A/N: I'm sorry everyone for posting late, I was occupied with something I could not get out off on time.


[ Leonard Snart POV] 

A kid with such potential as Tom would need to be kept a secret from the world, criminals from all over would do anything to get their hands on him.

They would try to recruit him to their sides by giving him anything and everything he would want in exchange for his cooperation.

I’m sure that the more challenging a job might be, the more exciting it would be for him when he sees through the loopholes and exposes the flaws, he seems like one who enjoys the thrill. 

In agreement to the deal I had made with Tom, I invited Marty and Chuck who were my crew members he had helped out the other day and also the guys who led me to this devious genius. I killed both members as they knew his identity, I can’t and would not let anyone who knows his face to keep drawing breath. 

I had looked into the eyes of the kid and within those eyes there wasn’t the slightest hint of fear, those were the eyes of someone loved for the thrill.I knew it because it was the same eyes that stared back at me every time I looked in the mirror. 

A man who would do anything just for his own amusement, I need to keep a good eye on him unless he might grow to become a dangerous asset who only cares about what pleases him. I don’t know if he’s a meta human but I hope he isn’t one because it might make it a little difficult to control him if he was one.

With him by my side I could be the best thief in Central City, no not just Central City but the whole world. People might wonder why I chose to base in Central City of all places even though the Flash had been a pain in the ass most times and that is because it is my home and I love it here.

I have another heist planned and this time it would be a feat no thief had ever emerged successful from. I just need to obtain the necessary information concerning the operation before moving on to the next phase. 


[Tom Hendricks POV] 

It was Saturday which also meant lectures free day for me and it just so happened to be my day off. A whole day to myself and I have been laying on my bed staring at the ceiling in wonderment of what I could possibly do to make my day off more fulfilling. 

After pondering on the thought of different activities such as going to a skating park or playing ice hockey, it has been a while since I last played, scratch that I haven't gotten involved in any sport since my time here. I wanted something fun but wouldn’t lead to me getting completely depleted of energy or sweating excessively, while still in thought I turned over to the left side of my bed and my wardrobe came into sight. 

Come to think of it, I have been working for some months now and receiving weekly pay but still, I haven’t gotten myself anything or bought anything meaningful so far, not even a new console. 

It seemed like a nice day to go shopping for a pair of clothing and I think it might be the perfect opportunity to visit the new mall everyone at school had been talking about lately. 

On getting to the mall I realized how enormous it was and could not help myself but do a little bit of sightseeing before getting to the main objective of the day, eventually I got myself a black sweatshirt with white stripes and a black colored Jean both placed inside a shopping bag. 

I was not in any haste and decided to take my time enjoying the evening scenery of the City as I walked home. That was until I started to hear screaming coming from an alley not too far from where I was. 

Out of curiosity I walked in the direction which the scream seemed to have originated from, wanting to know what was causing the ruckus that evening and if a person was in any kind of trouble as it sounded like a scream of distress.

Before getting to the alley a gust of wind followed by a streak of lightning passed by me. I knew it had to be a speedster so I increased my pace.

On getting there I hid at a corner to observe from a reasonable distance as I saw a man in a yellow and red suit, it was Kid Flash. He stood in front of three men who seemed to have been harassing a young lady as they had a gun pointed at her. 

The young speedster asked them to put down the gun and let the young lady go, but they decided to push their luck and took a shot at him. He caught the bullet and raced towards them and before I knew it, they were in cuffs and their guns in his hands. 

Kid Flash helped the lady get a hold of herself and told her to leave the scene after confirming she wasn't hurt severely and only had bruises. Before he could get back to the criminals, one who seemed to have been the leader chuckled as his hands were suddenly engulfed in flames. 

It was an astonishing sight to behold, he melted the cuffs with his flames and Kid Flash wasn't aware one of them was a meta, otherwise he would have used the cuffs for metas. 

I didn’t need the help of a psychic to know he planned on burning him to a crisp as a way of releasing his pent up anger, he took a proper stance and started gathering what seemed to be a fireball between both palms with intentions of blasting it at Kid Flash. 

His crew members, still in cuffs, knew what he was about to do and ducked into a corner before he could release what he had cooked up between his hands. 

I saw Kid Flash twirling both hands in circular motion, my guess is that he was trying to create a vacuum. 

“Too late kid.” He blurted out before blasting the ball of fire towards his direction and at an insane speed. 

Luckily, it seemed like the young speedster was able to create the vacuum in time before the mass of flame got to him. The kinetic energy of the flame was canceled out and it got extinguished mid-way. 

 ‘Cool! My first live superhero versus meta criminal showdown.’ Was my instant thought as the robber looked at Kid Flash and decided he would push his luck and take him on. 

"Neat trick you've got there, seems like i would have to kick it up a notch." He said with a barbaric look on his face. 

"If your attacks are all long ranged, then I think this should be over pretty soon." He said with an expression which seemed like a 'give me your best shot' kinda look. 

 I knew there was an unspoken rule where heroes and villains had to do something like a prep talk, trying to rile up the other before violence commenced and I have always criticized that it was a waste of time. Maybe there was something there that I just couldn't understand, who knows? 

But watching it play out right in front of me changed my perspective about it because I could definitely feel the tension between these two as the robber had both hands submerged in flames and Kid Flash seemed like he was ready for anything that would be thrown his way. 

“Do you know that when you raise the body’s temperature and increase the pace at which the heart beats far beyond what’s normal, humans could move at extraordinary speed and gain a temporary boost in strength almost like that of a superhuman.” The robber stared at Kid Flash as he spoke with a wide grin on his face as if staring at a worthy prey that might prove challenging to defeat. 

His eyes turned completely white and his skin turned red with vivid veins stretching across most areas, his body started releasing a little amount of steam and it doubtlessly was not coming from the flames he had on his hands but from an overheated body system. 

“Shut the fuck up and let’s get started with the ass kicking already. I’ve got plans for the evening.” He said as he grew a bit impatient while watching the transformation a person who seemed like a mere robber had just attained. 

The robber took a firm stance and used his flames to boost his sudden dash and for a split second I could not see neither him nor Kid Flash. The robber was fast but Kid Flash obviously had the advantage as he ran around him in circles landing heavy punches. 

The destructive power of his flame attacks was something else and it had me watching their fight from a somewhat safe corner. The alley wasn’t spacious enough for such a fight and would certainly serve as a huge disadvantage to Kid Flash if he wanted to keep casualties to a minimum. 

‘Finally, I get to witness a literal fight between a hero and some psychopath of a villain… The real DC thrill.’

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