underground figths.

27. fighting domain.

-James Shiba was brutal in his training sessions, and every time he trained, the result was the same: Kei received a beating from a boxer who surpassed him in power, pushing Kei's consciousness to the brink of unconsciousness, the ultimate martial arts journey.

-We need to improve your lower body and abdominal power, - James Shiba commented, engaging in some exercises with Kei after an intense sparring session. The training included consecutive squats with James on his shoulders, walking by the river with weights while lifting his knees to his stomach, and abdominal exercises on the bridge bar with James holding his hands, a rather unique suspension.

During their morning exercise by the river, James asked, -When is your fight in the Kengan arena? -

-In July, - Kei replied, utterly exhausted.

-That blonde guy who usually comes to challenge you, where did you meet him? -Shiba asked. After winning the gloves of the Second Fist, Berserker came with gloves numbered three and a desire to challenge him, being brutally defeated by Kei again. This remained a secret, but since then, Berserker has come to fight and sometimes practice between the two. Kei's pressure under strain has managed to increase Berserker's skill design by leaps and bounds, both pushing each other to improve.

-He's talented, don't you think, James? The bastard has never practiced any martial arts; one could say he learned fighting in street fights, - Kei said, smiling mischievously. - We could take him in; having another club member, he's sure to have the talent to reach martial class; having a training partner would be fabulous. -

-Don't even dream, kid, - Shiba said.

-Come on, Shogo may seem intense and dangerous, but he's not a killer. He could be if he went down the wrong path. Besides, having a training partner would be fantastic... it's not like good disciples fall from the sky. More disciples, more money, more money, more hours playing pachinko. You've earned so much money with me that you've paid off all your debts with the mafia, - Kei commented.

-I'll think about it, but it's annoying that you guys aren't natural boxers. It's an affront to the greatest martial art, - James Shiba commented.

-But boxing is in my veins. If I didn't have such intense training in the Takemoto combat style, I would only use boxing. Speaking of combat, do you know the Niko style? - Kei asked.

James's eyes cooled. In his journey, he had two essential losses, one against the Niko style and another against Saiga Furinji. Both losses caused advancement and setbacks in his martial arts.

-What do you have against the Niko style? - Shiba asked.

-I saw someone using it. It's a kata that can integrate with boxing, and it's the Fire Kata, a kata that hardens limbs to withstand bullets. Do you think we could make it a trump card, hardening the body in a power kata, a single blow, or block body attacks? -Kei suggested.

-You have a lot of knowledge of martial arts. We can try it, but I fear it can't be solved as easily as you explicitly say. To forge that movement, I think it had to be subjected to considerable punishment training, - Shiba commented, rubbing his chin.

Kei decided to remain silent. His goal is to combine boxing with some other martial arts—Muay Thai, baritsu, Burmese boxing, and kickboxing.

The bases are karate, kenpo, and boxing. For the aforementioned martial arts, light all the skills to a legendary level, and you can perfect boxing, along with James Shiba's skills, which he began to teach as toad boxing, which requires extreme muscle strength.

-Stop thinking, evolving martial arts is our goal; your boxing will never be complete because you can keep improving, learning from other styles like toads, rabbits, tigers, or monkeys. It's just an improvement in our skills. What do you think of that? - Kei asked, receiving a blow to the head that knocked him into the water.

-Hey, you stupid old man! - Kei shouted.

-Stop being arrogant, - Shiba commented, though he didn't admit it, his heart trembled for a moment at Kei's words. The fact that he whispered that he could improve his combat power went unnoticed by him in the last two years. After his loss, that fighting spirit has created a new emptiness, a new way of seeing things. His power hasn't diminished; it can improve, needing new ideas, and that kata, which gains power by hardening muscles, is one of the ideas, such as improving that bastard Niko's footwork.

-Damn master, - Kei muttered as he continued his exercises by the river to enhance his combat prowess.

Shiba envisioned the strike, hardening the body at the moment of impact, which could be combined with body movement. However, this technique could be taken in a Karate stance, focusing on a straight posture—or better yet, in a classic Jiu-Jitsu stance, with feet firmly grounded and a strong strike.

-Come on, kid, let's keep training in the toad style, - Shiba commented, showing Kei the proper form for striking.

Soon, Berserker appeared with hands in his pockets and a bag of food. Upon his arrival, Shiba headed indoors after inviting them inside, reluctantly showing his desire to have Shogo as a disciple. He set aside the groceries.

-Our fight continues, - Shogo remarked.

-Another match. Our tally stands at 48-0, - Kei said, confident in his power.

-Shut up and fight. I don't want your whiny words. It's tiresome hearing how you count my defeats daily, - Berserker replied.

Both took their stances. Berserker adopted an instinctive posture used to combat Kei, body profiled, a slight leap while holding his fist forward and one down. His punches were agile, guarding his kidneys and potential quick strikes from Kei. However, he didn't realize Kei wasn't yet using his full strength. Since he started fighting opponents who weren't superior like Kovac or James, he relied solely on boxing—no grappling, kicks, just fists.

The punches were swift, each throwing flurries. As they fought together, they both assumed positions akin to boxing. Berserker favored Muay Thai, while they exchanged flurries. Kei's style began to outsmart Shiba's trap—the illusory punch, where blows were so fast they seemed like an illusion, but were simply the speed of the blow that made the opponent miss the moment it landed. The blow hit Berserker on the chin.

Kei followed up with a swift step, a jumping punch to an ear, and another solid punch, taking Berserker down, making it 49-0. The gap only widened as Kei's training continued to surpass all rules.

Berserk didn't know when his mind turned black. He woke up with Kei, taking a drink. Grabbing his head, he cursed himself every time he fought lost in a short time. It was as if the mountain was getting bigger.

-You beat me, - Shogo said.

-You need a teacher, a path you can turn to on your own. You can take it and take twenty years to get where people think the peak of martial arts is, or take the shortcut. A teacher can take you to that level. I want you to take the route with my teacher. He's a man who's willing to train, fight with me, you have the you are than But trained polished teaching detail, -

-Your master is that good? - Shogo asked.

-He is. But keep it to yourself. We should focus on improving our martial arts without broadcasting our training, - Kei replied.


From a young age, Haruo Nijima had dreamed of conquering the world. Kei made it clear to him that conquering the world would be through a business venture. What better way to start than with appliance stores? Kei's strength cleaned up the commercial district, and robberies became rare. He had a store that paid for earnings and received money, which he then invested in shares and other stores. For now, he had two stores, one selling appliances, and a cybercafe, although Kei suggested adding a stationery store.

Kei also tasked him with finding great Muay Thai fighters and found six recognized fighters: Agaard Jum Sai, an Imperial Academic in Thailand (who serves the Emperor of Thailand); the death god Apachai; but searching for more depth, the Muay Boran, censored martial arts.

He used his knowledge of the black network and found a place, a guy called Sombat, who taught and was very famous, disappeared, this is also one who is recognized as the snake of the very Thai, Mirko Filipovic, Serbian and Sagat,[1] a man Bald with an eye patch and a fierce wound on his chest, he is retired and lives in the United States away from the fight, he is injured.

Saving all the information.

He continued searching on the Internet, great martial masters, all in the confidential Kei way, he mentioned something about Niko, but the searches were blank, he searched for famous boxers, and found nothing special...he ended his search with some information, but nothing relevant.


[1] There is no Street Fighter universe, it is just a use of a character that I think is great and who practices Very Thai.


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