
Chapter 231: Someone Has A Crush On Luke....jkjk, Unless...

The gesture of giving could never fully be re-payed, it was a given that giving had more value than returning. The value of things was simply never constant, especially something that could be transferred. K Johnson teaching Luke the basics of martial arts and taking him under his wing was something that Luke could never repay. No matter how big of a celebrity he becomes, without K's interruption in his life, there was a good chance that Luke wouldn't be where he was today.

That brings us back to the present, Luke stood there reminiscing his days of training under the aegis of a Legend in the martial arts field. Apparently, Luke had a thing for training under Legends and other great personalities. Hospitality, security, and everything else the Cirillo family offered was something that Luke could never payback. Even if he were to become the richest in the world.


There isn't a price tag big enough that can be put on gratitude and kindness. The Cirillo's helped him in a dire situation, his family could've been in some grave danger, but still, they did everything they could to make sure they remained safe, and they even went to the extent of providing a house and food for them, and in return, all they asked of Luke was to teach their students.

No fool in the world would refuse such an offer, especially when they were in such a situation. However, regardless of how the training was going, Luke constantly found himself looking in a certain direction, he could feel a monstrous presence behind the oni gate.

'Is that Aurora's Father….?'

"Oy! Puppet!" a familiar voice called out from behind.

"Wow speak of the devil I guess," Luke muttered before turning around and facing Aurora who was in some kind of weird gray tracksuit. She looked pretty, that was his very first thought. Not that she was the daughter of that monstrous presence, but just that she looked pretty. "What brings the Princess here?" he smiled and asked with his arms folded.

"Someone has to tend to the peasants no?" she smiled and replied as she came and stood next to him, the both of them casually looked at the students finishing up the last few rounds of their suicides. "I'm surprised….It didn't take you that long to get them under your control…..what could you have possibly done for them to actually listen to you to this extent,"

"I showed them how weak they were. I exposed their core weaknesses and proved to them that everything they learned so far was flawed. No offense, it's not that the teaching was bad, it was simply that they failed to comprehend the teachings properly.." Luke stated as he watched the students slowly line up in front of him, sweat dripped from their foreheads and dust covered most of their clothes, their eyes were red and the bruises on their faces were prominent, regardless of all of this, the determination in their eyes failed to waver.

"You…what….?" Aurora's eyes widened as she realized how casually he mentioned such serious topics. Exposing mistakes in martial arts wasn't easy, it was something that required years of refining, or in Luke's case, eyes that can see the flow of energy. 

"Wanna see?" Luke asked as he took a step back and faced her, he then gestured for her to attack him. Caught off-guard was an understatement to how Aurora felt at the moment, why would Luke teach her? Wasn't she already learning from her Father and Grandfather? Besides, Aurora was always careful and meticulous about her martial arts.

"I-I…ddon't t-think it would be appropriate…" she quickly backed away not knowing what to say to the sudden proposition, deep down there was a small part of her that feared Luke exposing her weaknesses, it wasn't as if she would break down, it was just that it would be rather embarrassing and completely against her personality, which was ironic considering backing away was against how she would behave as well.

  Unfortunately, for her, the student's presence wasn't exactly a blessing, it was like when they were young and the students would root for the male and female teachers standing and talking to each other. Similarly, all of them wanted to see how Luke would fare against the daughter of the current head of the Cirillo's.

"Do it, young miss!!"

"Yeah show him where he stands!!"

"End the tyranny!!!"


"We want free will!!!"

"Show him the power of the Cirillo family!!"

'Snake bastards…..' Luke thought as he heard the students cheer and root for Aurora.

Regardless of the mixed reaction, there was one thing that was for sure and that was that, whoever asked Aurora to show Luke his place, was getting extra suicides to run. Especially the ones who made him seem like a dictator.

"...Okay…." There was absolutely no way she could refuse the "spar" under such conditions. That would only make it seem like she was afraid, and in a way, that was far worse. At least that was how she felt at the moment.

"Come on then," Luke taunted her, which instantly made her entire take on the situation change. It was no more of whether she should or not, at the moment she simply wanted to beat the shit out of him.

Aurora dashed forward knowing full well the capabilities of her opponent, he was someone who could take on two legends at once, perhaps he even had the power to rival her father, which was no joke. As soon as she was within striking distance, she used her left leg for balance and her leg was aimed at the side of his head.

"You see what I mean?" Luke caught the kick and threw her away after holding onto her leg. Of course, it wasn't as if this wasn't expected, Aurora landed safely on her feet and looked up at him. Unfortunately for her, Luke wasn't playing around, the second she looked up, it was already too late. He was right behind her and his hand was on her shoulder. "You attack because you know you'd win most of the time. But you're not used to fighting to death with someone stronger than you," he whispered in her ear and ducked down as she swung her hand backward hoping to strike him right in the face.

'Shut it!' she wanted to growl, but she couldn't, after all, what Luke said was true. The reason behind her aggression was only because of the fact that safety wasn't that big of a concern for her. She nearly never faced anyone that could possibly kill her. Unfortunately for her, things weren't going the way they were supposed to, and to add on to the prevalent feeling of being overwhelmed, she felt something else. Something….nice.

'Why do I feel this way…' she thought as she moved forward to punch him, Luke moved his head aside and caught her hand, and changed the direction of the force. The second Luke held her arm, Aurora could feel that sensation of joy again. It was the first time she ever felt such a way. After all, she was never particularly interested in dating, and her standards were impossible, which is why people were carefully when they tried to woo her. She would only date someone who was stronger than all her brothers and her father.

'Wait….does this mean I think…'

Her thoughts of Luke had changed, she began to introspect everything, she looked over every detail, but nothing lead to her understanding why she felt this way. Did this mean she found Luke to be stronger than her own father? If the past was accurate then that means there's a probability that it was true, but it was just a chance, nothing more. The fact that she felt that way meant that she was not convinced that Luke was the stronger man.

"Your moves are only getting slower….." Luke muttered as he looked at how she suddenly slowed down, of course, he had no idea that the only thing that was currently in her head was him.

'I know…' she wanted to say but held back from saying so, but the truth was that she wanted Luke to tell her the mistakes she was making, she was no longer afraid of him embarrassing her, at that very second, the only thing her mind wanted from her was the satisfaction of talking to him.

"Oy…I don't know what, but you aren't fighting normally…we'll stop if that's the case…" Luke said to her out of concern, but little did he know, those were words that motivated the fck out of her. As soon as he finished his sentence, Aurora punched again, but just as Luke was about to grab her arm, she used the same hand to elbow him, giving him no choice but to bend backward at an awkward angle.

"Woah!" Luke said as he dodged the elbow, however, he wasn't getting a break just yet, Aurora's leg was only an inch away when he looked at it, if it were any closer, Luke wouldn't have had the time to react to it.

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