mr. Jay. Nobody glows up like you and your wife did without serious money and willingness to use it, and hooking that other lady permanently from what I’ve seen is another mark. Why you still buy from our shop is a mystery, but I’m glad you do.”


The headache her story started was intensifying. “Okay. So. Let me make a call. Need to let my wife know, at least. We have a guest bedroom we usually use for when the kids visit.”


Her head tilted to the side a bit. “You have children? Old enough to leave and come back for visits? Now I KNOW you’ve got money, it’s either that or you have a portrait somewhere you’re not allowed to look at.”


How was a woman that smart so dense when it came to fire safety? There would be time to investigate later. Lucy picked up on the first ring. “Hey, love! We were about to get to checkout, any last-second requests?”


“Yes, but not what you think. When you get home I need to and Lilly to prep the guest bedroom. Remember Layla? The lady who gave us our meal last night?”


“Of course. She kept on looking over at us, too, I think she wanted to flirt with you but they were too busy.”


I glanced at her. “Well, she had a house fire and lost everything but the work uniform she went to sleep in. She needs a place until she can get back on her feet.”


“Hopefully she recovers as fast as she did from that fall yesterday. I’ll also see if we have anything around her size.”


“Sounds perfect. This hopefully won’t take very long, but right now it’s us or the street.” Whatever else had happened in my life, one thing I treasured was that my Dad Instincts remained strong. They had pointed me to when my own kids had been quiet for too long, they pointed me at failing students before the books showed them, and now they were screaming at me that Layla was in dire need. Possibly beyond the house situation.


“Just… we need to be careful, Jay. We still don’t know everything you can do, but Lilly and I will have to hold back a lot.” Layla had shown herself to be intelligent and observant… at least as far as it came to people, if not stovetops. 


“No joke. Still, you have about thirty minutes until I leave here to start heading back. Oh, and one other thing.”




“Don’t let her touch the stove.”

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