
Chapter 232: Jay Nesh


The students watched as the fight continued in a rather familiar fashion, it only involved Luke slightly dodging and countering the attacks in a rather passive manner. Did this mean he had the upper hand? Perhaps, but the majority of them still weren't convinced.

"That surprised me," Luke took a few steps back to balance himself, he noticed a completely different attitude and expression take over Aurora. Her every step made sense, her footwork was impeccable, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that her feet were painting a masterpiece.

"Oy oy….I knew Young Miss was good….but this…..this is a little too much no?"

"What about Senior Luke then…? He's able to dodge most if not all the attacks launched by the Young Miss…"

"Does this mean Senior Luke is stronger?"

"Why would it mean that? It could mean that he is simply slippery, if you look back, even against us, all he ever did was simply slither around and not strike back. He made it seem like he was showing us mercy by not striking us, but in reality, he simply fooled us all!"

The expressions of the students slowly darkened as they realized what had just happened. Unfortunately, there was no to go back and change what had already happened, in a way, their only hope was to wait for the spar to get over.

"Where's the fun if you're only dodging?" Aurora taunted before swinging and not connecting once again. Every punch or kick she threw helped her understand how she truly felt, which was why she was suddenly so fierce. 

"I thought we've explored that bit before?" Luke asked with a smile hinting at the scene that took place in the VIP room back at the tournament. Naturally, this was just banter that went on between them, but Luke knew what would push her even further, and that was going personal.

Unfortunately for Luke, Aurora wasn't thinking straight. All she wanted was a good fight with him through which she hoped she would understand her true feelings. It was a weird topic for her, it made sense for her understanding of emotions and feelings to be such a mess, but it was worse for her considering her entire family basically only cared about martial arts.

"Come at me!" she growled and picked up the pace, regardless of how it impacted her, Luke got what he wanted, and that was for her to push herself past her own limits. 

Up until this moment, every step she took forward, Luke took one back or to the side, but now that things were finally going to get exciting, it was Luke who was moving forward and Aurora was trying her hardest to keep up, it wasn't much but she was barely able to keep up, although it was obvious that Luke wasn't going all out, if that were the case then she wouldn't even last half a minute.

Luke's hand flashed past her guard and nearly took off a part of her face, Aurora barely managed to dodge the strike that could've easily ended the fight, and that was all thanks to her natural instincts kicking in. Every strike of us sent chills down her spine, his hands cut through the wind and his legs made reality itself bend to his will.

The students who initially thought that Luke was only slippery now had a hard time swallowing, it was inhumane, his movements and everything were better than before, as unbelievable as it sounded, his very brief meeting with Cara, Nate's mother, helped him improve more. It was either that or him hitting level 200 and gaining the status of an Epic was impacting reality.

However entertaining everyone present found it, Aurora's body was slowly reaching its limit. Especially thanks to Luke's supernatural ability to disperse energy. Even then, Luke was more than impressed at the fact that she continued to push herself, while it remained confusing to her, she still pushed aside her sudden desire to crash and fought back.

"Stop…don't push yourself so much," Luke appeared behind her and had her in a headlock. It wasn't too tight but he did use enough force to make her give up. 

"….Nnnooo…" she groaned and elbowed him in the liver, the shock from the impact gave her enough of a gap to escape from the lock and move back. She slouched and looked at her opponent while gasping for air, Luke was more or less completely fine, other than the slight pain he felt in his liver region.

While the force wasn't enough to make him faint, the sudden strike to the liver was more than enough to stun him for a few seconds. It was the same reason why boxers were so obsessed with the liver region. It was the biggest gland and a direct hit could easily incapacitate a human being.

"What….." The only reason the strike even landed was because he assumed she had no will left. The energy flow in her body was so weak and little that it wouldn't be a surprise if she fainted any second, as a matter of fact, her being able to stand was shocking. "How are you even standing….? No why…" he muttered in a low tone so that no one else could hear them.

Normally it would be obvious to her that Luke had something to do with her lack of energy, but in the state that she was, nothing made sense to her, she had only one goal, and that was to strike Luke.

"I could do this all day…." She wobbled around as she held her woozy hands up high. 

"I think you're missing a shield and a costume but for now this works," Luke smiled as he walked forward slowly. She was going to pass out any second then, and he wanted her to stop before it came to that.

"I'll get yo-"

Before she could even finish, his hand shot forward missing her ear by an inch, and the very next second, all she could see was darkness. She collapsed exactly into Luke's arms, and every now and then she would gain the energy to open her eyelids, and the only thing she could see was Luke sweating and carrying her in his arms. There was no way she would ever allow someone to do such a thing, but at the moment, she couldn't do anything.

'I guess that settles it…..I like him,' that was the very last thought that passed by her mind before she fell asleep out of exhaustion.


'What do I do now that I'm free?' Sephiroth walked around the streets of his neighborhood, he wore a dark gray hoodie and navy blue joggers along with a mask that covered most of his face. His hoodie allowed only two strands of hair to fall onto his face from both sides. The burgundy-colored hair went perfect with his skin tone and his crimson red eyes were like the rings the Richardson's always wore.

He walked around until he finally sat down near a fountain, and next to him was another man who seemed to be humming some song.

"You would never k*ow the psycho s*tting next to y*u"

Sephiroth shot the man a look and the latter not realizing what was happening casually returned the gesture. The man smelled of cigarettes a little too much which made Sephiroth get up after a minute and walk away.

For the first time he didn't want to be the best because of his father, of course, he still wanted to kill Luke, but this time it was because of his own desire. "Hi what's your name??" a voice called out to him. He looked around and noticed that there wasn't anyone until finally, he realized that it was a kid who called out to him. A small kid with blond hair, he had a bright smile on his face and a soccer ball tucked under his arm.

"Me?" he asked just in case he misunderstood.

"Of course," the kid asked with a slight chuckle.

"…..I'm Jay…" 

"Jay….?" the kid repeated in the hopes of knowing what his full name was.

"Jay Nesh…." He said in a low tone, not understanding what the child's issue was. Nevertheless, he found the child cute, and full of life, the complete opposite of how he felt at the moment.

"Nesh? Hmm, that's a weird name….I'm Sam," the child held out of his hand after introducing himself. "Nice to meet you Jay Nesh,"


"Just Sam," the kid smiled after understanding what Jay was getting at. "You look lost…what's wrong..?"

Was he actually going to confide in the child, it would be weird but just by the way, the kid spoke it was a given that he was unnaturally mature for his age. Would that justify talking to a kid? Especially about how he felt.

"I'm kinda new around here," Jay replied after considering the consequences.. "I'm just looking around….for the first time…"

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