underground figths.

28. image.

James Shiba walked through the dimly lit hallways, observing that Kei Kazama would never be his full-time disciple on time. He saw him training at night or early mornings, throwing elbows, knees, head strikes, quick punches, grips, and stances typical of kung fu. Despite his boxing style, which he held dear, there was a certain discontent in his attitude that caused some misunderstanding.

-I didn't expect to see you again. You'll be asking about Yami again, - commented the man behind the dormitory.

-No, I want you to pass a message to Nico, the bastard with black hair who occasionally comes around to stir trouble. He owes me four, - Shiba replied. He had met Niko in an underground fight long ago, and despite their past clash where Shiba lost, Niko spared his life over a drink. One of the few friends he had, Niko reminded him of Akisame.

-Ah, I'll pass on the message. Anything else I should know? - asked the manager of the black market store.

-No, - Shiba replied, illustrating with two simple notes: "Shiba - beer. - Tokyo." It was a straightforward code in Kanji, knowing Niko was very cautious.

-Kei, - Shiba murmured, - you're a troublesome girl. -

It was astonishing how the whole process ended up, but watching the boy train until his fists bled, his limbs worn from countless sessions—even in exhaustion, he would only eat large meals and rest. All under the guise of his daily training regimen, a person who continued training under extreme conditions to subject himself to more, then ran through the city to feed his family, made Shiba sigh.


Kei ran towards home, taking a shortcut without pause. He was somewhat breathless from his daily training, and the kitchen clock read 10:00 PM. His mother slept on the couch as gracefully as ever, resting peacefully.

-Mother, good evening, - Kei greeted, unpacking the rice he brought for dinner—a kilo, enough for the week—along with vegetables, fruits, yogurts, and bread. Quickly and carefully, he stored everything away. Chia Kazama woke up and smiled, setting her book down gently on the side table. She helped with the ingredients while taking the rice cooker carefully, making Onigiri filled with fish, and others with chickpeas. She cooked fifty each day for Kei. She saved ten for the night. Among all her children, Kei was the one who seemed most likely to grow up, standing as tall as Hiroshi at fifteen.

-Kei, you're here. I started reading but dozed off, - Chia said, taking the ingredients and preparing to cook. Without delay, she added oil to the stove, chopping onions and carrots swiftly before pouring in the rice and water.

-Did you pay the electricity and gas bills? - Chia asked.

-I did. I've got someone helping me pay the bills now, - Kei said, noting how Nijima had made the appliance and internet cafe business profitable. Now they were adding ¥20,000 a week, easily covering the bills which totaled at most ¥8,000. All bills, including electricity, water, gas, and phone, were paid automatically from the bank account.

-What a relief. This way I can save up and buy more clothes for Runna, - said Chia with a timid smile.

-Just make sure not to give any money to Hiroshi, the twins, or Toma. Hiroshi will just take it. Buy books for Runna, and more food. If you do give them money, do it with the awareness that they might use it irresponsibly, - commented Kei.

-Yes, don't worry, - said Chia, somewhat nervously. She was afraid to give a proper reason, but she would still help Toma even if he just used her. With Kei, it was better to stay silent so as not to upset her brothers.

-Good night, Mother, - Kei said, climbing the stairs. All she could think about was that tomorrow was a day of rest, a long break. As she blinked, she woke up with light overhead, something that hadn't happened in a long time, an active rest, sleeping through all the dreams. Passing through moments, as she stretched her body, it was when she stopped that she felt all the weight of training, a mountain of exhaustion that prevented her from breathing, and playing with her hair, she decided to stretch her muscles and take a change of clothes, to visit the thermal waters, on the table a tray of Onigiris. She turned back and looked at Runna's room, resting with a light innocence.

-Runna, little one, let's go to the park, - Kei said.

The little one got up, stretching her little arms, and without waiting any longer, the cap on her head turned to one side.

-It's early, Michigan, it's Saturday, - Runna said.

-Your Nichan will take you out for ice cream and buy you the unicorn toy you wanted so much, - Kei said, opening the door and seeing the room painted in pastel colors, the small library, along the few toys.

-I don't want a unicorn anymore! - Runna pouted.

-We'll figure it out. The store has many places where you can hang out, - Kei said, directing Runna, who nodded, and headed towards the shower.


Hiyo Kure rested on the table with a smile on his face, taking enough time for the meeting with his foster family, the Kure clan, on the island of Japan, where the focus of the Kures was most active. However, Hiyo knew that many points could not be watched, like the interior, the islands, forests, mountains, and certain parts of the city, without enough or effective corruption.

-Hiyo, it's good to see you. It's been a long time since you visited the family, - Holis Kure commented, now considered the clan's most potential member with the highest elimination rate.

-How's business? - Hollis asked.

-As always, causing me headaches, - Hiyo replied.

-Good luck, Hiyo, - Holis said, knowing they needed to find a solution to recent clan attacks that had been harming the clan.

Hiyo passed by the traditional house heading to see the patriarch, and he realized it wasn't his matter; they'd have to invite another way to make the deliveries. He continued his path, taking deep breaths and not getting upset, greeting the grandfather, the grandfather of the entire Kure clan.

-I see you've arrived, Hiyo. Come in. Recently, I had a response about the merchandise issue, - Erio said.

-Tell me then, I've had headaches lately, - Hiyo commented.


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