[Oswald Cobblepot’s POV]

Wrapped in nothing but a towel, I emerged from my luxurious
bath, the cold marble beneath my feet a stark contrast to the warmth I’d just
experienced. The air in my opulent bedroom was thick with opulence, fitting for
someone of my stature in Gotham’s criminal underworld. As I entered, the dimly
lit room felt odd; even with the lights on, an unusual darkness lingered.




“That’s odd,” I muttered, surveying the room cautiously,
approaching the light switch. Click! Click! The lights stubbornly refused to
comply, casting an eerie glow. Reaching into a small locker in my wardrobe, a
voice dripping with menace, broke the silence.




“Looking for this?” The lights flickered back to life,
revealing the unmistakable silhouette of Batman. In his hands, he held my own
gun, an unsettling authority in his stance. “I think it’s indeed impossible for
you to make a proper entrance, Batman,” I quipped, attempting to conceal the
unease beneath my composed exterior.




Disregarding my banter, Batman methodically disassembled my
gun, the metallic parts cascading onto the rug. Tension thickened as I reached
for another weapon from my drawer but it was nowhere to be found, a silent
standoff playing out in the dimly lit room.






“You’ve been discreet, Penguin, but not enough to escape my
notice,” Batman declared, his gaze unwavering. I draped myself in a luxurious
night robe, maintaining my composure in the face of the caped crusader.




“I know I might and might not have done a lot of illegal
deals lately, but do well to specify on which of them have you standing so
rudely in my bedroom this late at night.” I said as I wondered what he knew
because I ensured to tighten every loose ends on my activities in the








But he remained silent, just glaring my way as I wore my



That brief moment my mind thought on a lot of things because
I found a Batman with few words to be more scary than when he threatens to
smash my face-in for information.



“You’ve been way more discreet with your illegal operations
over the past few months, but not enough to keep from me.” He replied, taking
slowly steps towards me. “I know Ghost is an acquaintance of yours.” He added,
complete certainty in his tone.


“Who the hell is this Ghost fellow and why would you assume
his an acquaintance of mine?” I replied, feigning ignorance because it was not
gentlemanly to sell out a business partner just like that.


“Do not play dumb with me, I assure you am in no mood for
games or cheesy remarks.” He replied, following his words with a low but
threatening growl.


“Could you be a bit more specific? It’s possible he might
have done business with me using a different name.” I poked a little, grasping
for what little clue I could get from him regarding his knowledge on Ghost. I
knew the day Ghost get caught up with the Bat would eventually come.



“It’s getting a lot harder to hold back my fist. We both
know nothing passes by you in the underworld, I don’t have a lot of patience so
stop testing it or else I might stop holding back and interrogate you so
harshly that you would desperately want to tell me what I want but I bet it
would be difficult to speak with a crushed throat.” He threatened, reminding me
of his usually messy methods of getting inform.


He and I have an understanding which prevents him from being
violent with me when it’s uncalled for. Looking at the situation it was best I
don’t tempt him into using his usual methods, something I bet he’s just itching
to do.


“Okay, but not a word about my involvement if this gets
out.” I said, calmly taking a seat upon the edge of my bed as I light up my
smoke pipe.


“Not much is known about him. All I know is that Ghost is
one of the top crime lords in the underground, not only in Gotham City but is
believed to have a vast network across major cities.” I said, wanting to end it
there but Batman was convinced I knew more than I let on.


“Go on.” He insisted. I might be doing you a favor by
putting him behind bars, if I were you I would start spilling.”


Having Ghost get taken down would cause a major shift in the
underground, leading to a more intense power squabble than we’ve ever seen,
giving me the opportunity to acquire it all for myself.


“Apart from his quick rise among the ranks of the criminal
underworld, he his known as a trusted broker who deals unlawful contracts and
firearms in the black market. Dabbling in all forms of crimes except from human
trafficking, he takes on numerous deals of which it either interests him, or is
presented with an excellent pay.”


“That’s why no one really knows what exactly it is he does.”
Batman pointed out.


“Ever met him in person?” He asked.


“No one has, you have to be referred by someone he has worked
with, they send him your request then he reaches out to you through encrypted


“Show me.” He demanded and I did according, handing him a
computer I use for taking on deals, opening my chat room with Ghost.



“Continue spilling, I know there’s more, reasons people are
either too loyal or too scared to snitch on him.” He demanded once more,
plugging a drive into my computer.


“What are you doing?” I asked, pretending like the
information on that system were actually valuable. Meanwhile I made it an habit
to wipe clean every history regarding any completed deal.



“None of your business.” He immediately cut me off. “I’m not
currently interested in your shady activities, I know plenty already.” Batman said
to me without batting an eye my way, gesturing for me to answer him as he
copied what he needed.


“Betraying him would result to a fate worse than death. He
says death is a way of showing mercy, it’s either a notorious mercenary shows
up to kidnap you and deal you physical pain worst than death, or he takes his
time in destroying his target emotionally, inflicting traumas that would break
their mind and spirit.” There are lots of rumors as to how he deals with
traitors, and evidence to instill a kind of fear that shakes a person to their core.


“What evidence?” He asked, finally turning my way as he
pulled out his drive then closed the laptop.



“It’s not much of a concrete evidence but word in the underworld
says what happened to Black Mask and his entire crime family was all he’s
doing. That’s because Black Mask kept poking at him until one night his whole
empire was brought down and even in death he was still humiliated. Such level
of unpredictability and malicious creativity makes no one want to be on his bad
side, in the end people fear what they do not understand and have no control


“That’s all… For now!” He said as he walked by me, headed
for my window.



“Goodbye, hope to never see you again.” I replied to him. He
turned around and stared me in the eyes without saying a word, the lights
flickered for about two seconds and he was gone like some shadow ninja.


Closing my window and ensuring it was locked, a smile found
it’s way across my lips as I realized Batman just embarked on a possibly wild
goose chase.



For my own amusement I left out a thing or two, especially
one which could either lead to him getting himself tangled up in a web of
confusion, leading himself down a rabbit hole if he kept chasing the shadows
presented by the rumors rather than the light source casting the shadows.



Depending on the gang or family, Ghost was referred to by
many names within the members as they work with him. Names such as Shadow
master, Cipher Kingpin, Nocturnal Puppeteer, Obsidian Overlord. Leaving only
the heads to know him by the name Ghost.





A laugh escaped me as it began to sound like some mythical
legend in the world of crime. Of course Batman would have trouble finding
anything about him, a lot of underdogs have worked with him without their
knowledge of his identity as Ghost.



 This was my chance to
see if he was worthy of the power he had acquired. If he could keep this up
without Batman tainting his clean records so far, then he had successfully
lived up to his hype. But if it goes the other way around, just like quick sand
everything he had manage to build for himself would crumble to dust.


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