The criminal slammed into a wall and hung in there for a second before Kid Flash ran over and hit him with the trademark speed punches, sending him deeper into the man-shaped hole with cracks stretched across the wall. 

He threw a power kick which Kid Flash easily evaded, the light show display caused by the lightning which followed his every motion was a marvelous sight to behold. 

He gave a loud roar as he increased in size by a foot or two and his strength seemed to have doubled with him attaining a giant like stature.

He released three fire spheres which locked on to Kid Flash like programmed missiles and almost caught up to him as the kinetic energy he emitted while running kept exciting the flame molecules and increasing the pace of each. 

Kid Flash ran up the alley walls and descended directly towards the villain with the flaming spheres behind him and at super speed, he phased through the villain with the flaming spheres colliding against the creator with the blast which resulted from the impact with him sending the criminal flying. 

Before he came in contact with the ground Kid Flash ran lightning through his body and struck him mid air with a lightning bolt. 

Completely blinded by rage he stood up and boosted up his flames, spreading it across his body and hoping it would give him an upper hand if he kept powering up. 

But unfortunately for him Kid Flash had other plans and ran in circles around him, taking all the oxygen out of the area and extinguishing the flames. He laid unconscious with Kid Flash standing above him and striking a hero pose. 

As I headed for my home that evening, I was left to marvel over the astonishing hero versus villain fight I had just witnessed. Elated by the way in which Kid Flash took the meta down with relative ease and how he could have killed him easily had Kid Flash been a villain. 

The fight between Kid Flash and that meta-robber had given me a reality check. I was transmigrated to a universe occupied by psychopaths and dangerous people who just craved chaos and yet I was not putting what I can now see as needed effort into bettering the only thing I had gotten from all this. Well I was wrong. What if I got attacked by someone with extremely powerful meta powers and get completely dominated because I didn’t have a better understanding of my powers? 

Reading a comic, watching a DC cartoon or film doesn’t quite paint the real picture as witnessing the display of powers live. Superheroes are overpowered and watching Kid Flash take down that meta had me thinking that the only shackles limiting superheroes was the plot. That’s right, the plot. Watching him battle that criminal changed my perspective about things.

I will be training harder than ever to see the limits of my abilities with every chance I have so I can gain better control of my powers. I need to learn how to control the kinetic forces around me. The first thing I needed to learn was how to protect myself, a good defense is better than an impulsive attack. 

The force of attraction when reversed turns into a force of repulsion. Meaning I could use the kinetic energy of an incoming vector object against itself which might get it to deflect on impact.

 It was basic physics but putting it to practice was a whole different thing, I needed to create an aversion barrier which would deflect harmful vector objects from a small regional area around me. 

In order  to practice and simulate an attack, I needed a machine which could launch a small object directly towards me and with precision. So I went online in search of one, the suitable one I could get at that moment was a tennis ball launcher. 

I placed a tennis ball launcher in front of me with a timer set in, once it fired every five seconds I tried creating a deflective field around me which would negate the incoming harm. 

At first it was just me stopping the balls with my telekinesis, but I needed to stop  using it and let the balls come in direct contact with my abdomen. I have to admit it was painful as hell getting hit by tennis balls at high speed, but I needed the pain to help me envision a protective barrier to stop any vector object that might cause me harm. 

Humans have a tendency to evolve due to constant pain or strife, in order to survive we have to adapt. The advantages of pain are that action could be taken when damage occurs, consequent learning allows the minimizing of future damage and where the pain is chronic, behavior psychology could be changed to ameliorate adverse effects. 

With enough consequent incoming pain, my powers could kick in subconsciously and create a protective barrier against the incoming source of pain, then negate it. 

After resting for a few minutes, I continued my training. With my energy and focus replenished, I got back at it but this time turning the dill and taking up a notch. 

The first ball felt like it cracked a rib or damaged an internal organ, the second one took a direct shot to my chest as I fell on my knees. That shot made me cough out most of the air I had in my lungs, in less than four seconds the next one would be coming and it would be a precise shot to my face. 


The sound of the pressured ball that was released that moment filled my air and echoed in my head. That moment I  attempted using my telekinesis to stop the ball but closed my eyes due to shock, there was no impact for I did not feel the expected pain. 

Seconds passed by and my eyes were still sealed, I opened one eye before opening the other one. Another ball was launched directly at my face and it got deflected against what seemed to be an air wall, but it had ripples, like when an object is dropped into a mass liquid. 

This action continued as I knelt on the floor, bewildered by the  flabbergasting result of my painful training, the tennis balls hitting the translucent force field and bouncing off it with my face at the other side. Via each collision I became aware of the circular radius surrounding me and with yours truly in the middle. 

 Turning my back on it and the barrier still protected me against the tennis balls. I switched off the machine and thought to myself to generate the barrier both at will and subconsciously.  

I stood in the middle as the parade of tennis balls began, subconsciously I created the deflective field around me and not a single ball made it through that radius. 

This way I could become invulnerable to bullets but it's still too weak to stop one, and there’s still that question about dealing with speedsters. 

I recently got involved with a criminal and what would I do if I get busted by the Flash. After seeing the way Kid Flash fought, I needed to find a way to fight against speedsters and come out of it victorious, hypothetically. 

One thing I could think of was that the cells of  speedsters are in constant motion generating kinetic energy and increasing the bio electricity present between them. If I could cancel out that kinetic energy, then I have an upper hand against them but I'm still not strong enough to cancel the momentum of atoms. 

I needed to learn how to neutralize kinetic energy, how to stop speedsters on their tracks and make their cells function like normal humans and they would be unable to draw power from their power source, the speed force. 

Without it they wouldn’t have their speed. Everyone knows the speed force was basically the force which acted like a super-steroids for speedsters. This would stop the cells from generating enough kinetic energy and temporarily disconnect them from the speed force. 

While I sat on a chair deep in thoughts, I brainstormed on how I could utilize my powers to counter a speedster. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts by the ringing of a phone. It was the burner phone Leonard had given to me in case of emergencies and so we would not be in contact with each other physically for unnecessary reasons. 

I answered the call and did not utter a word while waiting for the caller which was probably Leonard to state his business. 

His calm but familiar voice broke the silence and spoke through the phone after four seconds of waiting. “Hey kid, I’ve got a job which needs that brain of yours.” He paused after that, awaiting my reply.

And with both excitement and exhaustion mixed within my voice, I replied to him saying… “Send me the available details.”

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